First Ido translation

This commit is contained in:
maliktunga 2015-06-14 03:03:17 -04:00
parent 2fe833c164
commit 090a2e70c6

View File

@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
"languageName": "English",
"loginUsername": "Username or e-mail",
"loginPassword": "Password",
"loginSignIn": "Sign in",
"loginRememberMe": "Remember me",
"loginForgotPassword": "Forgot password?",
"notices": "Notices",
"followers": "Followers",
"following": "Following",
"groups": "Groups",
"compose": "Compose a new notice...",
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"queetsNounPlural": "Notices",
"logout": "Sign out",
"languageSelected": "Language:",
"viewMyProfilePage": "View my profile page",
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"collapse": "Collapse",
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"requeetedVerb": "Repeated",
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"requeetNoun": "Repeat",
"requeetsNoun": "Repeats",
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"longmonthsJanuary": "January",
"longmonthsFebruary": "February",
"longmonthsMars": "March",
"longmonthsApril": "April",
"longmonthsMay": "May",
"longmonthsJune": "June",
"longmonthsJuly": "July",
"longmonthsAugust": "August",
"longmonthsSeptember": "September",
"longmonthsOctober": "October",
"longmonthsNovember": "November",
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"loginUsername": "Uzantonomo od e-posto-adreso",
"loginPassword": "Pasovorto",
"loginSignIn": "Konektar me",
"loginRememberMe": "Memorar me",
"loginForgotPassword": "Ka vu obliviis vua pasovorto?",
"notices": "Avizi",
"followers": "Sequanti",
"following": "Sequati",
"groups": "Grupi",
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"languageSelected": "Linguo:",
"viewMyProfilePage": "Vidar mea profilo-pagino",
"expand": "Expansar",
"collapse": "Kontraktar",
"details": "Detali",
"expandFullConversation": "Expansar la tota konverso",
"replyVerb": "Respondar",
"requeetVerb": "Repetar",
"favoriteVerb": "Favorar",
"requeetedVerb": "Repetita",
"favoritedVerb": "Favorita",
"replyTo": "Respondar a",
"requeetedBy": "Repetita da {requeeted-by}",
"favoriteNoun": "Favorito",
"favoritesNoun": "Favoriti",
"requeetNoun": "Repeto",
"requeetsNoun": "Repeti",
"newQueet": "nova avizo",
"newQueets": "nova avizi",
"longmonthsJanuary": "januaro",
"longmonthsFebruary": "februaro",
"longmonthsMars": "marto",
"longmonthsApril": "aprilo",
"longmonthsMay": "mayo",
"longmonthsJune": "junio",
"longmonthsJuly": "julio",
"longmonthsAugust": "agosto",
"longmonthsSeptember": "septembro",
"longmonthsOctober": "oktobro",
"longmonthsNovember": "novembro",
"longmonthsDecember": "December",
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@ -56,67 +56,67 @@
"shortmonthsOctober": "oct",
"shortmonthsNovember": "nov",
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"time12pm": "{time} posdimeze",
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"shortDateFormatSeconds": "{seconds}s",
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"shortDateFormatDate": "{day} {month}",
"shortDateFormatDateAndY": "{day} {month} {year}",
"now": "now",
"posting": "posting",
"viewMoreInConvBefore": "← View more in conversation",
"viewMoreInConvAfter": "View more in conversation →",
"mentions": "Mentions",
"timeline": "Timeline",
"publicTimeline": "Public Timeline",
"publicAndExtTimeline": "The Whole Known Network",
"searchVerb": "Search",
"deleteVerb": "Delete",
"cancelVerb": "Cancel",
"deleteConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this notice?",
"userExternalFollow": "Remote follow",
"userExternalFollowHelp": "Your account ID (e.g.",
"userFollow": "Follow",
"userFollowing": "Following",
"userUnfollow": "Unfollow",
"joinGroup": "Join",
"joinExternalGroup": "Join remotely",
"isMemberOfGroup": "Member",
"leaveGroup": "Leave",
"memberCount": "Members",
"adminCount": "Admins",
"settings": "Settings",
"saveChanges": "Save changes",
"linkColor": "Link color",
"backgroundColor": "Background color",
"newToQuitter": "New to {site-title}?",
"signUp": "Sign up",
"signUpFullName": "Full name",
"signUpEmail": "Email",
"signUpButtonText": "Sign up to {site-title}",
"welcomeHeading": "Welcome to {site-title}.",
"welcomeText": "We are a <span id=\"federated-tooltip\"><div id=\"what-is-federation\">\"Federation\" means that you don't need a {site-title} account to be able to follow, be followed by or interact with {site-title} users. You can register on any StatusNet or GNU social server or any service based on the the <a href=\"\">Ostatus</a> protocol! You don't even have to join a service try installing the lovely <a href=\"\">GNU social</a> software on your own server! :)</div>federation</span> of microbloggers who care about ethics and solidarity and want to quit the centralised capitalist services.",
"registerNickname": "Nickname",
"registerHomepage": "Homepage",
"registerBio": "Bio",
"registerLocation": "Location",
"registerRepeatPassword": "Repeat password",
"moreSettings": "More settings",
"otherServers": "Alternatively you can create an account on another server of the GNU social network. <a href=\"\">Comparison</a>",
"editMyProfile": "Edit profile",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"xFavedYourQueet": "favorited your Queet",
"xRepeatedYourQueet": "requeeted you",
"xStartedFollowingYou": "followed you",
"followsYou": "follows you",
"FAQ": "FAQ",
"inviteAFriend": "Invite a friend!",
"goToExternalProfile": "Go to full profile",
"cropAndSave": "Crop and save",
"showTerms": "Read our Terms of Use",
"ellipsisMore": "More",
"blockUser": "Block {username}",
"goToOriginalNotice": "Go to original notice"
"now": "nun",
"posting": "publikiganta",
"viewMoreInConvBefore": "← Vidar plu multo en la konverso",
"viewMoreInConvAfter": "Vidar plu multo en la konverso →",
"mentions": "Mencioni",
"timeline": "Tempolineo",
"publicTimeline": "Publika tempolineo",
"publicAndExtTimeline": "L'integra konocata reto",
"searchVerb": "Serchar",
"deleteVerb": "Efacar",
"cancelVerb": "Anular",
"deleteConfirmation": "Ka vu es certa ke vu volas efacar ica avizo?",
"userExternalFollow": "Fora sequado",
"userExternalFollowHelp": "Vua konto-identifikilo (exemple",
"userFollow": "Sequar",
"userFollowing": "Sequanta",
"userUnfollow": "Cesar sequar",
"joinGroup": "Grupanigar",
"joinExternalGroup": "Grupanigar fore",
"isMemberOfGroup": "Membro",
"leaveGroup": "Abandonar",
"memberCount": "Membri",
"adminCount": "Administranti",
"settings": "Ajusti",
"saveChanges": "Konservar la chanji",
"linkColor": "Ligilo-koloro",
"backgroundColor": "Fundo-koloro",
"newToQuitter": "Nova en {site-title}?",
"signUp": "Registragar me",
"signUpFullName": "Kompleta nomo",
"signUpEmail": "E-posto-adreso",
"signUpButtonText": "Registragar me a {site-title}",
"welcomeHeading": "Bonvenez a {site-title}.",
"welcomeText": "Ni esas <span id=\"federated-tooltip\"><div id=\"what-is-federation\">\"Federo\" signifikas ke vu ne bezonas {site-title}-konto por posibligar sequar, esar sequata da od interagar kun {site-title}-uzanti. Vu povas registragar en servilo de StatusNet o GNU social od irga servado fondita sur la protokolo <a href=\"\">Ostatus</a>! Vu ne mem mustas juntar vu a servado probez instalar l'aminda programo <a href=\"\">GNU social</a> en vua propra servilo! :)</div>federo</span> de mikrablogeri qua sucias l'etiko e la solidareso, e qua volas abandonar la centraligita kapitalista servadi.",
"registerNickname": "Pseudonimo",
"registerHomepage": "Frontispico",
"registerBio": "Biografio",
"registerLocation": "Loko",
"registerRepeatPassword": "Repetez la pasovorto",
"moreSettings": "Plu multa ajusti",
"otherServers": "Altre vu povas krear konto en altra servilo di la reto GNU social. <a href=\"\">Komparo</a>",
"editMyProfile": "Modifikar la profilo",
"notifications": "Avizi",
"xFavedYourQueet": "favoris vua avizo",
"xRepeatedYourQueet": "repetis vua avizo",
"xStartedFollowingYou": "komencis sequar vu",
"followsYou": "sequas vu",
"FAQ": "Ofta questioni",
"inviteAFriend": "Invitez amiko!",
"goToExternalProfile": "Irar a la kompleta profilo",
"cropAndSave": "Rekortar e konservar",
"showTerms": "Lektez nia uzo-kondicioni",
"ellipsisMore": "Plu multo",
"blockUser": "Blokusar {username}",
"goToOriginalNotice": "Irar al originala avizo"