Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'

Update io.json

See merge request !76
This commit is contained in:
hannes 2017-01-15 17:07:35 +00:00
commit efe6232eae

View File

@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
"languageName": "Ido",
"loginUsername": "Uzer-nomo o e-adreso",
"loginPassword": "Pas-vorto",
"loginSignIn": "Konektar me",
"loginUsername": "Uzeronomo o retpostadreso",
"loginPassword": "Pasovorto",
"loginSignIn": "Enirar",
"loginRememberMe": "Memorar me",
"loginForgotPassword": "Ka vu obliviis vua pas-vorto?",
"notices": "Mesaji",
"loginForgotPassword": "Ka vu obliviis vua pasovorto?",
"notices": "Pepii",
"followers": "Sequanti",
"following": "Sequati",
"groups": "Grupi",
"compose": "Kompozez nova mesajo…",
"compose": "Krear nova pipio…",
"queetVerb": "Sendar",
"queetsNounPlural": "Mesaji",
"logout": "Deskonektar me",
"queetsNounPlural": "Pipii",
"logout": "Ekirar",
"languageSelected": "Linguo:",
"viewMyProfilePage": "Vidar mea profil-pagino",
"expand": "Estalar",
"collapse": "Faldar",
"viewMyProfilePage": "Vidar mea profilpagino",
"expand": "Revelar",
"collapse": "Celar",
"details": "Detali",
"expandFullConversation": "Estalar la tota konverso",
"expandFullConversation": "Revelar la tota konverso",
"replyVerb": "Respondar",
"requeetVerb": "Repetar",
"favoriteVerb": "Favorar",
"requeetedVerb": "Repetita",
"favoritedVerb": "Favorata",
"requeetVerb": "Ripipiar",
"favoriteVerb": "Stelizar",
"requeetedVerb": "Ripipiita",
"favoritedVerb": "Stelizita",
"replyTo": "Respondar ad",
"requeetedBy": "Repetita da {requeeted-by}",
"favoriteNoun": "Favoro",
"favoritesNoun": "Favori",
"requeetNoun": "Repeto",
"requeetsNoun": "Repeti",
"newQueet": "{new-notice-count} nova mesajo",
"newQueets": "{new-notice-count} nova mesaji",
"requeetedBy": "Ripipiita da {requeeted-by}",
"favoriteNoun": "Stelizito",
"favoritesNoun": "Steliziti",
"requeetNoun": "Ripipio",
"requeetsNoun": "Ripipii",
"newQueet": "{new-notice-count} nova pipio",
"newQueets": "{new-notice-count} nova pipii",
"longmonthsJanuary": "januaro",
"longmonthsFebruary": "februaro",
"longmonthsMars": "marto",
@ -58,144 +58,144 @@
"shortmonthsNovember": "nov",
"shortmonthsDecember": "dec",
"time12am": "{time} matine",
"time12pm": "{time} posdimeze",
"longDateFormat": "{time12}, {day}ma di {month} {year}",
"time12pm": "{time} vespere",
"longDateFormat": "{time12} - {day}-ma {month} {year}",
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"shortDateFormatMinutes": "{minutes}min",
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"shortDateFormatDateAndY": "{day} {month} {year}",
"shortDateFormatDate": "{day}-ma di {month}",
"shortDateFormatDateAndY": "{day}-ma {month} {year}",
"now": "nun",
"posting": "publikeske",
"viewMoreInConvBefore": "← Vidar plu multe dil konverso",
"viewMoreInConvAfter": "Vidar plu multe dil konverso →",
"posting": "sendo",
"viewMoreInConvBefore": "← Vidar plue en la konverso",
"viewMoreInConvAfter": "Vidar plue en la konverso →",
"mentions": "Mencioni",
"timeline": "Tempolineo",
"publicTimeline": "Che {site-title}",
"publicAndExtTimeline": "Del tota retaro",
"searchVerb": "Serchez…",
"deleteVerb": "Supresar",
"publicTimeline": "Publika tempolineo",
"publicAndExtTimeline": "La tota konocata reto",
"searchVerb": "Serchar…",
"deleteVerb": "Efacar",
"cancelVerb": "Anular",
"deleteConfirmation": "Ka vu certe volas supresar la mesajo?",
"deleteConfirmation": "Ka vu esas certa, ke vu volas efacar ca pipio?",
"userExternalFollow": "Sequar",
"userExternalFollowHelp": "L'identifikilo di vua konto (ex.",
"userExternalFollowHelp": "Identifikilo di vua konto (ex.",
"userFollow": "Sequar",
"userFollowing": "Sequanta",
"userFollowing": "Sequato",
"userUnfollow": "Cesar sequar",
"joinGroup": "Membreskar",
"joinExternalGroup": "Membreskar",
"isMemberOfGroup": "Membro",
"leaveGroup": "Abandonar",
"leaveGroup": "Livar",
"memberCount": "Membri",
"adminCount": "Administranti",
"settings": "Ajusti",
"saveChanges": "Konservar la chanji",
"linkColor": "Ligili",
"backgroundColor": "Fundo",
"newToQuitter": "Nova che {site-title}?",
"signUp": "Registragez vu",
"saveChanges": "Konservar chanji",
"linkColor": "Koloro di la ligili",
"backgroundColor": "Funda koloro",
"newToQuitter": "Ka vu esas nova che {site-title}?",
"signUp": "Enrejistrar su",
"signUpFullName": "Kompleta nomo",
"signUpEmail": "E-adreso",
"signUpButtonText": "Registragar me che {site-title}",
"welcomeHeading": "Bonvenez che {site-title}!",
"signUpEmail": "Retpostadreso",
"signUpButtonText": "Enrejistrar su che {site-title}",
"welcomeHeading": "Bonvenez ad {site-title}.",
"welcomeText": "Ni esas <span id=\"federated-tooltip\"><div id=\"what-is-federation\">\"Federo\" signifikas, ke konto che {site-title} esas fakultativa por sequar, esar sequata da, od interagar kun uzeri di {site-title}. Vu povas registragar vu en servilo di GNU Social od en irga servado fondita sur la protokolo <a href=\"\">OStatus</a>! Vu ne mem mustas juntar vu a servado: probez instalar l'aminda programo <a href=\"\">GNU Social</a> en vua propra servilo! :)</div>federo</span> de mikroblogeri qui sucias etiko e solidareso, e qui deziras abandonar la centraligita e kapitalista servadi.",
"registerNickname": "Uzer-nomo",
"registerHomepage": "Hemopagino",
"registerNickname": "Uzeronomo",
"registerHomepage": "Retoloko",
"registerBio": "Biografio",
"registerLocation": "Loko",
"registerRepeatPassword": "Repetez la pas-vorto",
"moreSettings": "Plusa ajusti",
"otherServers": "Altre vu povas krear konto en altra servilo di la reto GNU Social. <a href=\"\">Komparar</a>",
"editMyProfile": "Modifikar mea profilo",
"registerRepeatPassword": "Repetar pasovorto",
"moreSettings": "Plua ajusti",
"otherServers": "Alternative, vu povas krear konto en altra servero di la reto GNU Social.",
"editMyProfile": "Modifikar profilo",
"notifications": "Notifiki",
"xFavedYourQueet": "favoras vua mesajo",
"xRepeatedYourQueet": "repetis vua mesajo",
"xStartedFollowingYou": "sequeskis vu",
"xFavedYourQueet": "vua pipio stelizesis",
"xRepeatedYourQueet": "ripipiis vu",
"xStartedFollowingYou": "sequas vu",
"followsYou": "sequas vu",
"FAQ": "Ofta questioni",
"inviteAFriend": "Invitez amiko!",
"goToExternalProfile": "Irar al kompleta profilo",
"cropAndSave": "Rekortar e konservar",
"showTerms": "Lektez nia uzokondicioni",
"ellipsisMore": "Pluse",
"blockUser": "Blokusar {username}",
"goToOriginalNotice": "Irar al original mesajo",
"goToTheUsersRemoteProfile": "Irar al profilo di la uzero",
"clickToDrag":"Kliktigez por tranar",
"keyboardShortcuts":"Agi klavarala",
"FAQ": "Ofta demandi",
"inviteAFriend": "Invitez vua amiki!",
"goToExternalProfile": "Irar a kompleta profilo",
"cropAndSave": "Rekortar e salvar",
"showTerms": "Lektez la uzokondicioni",
"ellipsisMore": "Plue",
"blockUser": "Impedar {username}",
"goToOriginalNotice": "Irar ad originala pipio",
"goToTheUsersRemoteProfile": "Irar a la uzerala fora profilo",
"clickToDrag":"Kliktez por tranar",
"keyboardShortcuts":"Kurtavoyala menuo",
"classicInterface":"Klasika {site-title}",
"accessibilityToggleLink":"Por plu bona acesebleso, kliktigez sur la ligilo por enswichar la klasika uzer-interfacio.",
"tooltipBookmarkStream":"Adjuntar la disktuto-fluo a mea marko-rubandi",
"accessibilityToggleLink":"Por plu bona acesebleso, kliktez sur ca ligilo por chanjar a la klasika interfacio",
"tooltipBookmarkStream":"Adjuntar ca fluo a vua markorubandi",
"tooltipTopMenu":"Menuo ed ajusti",
"tooltipAttachImage":"Atachar imajo",
"tooltipShortenUrls":"Plukurtigar omna ret-adresi en la mesajo",
"tooltipReloadStream":"Aktualigar la diskuto-fluo",
"tooltipRemoveBookmark":"Supresar la marko-rubando",
"clearHistory":"Vakuigar la navigo-historio",
"tooltipShortenUrls":"Kurtigar omna URL-i en la pipio",
"tooltipReloadStream":"Aktualigar ca fluo",
"tooltipRemoveBookmark":"Efacar ca markorubando",
"clearHistory":"Vakuigar navigala historio",
"ERRORsomethingWentWrong":"Ulo miseventis.",
"ERRORmustBeLoggedIn":"Vu mustas esar identifikita por vidar la diskuto-fluo.",
"ERRORcouldNotFindUserWithNickname":"On ne trovis uzero kun la nomo \"{nickname}\" en la servilo.",
"ERRORcouldNotFindGroupWithNickname":"On ne trovis grupo kun la nomo \"{nickname}\" en la servilo.",
"ERRORcouldNotFindPage":"On ne trovis la pagino.",
"ERRORnoticeRemoved": "On supresis la mesajo.",
"ERRORnoContactWithServer": "On ne povis konektar su kun la servilo. Forsan ol esas supercharjata, od esas problemo pri vua Interret-konekto. Probez itere plu tarde! ",
"ERRORattachmentUploadFailed": "La kargo faliis. Forsan la formato ne suportesas o la grandeso esas tro multa.",
"hideRepliesToPeopleIDoNotFollow":"Celar la respondi ad iti quin me ne sequas",
"ERRORmustBeLoggedIn":"Vu bezonas enirir por vidar ca fluo.",
"ERRORcouldNotFindUserWithNickname":"Ne esis posibla trovar uzero kun la nomo \"{nickname}\" en ca servero.",
"ERRORcouldNotFindGroupWithNickname":"Ne esis posibla trovar grupo kun la nomo \"{nickname}\" en ca servero.",
"ERRORcouldNotFindPage":"Ne esis posibla trovar ca pagino.",
"ERRORnoticeRemoved": "Ca pipio efacesis.",
"ERRORnoContactWithServer": "Ne esis posibla konektar kun la servero. Forsan la servero esas supercharjita, od esas problemo kun vua Interretala konekto. Voluntez riprobar pose! ",
"ERRORattachmentUploadFailed": "La kargo faliis. La dosierformo forsan ne suportesas o lu esas tro granda.",
"hideRepliesToPeopleIDoNotFollow":"Celar respondi a homi quin me ne sequas",
"markAllNotificationsAsSeen":"Markizar omna notifiki kom vidita",
"notifyRepliesAndMentions":"Mencioni e respondi",
"notifyFollows":"Nova sequanti",
"timelineOptions":"Ajusti dil tempolineo",
"ERRORfailedSavingYourSetting":"On faliis, ke on konservez vua ajusti.",
"ERRORfailedMarkingAllNotificationsAsRead":"On faliis, ke on markizez omna notifiki kom vidita.",
"timelineOptions":"Tempolineala ajusti",
"ERRORfailedSavingYourSetting":"Faliis salvar vua ajusti.",
"ERRORfailedMarkingAllNotificationsAsRead":"Faliis markizar omna notifiki kom vidita.",
"newNotification": "{new-notice-count} nova notifiko",
"newNotifications": "{new-notice-count} nova notifiki",
"thisIsANoticeFromABlockedUser":"Averto: Ita mesajo esas da uzero quan vu blokusis. Kliktigez por ke on montrez olu.",
"nicknamesListWithListName":"{nickname}s list: {list-name}",
"myListWithListName":"My list: {list-name}",
"ERRORcouldNotFindList":"There is no such list.",
"emailAlreadyInUse":"Already in use",
"addEditLanguageLink":"Help translate {site-title} to another language",
"onlyPartlyTranslated":"{site-title} is only partly translated to <em>{language-name}</em> ({percent}%). You can help complete the translation at <a href=\"\">Qvitter's repository homepage</a>",
"startRant":"Start a rant",
"continueRant":"Continue the rant",
"hideEmbeddedInTimeline":"Hide embedded content in this timeline",
"hideQuotesInTimeline":"Hide quotes in this timeline",
"userBlocks":"Accounts you're blocking",
"failedBlockingUser":"Failed to block the user.",
"failedUnblockingUser":"Failed to unblock the user.",
"unblockUser": "Unblock {username}",
"tooltipBlocksYou":"You are blocked from following {username}.",
"silencedPlural":"Silenced profiles",
"silencedUsersOnThisInstance":"Silenced profiles on {site-title}",
"sandboxedPlural":"Sandboxed profiles",
"sandboxedUsersOnThisInstance":"Sandboxed profiles on {site-title}",
"silencedStreamDescription":"Silenced users can't login or post quips and the quips they've already posted are hidden. For local users it's like a delete that can be reversed, for remote users it's like a site wide block.",
"sandboxedStreamDescription":"Quips from sandboxed users are excluded from the Public Timeline and The Whole Known Network. Apart from that, they can use the site like any other user.",
"onlyShowNotificationsFromUsersIFollow":"Only show notifications from users I follow",
"userOptions":"More user actions",
"silenceThisUser":"Silence {nickname}",
"sandboxThisUser":"Sandbox {nickname}",
"unSilenceThisUser":"Unsilence {nickname}",
"unSandboxThisUser":"Unsandbox {nickname}",
"ERRORfailedSandboxingUser":"Failed sandboxing/unsandboxing the user",
"ERRORfailedSilencingUser":"Failed silencing/unsilencing the user",
"hideNotificationsFromMutedUsers":"Hide notifications from muted users",
"thisIsANoticeFromAMutedUser":"You have muted the author of this quip. Click here to show it anyway.",
"userMutes":"Accounts you're muting",
"userBlocked":"Blocked accounts",
"userMuted":"Muted accounts",
"mutedStreamDescription":"You've hidden these accounts from your timeline. You will still recieve notifications from these accounts, unless you select &quot;Hide notifications from muted users&quot; from the cog wheel menu on the notifications page.",
"profileAndSettings":"Profile and settings",
"profileSettings":"Profile settings",
"thisIsABookmark":"This is a bookmark created in the Classic interface"
"thisIsANoticeFromABlockedUser":"Averto: ca esas pipio da uzero, quan vu impedis. Kliktez por montrar olu.",
"nicknamesListWithListName":"Listo di {nickname}: {list-name}",
"myListWithListName":"Mea listo: {list-name}",
"ERRORcouldNotFindList":"Ne esas tala listo.",
"emailAlreadyInUse":"Ulu ja uzas lu",
"addEditLanguageLink":"Helpez tradukar {site-title} ad altra linguo",
"onlyPartlyTranslated":"{site-title} esas nur partale tradukita ad <em>{language-name}</em> ({percent}%). Vu povas kompletigar la traduko che <a href=\"\">la depozeyo di Qvitter</a>",
"continueRant":"Durigar la plendo",
"hideEmbeddedInTimeline":"Celar enkorpigita kontenaji en ca tempolineo",
"hideQuotesInTimeline":"Celar citaji en ca tempolineo",
"userBlocks":"Impedata konti",
"buttonUnblock":"Cesar impedar",
"failedBlockingUser":"Faliis impedar la uzero.",
"failedUnblockingUser":"Faliis cesar impedar la uzero.",
"unblockUser": "Cesar impedar {username}",
"tooltipBlocksYou":"Vu impedesas sequar {username}.",
"silencedPlural":"Silencigita profili",
"silencedUsersOnThisInstance":"Silencigita profili sur {site-title}",
"sandboxedPlural":"Ensabluya profili",
"sandboxedUsersOnThisInstance":"Ensabluya profili sur {site-title}",
"silencedStreamDescription":"Silencigita uzeri ne povas enirar o sendar pipii, e la pipii quin li ja sendis celesas. A lokal uzeri, to esas simila ad efaco, qua povas anulesar, ma a fora uzeri esas simila a totaretoloka impedo.",
"sandboxedStreamDescription":"Pipii da ensabluya uzeri efacesas de la publika tempolineo e la tota konocata reto. Pipii sendita dum tempo en la sabluyo ne esos en la publika tempolinei se la uzero eksabluyeskas.",
"onlyShowNotificationsFromUsersIFollow":"Nur montrar notifiki de uzeri, quin me sequas",
"userOptions":"Plua uzerala agi",
"silenceThisUser":"Silencigar {nickname}",
"sandboxThisUser":"Ensabluyigar {nickname}",
"unSilenceThisUser":"Dessilencigar {nickname}",
"unSandboxThisUser":"Eksabluyigar {nickname}",
"ERRORfailedSandboxingUser":"Faliis ensabluyigar/eksabluyigar la uzero",
"ERRORfailedSilencingUser":"Faliis silencigar/dessilencigar la uzero",
"hideNotificationsFromMutedUsers":"Celar notifiki de muta uzeri",
"thisIsANoticeFromAMutedUser":"Vu mutigis la autoro di ca pipio. Kliktez hike por montrar olu.",
"userMutes":"Konti quin vu mutigas",
"userBlocked":"Impedata konti",
"userMuted":"Muta konti",
"mutedStreamDescription":"Vu celis ca konti de vua tempolineo. Vu ankore recevos notifiki de ca konti, ecepte se vu selektus &quot;Celar notifiki de muta uzeri&quot; per la dentorota menuo en la notifikala pagino.",
"profileAndSettings":"Profilo ed ajusti",
"profileSettings":"Profilala ajusti",
"thisIsABookmark":"Ca esas markorubando kreita en la klasika interfacio"