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\"Federo\" signifikas, ke konto che {site-title} esas fakultativa por sequar, esar sequata da, od interagar kun uzeri di {site-title}. Vu povas registragar vu en servilo di GNU Social od en irga servado fondita sur la protokolo OStatus! Vu ne mem mustas juntar vu a servado: probez instalar l'aminda programo GNU Social en vua propra servilo! :)
de mikroblogeri qui sucias etiko e solidareso, e qui deziras abandonar la centraligita e kapitalista servadi.", "registerNickname": "Uzer-nomo", "registerHomepage": "Frontispico", "registerBio": "Biografio", "registerLocation": "Loko", "registerRepeatPassword": "Repetez la pas-vorto", "moreSettings": "Plusa ajusti", "otherServers": "Altre vu povas krear konto en altra servilo di la reto GNU Social. Komparar", "editMyProfile": "Modifikar mea profilo", "notifications": "Avizi", "xFavedYourQueet": "favoras vua mesajo", "xRepeatedYourQueet": "repetis vua mesajo", "xStartedFollowingYou": "sequeskis vu", "followsYou": "sequas vu", "FAQ": "Ofta questioni", "inviteAFriend": "Invitez amiko!", "goToExternalProfile": "Irar al kompleta profilo", "cropAndSave": "Rekortar e konservar", "showTerms": "Lektez nia uzokondicioni", "ellipsisMore": "Pluse", "blockUser": "Blokusar {username}", "goToOriginalNotice": "Irar al originala mesajo", "goToTheUsersRemoteProfile": "Irar al profilo di la uzero", "clickToDrag":"Kliktigez por tranar", "keyboardShortcuts":"Agi klavarala", "classicInterface":"Klasika {site-title}", "accessibilityToggleLink":"Por plu bona acesebleso, kliktigez sur ica ligilo por enswichar la klasika uzer-interfacio.", "tooltipBookmarkStream":"Adjuntar ica disktuto-fluo a vua marko-rubandi", "tooltipTopMenu":"Menuo ed ajusti", "tooltipAttachImage":"Atachar imajo", "tooltipShortenUrls":"Plukurtigar omna ret-adresi en la mesajo", "tooltipReloadStream":"Aktualigar ica diskuto-fluo", "tooltipRemoveBookmark":"Supresar ica marko-rubando", "clearHistory":"Vakuigar la navigo-historio", "ERRORsomethingWentWrong":"Ulo miseventis.", "ERRORmustBeLoggedIn":"Vu mustas esar identifikita por vidar ica diskuto-fluo.", "ERRORcouldNotFindUserWithNickname":"On ne trovis uzero kun la nomo \"{nickname}\" en ica servilo.", "ERRORcouldNotFindGroupWithNickname":"On ne trovis grupo kun la nomo \"{nickname}\" en ica servilo.", "ERRORcouldNotFindPage":"On ne trovis ica pagino.", "ERRORnoticeRemoved": "Ica mesajo esas supresita.", "ERRORnoContactWithServer": "Can not establish a connection to the server. The server could be overloaded, or there might be a problem with your internet connecton. Please try again later!", "ERRORattachmentUploadFailed": "The upload failed. The format might be unsupported or the size too large.", "hideRepliesToPeopleIDoNotFollow":"Hide replies to people I don't follow", "markAllNotificationsAsSeen":"Mark all notifications as seen", "notifyRepliesAndMentions":"Mentions and replies", "notifyFavs":"Favorites", "notifyRepeats":"Requeets", "notifyFollows":"New followers", "timelineOptions":"Timeline options", "ERRORfailedSavingYourSetting":"Failed saving your setting", "ERRORfailedMarkingAllNotificationsAsRead":"Failed marking all notifications as seen.", "newNotification": "{new-notice-count} new notification", "newNotifications": "{new-notice-count} new notifications" }