/* · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Q V I T T E R · · · · http://github.com/hannesmannerheim/qvitter · · · · · · \\\\_\ · · \\) \____) · · · · · · · · Qvitter is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify it · · under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by · · the Free Software Foundation, either version three of the License or (at · · your option) any later version. · · · · Qvitter is distributed in hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY · · WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILTY or FITNESS · · FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for · · more details. · · · · You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License · · along with Qvitter. If not, see . · · · · Contact h@nnesmannerhe.im if you have any questions. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ // langages object window.l = new Object(); // spanish window.l.es = new Object(); window.l.es.languageName = 'Español'; window.l.es.loginUsername = 'Nombre de usuario o correo electrónico'; window.l.es.loginPassword = 'Contraseña'; window.l.es.loginSignIn = 'Iniciar sesión'; window.l.es.loginRememberMe = 'Recordar mis datos'; window.l.es.loginForgotPassword = '¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?'; window.l.es.notices = 'Queets'; window.l.es.followers = 'Seguidores'; window.l.es.following = 'Siguiendo'; window.l.es.groups = 'Grupos'; window.l.es.compose = 'Publicar un nuevo Queet...'; window.l.es.queetVerb = 'Quittear'; window.l.es.queetsNounPlural = 'Queets'; window.l.es.logout = 'Cerrar sesión'; window.l.es.languageSelected = 'Idioma:'; window.l.es.viewMyProfilePage = 'Ver mi página de perfil'; window.l.es.expand = 'Abrir'; window.l.es.collapse = 'Reducir'; window.l.es.details = 'Detalles'; window.l.es.expandFullConversation = 'Ver la conversación entera'; window.l.es.replyVerb = 'Responder'; window.l.es.requeetVerb = 'Requittear'; window.l.es.favoriteVerb = 'Favorito'; window.l.es.requeetedVerb = 'Requitteado'; window.l.es.favoritedVerb = 'Favorito'; window.l.es.replyTo = 'Responder a'; window.l.es.requeetedBy = 'Requitteado por'; window.l.es.favoriteNoun = 'Favorito'; window.l.es.favoritesNoun = 'Favoritos'; window.l.es.requeetNoun = 'Requeet'; window.l.es.requeetsNoun = 'Requeets'; window.l.es.newQueet = 'nuevo Queet'; window.l.es.newQueets = 'nuevos Queets'; window.l.es.longmonthsJanuary = "enero"; window.l.es.longmonthsFebruary = "febrero"; window.l.es.longmonthsMars = "marzo"; window.l.es.longmonthsApril = "abril"; window.l.es.longmonthsMay = "mayo"; window.l.es.longmonthsJune = "junio"; window.l.es.longmonthsJuly = "julio"; window.l.es.longmonthsAugust = "agosto"; window.l.es.longmonthsSeptember = "septiembre"; window.l.es.longmonthsOctober = "octubre"; window.l.es.longmonthsNovember = "noviembre"; window.l.es.longmonthsDecember = "diciembre"; window.l.es.shortmonthsJanuary = "enero"; window.l.es.shortmonthsFebruary = "feb"; window.l.es.shortmonthsMars = "marzo"; window.l.es.shortmonthsApril = "abr"; window.l.es.shortmonthsMay = "mayo"; window.l.es.shortmonthsJune = "jun"; window.l.es.shortmonthsJuly = "jul"; window.l.es.shortmonthsAugust = "agosto"; window.l.es.shortmonthsSeptember = "sept"; window.l.es.shortmonthsOctober = "oct"; window.l.es.shortmonthsNovember = "nov"; window.l.es.shortmonthsDecember = "dic"; window.l.es.time12am = '{time} AM'; window.l.es.time12pm = '{time} PM'; window.l.es.longDateFormat = '{time24} - {day} {month} {year}'; window.l.es.shortDateFormatSeconds = '{seconds}s'; window.l.es.shortDateFormatMinutes = '{minutes}min'; window.l.es.shortDateFormatHours = '{hours}h'; window.l.es.shortDateFormatDate = '{day} {month}'; window.l.es.shortDateFormatDateAndY = '{day} {month} {year}'; window.l.es.now = 'ahorita'; window.l.es.posting = 'enviando'; window.l.es.viewMoreInConvBefore = '← Ver más en la conversación'; window.l.es.viewMoreInConvAfter = 'Ver más en la conversación →'; window.l.es.mentions = 'Menciones'; window.l.es.timeline = 'Línea temporal'; window.l.es.publicTimeline = 'Línea temporal pública'; window.l.es.searchVerb = 'Buscar'; window.l.es.deleteVerb = 'Eliminar'; window.l.es.cancelVerb = 'Cancelar'; window.l.es.deleteConfirmation = '¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este queet?'; window.l.es.userExternalFollow = 'Seguir'; window.l.es.userExternalFollowHelp = 'Identificador de su cuenta (por ejemplo user@quitter.se).'; window.l.es.userFollow = 'Seguir'; window.l.es.userFollowing = 'Siguiendo'; window.l.es.userUnfollow = 'Dejar de seguir'; window.l.es.joinGroup = 'Unirse al grupo'; window.l.es.isMemberOfGroup = 'Abandonar grupo'; window.l.es.leaveGroup = 'Abandonar grupo'; window.l.es.memberCount = 'Miembros'; window.l.es.adminCount = 'Administradores'; window.l.es.settings = 'Configuración'; window.l.es.saveChanges = 'Guardar cambios'; window.l.es.linkColor = 'Color del enlace'; window.l.es.backgroundColor = 'Color de fondo'; window.l.es.newToQuitter = '¿Eres nuevo en Quitter?'; window.l.es.signUp = 'Regístrate'; window.l.es.signUpFullName = 'Nombre completo'; window.l.es.signUpEmail = 'Correo electrónico'; window.l.es.signUpButtonText = 'Regístrate en Quitter'; window.l.es.welcomeHeading = 'Bienvenido a Quitter.'; window.l.es.welcomeText = 'Somos una
« Federación » significa que usted no debe tener una cuenta de Quitter para seguir su usuarios, estar seguido por o communicar con ellos. ¡Puede registrar con cualquier servidor StatusNet o GNU Social, o cualquier servicio utilizando el protocolo OStatus! También no debe registrarse en cualquier servicio para postear; puede simplemente instalar el software GNU Social en su servidor propio. (:
de microblogueros que, como usted, están motivados por la ética y solidaridad, y quieren abandonar los servicios centralizados capitalistas. Estamos aquí desde 2010 y los servicios siempre van a ser sin ánimo de lucro.'; window.l.es.registerNickname = 'Nombre de usuario'; window.l.es.registerHomepage = 'Sitio web'; window.l.es.registerBio = 'Biografía'; window.l.es.registerLocation = 'Ubicación'; window.l.es.registerRepeatPassword = 'Verificar contraseña'; window.l.es.moreSettings = 'Más configuraciones'; window.l.es.otherServers = 'De manera alternativa, puedes crear una cuenta en otro servidor de la red GNUsocial. Comparativa'; // french window.l.fr = new Object(); window.l.fr.languageName = 'français'; window.l.fr.loginUsername = 'Nom d\'utilisateur ou email'; window.l.fr.loginPassword = 'Mot de passe'; window.l.fr.loginSignIn = 'Se connecter'; window.l.fr.loginRememberMe = 'Se souvenir de moi'; window.l.fr.loginForgotPassword = 'Mot de passe oublié ?'; window.l.fr.notices = 'Queets'; window.l.fr.followers = 'Abonnés'; window.l.fr.following = 'Abonnements'; window.l.fr.groups = 'Groupes'; window.l.fr.compose = 'Écrire un nouveau Queet...'; window.l.fr.queetVerb = 'Queeter'; window.l.fr.queetsNounPlural = 'Queets'; window.l.fr.logout = 'Déconnexion'; window.l.fr.languageSelected = 'Langue :'; window.l.fr.viewMyProfilePage = 'Voir ma page de profil'; window.l.fr.expand = 'Ouvrir'; window.l.fr.collapse = 'Réduire'; window.l.fr.details = 'Détails'; window.l.fr.expandFullConversation = 'montrer la totalité de la conversation'; window.l.fr.replyVerb = 'Répondre'; window.l.fr.requeetVerb = 'Requeeter'; window.l.fr.favoriteVerb = 'Favori'; window.l.fr.requeetedVerb = 'Requeeté'; window.l.fr.favoritedVerb = 'Ajouté aux favoris'; window.l.fr.replyTo = 'Répondre à'; window.l.fr.requeetedBy = 'Requeeté par'; window.l.fr.favoriteNoun = 'Favori'; window.l.fr.favoritesNoun = 'Favoris'; window.l.fr.requeetNoun = 'Requeet'; window.l.fr.requeetsNoun = 'Requeets'; window.l.fr.newQueet = 'nouveau Queet'; window.l.fr.newQueets = 'nouveaux Queets'; window.l.fr.longmonthsJanuary = "janvier"; window.l.fr.longmonthsFebruary = "février"; window.l.fr.longmonthsMars = "mars"; window.l.fr.longmonthsApril = "avril"; window.l.fr.longmonthsMay = "mai"; window.l.fr.longmonthsJune = "juin"; window.l.fr.longmonthsJuly = "juillet"; window.l.fr.longmonthsAugust = "août"; window.l.fr.longmonthsSeptember = "septembre"; window.l.fr.longmonthsOctober = "octobre"; window.l.fr.longmonthsNovember = "novembre"; window.l.fr.longmonthsDecember = "décembre"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsJanuary = "janv"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsFebruary = "févr"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsMars = "mars"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsApril = "avril"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsMay = "mai"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsJune = "juin"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsJuly = "juil"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsAugust = "août"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsSeptember = "sept"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsOctober = "oct"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsNovember = "nov"; window.l.fr.shortmonthsDecember = "déc"; window.l.fr.time12am = '{time} AM'; window.l.fr.time12pm = '{time} PM'; window.l.fr.longDateFormat = '{hours} h {minutes} - {day} {month} {year}'; window.l.fr.shortDateFormatSeconds = '{seconds} s'; window.l.fr.shortDateFormatMinutes = '{minutes} min'; window.l.fr.shortDateFormatHours = '{hours} h'; window.l.fr.shortDateFormatDate = '{day} {month}'; window.l.fr.shortDateFormatDateAndY = '{day} {month} {year}'; window.l.fr.now = 'en ce moment'; window.l.fr.posting = 'envoie'; window.l.fr.viewMoreInConvBefore = '← Voir davantage dans la conversation'; window.l.fr.viewMoreInConvAfter = 'Voir davantage dans la conversation →'; window.l.fr.mentions = 'Mentions'; window.l.fr.timeline = 'Queets'; window.l.fr.publicTimeline = 'Tous les queets'; window.l.fr.searchVerb = 'Rechercher'; window.l.fr.deleteVerb = 'Supprimer'; window.l.fr.cancelVerb = 'Annuler'; window.l.fr.deleteConfirmation = 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce queet ?'; window.l.fr.userExternalFollowHelp = 'Votre identifiant (utilisateur@quitter.se, par exemple).'; window.l.fr.userExternalFollow = 'Suivre'; window.l.fr.userFollow = 'Suivre'; window.l.fr.userFollowing = 'Abonné'; window.l.fr.userUnfollow = 'Se désabonner'; window.l.fr.joinGroup = 'Rejoindre ce groupe'; window.l.fr.isMemberOfGroup = 'Quitter le groupe'; window.l.fr.leaveGroup = 'Quitter le groupe'; window.l.fr.memberCount = 'Membres'; window.l.fr.adminCount = 'Administrateurs'; window.l.fr.settings = 'Paramètres'; window.l.fr.saveChanges = 'Sauvegarder les modifications'; window.l.fr.linkColor = 'Couleur des liens'; window.l.fr.backgroundColor = 'Couleur de l\'arrière-plan'; window.l.fr.newToQuitter = 'Nouveau sur Quitter ?'; window.l.fr.signUp = 'Inscrivez-vous'; window.l.fr.signUpFullName = 'Nom complet'; window.l.fr.signUpEmail = 'Email'; window.l.fr.signUpButtonText = 'S\'inscrire sur Quitter'; window.l.fr.welcomeHeading = 'Bienvenue sur Quitter.'; window.l.fr.welcomeText = 'Nous sommes une
La « fédération » signifie que vous n\'êtes pas obligé d\'avoir un compte Quitter pour pouvoir suivre ses utilisateurs, être suivis par eux ou interagir avec eux. Vous pouvez vous enregistrer sur n\'importe quel serveur StatusNet ou GNU Social, ou n\'importe quel service utilisant le protocole OStatus ! Vous n\'êtes pas même obligés de vous inscrire où que ce soit, puisque vous pouvez aussi installer le programme GNU Social sur votre propre serveur ! :)
de microbloggers qui, comme vous, a le souci de l\'éthique, de la solidarité, et de s\'extraire des services centralisés capitalistes. Nous sommes en ligne depuis 2010 et resterons toujours sans but lucratif.'; window.l.fr.registerNickname = 'Nom d\'utilisateur'; window.l.fr.registerHomepage = 'Site Web'; window.l.fr.registerBio = 'Biographie'; window.l.fr.registerLocation = 'Localisation'; window.l.fr.registerRepeatPassword = 'Vérifiez votre mot de passe'; window.l.fr.moreSettings = 'Plus de paramètres'; window.l.fr.otherServers = ''; // deutsch window.l.de = new Object(); window.l.de.languageName = 'Deutsch'; window.l.de.loginUsername = 'Benutzername oder E-Mail'; window.l.de.loginPassword = 'Passwort'; window.l.de.loginSignIn = 'Anmelden'; window.l.de.loginRememberMe = 'Angemeldet bleiben'; window.l.de.loginForgotPassword = 'Passwort vergessen?'; window.l.de.notices = 'Queets'; window.l.de.followers = 'Follower'; window.l.de.following = 'Folgt'; window.l.de.groups = 'Gruppen'; window.l.de.compose = 'Verfasse einen neuen Queet...'; window.l.de.queetVerb = 'Quittern'; window.l.de.queetsNounPlural = 'Queets'; window.l.de.logout = 'Abmelden'; window.l.de.languageSelected = 'Sprache:'; window.l.de.viewMyProfilePage = 'Mein Profil ansehen'; window.l.de.expand = 'Öffnen'; window.l.de.collapse = 'Schließen'; window.l.de.details = 'Details'; window.l.de.expandFullConversation = 'Vollständiges Gespräch'; window.l.de.replyVerb = 'Antworten'; window.l.de.requeetVerb = 'Requeeten'; window.l.de.favoriteVerb = 'Favorisieren'; window.l.de.requeetedVerb = 'Requeetet'; window.l.de.favoritedVerb = 'Favorisiert'; window.l.de.replyTo = 'Antwort an'; window.l.de.requeetedBy = 'Requeetet von'; window.l.de.favoriteNoun = 'Favorisieren'; window.l.de.favoritesNoun = 'Favoriten'; window.l.de.requeetNoun = 'Requeet'; window.l.de.requeetsNoun = 'Requeets'; window.l.de.newQueet = 'neuer Queet'; window.l.de.newQueets = 'neue Queets'; window.l.de.longmonthsJanuary = "Januar"; window.l.de.longmonthsFebruary = "Februar"; window.l.de.longmonthsMars = "März"; window.l.de.longmonthsApril = "April"; window.l.de.longmonthsMay = "Mai"; window.l.de.longmonthsJune = "Juni"; window.l.de.longmonthsJuly = "Juli"; window.l.de.longmonthsAugust = "August"; window.l.de.longmonthsSeptember = "September"; window.l.de.longmonthsOctober = "Oktober"; window.l.de.longmonthsNovember = "November"; window.l.de.longmonthsDecember = "Dezember"; window.l.de.shortmonthsJanuary = "Jan"; window.l.de.shortmonthsFebruary = "Feb"; window.l.de.shortmonthsMars = "Mär"; window.l.de.shortmonthsApril = "Apr"; window.l.de.shortmonthsMay = "Mai"; window.l.de.shortmonthsJune = "Jun"; window.l.de.shortmonthsJuly = "Jul"; window.l.de.shortmonthsAugust = "Aug"; window.l.de.shortmonthsSeptember = "Sep"; window.l.de.shortmonthsOctober = "Okt"; window.l.de.shortmonthsNovember = "Nov"; window.l.de.shortmonthsDecember = "Dez"; window.l.de.time12am = '{time} AM'; window.l.de.time12pm = '{time} PM'; window.l.de.longDateFormat = '{time24} - {day} {month} {year}'; window.l.de.shortDateFormatSeconds = '{seconds}s'; window.l.de.shortDateFormatMinutes = '{minutes}m'; window.l.de.shortDateFormatHours = '{hours}h'; window.l.de.shortDateFormatDate = '{day}{month}'; window.l.de.shortDateFormatDateAndY = '{day}{month} {year}'; window.l.de.now = 'jetzt'; window.l.de.posting = 'Entsendung'; window.l.de.viewMoreInConvBefore = '← Mehr im Gespräch anzeigen'; window.l.de.viewMoreInConvAfter = 'Mehr im Gespräch anzeigen →'; window.l.de.mentions = 'Erwähnungen'; window.l.de.timeline = 'Timeline'; window.l.de.publicTimeline = 'Öffentliche Timeline'; window.l.de.searchVerb = 'Suche'; window.l.de.deleteVerb = 'Löschen'; window.l.de.cancelVerb = 'Abbrechen'; window.l.de.deleteConfirmation = 'Bist Du sicher, dass Du diesen Queet löschen möchtest?'; window.l.de.userExternalFollow = 'Folgen'; window.l.de.userExternalFollowHelp = 'Deine Konto-ID (z.B. user@quitter.se).'; window.l.de.userFollow = 'Folgen'; window.l.de.userFollowing = 'Folge ich'; window.l.de.userUnfollow = 'Entfolgen'; window.l.de.joinGroup = 'Der Gruppe beitreten'; window.l.de.isMemberOfGroup = 'Gruppe verlassen'; window.l.de.leaveGroup = 'Gruppe verlassen'; window.l.de.memberCount = 'Mitglieder'; window.l.de.adminCount = 'Administratoren'; window.l.de.settings = 'Einstellungen'; window.l.de.saveChanges = 'Änderungen speichern'; window.l.de.linkColor = 'Linkfarbe'; window.l.de.backgroundColor = 'Hintergrundfarbe'; window.l.de.newToQuitter = 'Neu bei Quitter?'; window.l.de.signUp = 'Registriere Dich!'; window.l.de.signUpFullName = 'Vollständiger Name'; window.l.de.signUpEmail = 'E-Mail'; window.l.de.signUpButtonText = 'Registriere Dich bei Quitter!'; window.l.de.welcomeHeading = 'Willkommen bei Quitter!'; window.l.de.welcomeText = 'Wir sind eine Community von Microbloggern, verteilt über einen weltweiten \
"Verbund" bedeutet, \ dass du nicht selbst einen Quitter-Account brauchst, um mit Quitter-Nutzern zu \ kommunizieren, ihnen zu folgen oder Follower bei Quitter zu haben. Du kannst dich \ genauso gut bei einem der anderen \ GNU-Social-Server registrieren oder einem anderen Dienst, der das \ OStatus-Protokoll \ unterstützt. Du kannst sogar ganz ohne Anmeldung teilnehmen, wenn du dir GNU Social \ auf deinem eigenen Server installierst.
unabhängiger \ GNU-Social-Server, auch bekannt als StatusNet. Wir sind genau das Richtige für \ Leute wie dich, denen Ethik und Solidarität etwas bedeuten und \ die sich nicht mehr an zentralisierten kommerziellen Diensten beteiligen \ wollen. Es gibt uns schon seit 2010, und wir werden immer Non-Profit bleiben.'; window.l.de.registerNickname = 'Nutzername'; window.l.de.registerHomepage = 'Webseite'; window.l.de.registerBio = 'Bio'; window.l.de.registerLocation = 'Standort'; window.l.de.registerRepeatPassword = 'Passwort bestätigen'; window.l.de.moreSettings = 'Weitere Einstellungen'; window.l.de.otherServers = 'Du kannst Dir auch gerne ein Konto auf einem anderen Server des GNUsocial-Netzwerks einrichten. Übersicht'; // english window.l.en = new Object(); window.l.en.languageName = 'English'; window.l.en.loginUsername = 'Username or e-mail'; window.l.en.loginPassword = 'Password'; window.l.en.loginSignIn = 'Sign in'; window.l.en.loginRememberMe = 'Remember me'; window.l.en.loginForgotPassword = 'Forgot password?'; window.l.en.notices = 'Queets'; window.l.en.followers = 'Followers'; window.l.en.following = 'Following'; window.l.en.groups = 'Groups'; window.l.en.compose = 'Compose new Queet...'; window.l.en.queetVerb = 'Queet'; window.l.en.queetsNounPlural = 'Queets'; window.l.en.logout = 'Sign out'; window.l.en.languageSelected = 'Language:'; window.l.en.viewMyProfilePage = 'View my profile page'; window.l.en.expand = 'Expand'; window.l.en.collapse = 'Collapse'; window.l.en.details = 'Details'; window.l.en.expandFullConversation = 'Expand full conversation'; window.l.en.replyVerb = 'Reply'; window.l.en.requeetVerb = 'Requeet'; window.l.en.favoriteVerb = 'Favorite'; window.l.en.requeetedVerb = 'Requeeted'; window.l.en.favoritedVerb = 'Favorited'; window.l.en.replyTo = 'Reply to'; window.l.en.requeetedBy = 'Requeeted by'; window.l.en.favoriteNoun = 'Favorite'; window.l.en.favoritesNoun = 'Favorites'; window.l.en.requeetNoun = 'Requeet'; window.l.en.requeetsNoun = 'Requeets'; window.l.en.newQueet = 'new Queet'; window.l.en.newQueets = 'new Queets'; window.l.en.longmonthsJanuary = "January"; window.l.en.longmonthsFebruary = "February"; window.l.en.longmonthsMars = "March"; window.l.en.longmonthsApril = "April"; window.l.en.longmonthsMay = "May"; window.l.en.longmonthsJune = "June"; window.l.en.longmonthsJuly = "July"; window.l.en.longmonthsAugust = "August"; window.l.en.longmonthsSeptember = "September"; window.l.en.longmonthsOctober = "October"; window.l.en.longmonthsNovember = "November"; window.l.en.longmonthsDecember = "December"; window.l.en.shortmonthsJanuary = "jan"; window.l.en.shortmonthsFebruary = "feb"; window.l.en.shortmonthsMars = "mar"; window.l.en.shortmonthsApril = "apr"; window.l.en.shortmonthsMay = "may"; window.l.en.shortmonthsJune = "jun"; window.l.en.shortmonthsJuly = "jul"; window.l.en.shortmonthsAugust = "aug"; window.l.en.shortmonthsSeptember = "sep"; window.l.en.shortmonthsOctober = "oct"; window.l.en.shortmonthsNovember = "nov"; window.l.en.shortmonthsDecember = "dec"; window.l.en.time12am = '{time} am'; window.l.en.time12pm = '{time} pm'; window.l.en.longDateFormat = '{time12} - {day} {month} {year}'; window.l.en.shortDateFormatSeconds = '{seconds}s'; window.l.en.shortDateFormatMinutes = '{minutes}m'; window.l.en.shortDateFormatHours = '{hours}h'; window.l.en.shortDateFormatDate = '{day} {month}'; window.l.en.shortDateFormatDateAndY = '{day} {month} {year}'; window.l.en.now = 'now'; window.l.en.posting = 'posting'; window.l.en.viewMoreInConvBefore = '← View more in conversation'; window.l.en.viewMoreInConvAfter = 'View more in conversation →'; window.l.en.mentions = 'Mentions'; window.l.en.timeline = 'Timeline'; window.l.en.publicTimeline = 'Public Timeline'; window.l.en.searchVerb = 'Search'; window.l.en.deleteVerb = 'Delete'; window.l.en.cancelVerb = 'Cancel'; window.l.en.deleteConfirmation = 'Are you sure you want to delete this queet?'; window.l.en.userExternalFollow = 'Remote follow'; window.l.en.userExternalFollowHelp = 'Your account ID (e.g. user@quitter.se).'; window.l.en.userFollow = 'Follow'; window.l.en.userFollowing = 'Following'; window.l.en.userUnfollow = 'Unfollow'; window.l.en.joinGroup = 'Join'; window.l.en.isMemberOfGroup = 'Member'; window.l.en.leaveGroup = 'Leave'; window.l.en.memberCount = 'Members'; window.l.en.adminCount = 'Admins'; window.l.en.settings = 'Settings'; window.l.en.saveChanges = 'Save changes'; window.l.en.linkColor = 'Link color'; window.l.en.backgroundColor = 'Background color'; window.l.en.newToQuitter = 'New to Quitter?'; window.l.en.signUp = 'Sign up'; window.l.en.signUpFullName = 'Full name'; window.l.en.signUpEmail = 'Email'; window.l.en.signUpButtonText = 'Sign up to Quitter'; window.l.en.welcomeHeading = 'Welcome to Quitter.'; window.l.en.welcomeText = 'We are a
"Federation" \ means that you don\'t need a Quitter account to be able to follow, be followed \ by or interact with Quitter users. You can register on any StatusNet or GNU Social server \ or any service based on the the \ Ostatus protocol! \ You don\'t even have to join a service – try installing the lovely \ GNU Social software on your own server! :)\
of microbloggers who care about ethics and \ solidarity and want to quit the centralised capitalist services. We have been around \ since 2010 and will always be non-profit.'; window.l.en.registerNickname = 'Nickname'; window.l.en.registerHomepage = 'Homepage'; window.l.en.registerBio = 'Bio'; window.l.en.registerLocation = 'Location'; window.l.en.registerRepeatPassword = 'Repeat password'; window.l.en.moreSettings = 'More settings'; window.l.en.otherServers = 'Alternatively you can create an account on another server of the GNU social network. Comparison'; // svenska window.l.sv = new Object(); window.l.sv.languageName = 'Svenska'; window.l.sv.loginUsername = 'Användarnamn eller mejladress'; window.l.sv.loginPassword = 'Lösenord'; window.l.sv.loginSignIn = 'Logga in'; window.l.sv.loginRememberMe = 'Kom ihåg mig'; window.l.sv.loginForgotPassword = 'Glömt lösenordet?'; window.l.sv.notices = 'Qvittrat'; window.l.sv.followers = 'Följare'; window.l.sv.following = 'Följer'; window.l.sv.groups = 'Grupper'; window.l.sv.compose = 'Skriv nytt qvitter'; window.l.sv.queetVerb = 'Qvittra'; window.l.sv.queetsNounPlural = 'Qvitter'; window.l.sv.logout = 'Logga ut'; window.l.sv.languageSelected = 'Språk:'; window.l.sv.viewMyProfilePage = 'Visa min profilsida'; window.l.sv.expand = 'Visa'; window.l.sv.collapse = 'Stäng'; window.l.sv.details = 'Detaljer'; window.l.sv.expandFullConversation = 'Visa hela konversationen'; window.l.sv.replyVerb = 'Svara'; window.l.sv.requeetVerb = 'Requeeta'; window.l.sv.favoriteVerb = 'Favoritmarkera'; window.l.sv.requeetedVerb = 'Requeetad'; window.l.sv.favoritedVerb = 'Favoritmarkerad'; window.l.sv.replyTo = 'Svara'; window.l.sv.requeetedBy = 'requeetad av'; window.l.sv.favoriteNoun = 'favorit'; window.l.sv.favoritesNoun = 'Favoriter'; window.l.sv.requeetNoun = 'requeet'; window.l.sv.requeetsNoun = 'requeets'; window.l.sv.newQueet = 'nytt qvitter'; window.l.sv.newQueets = 'nya qvitter'; window.l.sv.longmonthsJanuary = "januari"; window.l.sv.longmonthsFebruary = "februari"; window.l.sv.longmonthsMars = "mars"; window.l.sv.longmonthsApril = "april"; window.l.sv.longmonthsMay = "maj"; window.l.sv.longmonthsJune = "juni"; window.l.sv.longmonthsJuly = "juli"; window.l.sv.longmonthsAugust = "augusti"; window.l.sv.longmonthsSeptember = "september"; window.l.sv.longmonthsOctober = "oktober"; window.l.sv.longmonthsNovember = "november"; window.l.sv.longmonthsDecember = "december"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsJanuary = "jan"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsFebruary = "feb"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsMars = "mar"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsApril = "apr"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsMay = "maj"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsJune = "jun"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsJuly = "jul"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsAugust = "aug"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsSeptember = "sep"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsOctober = "okt"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsNovember = "nov"; window.l.sv.shortmonthsDecember = "dec"; window.l.sv.time12am = '{time} f.m.'; window.l.sv.time12pm = '{time} e.m.'; window.l.sv.longDateFormat = '{time24} - {day} {month} {year}'; window.l.sv.shortDateFormatSeconds = '{seconds}s'; window.l.sv.shortDateFormatMinutes = '{minutes}m'; window.l.sv.shortDateFormatHours = '{hours}h'; window.l.sv.shortDateFormatDate = '{day} {month}'; window.l.sv.shortDateFormatDateAndY = '{day} {month} {year}'; window.l.sv.now = 'nyss'; window.l.sv.posting = 'postar'; window.l.sv.viewMoreInConvBefore = '← Visa mer i konversationen'; window.l.sv.viewMoreInConvAfter = 'Visa mer i konversationen →'; window.l.sv.mentions = 'Omnämnanden'; window.l.sv.timeline = 'Qvitter'; window.l.sv.publicTimeline = 'Hela sajtens flöde'; window.l.sv.searchVerb = 'Sök'; window.l.sv.deleteVerb = 'Ta bort'; window.l.sv.cancelVerb = 'Avbryt'; window.l.sv.deleteConfirmation = 'Är du säker på att du vill radera denna queet?'; window.l.sv.userExternalFollow = 'Följ externt'; window.l.sv.userExternalFollowHelp = 'Ditt konto-ID (ex. user@quitter.se).'; window.l.sv.userFollow = 'Följ'; window.l.sv.userFollowing = 'Följer'; window.l.sv.userUnfollow = 'Avfölj'; window.l.sv.joinGroup = 'Gå med'; window.l.sv.isMemberOfGroup = 'Medlem'; window.l.sv.leaveGroup = 'Gå ur'; window.l.sv.memberCount = 'Medlemmar'; window.l.sv.adminCount = 'Administratörer'; window.l.sv.settings = 'Inställningar'; window.l.sv.saveChanges = 'Spara ändringarna'; window.l.sv.linkColor = 'Länkfärg'; window.l.sv.backgroundColor = 'Bakgrundsfärg'; window.l.sv.newToQuitter = 'Ny på Quitter?'; window.l.sv.signUp = 'Registrera dig'; window.l.sv.signUpFullName = 'Fullständigt namn'; window.l.sv.signUpEmail = 'E-post'; window.l.sv.signUpButtonText = 'Registrera dig på Quitter'; window.l.sv.welcomeHeading = 'Välkommen till Quitter.'; window.l.sv.welcomeText = 'Vi är en
"Federering" betyder att du inte behöver ha ett Quitter-konto för att följa, följas av eller prata med quittrare. Du kan registrera dig på vilken sajt som helst som stödjer protokollet Ostatus, eller mikroblogga på en helt egen server, förslagsvis med den fria programvaran GNU Social (som Quitter bygger på).
allmänning, där du som har hoppat av de centraliserade kapitalistiska tjänsterna kan mikroblogga etiskt och solidariskt. Vi har funnits sedan 2010 och sajten drivs helt ideellt.'; window.l.sv.registerNickname = 'Användarnamn'; window.l.sv.registerHomepage = 'Webbplats'; window.l.sv.registerBio = 'Biografi'; window.l.sv.registerLocation = 'Plats'; window.l.sv.registerRepeatPassword = 'Upprepa lösenord'; window.l.sv.moreSettings = 'Fler inställningar'; window.l.sv.otherServers = 'Men du kan lika gärna skapa ett konto på en annan server som är del av GNU social-nätverket. Här är en jämförelse.'; // farsi/persian window.l.fa = new Object(); window.l.fa.languageName = 'فارسی'; window.l.fa.loginUsername = 'شناسه یا ایمیل'; window.l.fa.loginPassword = 'گذرواژه - رمز عبور'; window.l.fa.loginSignIn = 'ورود'; window.l.fa.loginRememberMe = 'مرا به یاد داشته باش'; window.l.fa.loginForgotPassword = 'گذرواژه خود را فراموش کرده‌اید؟'; window.l.fa.notices = 'توییت'; window.l.fa.followers = 'دنبال‌کننده'; window.l.fa.following = 'دنبال‌شونده'; window.l.fa.groups = 'گروه'; window.l.fa.compose = 'نوشتن یک توییت تازه...'; window.l.fa.queetVerb = 'توییت'; window.l.fa.queetsNounPlural = 'توييت‌ها'; window.l.fa.logout = 'خروج'; window.l.fa.languageSelected = 'زبان:'; window.l.fa.viewMyProfilePage = 'دیدن صفحه نمایه'; window.l.fa.expand = 'گستردن'; window.l.fa.collapse = 'بستن'; window.l.fa.details = 'جزئیات'; window.l.fa.expandFullConversation = 'نمایش کامل مکالمه'; window.l.fa.replyVerb = 'پاسخ'; window.l.fa.requeetVerb = 'بازتوییت'; window.l.fa.favoriteVerb = 'برگزیدن'; window.l.fa.requeetedVerb = 'بازتوییت شده'; window.l.fa.favoritedVerb = 'برگزیده شده'; window.l.fa.replyTo = 'پاسخ به'; window.l.fa.requeetedBy = 'بازتوییت شده توسط'; window.l.fa.favoriteNoun = 'برگزیده'; window.l.fa.favoritesNoun = 'برگزیده'; window.l.fa.requeetNoun = 'بازتوییت'; window.l.fa.requeetsNoun = 'بازتوییت'; window.l.fa.newQueet = 'توییت جدید'; window.l.fa.newQueets = 'توییت جدید'; window.l.fa.longmonthsJanuary = "ژانويه"; window.l.fa.longmonthsFebruary = "فوريه"; window.l.fa.longmonthsMars = "مارس"; window.l.fa.longmonthsApril = "اوريل"; window.l.fa.longmonthsMay = "مه"; window.l.fa.longmonthsJune = "ژوئن"; window.l.fa.longmonthsJuly = "ژوئیه"; window.l.fa.longmonthsAugust = "اوت"; window.l.fa.longmonthsSeptember = "سپتامبر"; window.l.fa.longmonthsOctober = "اكتبر"; window.l.fa.longmonthsNovember = "نوامبر"; window.l.fa.longmonthsDecember = "دسامبر"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsJanuary = "ژانويه"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsFebruary = "فوريه"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsMars = "مارس"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsApril = "اوريل"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsMay = "مه"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsJune = "ژوئن"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsJuly = "ژوئیه"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsAugust = "اوت"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsSeptember = "سپتامبر"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsOctober = "اكتبر"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsNovember = "نوامبر"; window.l.fa.shortmonthsDecember = "دسامبر"; window.l.fa.time12am = '{time} am'; window.l.fa.time12pm = '{time} pm'; window.l.fa.longDateFormat = '{time24} - {day} {month} {year}'; window.l.fa.shortDateFormatSeconds = '{seconds} ثانیه'; window.l.fa.shortDateFormatMinutes = '{minutes} دقیقه'; window.l.fa.shortDateFormatHours = '{hours} ساعت'; window.l.fa.shortDateFormatDate = '{day} {month}'; window.l.fa.shortDateFormatDateAndY = '{day} {month} {year}'; window.l.fa.now = 'همین اکنون'; window.l.fa.posting = 'در حال ارسال'; window.l.fa.viewMoreInConvBefore = '→ نمایش بیشتر در گفتگوها'; window.l.fa.viewMoreInConvAfter = 'نمایش بیشتر در گفتگوها ←'; window.l.fa.mentions = 'رونوشت‌ها'; window.l.fa.timeline = 'توييت'; window.l.fa.publicTimeline = 'خط‌زمانی عمومی'; window.l.fa.searchVerb = 'جستجو'; window.l.fa.deleteVerb = 'حذف'; window.l.fa.cancelVerb = 'انصراف'; window.l.fa.deleteConfirmation = 'آیا مطمئن هستید که می‌خواهید این توییت را پاک کنید؟'; window.l.fa.userExternalFollow = 'دنبال کنید'; window.l.fa.userExternalFollowHelp = 'شناسه حساب شما (بعنوان مثال user@quitter.se)'; window.l.fa.userFollow = 'دنبال کنید'; window.l.fa.userFollowing = 'دنبال می‌کنید'; window.l.fa.userUnfollow = 'دنبال نكن'; window.l.fa.joinGroup = 'پیوستن به گروه'; window.l.fa.isMemberOfGroup = 'عضو گروه'; window.l.fa.leaveGroup = 'ترک گروه'; window.l.fa.memberCount = 'اعضا'; window.l.fa.adminCount = 'مدیران'; window.l.fa.settings = 'تنظیمات'; window.l.fa.saveChanges = 'ذخیره تغییرات'; window.l.fa.linkColor = 'رنگ پیوند'; window.l.fa.backgroundColor = 'رنگ پس‌زمینه'; window.l.fa.newToQuitter = 'تازه واردید؟'; window.l.fa.signUp = 'همین حالا ثبت نام کنید'; window.l.fa.signUpFullName = 'نام و نام‌خانوادگی'; window.l.fa.signUpEmail = 'ایمیل'; window.l.fa.signUpButtonText = 'عضو توییتر شوید'; window.l.fa.welcomeHeading = 'به واگذارنده خوش آمدید.'; window.l.fa.welcomeText = ''; window.l.fa.registerNickname = 'شناسه'; window.l.fa.registerHomepage = 'وب‌سایت'; window.l.fa.registerBio = 'زندگینامه'; window.l.fa.registerLocation = 'مکان'; window.l.fa.registerRepeatPassword = 'تایید گذرواژه'; window.l.fa.moreSettings = 'تنظیمات بیشتر'; window.l.fa.otherServers = ''; // arabic window.l.ar = new Object(); window.l.ar.languageName = 'العربيّة'; window.l.ar.loginUsername = 'اسم المستخدم أو البريد الإلكترونيّ'; window.l.ar.loginPassword = 'كلمة المرور'; window.l.ar.loginSignIn = 'تسجيل الدخول'; window.l.ar.loginRememberMe = 'تذكّرني'; window.l.ar.loginForgotPassword = 'نسيت كلمة المرور؟'; window.l.ar.notices = 'تغريدات'; window.l.ar.followers = 'متابِعين'; window.l.ar.following = 'متابَعين'; window.l.ar.groups = 'جماعة'; window.l.ar.compose = 'اكتب تغريدة جديدة...'; window.l.ar.queetVerb = 'تغريد'; window.l.ar.queetsNounPlural = 'تغريدات'; window.l.ar.logout = 'تسجيل الخروج'; window.l.ar.languageSelected = 'اللغة:'; window.l.ar.viewMyProfilePage = 'عرض صفحة ملفي الشخصي'; window.l.ar.expand = 'فتح'; window.l.ar.collapse = 'إغلاق'; window.l.ar.details = 'التفاصيل'; window.l.ar.expandFullConversation = 'مشاهدة المحادثة'; window.l.ar.replyVerb = 'رَد'; window.l.ar.requeetVerb = 'إعادة تغريد'; window.l.ar.favoriteVerb = 'تفضيل'; window.l.ar.requeetedVerb = 'مُعاد تغريدها'; window.l.ar.favoritedVerb = 'مُفضّلة'; window.l.ar.replyTo = 'أرسِل ردًا إلى'; window.l.ar.requeetedBy = 'مُعاد تغريدها بواسطة'; window.l.ar.favoriteNoun = 'مفضّلة'; window.l.ar.favoritesNoun = 'مفضّلة'; window.l.ar.requeetNoun = 'إعادة تغريد'; window.l.ar.requeetsNoun = 'إعادة تغريد'; window.l.ar.newQueet = 'تغريدة جديدة'; window.l.ar.newQueets = 'تغريدة جديدة'; window.l.ar.longmonthsJanuary = "يناير"; window.l.ar.longmonthsFebruary = "فبراير"; window.l.ar.longmonthsMars = "مارس"; window.l.ar.longmonthsApril = "أبريل"; window.l.ar.longmonthsMay = "مايو"; window.l.ar.longmonthsJune = "يونيو"; window.l.ar.longmonthsJuly = "يوليو"; window.l.ar.longmonthsAugust = "أغسطس"; window.l.ar.longmonthsSeptember = "سبتمبر"; window.l.ar.longmonthsOctober = "أكتوبر"; window.l.ar.longmonthsNovember = "نوفمبر"; window.l.ar.longmonthsDecember = "ديسمبر"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsJanuary = "يناير"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsFebruary = "فبراير"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsMars = "مارس"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsApril = "أبريل"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsMay = "مايو"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsJune = "يونيو"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsJuly = "يوليو"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsAugust = "أغسطس"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsSeptember = "سبتمبر"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsOctober = "أكتوبر"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsNovember = "نوفمبر"; window.l.ar.shortmonthsDecember = "ديسمبر"; window.l.ar.time12am = '{time} صباحًا'; window.l.ar.time12pm = '{time} مساءً'; window.l.ar.longDateFormat = '{time12} - {day} {month} {year}'; window.l.ar.shortDateFormatSeconds = '{seconds} ث'; window.l.ar.shortDateFormatMinutes = '{minutes} د'; window.l.ar.shortDateFormatHours = '{hours} س'; window.l.ar.shortDateFormatDate = '{day} {month}'; window.l.ar.shortDateFormatDateAndY = '{day} {month} {year}'; window.l.ar.now = 'الآن'; window.l.ar.posting = 'إرسال'; window.l.ar.viewMoreInConvBefore = '→ عرض المزيد في المحادثة'; window.l.ar.viewMoreInConvAfter = 'عرض المزيد في المحادثة ←'; window.l.ar.mentions = 'الإشارات'; window.l.ar.timeline = 'تغريدات'; window.l.ar.publicTimeline = 'المسار الزمني العام'; window.l.ar.searchVerb = 'بحث'; window.l.ar.deleteVerb = 'حذف'; window.l.ar.cancelVerb = 'إلغاء'; window.l.ar.deleteConfirmation = 'هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه التغريدة؟'; window.l.ar.userExternalFollow = 'تابِع'; window.l.ar.userExternalFollowHelp = 'رقم حسابك (على سبيل المثال user@quitter.se)'; window.l.ar.userFollow = 'تابِع'; window.l.ar.userFollowing = 'مُتابَع'; window.l.ar.userUnfollow = 'إلغاء المتابعة'; window.l.ar.joinGroup = 'الانضمام إلى المجموعة'; window.l.ar.isMemberOfGroup = 'مغادرة المجموعة'; window.l.ar.leaveGroup = 'مغادرة المجموعة'; window.l.ar.memberCount = 'الأعضاء'; window.l.ar.adminCount = 'الإداريين'; window.l.ar.settings = 'الإعدادات'; window.l.ar.saveChanges = 'حفظ التغييرات'; window.l.ar.linkColor = 'لون الرابط'; window.l.ar.backgroundColor = 'لون الخلفيّة'; window.l.ar.newToQuitter = 'هل أنت جديد على ترك؟'; window.l.ar.signUp = 'سجّل الآن!'; window.l.ar.signUpFullName = 'الاسم الكامل'; window.l.ar.signUpEmail = 'البريد الإلكترونيّ'; window.l.ar.signUpButtonText = 'التسجيل في ترك'; window.l.ar.welcomeHeading = 'مرحبًا بك في ترك.'; window.l.ar.welcomeText = ''; window.l.ar.registerNickname = 'اسم المستخدم'; window.l.ar.registerHomepage = 'موقع إلكتروني'; window.l.ar.registerBio = 'النبذة التعريفيّة'; window.l.ar.registerLocation = 'الموقع الجغرافي'; window.l.ar.registerRepeatPassword = 'تأكيد كلمة المرور'; window.l.ar.moreSettings = 'مزيد من الإعدادات'; window.l.ar.otherServers = ''; // esperanto window.l.eo = new Object(); window.l.eo.languageName = 'Esperanto'; window.l.eo.loginUsername = 'Nomo de uzanto aŭ retpoŝto'; window.l.eo.loginPassword = 'Pasvorto'; window.l.eo.loginSignIn = 'Ensaluti'; window.l.eo.loginRememberMe = 'Memoru min'; window.l.eo.loginForgotPassword = 'Ĉu forgesas vian pasvorto?'; window.l.eo.notices = 'Avizoj'; window.l.eo.followers = 'Sekvantoj'; window.l.eo.following = 'Sekvantaj'; window.l.eo.groups = 'Grupoj'; window.l.eo.compose = 'Krei novan avizon...'; window.l.eo.queetVerb = 'Avizi'; window.l.eo.queetsNounPlural = 'Avizoj'; window.l.eo.logout = 'Elsaluti'; window.l.eo.languageSelected = 'Lingvo:'; window.l.eo.viewMyProfilePage = 'Vidi mian paĝon de profilo'; window.l.eo.expand = 'Elvolvi'; window.l.eo.collapse = 'Envolvi'; window.l.eo.details = 'Detalaĵojn'; window.l.eo.expandFullConversation = 'Elvolvi la tutan konversacio'; window.l.eo.replyVerb = 'Respondi'; window.l.eo.requeetVerb = 'Reavizi'; window.l.eo.favoriteVerb = 'Favorigi'; window.l.eo.requeetedVerb = 'Reavizita'; window.l.eo.favoritedVerb = 'Favorigita'; window.l.eo.replyTo = 'Respondi al'; window.l.eo.requeetedBy = 'Reavizita de'; window.l.eo.favoriteNoun = 'Favorato'; window.l.eo.favoritesNoun = 'Favoratoj'; window.l.eo.requeetNoun = 'Reavizo'; window.l.eo.requeetsNoun = 'Reavizoj'; window.l.eo.newQueet = 'nova avizo'; window.l.eo.newQueets = 'novaj avizoj'; window.l.eo.longmonthsJanuary = "januaro"; window.l.eo.longmonthsFebruary = "February"; window.l.eo.longmonthsMars = "marto"; window.l.eo.longmonthsApril = "aprilo"; window.l.eo.longmonthsMay = "majo"; window.l.eo.longmonthsJune = "junio"; window.l.eo.longmonthsJuly = "julio"; window.l.eo.longmonthsAugust = "aŭgusto"; window.l.eo.longmonthsSeptember = "septembro"; window.l.eo.longmonthsOctober = "oktobro"; window.l.eo.longmonthsNovember = "novembro"; window.l.eo.longmonthsDecember = "decembro"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsJanuary = "jan"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsFebruary = "feb"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsMars = "mar"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsApril = "apr"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsMay = "maj"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsJune = "jun"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsJuly = "jul"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsAugust = "aŭg"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsSeptember = "sep"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsOctober = "okt"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsNovember = "nov"; window.l.eo.shortmonthsDecember = "dec"; window.l.eo.time12am = '{time} a.t.m.'; window.l.eo.time12pm = '{time} p.t.m.'; window.l.eo.longDateFormat = '{time24} - {day} {month} {year}'; window.l.eo.shortDateFormatSeconds = '{seconds}s'; window.l.eo.shortDateFormatMinutes = '{minutes}min'; window.l.eo.shortDateFormatHours = '{hours}h'; window.l.eo.shortDateFormatDate = '{day} {month}'; window.l.eo.shortDateFormatDateAndY = '{day} {month} {year}'; window.l.eo.now = 'nuna'; window.l.eo.posting = 'sendanta'; window.l.eo.viewMoreInConvBefore = '← Vidi pli de la konversacio'; window.l.eo.viewMoreInConvAfter = 'Vidi pli de la konversacio →'; window.l.eo.mentions = 'Mencioj'; window.l.eo.timeline = 'Kronologio'; window.l.eo.publicTimeline = 'Publika kronologio'; window.l.eo.searchVerb = 'Serĉi'; window.l.eo.deleteVerb = 'Forigi'; window.l.eo.cancelVerb = 'Rezigni'; window.l.eo.deleteConfirmation = 'Ĉu vi certas, ke vi volas forigi tiun avizon?'; window.l.eo.userExternalFollow = 'Sekvi'; window.l.eo.userExternalFollowHelp = 'Via konto ID (? I user@quitter.se)'; window.l.eo.userFollow = 'Sekvi'; window.l.eo.userFollowing = 'Sekvanta'; window.l.eo.userUnfollow = 'Malsekvi'; window.l.eo.joinGroup = 'Membriĝi grupon'; window.l.eo.isMemberOfGroup = 'membro de grupo'; window.l.eo.leaveGroup = 'Rezigni grupon'; window.l.eo.memberCount = 'Membroj'; window.l.eo.adminCount = 'Intendantoj'; window.l.eo.settings = 'Agordo'; window.l.eo.saveChanges = 'Konservi ŝanĝojn'; window.l.eo.linkColor = 'Koloro de ligiloj'; window.l.eo.backgroundColor = 'Koloro de fono'; window.l.eo.newToQuitter = 'Ĉu vi estas novanto je Quitter?'; window.l.eo.signUp = 'Regístriĝi'; window.l.eo.signUpFullName = 'Plena nomo'; window.l.eo.signUpEmail = 'Retpoŝto'; window.l.eo.signUpButtonText = 'Regístriĝi ĉe Quitter'; window.l.eo.welcomeHeading = 'Bonvenon al Quitter.'; window.l.eo.welcomeText = 'Ni estas
Helpindiko\ por “federaĵon”: “federaĵon” signifas, ke vi ne bezonas konton ĉe Quitter por\ ebli sekvi, esti sekvanta far aliaj, aŭ interagi kun uzantoj de Quitter. Vi povas\ registriĝi ĉe ajna servaĵo de StatusNet aŭ\ GNU Social, aŭ ajna servaĵo, kiu baziĝas\ sur la protokolo OStatus!\ Vi eĉ ne bezonas membriĝi al servaĵo – peni instali la belan\ programon GNU Social ĉe via propra servaĵo! :)
de mikroblogantoj,\ kiu ĉagrenas pri etiko kaj solidareco, kaj kiu volas forlasi la centralizantajn\ kapitalismajn servaĵojn. Ni ekzistas\ ekde 2010, kaj ĉiam estos senprofitcela.'; window.l.eo.registerNickname = 'Nomo de uzanto'; window.l.eo.registerHomepage = 'Afiŝinto'; window.l.eo.registerBio = 'Biografio'; window.l.eo.registerLocation = 'Loko'; window.l.eo.registerRepeatPassword = 'Ripeti pasvorton'; window.l.eo.moreSettings = 'Pli agordoj'; window.l.eo.otherServers = ''; // italian window.l.it = new Object(); window.l.it.languageName = 'Italiano'; window.l.it.loginUsername = 'Nome dell\' utente o indirizzo email'; window.l.it.loginPassword = 'Password'; window.l.it.loginSignIn = 'Iniziare la sessione'; window.l.it.loginRememberMe = 'Ricordami'; window.l.it.loginForgotPassword = 'Hai dimenticato la password?'; window.l.it.notices = 'Queets'; window.l.it.followers = 'Follower'; window.l.it.following = 'Following'; window.l.it.groups = 'Gruppi'; window.l.it.compose = 'Compore un nuovo Queet...'; window.l.it.queetVerb = 'Quittare'; window.l.it.queetsNounPlural = 'Queet'; window.l.it.logout = 'Disconnettersi'; window.l.it.languageSelected = 'Lingua'; window.l.it.viewMyProfilePage = 'Accesso al mio profilo'; window.l.it.expand = 'Apri'; window.l.it.collapse = 'Riduci'; window.l.it.details = 'Detagli'; window.l.it.expandFullConversation = 'Vedera la conversazione completa'; window.l.it.replyVerb = 'Rispondere'; window.l.it.requeetVerb = 'Requittare'; window.l.it.favoriteVerb = 'Favorire'; window.l.it.requeetedVerb = 'Requittato'; window.l.it.favoritedVerb = 'Favorito'; window.l.it.replyTo = 'Rispondere a'; window.l.it.requeetedBy = 'Requittato per'; window.l.it.favoriteNoun = 'Favorito'; window.l.it.favoritesNoun = 'Favoriti'; window.l.it.requeetNoun = 'Requeet'; window.l.it.requeetsNoun = 'Requeet'; window.l.it.newQueet = 'nuovo Queet'; window.l.it.newQueets = 'nuovi Queet'; window.l.it.longmonthsJanuary = "gennaio"; window.l.it.longmonthsFebruary = "febbraio"; window.l.it.longmonthsMars = "marzo"; window.l.it.longmonthsApril = "aprile"; window.l.it.longmonthsMay = "maggio"; window.l.it.longmonthsJune = "giugno"; window.l.it.longmonthsJuly = "luglio"; window.l.it.longmonthsAugust = "agosto"; window.l.it.longmonthsSeptember = "settembre"; window.l.it.longmonthsOctober = "ottobre"; window.l.it.longmonthsNovember = "novembre"; window.l.it.longmonthsDecember = "dicembre"; window.l.it.shortmonthsJanuary = "gen"; window.l.it.shortmonthsFebruary = "feb"; window.l.it.shortmonthsMars = "mar"; window.l.it.shortmonthsApril = "apr"; window.l.it.shortmonthsMay = "mag"; window.l.it.shortmonthsJune = "giu"; window.l.it.shortmonthsJuly = "lug"; window.l.it.shortmonthsAugust = "ago"; window.l.it.shortmonthsSeptember = "set"; window.l.it.shortmonthsOctober = "ott"; window.l.it.shortmonthsNovember = "nov"; window.l.it.shortmonthsDecember = "dic"; window.l.it.time12am = '{time} AM'; window.l.it.time12pm = '{time} PM'; window.l.it.longDateFormat = '{time24} - {day} {month} {year}'; window.l.it.shortDateFormatSeconds = '{seconds}s'; window.l.it.shortDateFormatMinutes = '{minutes}min'; window.l.it.shortDateFormatHours = '{hours}h'; window.l.it.shortDateFormatDate = '{day} {month}'; window.l.it.shortDateFormatDateAndY = '{day} {month} {year}'; window.l.it.now = 'adesso'; window.l.it.posting = 'inviato'; window.l.it.viewMoreInConvBefore = '← Conversazioni precedenti'; window.l.it.viewMoreInConvAfter = 'Conversazioni successive →'; window.l.it.mentions = 'Menzioni'; window.l.it.timeline = 'Timeline'; window.l.it.publicTimeline = 'Timeline publica'; window.l.it.searchVerb = 'Cercare'; window.l.it.deleteVerb = 'Eliminare'; window.l.it.cancelVerb = 'Cancellare'; window.l.it.deleteConfirmation = 'Sei sicuro di volere cancellare questo queet?'; window.l.it.userExternalFollow = 'Seguire'; window.l.it.userExternalFollowHelp = 'Il tuo ID conto (ad esempio user@quitter.se)'; window.l.it.userFollow = 'Seguire'; window.l.it.userFollowing = 'Seguendo'; window.l.it.userUnfollow = 'Smettere di seguire'; window.l.it.joinGroup = 'Aderire al gruppe'; window.l.it.isMemberOfGroup = 'Membro del gruppo'; window.l.it.leaveGroup = 'Lasciare il gruppo'; window.l.it.memberCount = 'Membri'; window.l.it.adminCount = 'Amministratori'; window.l.it.settings = 'Configurazione'; window.l.it.saveChanges = 'Salvaguardare'; window.l.it.linkColor = 'Colore dei link'; window.l.it.backgroundColor = 'Colore di sfone'; window.l.it.newToQuitter = 'Sei un novizio su Quitter?'; window.l.it.signUp = 'Registrati'; window.l.it.signUpFullName = 'Nome e cognome'; window.l.it.signUpEmail = 'Indirizzo di posta elettronica'; window.l.it.signUpButtonText = 'Registrati su Quitter'; window.l.it.welcomeHeading = 'Benvenuto Quitter.'; window.l.it.welcomeText = 'Siamo una
"Federazione" \ significa che non è necessario avere un acconto Quitter per essere in grado di seguire, \ essere seguito da, o interagire con gli altri utenti Quitter. Potete registrarvi su \ qualsiasi server StatusNet, GNU Social, \ o qualsiasi altro servizio basato sul protocollo \ OStatus! Non avete \ nemmeno bisogno di far parte di un servizio - provate a installare il meraviglioso \ software GNU Social sul proprio server! :)
di microbloggers \ che hanno a cuore l\'etica, la solidarietà, e che vogliono uscire dai servizi \ centralizzati capitalisti. Esistiamo dal 2010 e saremmo sempre non-profit.'; window.l.it.registerNickname = 'Nome dell\' utente'; window.l.it.registerHomepage = 'Sito web'; window.l.it.registerBio = 'Biografia'; window.l.it.registerLocation = 'Posizione'; window.l.it.registerRepeatPassword = 'Ripetere la password'; window.l.it.moreSettings = 'Altre configurazioni'; window.l.it.otherServers = ''; // set language, from local storage, else browser language, else english (english also if no localstorage availible) var browserLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; var selectedLanguage = 'en'; if(localStorageIsEnabled()) { if(typeof localStorage.selectedLanguage != 'undefined' && localStorage.selectedLanguage != null) { selectedLanguage = localStorage.selectedLanguage; } else if(typeof window.l[browserLang.substring(0,2)] != 'undefined') { selectedLanguage = browserLang.substring(0,2); } } window.sL = window.l[selectedLanguage]; // if this is a RTL-language, add rt classes and change some things if(selectedLanguage == 'ar') { $('body').addClass('rtl'); $('title').html('‫ترك'); } else if(selectedLanguage == 'fa') { $('body').addClass('rtl'); $('title').html('‫واگذارنده'); } window.siteTitle = $('head title').html(); // remember this for later use // set some static string $('.front-welcome-text h1').html(window.sL.welcomeHeading); $('.front-welcome-text p').html(window.sL.welcomeText); $('#username').attr('placeholder',window.sL.loginUsername); $('#password').attr('placeholder',window.sL.loginPassword); $('button#submit-login').html(window.sL.loginSignIn); $('#rememberme_label').html(window.sL.loginRememberMe); $('#remember-forgot a').html(window.sL.loginForgotPassword); $('.front-signup h2').html('' + window.sL.newToQuitter + ' ' + window.sL.signUp); $('#signup-user-name').attr('placeholder',window.sL.signUpFullName); $('#signup-user-email').attr('placeholder',window.sL.signUpEmail); $('#signup-user-password').attr('placeholder',window.sL.loginPassword); $('.front-signup button.signup-btn').html(window.sL.signUpButtonText); $('#user-queets .label').html(window.sL.notices); $('#user-following .label').html(window.sL.following); $('#user-followers .label').html(window.sL.followers); $('#user-groups .label').html(window.sL.groups); $('#queet-box').html(window.sL.compose); $('#queet').html(window.sL.queetVerb); $('#feed-header-inner h2').html(window.sL.queetsNounPlural); $('#logout').html(window.sL.logout); $('#settings').html(window.sL.settings); $('#other-servers-link').html(window.sL.otherServers); $('.language-dropdown .dropdown-toggle small').html(window.sL.languageSelected); $('.language-dropdown .current-language').html(window.sL.languageName); $('.stream-selection[data-stream-name="statuses/friends_timeline.json"]').prepend(window.sL.timeline); $('.stream-selection[data-stream-name="statuses/friends_timeline.json"]').attr('data-stream-header',window.sL.timeline); $('.stream-selection[data-stream-name="statuses/mentions.json"]').prepend(window.sL.mentions); $('.stream-selection[data-stream-name="statuses/mentions.json"]').attr('data-stream-header',window.sL.mentions); $('.stream-selection[data-stream-name="favorites.json"]').prepend(window.sL.favoritesNoun); $('.stream-selection[data-stream-name="favorites.json"]').attr('data-stream-header',window.sL.favoritesNoun); $('.stream-selection[data-stream-name="statuses/public_timeline.json"]').prepend(window.sL.publicTimeline); $('.stream-selection[data-stream-name="statuses/public_timeline.json"]').attr('data-stream-header',window.sL.publicTimeline); $('#search-query').attr('placeholder',window.sL.searchVerb);