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\"Federation\" means that you don't need a {site-title} account to be able to follow, be followed by or interact with {site-title} users. You can register on any StatusNet or GNU social server or any service based on the the Ostatus protocol! You don't even have to join a service – try installing the lovely GNU social software on your own server! :)
of microbloggers who care about ethics and solidarity and want to quit the centralised capitalist services.", "registerNickname": "Nickname", "registerHomepage": "Homepage", "registerBio": "Bio", "registerLocation": "Location", "registerRepeatPassword": "Repeat password", "moreSettings": "More settings", "otherServers": "Alternatively you can create an account on another server of the GNU social network. Comparison", "editMyProfile": "Edit profile", "notifications": "Notifications", "xFavedYourQueet": "favorited your Queet", "xRepeatedYourQueet": "requeeted you", "xStartedFollowingYou": "followed you", "followsYou": "follows you", "FAQ": "FAQ", "inviteAFriend": "Invite a friend!", "goToExternalProfile": "Go to full profile", "cropAndSave": "Crop and save", "showTerms": "Read our Terms of Use", "ellipsisMore": "More", "blockUser": "Block {username}", "goToOriginalNotice": "Go to original notice", "goToTheUsersRemoteProfile": "Go to the user's remote profile", "clickToDrag":"Click to drag", "keyboardShortcuts":"Keyboard shortcuts", "classicInterface":"Classic {site-title}", "accessibilityToggleLink":"For better accessibility, click this link to switch to the classic interface", "tooltipBookmarkStream":"Add this stream to your bookmarks", "tooltipTopMenu":"Menu and settings", "tooltipAttachImage":"Attach an image", "tooltipShortenUrls":"Shorten all URLs in the Queet", "tooltipReloadStream":"Refresh this stream", "tooltipRemoveBookmark":"Remove this bookmark", "clearHistory":"Clear browsing history", "ERRORsomethingWentWrong":"Something went wrong.", "ERRORmustBeLoggedIn":"You must be logged in to view this stream.", "ERRORcouldNotFindUserWithNickname":"Could not find a user with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server", "ERRORcouldNotFindGroupWithNickname":"Could not find a group with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server", "ERRORcouldNotFindPage":"Could not find that page." }