
763 lines
33 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/*· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
· ·
· ·
· Q V I T T E R ·
· ·
· ·
· <o) ·
· /_//// ·
· (____/ ·
· (o< ·
· o> \\\\_\ ·
· \\) \____) ·
· ·
· ·
· @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the ·
· JavaScript code in this page. ·
· ·
· Copyright (C) 2015 Hannes Mannerheim and other contributors ·
· ·
· ·
· This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ·
· it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as ·
· published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ·
· License, or (at your option) any later version. ·
· ·
· This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ·
· but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ·
· GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ·
· ·
· You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License ·
· along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ·
· ·
· @licend The above is the entire license notice ·
· for the JavaScript code in this page. ·
· ·
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */
/* ·
· Other plugins can add streams to Qvitter, by pushing streamObjects to
· this array. See the structure in pathToStreamRouter()
· · · · · · · · · */
window.pluginStreamObjects = [];
/* ·
· Sets the location bar in the browser to correspond with given stream
· @param streamObject: stream object returned by pathToStreamRouter
· · · · · · · · · */
function setUrlFromStream(streamObject) {
history.pushState({strm:streamObject.path},'','/' + streamObject.path);
/* ·
· Local URL to stream router
· @param url: any URL
· · · · · · · · · */
function URLtoStreamRouter(url) {
// we don't expect protocol to matter
url = removeProtocolFromUrl(url);
// not a local URL
if(url != window.siteRootDomain && url.indexOf(window.siteRootDomain + '/') != 0) {
// console.log('not a local url: ' + url);
return false;
// remove server
var path = url.substring(window.siteRootDomain.length);
return pathToStreamRouter(path);
/* ·
· Path to stream router
· @param path: path, with or without starting slash
· · · · · · · · · */
function pathToStreamRouter(path) {
2015-11-17 02:13:48 +09:00
// remove and remember anchor tags
var anchor = false;
if(path.indexOf('#')>-1) {
anchor = path.substring(path.indexOf('#'));
path = path.substring(0,path.indexOf('#'));
// remove starting slash
if(path.indexOf('/') == 0) {
path = path.substring(1);
// remove ending slash
if(path.length>0 && path.lastIndexOf('/') == (path.length-1)) {
path = path.substring(0,path.length-1);
// if we're on the instance base url and logged in, route to {nickname}/all
if(window.loggedIn && path.length == 0) {
path = window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/all';
// structure of the returned object
var streamObject = {
path: path, // this path
name: false, // human readable name
streamHeader: false, // short header, e.g. links and buttons no html!
streamSubHeader: false, // a longer header, that can include html and links
parentPath: false, // a parent path can e.g. be "group/qvitter" for "group/qvitter/members"
stream: false, // the API path
nickname: false, // if we can read a nickname/screen_name from the path, add it to this property
id: false, // if we can read a id number string from the path, add it to this property
maxIdOrPage: 'maxId', // whether this stream uses 'maxId' or 'page' for paging (maxId is default)
menu: false, // optional menu in the header
callbacks: false, // functions to run after this timeline is loaded to feed-body
type: 'notices' // notices, notifications, users, groups, lists etc. notices is default
// instance's public timeline
if((path.length == 0 && window.siteLocalOnlyDefaultPath) || path == 'main/public') {
streamObject.path = 'main/public';
streamObject.name = 'public timeline';
2015-09-29 23:32:02 +09:00
streamObject.streamHeader = window.sL.publicTimeline;
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/public_timeline.json';
if(window.loggedIn !== false) {
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
streamObject.callbacks = [
return streamObject;
// the whole known network
if(path.length == 0 || path == 'main/all') {
streamObject.path = 'main/all';
streamObject.name = 'public and external timeline';
streamObject.streamHeader = window.sL.publicAndExtTimeline;
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/public_and_external_timeline.json';
if(window.loggedIn !== false) {
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
streamObject.callbacks = [
return streamObject;
// groups directory, qvitter can't handle that yet
if(path == 'groups') {
streamObject.name = 'group directory';
return streamObject;
// search/notice?q={urlencoded search terms}
if(path.indexOf('search/notice?q=') == 0) {
var searchQuery = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(path.replace('search/notice?q=',''));
if(searchQuery.length>0) {
streamObject.name = 'search';
streamObject.streamHeader = window.sL.searchVerb + ': ' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(decodeURIComponent(searchQuery));
streamObject.stream = 'search.json?q=' + searchQuery;
streamObject.id = searchQuery;
streamObject.maxIdOrPage = 'page';
if(window.loggedIn !== false) {
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
streamObject.callbacks = [
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}
if(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(path)) {
streamObject.name = 'profile';
if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == path) {
streamObject.name = 'my profile';
streamObject.nickname = path;
streamObject.streamHeader = '@' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.notices + '<div class="queet-streams">/ <a class="queet-stream mentions" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '/replies">' + window.sL.mentions + '</a> / <a class="queet-stream favorites" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '/favorites">' + window.sL.favoritesNoun +'</a></div>';
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=' + streamObject.nickname + '&withuserarray=1';
return streamObject;
var pathSplit = path.split('/');
// tag/{tag}
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && pathSplit[0] == 'tag') {
streamObject.name = 'tag stream';
streamObject.streamHeader = '#' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(pathSplit[1]);
streamObject.id = pathSplit[1];
streamObject.stream = 'statusnet/tags/timeline/' + streamObject.id + '.json';
if(window.loggedIn !== false) {
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
streamObject.callbacks = [
return streamObject;
// notice/{id}
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && pathSplit[0] == 'notice' && /^[0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[1])) {
streamObject.name = 'notice';
streamObject.streamHeader = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(path);
streamObject.id = pathSplit[1];
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/show/' + streamObject.id + '.json';
return streamObject;
2015-11-17 02:13:48 +09:00
// conversation/{id}
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && pathSplit[0] == 'conversation' && /^[0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[1])) {
streamObject.name = 'notice';
streamObject.id = pathSplit[1];
// conversation links are redirected to notice page, if the link is to a
// non root notice, then the notice we want to link to and expand is in the hash
if(anchor && anchor.indexOf('#notice-') == 0) {
streamObject.id = anchor.substring(8);
streamObject.path = 'notice/' + streamObject.id;
streamObject.streamHeader = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(streamObject.path);
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/show/' + streamObject.id + '.json';
return streamObject;
// user/{id}
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && pathSplit[0] == 'user' && /^[0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[1])) {
streamObject.name = 'profile by id';
streamObject.nickname = userArrayCacheGetUserNicknameById(pathSplit[1]);
if(streamObject.nickname === false) {
streamObject.streamHeader = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(path);
else {
streamObject.streamHeader = '@' + streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.parentPath = streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.notices + '<div class="queet-streams">/ <a class="queet-stream mentions" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '/replies">' + window.sL.mentions + '</a> / <a class="queet-stream favorites" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '/favorites">' + window.sL.favoritesNoun +'</a></div>';
streamObject.id = pathSplit[1];
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/user_timeline.json?id=' + streamObject.id + '&withuserarray=1';
return streamObject;
// group/{group_nickname}
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && pathSplit[0] == 'group' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[1])) {
streamObject.name = 'group notice stream';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[1];
streamObject.streamHeader = '!' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(pathSplit[1]);
streamObject.stream = 'statusnet/groups/timeline/' + streamObject.nickname + '.json';
if(window.loggedIn !== false) {
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
streamObject.callbacks = [
return streamObject;
// group/{id}/id
if(pathSplit.length == 3 && pathSplit[0] == 'group' && /^[0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[1]) && pathSplit[2] == 'id') {
streamObject.name = 'group notice stream by id';
streamObject.id = pathSplit[1];
streamObject.streamHeader = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(path);
streamObject.stream = 'statusnet/groups/timeline/' + streamObject.id + '.json';
return streamObject;
// group/{group_nickname}/members
if(pathSplit.length == 3 && pathSplit[0] == 'group' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[1]) && pathSplit[2] == 'members') {
streamObject.name = 'group member list';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[1];
streamObject.parentPath = 'group/' + streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.streamHeader = '!' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(pathSplit[1]);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.memberCount;
streamObject.stream = 'statusnet/groups/membership/' + streamObject.nickname + '.json?count=20';
streamObject.maxIdOrPage = 'page';
streamObject.type = 'users';
return streamObject;
// group/{group_nickname}/admins
if(pathSplit.length == 3 && pathSplit[0] == 'group' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[1]) && pathSplit[2] == 'admins') {
streamObject.name = 'group admin list';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[1];
streamObject.parentPath = 'group/' + streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.streamHeader = '!' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(pathSplit[1]);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.adminCount;
streamObject.stream = 'statusnet/groups/admins/' + streamObject.nickname + '.json?count=20';
streamObject.maxIdOrPage = 'page';
streamObject.type = 'users';
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}/all
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'all') {
streamObject.name = 'friends timeline';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[0];
streamObject.streamHeader = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(path);
if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == streamObject.nickname) {
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/friends_timeline.json';
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.timeline;
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_replies',
label: window.sL.hideRepliesToPeopleIDoNotFollow
type: 'divider'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
streamObject.callbacks = [
else {
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/friends_timeline.json?screen_name=' + streamObject.nickname + '&withuserarray=1';
streamObject.parentPath = streamObject.nickname;
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}/replies
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'replies') {
streamObject.name = 'mentions';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[0];
if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == streamObject.nickname) {
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/mentions.json';
streamObject.streamHeader = '@' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.mentions;
else {
streamObject.parentPath = streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/mentions.json?screen_name=' + streamObject.nickname + '&withuserarray=1';
streamObject.streamSubHeader = '<div class="queet-streams"><a class="queet-stream queets" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '">' + window.sL.notices + '</a> /</div>' + window.sL.mentions + '<div class="queet-streams">/ <a class="queet-stream favorites" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '/favorites">' + window.sL.favoritesNoun + '</a></div>';
if(window.loggedIn !== false) {
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
streamObject.callbacks = [
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}/notifications
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'notifications') {
streamObject.name = 'notifications';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[0];
// only accessible to the logged in user
if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == streamObject.nickname) {
streamObject.stream = 'qvitter/statuses/notifications.json';
streamObject.streamHeader = '@' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.notifications;
streamObject.type = 'notifications';
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'function',
functionName: 'markAllNotificationsAsSeen',
label: window.sL.markAllNotificationsAsSeen
type: 'divider'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'divider'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'disable_notify_replies_and_mentions',
label: window.sL.notifyRepliesAndMentions,
callback: 'reloadCurrentStream'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'disable_notify_favs',
label: window.sL.notifyFavs,
callback: 'reloadCurrentStream'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'disable_notify_repeats',
label: window.sL.notifyRepeats,
callback: 'reloadCurrentStream'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'disable_notify_follows',
label: window.sL.notifyFollows,
callback: 'reloadCurrentStream'
streamObject.callbacks = [
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}/favorites
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'favorites') {
streamObject.name = 'favorites';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[0];
if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == streamObject.nickname) {
streamObject.stream = 'favorites.json';
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.favoritesNoun;
else {
streamObject.parentPath = streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.stream = 'favorites.json?screen_name=' + streamObject.nickname + '&withuserarray=1';
streamObject.streamHeader = '@' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = '<div class="queet-streams"><a class="queet-stream queets" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '">' + window.sL.notices + '</a> / <a class="queet-stream mentions" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '/replies">' + window.sL.mentions + '</a> /</div>' + window.sL.favoritesNoun;
if(window.loggedIn !== false) {
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
streamObject.callbacks = [
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}/subscribers
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'subscribers') {
streamObject.name = 'subscribers';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[0];
streamObject.parentPath = streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.streamHeader = '@' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = '<div class="queet-streams"><a class="queet-stream following" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '/subscriptions">' + window.sL.following + '</a> / </div>' + window.sL.followers;
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/followers.json?count=20&screen_name=' + streamObject.nickname + '&withuserarray=1';
streamObject.maxIdOrPage = 'page';
streamObject.type = 'users';
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}/subscriptions
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'subscriptions') {
streamObject.name = 'subscriptions';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[0];
streamObject.parentPath = streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.streamHeader = '@' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.following + '<div class="queet-streams">/ <a class="queet-stream followers" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.nickname + '/subscribers">' + window.sL.followers + '</a></div>';
streamObject.stream = 'statuses/friends.json?count=20&screen_name=' + streamObject.nickname + '&withuserarray=1';
streamObject.maxIdOrPage = 'page';
streamObject.type = 'users';
return streamObject;
2016-02-02 08:44:44 +09:00
// {screen_name}/blocks
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'blocks') {
streamObject.name = 'user blocks';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[0];
streamObject.parentPath = streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.streamHeader = '@' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.userBlocks;
streamObject.stream = 'qvitter/blocks.json?count=20&id=' + streamObject.nickname + '&withuserarray=1';
streamObject.maxIdOrPage = 'page';
streamObject.type = 'users';
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}/groups
if(pathSplit.length == 2 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'groups') {
streamObject.name = 'user group list';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[0];
streamObject.parentPath = streamObject.nickname;
streamObject.streamHeader = '@' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.groups;
streamObject.stream = 'statusnet/groups/list.json?count=10&screen_name=' + streamObject.nickname + '&withuserarray=1';
2015-11-05 20:54:03 +09:00
streamObject.maxIdOrPage = 'page';
streamObject.type = 'groups';
return streamObject;
2015-11-30 04:19:23 +09:00
// {screen_name}/all/{listname}
if(pathSplit.length == 3 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'all' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[2])) {
streamObject.name = 'list notice stream';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[2];
streamObject.stream = 'qvitter/' + pathSplit[0] + '/lists/' + pathSplit[2] + '/statuses.json';
streamObject.type = 'notices';
if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == pathSplit[0]) {
streamObject.streamHeader = window.sL.myListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.myListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname) + '<div class="queet-streams">/ <a class="queet-stream list-members" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '/tagged">' + window.sL.listMembers + '</a> / <a class="queet-stream list-subscribers" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '/subscribers">' + window.sL.listSubscribers + '</a></div>';
else {
streamObject.streamHeader = window.sL.nicknamesListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname).replace('{nickname}',pathSplit[0]);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = window.sL.nicknamesListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname).replace('{nickname}',pathSplit[0]) + '<div class="queet-streams">/ <a class="queet-stream list-members" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '/tagged">' + window.sL.listMembers + '</a> / <a class="queet-stream list-subscribers" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '/subscribers">' + window.sL.listSubscribers + '</a></div>';
if(window.loggedIn !== false) {
streamObject.menu = [
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideEmbeddedInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref'
type: 'profile-prefs-toggle',
namespace: 'qvitter',
topic: 'hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + streamObject.path,
label: window.sL.hideQuotesInTimeline,
callback: 'showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref'
streamObject.callbacks = [
2015-11-30 04:19:23 +09:00
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}/all/{listname}/members
if(pathSplit.length == 4 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'all' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[2]) && pathSplit[3] == 'tagged') {
streamObject.name = 'list members';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[2];
streamObject.parentPath = pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + pathSplit[2];
streamObject.stream = 'qvitter/' + pathSplit[0] + '/lists/' + pathSplit[2] + '/members.json';
streamObject.maxIdOrPage = 'page';
streamObject.type = 'users';
if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == pathSplit[0]) {
streamObject.streamHeader = window.sL.myListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = '<div class="queet-streams"><a class="queet-stream list-notice-stream" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '">' + window.sL.myListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname) + '</a> /</div>' + window.sL.listMembers + '<div class="queet-streams">/ <a class="queet-stream list-subscribers" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '/subscribers">' + window.sL.listSubscribers + '</a></div>';
else {
streamObject.streamHeader = window.sL.nicknamesListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname).replace('{nickname}',pathSplit[0]);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = '<div class="queet-streams"><a class="queet-stream list-notice-stream" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '">' + window.sL.nicknamesListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname).replace('{nickname}',pathSplit[0]) + '</a> /</div>' + window.sL.listMembers + '<div class="queet-streams">/ <a class="queet-stream list-subscribers" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '/subscribers">' + window.sL.listSubscribers + '</a></div>';
return streamObject;
// {screen_name}/all/{listname}/subscribers
if(pathSplit.length == 4 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[0]) && pathSplit[1] == 'all' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(pathSplit[2]) && pathSplit[3] == 'subscribers') {
streamObject.name = 'list subscribers';
streamObject.nickname = pathSplit[2];
streamObject.parentPath = pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + pathSplit[2];
streamObject.stream = 'qvitter/' + pathSplit[0] + '/lists/' + pathSplit[2] + '/subscribers.json';
streamObject.maxIdOrPage = 'page';
streamObject.type = 'users';
if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == pathSplit[0]) {
streamObject.streamHeader = window.sL.myListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = '<div class="queet-streams"><a class="queet-stream list-notice-stream" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '">' + window.sL.myListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname) + '</a> / <a class="queet-stream list-members" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '/tagged">' + window.sL.listMembers + '</a> /</div>' + window.sL.listSubscribers;
else {
streamObject.streamHeader = window.sL.nicknamesListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname).replace('{nickname}',pathSplit[0]);
streamObject.streamSubHeader = '<div class="queet-streams"><a class="queet-stream list-notice-stream" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '">' + window.sL.nicknamesListWithListName.replace('{list-name}',streamObject.nickname).replace('{nickname}',pathSplit[0]) + '</a> / <a class="queet-stream list-members" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + pathSplit[0] + '/all/' + streamObject.nickname + '/tagged">' + window.sL.listMembers + '</a> /</div>' + window.sL.listSubscribers;
return streamObject;
// other plugins can add streams to Qvitter
if(window.pluginStreamObjects.length > 0) {
$.each(window.pluginStreamObjects,function(k,pluginStreamObject) {
if(typeof pluginStreamObject.pathRegExp != 'undefined' && pluginStreamObject.pathRegExp.test(path)){
return false;
return streamObject;
2015-11-20 20:04:20 +09:00
return false;
/* ·
· Get stream from location bar
· · · · · · · · · */
function getStreamFromUrl() {
var streamObject = URLtoStreamRouter(window.location.href);
if(streamObject.stream) {
return streamObject;
// fallback to friends timeline or public timeline if URLtoStreamRouter can't find a stream
else if(window.loggedIn) {
return pathToStreamRouter(window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/all');
else if(window.siteLocalOnlyDefaultPath) {
return pathToStreamRouter('main/public');
else {
return pathToStreamRouter('main/all');