
201 lines
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2015-06-18 21:24:37 +09:00
"languageName": "Italiano",
"loginUsername": "Nome Utente o indirizzo email",
"loginPassword": "Password",
"loginSignIn": "Accedi",
"loginRememberMe": "Ricordami",
"loginForgotPassword": "Hai dimenticato la password?",
"notices": "Queets",
"followers": "Follower",
"following": "Following",
"groups": "Gruppi",
"compose": "Scrivi un nuovo Queet...",
"queetVerb": "Quittare",
"queetsNounPlural": "Queet",
"logout": "Disconnettersi",
"languageSelected": "Lingua:",
"viewMyProfilePage": "Guarda il mio profilo",
"expand": "Espandi",
"collapse": "Riduci",
"details": "Dettagli",
"expandFullConversation": "Espandi completamente la conversazione",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"replyVerb": "Rispondi",
"requeetVerb": "Requittare",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"favoriteVerb": "Preferiti",
"requeetedVerb": "Requittato",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"favoritedVerb": "Preferiti",
"replyTo": "Rispondi a",
"requeetedBy": "Requittato per {requeeted-by}",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"favoriteNoun": "Preferiti",
"favoritesNoun": "Preferiti",
"requeetNoun": "Requeet",
"requeetsNoun": "Requeet",
"newQueet": "{new-notice-count} nuovo Queet",
"newQueets": "{new-notice-count} nuovi Queet",
"longmonthsJanuary": "Gennaio",
"longmonthsFebruary": "Febbraio",
"longmonthsMars": "Marzo",
"longmonthsApril": "Aprile",
"longmonthsMay": "Maggio",
"longmonthsJune": "Giugno",
"longmonthsJuly": "Luglio",
"longmonthsAugust": "Agosto",
"longmonthsSeptember": "Settembre",
"longmonthsOctober": "Ottobre",
"longmonthsNovember": "Novembre",
"longmonthsDecember": "Dicembre",
"shortmonthsJanuary": "gen",
"shortmonthsFebruary": "feb",
"shortmonthsMars": "mar",
"shortmonthsApril": "apr",
"shortmonthsMay": "mag",
"shortmonthsJune": "giu",
"shortmonthsJuly": "lug",
"shortmonthsAugust": "ago",
"shortmonthsSeptember": "set",
"shortmonthsOctober": "ott",
"shortmonthsNovember": "nov",
"shortmonthsDecember": "dic",
"time12am": "{time} AM",
"time12pm": "{time} PM",
"longDateFormat": "{time24} - {day} {month} {year}",
"shortDateFormatSeconds": "{seconds}s",
"shortDateFormatMinutes": "{minutes}min",
"shortDateFormatHours": "{hours}h",
"shortDateFormatDate": "{day} {month}",
"shortDateFormatDateAndY": "{day} {month} {year}",
"now": "adesso",
"posting": "inviato",
"viewMoreInConvBefore": "← Conversazioni precedenti",
"viewMoreInConvAfter": "Conversazioni successive →",
"mentions": "Menzioni",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"timeline": "Bacheca",
"publicTimeline": "Bacheca pubblica",
"publicAndExtTimeline": "Bacheca della federazione",
"searchVerb": "Cerca",
"deleteVerb": "Elimina",
"cancelVerb": "Annulla",
"deleteConfirmation": "Sei sicuro di volere cancellare questo queet?",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"userExternalFollow": "Segui utente esterno",
"userExternalFollowHelp": "L'ID del tuo account (ad esempio user@rainbowdash.net)",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"userFollow": "Segui",
"userFollowing": "Seguendo",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"userUnfollow": "Smetti di seguire",
"joinGroup": "Unisciti",
"joinExternalGroup": "Unisciti",
"isMemberOfGroup": "Membro del gruppo",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"leaveGroup": "Lascia il gruppo",
"memberCount": "Membri",
"adminCount": "Amministratori",
"settings": "Opzioni",
"saveChanges": "Salva modifiche",
"linkColor": "Colore dei link",
"backgroundColor": "Colore dello sfondo",
"newToQuitter": "Sei nuovo su {site-title}?",
"signUp": "Registrati",
"signUpFullName": "Nome e cognome",
"signUpEmail": "Indirizzo di posta elettronica",
"signUpButtonText": "Registrati su {site-title}",
"welcomeHeading": "Benvenuto su {site-title}.",
"welcomeText": "Siamo una <span id=\"federated-tooltip\"><div id=\"what-is-federation\">\"Federazione\" significa che non è necessario avere un account su {site-title} per essere in grado di seguire, essere seguito, o interagire con gli altri utenti {site-title}. Potete registrarvi su qualsiasi server StatusNet, <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/social/\">GNU social</a>, o qualsiasi altro servizio basato sul protocollo <a href=\"http://www.w3.org/community/ostatus/wiki/Main_Page\">OStatus</a>! Non avete nemmeno bisogno di far parte di un servizio - provate a installare il meraviglioso software GNU social sul vostro server! :-)</div>federazione</span> di microbloggers che hanno a cuore l'etica, la solidarietà, e che vogliono uscire dai servizi centralizzati capitalisti.",
"registerNickname": "Nickname",
"registerHomepage": "Sito web",
"registerBio": "Biografia",
"registerLocation": "Posizione",
"registerRepeatPassword": "Ripetere la password",
"moreSettings": "Altre opzioni",
"otherServers": "In alternativa puoi creare un account su un altro server della rete GNU social. <a href=\"http://federation.skilledtests.com/select_your_server.html\">Confronto</a>",
"editMyProfile": "Modifica profilo",
"notifications": "Notifiche",
"xFavedYourQueet": "ha aggiunto ai preferiti il tuo Queet",
"xRepeatedYourQueet": "ti ha requittato",
"xStartedFollowingYou": "ha iniziato a seguirti",
"followsYou": "ti segue",
"FAQ": "FAQ",
"inviteAFriend": "Invita i tuoi amici!",
"goToExternalProfile": "Vai al profilo completo",
"cropAndSave": "ritaglia e salva",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"showTerms": "Leggi Termini e Condizioni",
"ellipsisMore": "More",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"blockUser": "Blocca {username}",
"goToOriginalNotice": "Vedi Queet originale",
2015-07-07 04:30:16 +09:00
"goToTheUsersRemoteProfile": "Go to the user's remote profile",
"clickToDrag":"Click to drag",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"keyboardShortcuts":"Scorciatoie da tastiera",
"classicInterface":"Classic {site-title}",
"accessibilityToggleLink":"For better accessibility, click this link to switch to the classic interface",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"tooltipBookmarkStream":"Aggiungi ai preferiti",
"tooltipTopMenu":"Menu and settings",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"tooltipAttachImage":"Carica un'immagine",
"tooltipShortenUrls":"Shorten all URLs in the Queet",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"tooltipRemoveBookmark":"Rimuovi questo segnalibro",
2015-09-29 23:31:05 +09:00
"clearHistory":"Clear browsing history",
"ERRORsomethingWentWrong":"Something went wrong.",
"ERRORmustBeLoggedIn":"You must be logged in to view this stream.",
"ERRORcouldNotFindUserWithNickname":"Could not find a user with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server",
"ERRORcouldNotFindGroupWithNickname":"Could not find a group with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"ERRORcouldNotFindPage":"Pagina non trovata",
"ERRORnoticeRemoved": "Questa contenuto è stato rimosso.",
"ERRORnoContactWithServer": "Can not establish a connection to the server. The server could be overloaded, or there might be a problem with your internet connecton. Please try again later!",
"ERRORattachmentUploadFailed": "The upload failed. The format might be unsupported or the size too large.",
"hideRepliesToPeopleIDoNotFollow":"Hide replies to people I don't follow",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"markAllNotificationsAsSeen":"Segna tutte le notifiche come già lette",
"notifyRepliesAndMentions":"Mentions and replies",
"notifyFollows":"New followers",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"timelineOptions":"Opzioni bacheca",
"ERRORfailedSavingYourSetting":"Failed saving your setting",
"ERRORfailedMarkingAllNotificationsAsRead":"Failed marking all notifications as seen.",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"newNotification": "{new-notice-count} nuova notifica",
"newNotifications": "{new-notice-count} nuove noifiche",
"thisIsANoticeFromABlockedUser":"Attenzione: Questa è una notifica proveniente da un account che hai bloccato. Clicca per mostare.",
2015-11-30 04:19:23 +09:00
"nicknamesListWithListName":"{nickname}s list: {list-name}",
"myListWithListName":"My list: {list-name}",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"ERRORcouldNotFindList":"There is no such list.",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"emailAlreadyInUse":"Già in uso",
"addEditLanguageLink":"Aiuta a tradurre {site-title} in un'altra lingua",
"onlyPartlyTranslated":"{site-title} is only partly translated to <em>{language-name}</em> ({percent}%). You can help complete the translation at <a href=\"https://git.gnu.io/h2p/Qvitter/tree/master/locale\">Qvitter's repository homepage</a>",
"startRant":"Start a rant",
"continueRant":"Continue the rant",
"hideEmbeddedInTimeline":"Hide embedded content in this timeline",
2016-02-02 08:44:44 +09:00
"hideQuotesInTimeline":"Hide quotes in this timeline",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"userBlocks":"Account bloccati",
2016-02-02 08:44:44 +09:00
"failedBlockingUser":"Failed to block the user.",
"failedUnblockingUser":"Failed to unblock the user.",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"unblockUser": "Sblocca {username}",
"tooltipBlocksYou":"You are blocked from following {username}.",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"silenced":"Notifiche disabilitate",
"silencedPlural":"Notifiche disabilitate",
"silencedUsersOnThisInstance":"Silenced profiles on {site-title}",
"sandboxedPlural":"Sandboxed profiles",
"sandboxedUsersOnThisInstance":"Sandboxed profiles on {site-title}",
"silencedStreamDescription":"Silenced users can't login or post quips and the quips they've already posted are hidden. For local users it's like a delete that can be reversed, for remote users it's like a site wide block.",
"sandboxedStreamDescription":"Quips from sandboxed users are excluded from the Public Timeline and The Whole Known Network. Apart from that, they can use the site like any other user.",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"onlyShowNotificationsFromUsersIFollow":"Mostrami solo le notifiche dagli utenti che seguo",
"userOptions":"More user actions",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"silenceThisUser":"Nascondi notifiche da {nickname}",
"sandboxThisUser":"Sandbox {nickname}",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"unSilenceThisUser":"Mostra notifiche da {nickname}",
"unSandboxThisUser":"Unsandbox {nickname}",
"ERRORfailedSandboxingUser":"Failed sandboxing/unsandboxing the user",
2016-03-05 07:07:15 +09:00
"ERRORfailedSilencingUser":"Failed silencing/unsilencing the user",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"muteUser":"Nascondi notifiche",
"unmuteUser":"Mostra notifiche",
2016-03-05 07:07:15 +09:00
"hideNotificationsFromMutedUsers":"Hide notifications from muted users",
"thisIsANoticeFromAMutedUser":"You have muted the author of this quip. Click here to show it anyway.",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"userMutes":"Notifiche bloccate",
"userBlocked":"Account bloccati",
"userMuted":"Notifiche bloccate",
2016-03-05 07:07:15 +09:00
"mutedStreamDescription":"You've hidden these accounts from your timeline. You will still recieve notifications from these accounts, unless you select &quot;Hide notifications from muted users&quot; from the cog wheel menu on the notifications page.",
"profileAndSettings":"Profile and settings",
2016-09-02 07:14:26 +09:00
"profileSettings":"Impostazioni del profilo"