/*· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Q V I T T E R · · · · · · \\\\_\ · · \\) \____) · · · · · · @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the · · JavaScript code in this page. · · · · Copyright (C) 2015 Hannes Mannerheim and other contributors · · · · · · This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify · · it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as · · published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the · · License, or (at your option) any later version. · · · · This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, · · but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of · · MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the · · GNU Affero General Public License for more details. · · · · You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License · · along with this program. If not, see . · · · · @licend The above is the entire license notice · · for the JavaScript code in this page. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ /* · · · Show favs and requeets in queet element · · @param q: queet jQuery object · @param data: object with users that has faved and requeeted · · · · · · · · · · */ function showFavsAndRequeetsInQueet(q,data) { // set the non-expanded fav- and rq-count q.children('.queet').find('.action-fav-num').html(data.favs.length); q.children('.queet').find('.action-fav-num').attr('data-fav-num',data.favs.length); q.children('.queet').find('.action-rq-num').html(data.repeats.length); q.children('.queet').find('.action-rq-num').attr('data-rq-num',data.repeats.length); // don't proceed if queet is not expanded if(!q.hasClass('expanded') || q.hasClass('collapsing')) { return; } // don't proceed and remove expanded stats if all favs and repeats are removed if(data.favs.length < 1 && data.repeats.length < 1) { q.children('.queet').find('.stats').remove(); return; } // remove any existing stats container and add a new empty one if(q.children('.queet').find('ul.stats').length > 0) { q.children('.queet').find('ul.stats').remove(); } q.children('.queet').find('.queet-stats-container').prepend(''); // set the expanded fav-count number if(data.favs.length > 0) { if(data.favs.length == 1) { var favLabel = window.sL.favoriteNoun; } else if(data.favs.length > 1) { var favLabel = window.sL.favoritesNoun; } if(q.children('.queet').find('.fav-count').length>0) { q.children('.queet').find('.fav-count').children('strong').html(data.favs.length); } else { q.children('.queet').find('li.avatar-row').before('
  • ' + favLabel + ' ' + data.favs.length + '
  • '); } } // add repeats if(data.repeats.length > 0) { if(data.repeats.length == 1) { var repeatsLabel = window.sL.requeetNoun; } else if(data.repeats.length > 1) { var repeatsLabel = window.sL.requeetsNoun; } if(q.children('.queet').find('.rq-count').length>0) { q.children('.queet').find('.rq-count').children('strong').html(data.repeats.length); } else { q.children('.queet').find('li.avatar-row').before('
  • ' + repeatsLabel + ' ' + data.repeats.length + '
  • '); } } // merge favs and repeats objects by user_id (removes duplicate users) var favsAndRepeats = {}; $.each(data.repeats,function(){ favsAndRepeats[this.user_id] = this; }); $.each(data.favs,function(){ favsAndRepeats[this.user_id] = this; }); // make an object with time the key var favsAndRepeatsByTime = {}; $.each(favsAndRepeats,function(){ favsAndRepeatsByTime[this.time] = this; }); // create an array with times and sort it var timeSorted = []; $.each(favsAndRepeats,function(){ timeSorted.push(this.time); }); timeSorted.sort(); // display avatars in chronological order, max 7 var avatarnum = 1; $.each(timeSorted,function(){ q.children('.queet').find('.avatar-row').append('' + favsAndRepeatsByTime[this].fullname + ''); if(avatarnum > 15) { return false; } avatarnum++; }); } /* · · · Build profile card HTML · · @param data: an object with a user array · · · · · · · · · · */ function buildProfileCard(data) { data = cleanUpUserObject(data); // use avatar if no cover photo var coverPhotoHtml = ''; if(data.cover_photo !== false) { coverPhotoHtml = 'background-image:url(\'' + data.cover_photo + '\')'; } // follows me? var follows_you = ''; if(data.follows_you === true && window.myUserID != data.id) { var follows_you = '' + window.sL.followsYou + ''; } // show user actions if logged in var followingClass = ''; if(data.following) { followingClass = 'following'; } var followButton = ''; if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined' && window.myUserID != data.id) { var followButton = ''; } // follow from external instance if logged out if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name == 'undefined') { var followButton = ''; } // edit profile button if me if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined' && window.myUserID == data.id) { var followButton = ''; } // is webpage empty? var emptyWebpage = ''; if(data.url.length<1) { emptyWebpage = ' empty'; } // full card html data.profileCardHtml = '\
    \ \ \ \

    ' + data.name + '


    \ @' + data.screen_name + '\ ' + follows_you + '\


    ' + data.description + '


    \ ' + data.location + '\ \ · \ ' + data.url.replace('http://','').replace('https://','') + '\ \

    \ \
    \ '; return data; } /* · · · Build external profile card HTML · · @param data: an object containing data.external user array, · and maybe (hopefully) also a data.local user array · · · · · · · · · · */ function buildExternalProfileCard(data) { // local profile id and follow class var followLocalIdHtml = ''; var followingClass = ''; if(typeof data.local != 'undefined' && data.local !== null) { followLocalIdHtml = ' data-follow-user-id="' + data.local.id + '"'; if(data.local.following) { followingClass = 'following'; } } // follows me? var follows_you = ''; if(data.local !== null && data.local.follows_you === true && window.myUserID != data.local.id) { var follows_you = '' + window.sL.followsYou + ''; } // empty strings and zeros instead of null data = cleanUpUserObject(data.external); // old statusnet-versions might not have full avatar urls in their api response if(typeof data.profile_image_url_original == 'undefined' || data.profile_image_url_original === null || data.profile_image_url_original.length == 0) { data.profile_image_url_original = data.profile_image_url; } if(typeof data.profile_image_url_profile_size == 'undefined' || data.profile_image_url_profile_size === null || data.profile_image_url_profile_size.length == 0) { data.profile_image_url_profile_size = data.profile_image_url; } // we might have a cover photo if(typeof data.cover_photo != 'undefined' && data.cover_photo !== false) { var cover_photo = data.cover_photo; } else { var cover_photo = data.profile_image_url_original; } // is webpage empty? var emptyWebpage = ''; if(data.url.length<1) { emptyWebpage = ' empty'; } var serverUrl = guessInstanceUrlWithoutProtocolFromProfileUrlAndNickname(data.statusnet_profile_url, data.screen_name); data.screenNameWithServer = '@' + data.screen_name + '@' + serverUrl; var followButton = ''; data.profileCard = '\ \
    '; return data; } /* · · · Adds a profile card before feed element · · @param data: an object with a user array · · · · · · · · · · */ function addProfileCardToDOM(data) { // change design changeDesign({backgroundimage:data.background_image, backgroundcolor:data.backgroundcolor, linkcolor:data.linkcolor}); // remove any old profile card and show profile card $('#feed').siblings('.profile-card').remove(); $('#feed').before(data.profileCardHtml); } /* · · · Open external profile card in popup · · @param data: an object with a user array · · · · · · · · · · */ function openExternalProfileInPopup(data) { var data = buildExternalProfileCard(data); // preview latest notice var noticeHtml = ''; if(typeof data.status != 'undefined') { data.status.user = data; var $noticeHtmlObj = $('
    ').append(buildQueetHtml(data.status)); $noticeHtmlObj.find('.queet-thumbs').remove(); var noticeHtml = $noticeHtmlObj.outerHTML(); } popUpAction('popup-external-profile', data.screenNameWithServer,data.profileCard + noticeHtml,'' + window.sL.goToExternalProfile + ''); } /* · · · Open local profile card in popup · · @param data: an object with a user array · · · · · · · · · · */ function openLocalProfileInPopup(data) { var data = buildProfileCard(data); // preview latest notice var noticeHtml = ''; if(typeof data.status != 'undefined') { data.status.user = data; var $noticeHtmlObj = $('
    ').append(buildQueetHtml(data.status)); $noticeHtmlObj.find('.queet-thumbs').remove(); var noticeHtml = $noticeHtmlObj.outerHTML(); } popUpAction('popup-local-profile', '@' + data.screen_name, data.profileCardHtml + '
    ' + noticeHtml,'' + window.sL.goToExternalProfile + ''); } /* · · · Adds a profile card before feed element, with data from the first object in the included object · · @param data: an object with one or more queet objects · · · · · · · · · · */ function profileCardFromFirstObject(data,screen_name) { var first = new Object(); for (var i in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof(i) !== 'function') { first = data[i]; break; } } if(typeof first.user != 'undefined') { addProfileCardToDOM(first.user); } } /* · · · Adds a group profile card before feed element · · @param data: an object with one or more queet objects · · · · · · · · · · */ function groupProfileCard(groupAlias) { getFromAPI('statusnet/groups/show/' + groupAlias + '.json', function(data){ if(data){ data.nickname = data.nickname || ''; data.fullname = data.fullname || ''; data.stream_logo = data.stream_logo || window.fullUrlToThisQvitterApp + 'img/default-avatar-stream.png'; data.homepage_logo = data.homepage_logo || window.fullUrlToThisQvitterApp + 'img/default-avatar-profile.png'; data.original_logo = data.original_logo || window.fullUrlToThisQvitterApp + 'img/default-avatar-profile.png'; data.description = data.description || ''; data.homepage = data.homepage || ''; data.url = data.url || ''; data.member_count = data.member_count || 0; data.admin_count = data.admin_count || 0; // show user actions if logged in var memberClass = ''; if(data.member) { memberClass = 'member'; } var memberButton = ''; if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') { var memberButton = ''; } // follow from external instance if logged out if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name == 'undefined') { var memberButton = ''; } // change design changeDesign({backgroundimage:false, backgroundcolor:false, linkcolor:false}); // add card to DOM $('#feed').siblings('.profile-card').remove(); // remove any old profile card $('#feed').before(''); }}); } /* · · · Change stream · · @param stream: part of the url to the api (everything after api base url) · @param actionOnSuccess: callback function on success · · · · · · · · · · */ function setNewCurrentStream(stream,actionOnSuccess,setLocation) { // remember state of old stream (including profile card) window.oldStreams[window.currentStream] = $('#feed').siblings('.profile-card').outerHTML() + $('#feed').outerHTML(); // set location bar from stream if(setLocation) { setUrlFromStream(stream); } // halt interval that checks for new queets window.clearInterval(checkForNewQueetsInterval); display_spinner(); // scroll to top $(window).scrollTop(0); $('body').addClass('androidFix').scrollTop(0).removeClass('androidFix'); // blur any selected links $('a').blur(); // null any searches $('#feed-body').removeAttr('data-search-page-number'); // remember the most recent stream selection in global var window.currentStream = stream; // a @user stream, i.e. user's queets, user's followers, user's following, we set _queets_ as the default stream in the menu if(stream.substring(0,45) == 'statuses/followers.json?count=20&screen_name=' || stream.substring(0,43) == 'statuses/friends.json?count=20&screen_name=' || stream.substring(0,48) == 'statusnet/groups/list.json?count=10&screen_name=' || stream.substring(0,43) == 'statuses/friends_timeline.json?screen_name=' || stream.substring(0,27) == 'favorites.json?screen_name=' || stream.substring(0,35) == 'statuses/mentions.json?screen_name=' || stream.substring(0,27) == 'statuses/user_timeline.json') { var defaultStreamName = 'statuses/user_timeline.json?' + stream.substring(stream.indexOf('screen_name=')); var streamHeader = '@' + stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('=')+1); } // my user streams, i.e. my followers, my following else if(stream == 'statuses/followers.json?count=20' || stream == 'statuses/friends.json?count=20' || stream == 'statusnet/groups/list.json?count=10') { var defaultStreamName = stream; var streamHeader = '@' + window.loggedIn.screen_name; } // the default streams, get header from DOM else if(stream == 'statuses/friends_timeline.json' || stream == 'statuses/mentions.json' || stream == 'qvitter/statuses/notifications.json' || stream == 'favorites.json' || stream == 'statuses/public_timeline.json' || stream == 'statuses/public_and_external_timeline.json') { var defaultStreamName = stream; var streamHeader = $('.stream-selection[data-stream-name="' + stream + '"]').attr('data-stream-header'); } // !group stream else if(stream.substring(0,26) == 'statusnet/groups/timeline/' || stream.substring(0,28) == 'statusnet/groups/membership/' || stream.substring(0,24) == 'statusnet/groups/admins/') { var defaultStreamName = 'statusnet/groups/timeline/' + stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('/')+1); var streamHeader = '!' + stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('/')+1, stream.indexOf('.json')); } // #tag stream else if(stream.substring(0,24) == 'statusnet/tags/timeline/') { var defaultStreamName = stream; var hashtagString = stream.substring(stream.indexOf('/timeline/')+10,stream.indexOf('.json')); var streamHeader = '#' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(decodeURIComponent(hashtagString)); } // notice stream else if(stream.substring(0,14) == 'statuses/show/') { var defaultStreamName = stream; var streamHeader = 'notice/' + stream.substring(stream.indexOf('/show/')+6,stream.indexOf('.json')); } // search stream else if(stream.substring(0,11) == 'search.json') { var defaultStreamName = stream; var streamHeader = window.sL.searchVerb + ': ' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(decodeURIComponent(stream.substring(stream.indexOf('?q=')+3))); } // set the h2 header in the feed if(stream.substring(0,23) == 'statuses/followers.json') { var h2FeedHeader = '' + window.sL.followers; } else if(stream.substring(0,21) == 'statuses/friends.json') { var h2FeedHeader = window.sL.following + ''; } else if(stream.substring(0,40) == 'statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=') { var h2FeedHeader = window.sL.notices + ''; } else if(stream.substring(0,35) == 'statuses/mentions.json?screen_name=') { var h2FeedHeader = '' + window.sL.mentions + ''; } else if(stream.substring(0,27) == 'favorites.json?screen_name=') { var h2FeedHeader = '' + window.sL.favoritesNoun; } else if(stream.substring(0,26) == 'statusnet/groups/list.json') { var h2FeedHeader = window.sL.groups; } else if(stream.substring(0,28) == 'statusnet/groups/membership/') { var h2FeedHeader = window.sL.memberCount; } else if(stream.substring(0,24) == 'statusnet/groups/admins/') { var h2FeedHeader = window.sL.adminCount; } else if(stream.substring(0,43) == 'statuses/friends_timeline.json?screen_name=') { var h2FeedHeader = '' + streamHeader + '/all'; // ugly rtl fix, sry, we should have translations for this stream header } else { var h2FeedHeader = streamHeader; } // if we have a saved copy of this stream, show it immediately (but it is replaced when stream finishes to load later) if(typeof window.oldStreams[window.currentStream] != "undefined") { $('.profile-card').remove(); $('#feed').remove(); $('#user-container').after(window.oldStreams[window.currentStream]); $('.profile-card').css('display','none'); $('#feed').css('display','none'); $('.profile-card').show(); $('#feed').show(); $('#feed-header-inner h2').css('opacity','0.2'); $('#feed-header-inner h2').animate({opacity:'1'},1000); // also mark this stream as the current stream immediately, if a saved copy exists addStreamToHistoryMenuAndMarkAsCurrent(streamHeader, defaultStreamName); } // otherwise we fade out and wait for stream to load else { // fade out $('#feed,.profile-card').animate({opacity:'0'},150,function(){ // when fade out finishes, remove any profile cards and set new header $('.profile-card').remove(); $('#feed-header-inner h2').html(h2FeedHeader); }); } // change design immediately to either cached design or logged in user's if(typeof window.oldStreamsDesigns[theUserOrGroupThisStreamBelongsTo(window.currentStream)] != 'undefined') { changeDesign(window.oldStreamsDesigns[theUserOrGroupThisStreamBelongsTo(window.currentStream)]); } else { changeDesign({backgroundimage:window.loggedIn.background_image, backgroundcolor:window.loggedIn.backgroundcolor, linkcolor:window.loggedIn.linkcolor}); } // for these streams we want a user array in the header to build a profile card var addUserArray = ''; if(stream.substring(0,23) == 'statuses/followers.json' || stream.substring(0,21) == 'statuses/friends.json' || stream.substring(0,26) == 'statusnet/groups/list.json' || stream.substring(0,35) == 'statuses/mentions.json?screen_name=' || stream.substring(0,27) == 'favorites.json?screen_name=' || stream.substring(0,27) == 'statuses/user_timeline.json' || stream.substring(0,43) == 'statuses/friends_timeline.json?screen_name=') { addUserArray = '&withuserarray=1'; } // get stream getFromAPI(stream + addUserArray, function(queet_data){ if(queet_data) { // while waiting for this data user might have changed stream, so only proceed if current stream still is this one if(window.currentStream == stream) { // show group profile card if this is a group stream if(stream.substring(0,26) == 'statusnet/groups/timeline/' || stream.substring(0,28) == 'statusnet/groups/membership/' || stream.substring(0,24) == 'statusnet/groups/admins/') { var thisGroupAlias = stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('/')+1, stream.indexOf('.json')); groupProfileCard(thisGroupAlias); } // start checking for new queets again window.clearInterval(checkForNewQueetsInterval); checkForNewQueetsInterval=window.setInterval(function(){checkForNewQueets()},window.timeBetweenPolling); // add this stream to the history menu addStreamToHistoryMenuAndMarkAsCurrent(streamHeader, defaultStreamName); remove_spinner(); $('#feed-body').html(''); // empty feed only now so the scrollers don't flicker on and off $('#new-queets-bar').parent().addClass('hidden'); document.title = window.siteTitle; // hide new queets bar if it's visible there addToFeed(queet_data, false,'visible'); // add stream items to feed element $('#feed').animate({opacity:'1'},150); // fade in $('body').removeClass('loading-older');$('body').removeClass('loading-newer'); $('html,body').scrollTop(0); // scroll to top actionOnSuccess(); // return } } }); } /* · · · Add this stream to history menu if it doesn't exist there (but not if this is me or if we're not logged in) · and mark this stream as current in menu · · @param streamHeader: the header to show in the menu · @param defaultStreamName: the stream to link in the history menu · · · · · · · · · · */ function addStreamToHistoryMenuAndMarkAsCurrent(streamHeader, defaultStreamName) { if($('.stream-selection[data-stream-header="' + streamHeader + '"]').length==0 && streamHeader != '@' + window.loggedIn.screen_name && typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') { $('#history-container').append('' + streamHeader + ''); updateHistoryLocalStorage(); } $('.stream-selection').removeClass('current'); $('.stream-selection[data-stream-header="' + streamHeader + '"]').addClass('current'); } /* · · · Convert stream to path · · @param stream: the stream, e.g. 'public_timeline.json' · @returns: relative path · · · · · · · · · · */ function convertStreamToPath(stream) { if(stream.substring(0,45) == 'statuses/followers.json?count=20&screen_name=') { var screenName = stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('=')+1); return screenName + '/subscribers'; } else if(stream.substring(0,43) == 'statuses/friends.json?count=20&screen_name=') { var screenName = stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('=')+1); return screenName + '/subscriptions'; } else if(stream.substring(0,35) == 'statuses/mentions.json?screen_name=') { var screenName = stream.substring(stream.indexOf('=')+1); return screenName + '/replies'; } else if(stream.substring(0,27) == 'favorites.json?screen_name=') { var screenName = stream.substring(stream.indexOf('=')+1); return screenName + '/favorites'; } else if(stream.substring(0,48) == 'statusnet/groups/list.json?count=10&screen_name=') { var screenName = stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('=')+1); return screenName + '/groups'; } else if(stream == 'statuses/followers.json?count=20') { return window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/subscribers'; } else if(stream == 'statuses/friends.json?count=20') { return window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/subscriptions'; } else if(stream == 'statuses/mentions.json') { return window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/replies'; } else if(stream == 'qvitter/statuses/notifications.json') { return window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/notifications'; } else if(stream == 'favorites.json') { return window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/favorites'; } else if(stream == 'statusnet/groups/list.json?count=10') { return window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/groups'; } else if (stream.substring(0,27) == 'statuses/user_timeline.json') { var screenName = stream.substring(stream.indexOf('=')+1); return screenName; } else if(stream == 'statuses/friends_timeline.json') { return window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/all'; } else if(stream.substring(0,43) == 'statuses/friends_timeline.json?screen_name=') { var screenName = stream.substring(stream.indexOf('=')+1); return screenName + '/all'; } else if(stream == 'statuses/public_timeline.json') { return ''; } else if(stream == 'statuses/public_and_external_timeline.json') { return 'main/all'; } else if(stream.substring(0,26) == 'statusnet/groups/timeline/') { var groupName = stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('/')+1,stream.indexOf('.json')); return 'group/' + groupName; } else if(stream.substring(0,28) == 'statusnet/groups/membership/') { var groupName = stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('/')+1,stream.indexOf('.json')); return 'group/' + groupName + '/members'; } else if(stream.substring(0,24) == 'statusnet/groups/admins/') { var groupName = stream.substring(stream.lastIndexOf('/')+1,stream.indexOf('.json')); return 'group/' + groupName + '/admins'; } else if(stream.substring(0,24) == 'statusnet/tags/timeline/') { var tagName = stream.substring(stream.indexOf('/timeline/')+10,stream.indexOf('.json')); return 'tag/' + tagName; } else if(stream.substring(0,14) == 'statuses/show/') { var noticeId = stream.substring(stream.indexOf('/show/')+6,stream.indexOf('.json')); return 'notice/' + noticeId; } else if(stream.substring(0,11) == 'search.json') { var searchTerms = stream.substring(stream.indexOf('?q=')+3); return 'search/notice?q=' + searchTerms; } } /* · · · Sets the location bar in the browser to correspond with given stream · · @param stream: the stream, e.g. 'public_timeline.json' · · · · · · · · · · */ function setUrlFromStream(stream) { history.pushState({strm:stream},'','/' + convertStreamToPath(stream)); } /* · · · Get stream from location bar · · @param stream: the stream, e.g. 'public_timeline.json' · · · · · · · · · · */ function getStreamFromUrl() { var loc = window.location.href.replace('http://','').replace('https://','').replace(window.siteRootDomain,''); // default/fallback var streamToSet = 'statuses/public_timeline.json'; // main/all, i.e. full network if (loc == '/main/all') { streamToSet = 'statuses/public_and_external_timeline.json'; } // {domain}/{screen_name} or {domain}/{screen_name}/ else if ((/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(loc.substring(0, loc.length - 1).replace('/','')))) { var userToStream = loc.replace('/','').replace('/',''); if(userToStream.length>0) { streamToSet = 'statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=' + userToStream; } } // {domain}/{screen_name}/all else if ((/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(loc.replace('/','').replace('/all','')))) { var userToStream = loc.replace('/','').replace('/all',''); if(userToStream.length>0) { if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == userToStream) { streamToSet = 'statuses/friends_timeline.json'; } else { streamToSet = 'statuses/friends_timeline.json?screen_name=' + userToStream; } } } // {domain}/{screen_name}/replies else if ((/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(loc.replace('/','').replace('/replies','')))) { var userToStream = loc.replace('/','').replace('/replies',''); if(userToStream.length>0) { if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == userToStream) { streamToSet = 'statuses/mentions.json'; } else { streamToSet = 'statuses/mentions.json?screen_name=' + userToStream; } } } // {domain}/{screen_name}/notifications else if ((/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(loc.replace('/','').replace('/notifications','')))) { var userToStream = loc.replace('/','').replace('/notifications',''); if(userToStream.length>0) { if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == userToStream) { streamToSet = 'qvitter/statuses/notifications.json'; } else { // not allowed for others than logged in user window.location.replace(window.siteInstanceURL); } } } // {domain}/{screen_name}/favorites else if ((/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(loc.replace('/','').replace('/favorites','')))) { var userToStream = loc.replace('/','').replace('/favorites',''); if(userToStream.length>0) { if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == userToStream) { streamToSet = 'favorites.json'; } else { streamToSet = 'favorites.json?screen_name=' + userToStream; } } } // {domain}/{screen_name}/subscribers else if ((/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(loc.replace('/','').replace('/subscribers','')))) { var userToStream = loc.replace('/','').replace('/subscribers',''); if(userToStream.length>0) { if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == userToStream) { streamToSet = 'statuses/followers.json?count=20'; } else { streamToSet = 'statuses/followers.json?count=20&screen_name=' + userToStream; } } } // {domain}/{screen_name}/subscriptions else if ((/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(loc.replace('/','').replace('/subscriptions','')))) { var userToStream = loc.replace('/','').replace('/subscriptions',''); if(userToStream.length>0) { if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == userToStream) { streamToSet = 'statuses/friends.json?count=20'; } else { streamToSet = 'statuses/friends.json?count=20&screen_name=' + userToStream; } } } // {domain}/{screen_name}/groups else if ((/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(loc.replace('/','').replace('/groups','')))) { var userToStream = loc.replace('/','').replace('/groups',''); if(userToStream.length>0) { if(window.loggedIn.screen_name == userToStream) { streamToSet = 'statusnet/groups/list.json?count=10'; } else { streamToSet = 'statusnet/groups/list.json?count=10&screen_name=' + userToStream; } } } // {domain}/tag/{tag} else if (loc.indexOf('/tag/')>-1) { var tagToStream = loc.replace('/tag/',''); if(tagToStream.length>0) { streamToSet = 'statusnet/tags/timeline/' + tagToStream + '.json'; } } // {domain}/notice/{notide_id} else if (loc.indexOf('/notice/')>-1) { var noticeToStream = loc.replace('/notice/',''); if(noticeToStream.length>0) { streamToSet = 'statuses/show/' + noticeToStream + '.json'; } } // {domain}/group/{group}/members, {domain}/group/{group}/admins or {domain}/group/{group} else if (loc.indexOf('/group/')>-1) { if(loc.indexOf('/members')>-1) { var groupToStream = loc.replace('/group/','').replace('/members',''); if(groupToStream.length>0) { streamToSet = 'statusnet/groups/membership/' + groupToStream + '.json?count=20'; } } else if(loc.indexOf('/admins')>-1) { var groupToStream = loc.replace('/group/','').replace('/admins',''); if(groupToStream.length>0) { streamToSet = 'statusnet/groups/admins/' + groupToStream + '.json?count=20'; } } else { var groupToStream = loc.replace('/group/',''); if(groupToStream.length>0) { streamToSet = 'statusnet/groups/timeline/' + groupToStream + '.json'; } } } // {domain}/search/notice?q={urlencoded searh terms} else if (loc.indexOf('/search/notice?q=')>-1) { var searchToStream = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(loc.replace('/search/notice?q=','')); if(searchToStream.length>0) { streamToSet = 'search.json?q=' + searchToStream; } } return streamToSet; } /* · · · Expand/de-expand queet · · @param q: the stream item to expand · @param doScrolling: if we should scroll back to position or not · · · · · · · · · · */ function expand_queet(q,doScrolling) { // don't do anything if this is a queet being posted if(q.hasClass('temp-post')) { return; } // don't expand if this is a remote profile popup if(q.closest('#popup-external-profile, #popup-local-profile').length>0) { return; } doScrolling = typeof doScrolling !== 'undefined' ? doScrolling : true; var qid = q.attr('data-quitter-id'); // de-expand if expanded if(q.hasClass('expanded') && !q.hasClass('collapsing')) { var sel = getSelection().toString(); if(!sel && !q.find('.queet-button').children('button').hasClass('enabled') && !q.find('.queet-button').children('button').hasClass('too-long')) { // don't collapse if text is selected, or if queet has an active queet button, or if queet text is too long // remove some things right away q.find('.inline-reply-caret').remove(); // "unplay" gif image on collapse if there's only one attachment (switch to thumb) var gifToUnPlay = q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').children('.thumb-container.play-button').children('.attachment-thumb[data-mime-type="image/gif"]'); if(gifToUnPlay.length > 0) { gifToUnPlay.attr('src',gifToUnPlay.attr('data-thumb-url')); gifToUnPlay.parent('.thumb-container').css('background-image','url(\'' + gifToUnPlay.attr('data-thumb-url') + '\')'); } // show thumbs (if hidden) and remove any iframe video immediately q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs').removeClass('hide-thumbs'); q.children('.queet').find('iframe').remove(); q.addClass('collapsing'); if(q.hasClass('conversation')) { q.removeClass('expanded'); q.removeClass('collapsing'); q.find('.view-more-container-top').remove(); q.find('.view-more-container-bottom').remove(); q.find('.stream-item.conversation').remove(); q.find('.inline-reply-queetbox').remove(); q.find('.expanded-content').remove(); } else { rememberMyScrollPos(q.children('.queet'),qid,0); // give stream item a height q.css('height',q.height() + 'px'); q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').css('height',q.find('.expanded-content').height() + 'px'); q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').css('max-height',q.find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').height() + 'px'); q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('max-height',q.find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').height() + 'px'); q.children('div').not('.queet').children('a').css('opacity','0.5'); q.children('div').not('.queet').children().children().css('opacity','0.5'); var collapseTime = 100 + q.find('.stream-item.conversation:not(.hidden-conversation)').length*50; // set transition time (needs to be delayed, otherwise webkit animates the height-setting above) setTimeout(function() { q.children('.queet').css('-moz-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.children('.queet').css('-o-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.children('.queet').css('-webkit-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime * 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.children('.queet').css('transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('-moz-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('-o-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('-webkit-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime * 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.css('-moz-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.css('-o-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.css('-webkit-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime * 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); q.css('transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's'); // set new heights and margins to animate to var animateToHeight = q.children('.queet').outerHeight() - q.find('.inline-reply-queetbox').outerHeight() - q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').outerHeight() - Math.max(0,q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').outerHeight()-250) - 2; if(animateToHeight < 73) { // no less than this animateToHeight = 73; } q.css('height',animateToHeight + 'px'); q.children('.queet').css('margin-top', '-' + (q.children('.queet').offset().top - q.offset().top) + 'px'); q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').css('height','0'); q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('max-height','250px'); if(doScrolling) { setTimeout(function() { backToMyScrollPos(q,qid,500,function(){ cleanUpAfterCollapseQueet(q); }); }, collapseTime); } else { setTimeout(function() { cleanUpAfterCollapseQueet(q); }, collapseTime); } }, 50); } } } else if(!q.hasClass('collapsing')) { // not for acitivity or notifications if(!q.hasClass('activity') && !q.hasClass('repeat') && !q.hasClass('like') && !q.hasClass('follow')) { q.addClass('expanded'); q.prev().addClass('next-expanded'); // if shortened queet, get full text if(q.children('.queet').find('span.attachment.more').length>0) { var attachmentId = q.children('.queet').find('span.attachment.more').attr('data-attachment-id'); // get full html for queet, first try localstorage cache var cacheData = localStorageObjectCache_GET('fullQueetHtml',qid); if(cacheData) { q.children('.queet').find('.queet-text').html(cacheData); q.children('.queet').outerHTML(detectRTL(q.children('.queet').outerHTML())); } else { getFromAPI("attachment/" + attachmentId + ".json",function(data){ if(data) { localStorageObjectCache_STORE('fullQueetHtml',qid,data); q.children('.queet').find('.queet-text').html($.trim(data)); q.children('.queet').outerHTML(detectRTL(q.children('.queet').outerHTML())); } }); } } // add expanded container var longdate = parseTwitterLongDate(q.find('.created-at').attr('data-created-at')); var qurl = q.find('.created-at').find('a').attr('href'); var metadata = '' + longdate + ' · ' + unescape(q.attr('data-source')) + ' · ' + window.sL.details + ''; // show expanded content q.find('.stream-item-footer').before('
    '); // "play" gif image on expand if there's only one attachment (switch to full gif from thumb) var gifToPlay = q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').children('.thumb-container.play-button').children('.attachment-thumb[data-mime-type="image/gif"]'); if(gifToPlay.length > 0) { gifToPlay.attr('src',gifToPlay.attr('data-full-image-url')); gifToPlay.parent('.thumb-container').css('background-image','url(\'' + gifToPlay.attr('data-full-image-url') + '\')'); } // if there's only one thumb and it's a youtube video, show it inline if(q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').children('.thumb-container.play-button.youtube').length == 1) { var youtubeId = q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').children('.thumb-container.play-button.youtube').children('.attachment-thumb').attr('data-full-image-url').replace('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=','').replace('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=','').replace('http://youtu.be/','').replace('https://youtu.be/','').substr(0,11); if(q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').children('.media').children('iframe[src="//www.youtube.com/embed/' + youtubeId + '"]').length < 1) { // not if already showed // hide video thumbnail if it's the only one if(q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs').children('.thumb-container').length < 2) { q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs').addClass('hide-thumbs'); } // show video q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').prepend('
    '); } } // show certain attachments in expanded content if(q.data('attachments') != 'undefined') { $.each(q.data('attachments'), function() { var attachment_mimetype = this.mimetype; var attachment_title = this.url; // filename extension var attachment_title_extension = attachment_title.substr((~-attachment_title.lastIndexOf(".") >>> 0) + 2); // attachments in the content link to /attachment/etc url and not direct to image/video, link is in title if(typeof attachment_title != 'undefined') { // hack to make remote webm-movies load if(attachment_title_extension == 'webm') { attachment_mimetype = 'video/webm'; } // videos if($.inArray(attachment_mimetype, ['video/mp4', 'video/ogg', 'video/quicktime', 'video/webm']) >=0) { if(q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').children('.media').children('video').children('source[href="' + attachment_title + '"]').length < 1) { // not if already showed // local attachment with a thumbnail var attachment_poster = ''; if(typeof this.thumb_url != 'undefined') { attachment_poster = ' poster="' + this.thumb_url + '"'; } if(q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').children('.media').length > 0) { q.children('.queet').find('.media').last().after('
    '); } else { q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').prepend('
    '); } } } else { // other plugins, e.g. gotabulo, can check for other attachment file formats to expand window.currentlyExpanding = { "attachment_title":attachment_title, "attachment_mimetype":attachment_mimetype, "attachment_title_extension":attachment_title_extension, "streamItem":q, "thisAttachmentLink":$(this) }; $(document).trigger('qvitterExpandOtherAttachments'); } } }); } // get and show favs and repeats getFavsAndRequeetsForQueet(q, qid); // show conversation and reply form (but not if already in conversation) if(!q.hasClass('conversation')) { // show conversation (wait for css to animate the margin 50ms) setTimeout(function(){ getConversation(q, qid); },50); // show inline reply form if logged in if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') { q.children('.queet').append(replyFormHtml(q,qid)); // if we have cached text, expand the reply form and add that var queetBox = q.children('.queet').find('.queet-box'); var cachedText = decodeURIComponent(queetBox.attr('data-cached-text')); var cachedTextText = $('
    ').html(cachedText).text(); if(cachedText != 'undefined') { queetBox.click(); queetBox.html(cachedText); setSelectionRange(queetBox[0], cachedTextText.length, cachedTextText.length); queetBox.trigger('input'); } } } } } } function cleanUpAfterCollapseQueet(q) { q.css('height','auto'); q.children('.queet').css('margin-top','0'); q.removeClass('expanded'); q.prev().removeClass('next-expanded'); q.removeClass('collapsing'); q.find('.expanded-content').remove(); q.find('.view-more-container-top').remove(); q.find('.view-more-container-bottom').remove(); q.find('.inline-reply-queetbox').remove(); q.find('.stream-item.conversation').remove(); q.find('.show-full-conversation').remove(); q.removeAttr('style'); q.children('.queet').removeAttr('style'); q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').removeAttr('style'); q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('max-height',''); } /* · · · Get an inline queet box · · @return the html for the queet box · · · · · · · · · · */ function queetBoxHtml() { var startText = encodeURIComponent(window.sL.compose); return '
    ' + decodeURIComponent(startText) + '
    '; } /* · · · Get a reply form · · @param q: the stream item to open reply form in · @param qid: queet id · @return the html for the reply form · · · · · · · · · · */ function replyFormHtml(q,qid) { // if we have cached text in localstorage var data = localStorageObjectCache_GET('queetBoxInput','queet-box-' + qid); if(data) { var cachedText = encodeURIComponent(data); } // get all @:s var user_screen_name = q.children('.queet').find('.screen-name').html().substring(1); var user_screen_name_html = '@' + user_screen_name + ''; var user_screen_name_text = '@' + user_screen_name; var reply_to_screen_name = ''; var reply_to_screen_name_html = ''; var reply_to_screen_name_text = ''; if(q.attr('data-in-reply-to-screen-name').length>0 // not if not a reply && q.attr('data-in-reply-to-screen-name') != $('#user-screen-name').html() // not if it's me && q.attr('data-in-reply-to-screen-name') != user_screen_name // not same screen name twice ) { reply_to_screen_name = q.attr('data-in-reply-to-screen-name'); reply_to_screen_name_html = ' @' + reply_to_screen_name + ''; reply_to_screen_name_text = ' @' + reply_to_screen_name; } var more_reply_tos = ''; var more_reply_tos_text = ''; $.each(q.children('.queet').find('.queet-text').find('.mention'),function(key,obj){ var thisMention = $(obj).html().replace('@',''); if(thisMention != user_screen_name && thisMention != reply_to_screen_name && thisMention != $('#user-screen-name').html()) { more_reply_tos = more_reply_tos + ' @' + thisMention + ''; more_reply_tos_text = more_reply_tos_text + ' @' + thisMention; } }); var startText = window.sL.replyTo + ' ' + user_screen_name_html + reply_to_screen_name_html + more_reply_tos + ' 
    '; var repliesText = user_screen_name_text + reply_to_screen_name_text + more_reply_tos_text + ' '; startText = encodeURIComponent(startText); repliesText = encodeURIComponent(repliesText); return '
    ' + decodeURIComponent(startText) + '
    '; } /* · · · Popup for replies, deletes, etc · · @param popupId: popups id · @param heading: popops header · @param bodyHtml: popups body html · @param footerHtml: popups footer html · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function popUpAction(popupId, heading, bodyHtml, footerHtml, popUpWidth){ $('.modal-container').remove(); // remove any open popups var allFooterHtml = ''; if(footerHtml) { allFooterHtml = ''; } $('body').prepend(''); var thisPopUp = $('#' + popupId).children('.modal-draggable'); if(typeof popUpWidth != 'undefined') { thisPopUp.width(popUpWidth); } centerPopUp(thisPopUp); } function centerPopUp(thisPopUp) { thisPopUp.css('margin-top',''); thisPopUp.css('margin-left',''); var this_modal_height = thisPopUp.height(); var this_modal_width = thisPopUp.width(); var popupPos = thisPopUp.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop(); if((popupPos-(this_modal_height/2))<5) { var marginTop = 5-popupPos; } else { var marginTop = 0-this_modal_height/2; } thisPopUp.css('margin-top', marginTop + 'px'); thisPopUp.css('margin-left', '-' + (this_modal_width/2) + 'px'); thisPopUp.draggable({ handle: ".modal-header" }); } /* · · · Get and show conversation · · This function has grown into a monster, needs fixing · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function getConversation(q, qid) { // check if we have a conversation for this notice cached in localstorage var cacheData = localStorageObjectCache_GET('conversation',q.attr('data-conversation-id')); if(cacheData) { showConversation(q, qid, cacheData); } // always get most recent conversation from server getFromAPI('statusnet/conversation/' + q.attr('data-conversation-id') + '.json?count=100', function(data){ if(data) { // cache in localstorage localStorageObjectCache_STORE('conversation',q.attr('data-conversation-id'), data); showConversation(q, qid,data); }}); } function showConversation(q, qid, data) { rememberMyScrollPos(q.children('.queet'),qid,0); if(data && !q.hasClass('collapsing')){ if(data.length>1) { var before_or_after = 'before'; $.each(data.reverse(), function (key,obj) { // switch to append after original queet if(obj.id == qid) { before_or_after = 'after'; } // don't add clicked queet to DOM, but all else // note: first we add the full conversation, but hidden if(obj.id != qid) { var queetTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.created_at); if(obj.source == 'activity') { var queetHtml = '
    ' + $.trim(obj.statusnet_html) + '
    '; // detect rtl queetHtml = detectRTL(queetHtml); } else { var queetHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj, obj.id, 'conversation hidden-conversation', false, true); } if(q.hasClass('expanded')) { // add queet to conversation only if still expanded // replace already existing queets' html if(q.children('#conversation-stream-item-' + obj.id).length > 0) { var streamItemInnerHtml = $('
    ').append(queetHtml).find('.stream-item').html(); q.children('#conversation-stream-item-' + obj.id).html(streamItemInnerHtml); } else if(before_or_after == 'before') { q.children('.queet').before(queetHtml); } else { if(q.children('.queet').nextAll('.conversation').length < 1) { q.children('.queet').after(queetHtml); } else { q.children('.queet').nextAll('.conversation').last().after(queetHtml); } } } } convertAttachmentMoreHref(); }); } else { remove_spinner(); } // loop trough this stream items conversation and show the "strict" line of replies findInReplyToStatusAndShow(q,qid,q.attr('data-in-reply-to-status-id'),true,false); backToMyScrollPos(q.children('.queet'),qid,false); findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation(q); } else { remove_spinner(); } } /* · · · Add last visible class, since that's not possible to select in pure css · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation(streamItem) { streamItem.children().removeClass('last-visible'); streamItem.children().removeClass('first-visible-after-parent'); streamItem.children().not('.hidden-conversation').last().addClass('last-visible'); streamItem.children('.queet').nextAll().not('.hidden-conversation').first().addClass('first-visible-after-parent'); } /* · · · Recursive walker functions to view onlt reyplies to replies, not full conversation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function findInReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,reply,only_first,onlyINreplyto) { var reply_found = $('#stream-item-' + qid).find('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + reply + '"]'); var reply_found_reply_to = $('#stream-item-' + qid).find('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + reply_found.attr('data-in-reply-to-status-id') + '"]'); if(reply_found.length>0) { reply_found.removeClass('hidden-conversation'); reply_found.css('opacity','1'); if(only_first && reply_found_reply_to.length>0) { if(q.children('.view-more-container-top').length < 1) { if(q.children('.queet').prevAll('.hidden-conversation').length>0) { q.prepend(''); } } findReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,qid,true); } else { findInReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,reply_found.attr('data-in-reply-to-status-id'),false,onlyINreplyto); } } else if(!onlyINreplyto) { findReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,qid,true); } else { checkForHiddenConversationQueets(q, qid); } } // recursive function to find the replies to a status function findReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,this_id,only_first) { var replies_found = q.find('.stream-item[data-in-reply-to-status-id="' + this_id + '"]'); $.each(replies_found, function(k,reply_found){ var reply_founds_reply = q.find('.stream-item[data-in-reply-to-status-id="' + $(reply_found).attr('data-quitter-id') + '"]'); $(reply_found).removeClass('hidden-conversation'); $(reply_found).css('opacity','1'); if(!only_first) { findReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,$(this).attr('data-quitter-id'),false); } if(only_first && reply_founds_reply.length>0) { if(q.children('.view-more-container-bottom').length < 1) { if(q.children('.queet').nextAll('.hidden-conversation').length>0) { q.append(''); } } } }); checkForHiddenConversationQueets(q, qid); } // helper function for the above recursive functions function checkForHiddenConversationQueets(q, qid) { // here we check if there are any remaining hidden queets in conversation, if there are, we put a "show full conversation"-link if(q.find('.hidden-conversation').length>0) { if(q.children('.queet').find('.show-full-conversation').length == 0) { q.children('.queet').find('.stream-item-footer').append('' + window.sL.expandFullConversation + ''); // if this is a single notice, we show conversation if(window.currentStream.substring(0,14) == 'statuses/show/') { q.children('.queet').find('.show-full-conversation').trigger('click'); } } } else { q.children('.queet').find('.show-full-conversation').remove(); } } /* · · · Build stream items and add them to feed · · Also a function that has grown out of control... Needs total makeover · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function addToFeed(feed, after, extraClasses, isReply) { // some streams, e.g. /statuses/show/1234.json is not enclosed in an array, make sure it is if(!$.isArray(feed)) { feed = [feed]; } $.each(feed.reverse(), function (key,obj) { var extraClassesThisRun = extraClasses; // is this a temp-post-placeholder? var isTempPost = false; if(after) { if(after.indexOf('stream-item-temp-post') > -1) { isTempPost = true; } } // if this is the notifications feed, but not if it is a reply if(window.currentStream.substring(0,35) == 'qvitter/statuses/notifications.json' && !isReply) { // don't show any notices with object_type "activity" if(typeof obj.notice != 'undefined' && obj.notice !== null && obj.notice.is_activity === true) { return true; } // only if this notification isn't already in stream if($('#feed-body > .stream-item[data-quitter-id-in-stream="' + obj.id + '"]').length == 0) { obj.from_profile.description = obj.from_profile.description || ''; var notificationTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.created_at); if(obj.is_seen == '0') { extraClassesThisRun = extraClassesThisRun + ' not-seen' } // external var ostatusHtml = ''; if(obj.from_profile.is_local === false) { ostatusHtml = ''; } if(obj.ntype == 'like') { var noticeTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.notice.created_at); var notificationHtml = ''; } else if(obj.ntype == 'repeat') { var noticeTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.notice.created_at); var notificationHtml = '
    ' + ostatusHtml + '
    ' + window.sL.xRepeatedYourQueet + '' + notificationTime + '
    ' + noticeTime + ': ' + $.trim(obj.notice.statusnet_html) + '
    '; } else if(obj.ntype == 'mention') { var notificationHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj.notice, obj.id, extraClassesThisRun + ' notification mention'); } else if(obj.ntype == 'reply') { var notificationHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj.notice, obj.id, extraClassesThisRun + ' notification reply'); } else if(obj.ntype == 'follow') { var notificationHtml = ''; } if(after) { $('#' + after).after(notificationHtml); } else { $('#feed-body').prepend(notificationHtml); } // add not seen notification circle $.each($('.notification.not-seen .queet'),function(){ if($(this).children('.not-seen').length<1) { $(this).prepend('
    '); } }); } } // if this is a user feed else if((window.currentStream.substring(0,21) == 'statuses/friends.json' || window.currentStream.substring(0,18) == 'statuses/followers' || window.currentStream.substring(0,28) == 'statusnet/groups/membership/' || window.currentStream.substring(0,24) == 'statusnet/groups/admins/') && isTempPost === false // not if we're posting queet ) { // only if not user is already in stream if($('#stream-item-' + obj.id).length == 0) { obj.description = obj.description || ''; // external var ostatusHtml = ''; if(obj.is_local === false) { ostatusHtml = ''; } // rtl or not var rtlOrNot = ''; if($('body').hasClass('rtl')) { rtlOrNot = 'rtl'; } // show user actions var followingClass = ''; if(obj.following) { followingClass = 'following'; } var followButton = ''; if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined' // if logged in && window.myUserID != obj.id) { // not if this is me if(!(obj.statusnet_profile_url.indexOf('/twitter.com/')>-1 && obj.following === false)) { // only unfollow twitter users var followButton = ''; } } var userHtml = '
    ' + followButton + '
    ' + obj.description + '
    '; if(after) { $('#' + after).after(userHtml); } else { $('#feed-body').prepend(userHtml); } } } // if this is a list of groups else if(window.currentStream.substring(0,26) == 'statusnet/groups/list.json' && isTempPost === false // not if we're posting queet ) { // only if not group is already in stream if($('#stream-item-' + obj.id).length == 0) { obj.description = obj.description || ''; obj.stream_logo = obj.stream_logo || window.fullUrlToThisQvitterApp + 'img/default-avatar-profile.png'; // rtl or not var rtlOrNot = ''; if($('body').hasClass('rtl')) { rtlOrNot = 'rtl'; } // show group actions if logged in var memberClass = ''; if(obj.member) { memberClass = 'member'; } var memberButton = ''; if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') { console.log(obj); var memberButton = ''; } var groupAvatar = obj.stream_logo; if(obj.homepage_logo != null) { groupAvatar = obj.homepage_logo; } var groupHtml = '
    ' + memberButton + '
    '; if(after) { $('#' + after).after(groupHtml); } else { $('#feed-body').prepend(groupHtml); } } } // if this is a retweet else if(typeof obj.retweeted_status != 'undefined') { // don't show any notices with object_type "activity" if(typeof obj.retweeted_status.is_activity != 'undefined' && obj.retweeted_status.is_activity === true) { return true; } // retweeted object already exist in feed if($('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id).length > 0) { // only if not already shown and not mine if($('#requeet-' + obj.id).length == 0 && obj.user.statusnet_profile_url != $('#user-profile-link').children('a').attr('href')) { // if requeeted before if($('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id + ' > .context').find('.requeet-text').length > 0) { // if users rt not already added if($('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id + ' > .context').find('.requeet-text').find('a[data-user-id="' + obj.user.id + '"]').length==0) { $('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id + ' > .context').find('.requeet-text').children('a').last().after(' ' + obj.user.name + ''); } } // if no context requeets else { var requeetHtml = ' ' + obj.user.name + ''; $('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id).prepend('
    ' + window.sL.requeetedBy.replace('{requeeted-by}',requeetHtml) + '
    '); } } } // retweeted object don't exist in feed else { var queetHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj.retweeted_status, obj.id, extraClassesThisRun, obj); if(after) { $('#' + after).after(queetHtml); } else { $('#feed-body').prepend(queetHtml); } } } // ordinary tweet else { // if this is a special qvitter-delete-notice activity notice it means we try to hide // the deleted notice from our stream // the uri is in the obj.text var, between the double curly brackets if(typeof obj.qvitter_delete_notice != 'undefined' && obj.qvitter_delete_notice == true) { var uriToHide = obj.text.substring(obj.text.indexOf('{{')+2,obj.text.indexOf('}}')); var streamItemToHide = $('.stream-item[data-uri="' + uriToHide + '"]'); streamItemToHide.animate({opacity:'0.2'},1000,'linear',function(){ $(this).css('height',$(this).height() + 'px'); $(this).animate({height:'0px'},500,'linear',function(){ $(this).remove(); }); }); } // only if not already exist if($('#q-' + obj.id).length == 0) { // activity get special design if(obj.source == 'activity' || obj.is_activity === true) { var queetTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.created_at); var queetHtml = '
    ' + $.trim(obj.statusnet_html) + '
    '; // detect rtl queetHtml = detectRTL(queetHtml); if(after) { $('#' + after).after(queetHtml); } else { $('#feed-body').prepend(queetHtml); } } else { // if this is my queet, remove any temp-queets if(typeof obj.user != 'undefined') { if(obj.user.screen_name == $('#user-screen-name').html()) { if($('.temp-post').length > 0) { $('.temp-post').each(function (){ // remove temp duplicate $(this).css('display','none'); // we do this so this queet gets added after correct temp-queet in expanded conversations if($(this).find('.queet-text').text() == obj.text) { after = $(this).attr('id'); } // but don't hide my new queet extraClassesThisRun = 'visible'; }); } } } var queetHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj, obj.id, extraClassesThisRun); if(after) { if($('#' + after).hasClass('conversation')) { // if this is a reply, give stream item some conversation formatting if($('#conversation-q-' + obj.id).length == 0) { // only if it's not already there $('#' + after).after(queetHtml.replace('id="stream-item','id="conversation-stream-item').replace('class="stream-item','class="stream-item conversation').replace('id="q','id="conversation-q')); $('#' + after).remove(); } } else { $('#' + after).after(queetHtml); } } else { $('#feed-body').prepend(queetHtml); // if this is a single notice, we expand it if(window.currentStream.substring(0,14) == 'statuses/show/') { expand_queet($('#stream-item-' + obj.id)); } } // fadeout any posting-popups setTimeout(function(){ $('#popup-sending').fadeOut(1000, function(){ $('#popup-sending').remove(); }); },100); } } } convertAttachmentMoreHref(); }); $('.stream-selection').removeAttr('data-current-user-stream-name'); // don't remeber user feeds } /* · · · Build HTML for a queet from an object · · @param obj: a queet object · @param requeeted_by: if this is a requeet · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function buildQueetHtml(obj, idInStream, extraClassesThisRun, requeeted_by, isConversation) { // if we have the full html for a truncated notice cached in localstorage, we use that var cacheData = localStorageObjectCache_GET('fullQueetHtml',obj.id); if(cacheData) { obj.statusnet_html = cacheData; } // we don't want to print 'null' in in_reply_to_screen_name-attribute, someone might have that username! var in_reply_to_screen_name = ''; if(obj.in_reply_to_screen_name != null) { in_reply_to_screen_name = obj.in_reply_to_screen_name; } // conversations has some slightly different id's var idPrepend = ''; if(typeof isConversation != 'undefined' && isConversation === true) { var idPrepend = 'conversation-'; } // is this mine? var isThisMine = 'not-mine'; if(obj.user.id == window.myUserID) { var isThisMine = 'is-mine'; } // requeeted by me? var requeetedByMe = ''; if(obj.repeated_id) { requeetedByMe = ' data-requeeted-by-me-id="' + obj.repeated_id + '" '; } // requeet html var requeetedClass = ''; if(obj.repeated) { var requeetHtml = '
  • '; var requeetedClass = 'requeeted'; } else { var requeetHtml = '
  • '; } // favorite html var favoritedClass = ''; if(obj.favorited) { var favoriteHtml = ''; favoritedClass = 'favorited'; } else { var favoriteHtml = ''; } // actions only for logged in users var queetActions = ''; if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') { queetActions = '
    • ' + requeetHtml + '
    • ' + obj.repeat_num + '
    • ' + favoriteHtml + '
    • ' + obj.fave_num + '
    '; } // reply-to html var reply_to_html = ''; if(obj.in_reply_to_screen_name !== null && obj.in_reply_to_profileurl !== null && obj.in_reply_to_screen_name != obj.user.screen_name) { reply_to_html = '@' + obj.in_reply_to_screen_name + ' '; } // in-groups html var in_groups_html = ''; if(typeof obj.statusnet_in_groups != 'undefined' && obj.statusnet_in_groups !== false && typeof obj.statusnet_in_groups === 'object') { $.each(obj.statusnet_in_groups,function(){ in_groups_html = '!' + obj.statusnet_in_groups.nickname + ''; }); } // image attachment thumbnails var attachment_html = ''; var attachmentNum = 0; if(typeof obj.attachments != "undefined") { $.each(obj.attachments, function(){ if(this.id != null) { // if there's an id we assume this is a image or video var bigThumbW = 1000; var bigThumbH = 3000; if(bigThumbW > window.siteMaxThumbnailSize) { bigThumbW = window.siteMaxThumbnailSize; } if(bigThumbH > window.siteMaxThumbnailSize) { bigThumbH = window.siteMaxThumbnailSize; } // very long landscape images should not have background-size:cover var noCoverClass=''; if(this.width/this.height > 2) { noCoverClass=' no-cover'; } // play button for videos and animated gifs var playButtonClass = ''; if(this.url.indexOf('://www.youtube.com') > -1 || (typeof this.animated != 'undefined' && this.animated === true)) { var playButtonClass = ' play-button'; } // youtube class var youTubeClass = ''; if(this.url.indexOf('://www.youtube.com') > -1) { youTubeClass = ' youtube'; } // animated gifs always get default small non-animated thumbnail if(this.animated === true && typeof this.thumb_url != 'undefined') { var img_url = this.thumb_url; } // if no dimensions are set, go with default thumb else if(this.width === null && this.height === null && typeof this.thumb_url != 'undefined') { var img_url = this.thumb_url; } // large images get large thumbnail else if(this.width > 1000) { var img_url = window.siteAttachmentURLBase + this.id + '/thumbnail?w=' + bigThumbW + '&h=' + bigThumbH; } // no thumbnails for small images else { var img_url = this.url; } attachment_html = attachment_html + ''; attachmentNum++; } else if (this.mimetype == 'image/svg+xml') { attachment_html = attachment_html + ''; attachmentNum++; } }); } // requeets var requeetHtml = ''; if(typeof requeeted_by != 'undefined' && requeeted_by !== false) { var requeetedByHtml = ' ' + requeeted_by.user.name + ''; requeetHtml = '
    ' + window.sL.requeetedBy.replace('{requeeted-by}',requeetedByHtml) + '
    '; } // external var ostatusHtml = ''; if(obj.is_local === false) { ostatusHtml = ''; } var queetTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.created_at); var queetHtml = '
    \ ' + requeetHtml + '\ ' + ostatusHtml + '\
    \ \
    ' + $.trim(obj.statusnet_html) + '
    ' + attachment_html + '
    \ \
    '; // detect rtl queetHtml = detectRTL(queetHtml); return queetHtml; }