\\\\_\ · · \\) \____) · · · · · · · · Qvitter is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify it · · under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by · · the Free Software Foundation, either version three of the License or (at · · your option) any later version. · · · · Qvitter is distributed in hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY · · WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILTY or FITNESS · · FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for · · more details. · · · · You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License · · along with Qvitter. If not, see . · · · · Contact h@nnesmannerhe.im if you have any questions. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ const QVITTERDIR = __DIR__; class QvitterPlugin extends Plugin { public function settings($setting) { /* · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · S E T T I N G S · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ // THESE SETTINGS CAN BE OVERRIDDEN IN CONFIG.PHP // e.g. $config['site']['qvitter']['enabledbydefault'] = 'false'; // ENABLED BY DEFAULT (true/false) $settings['enabledbydefault'] = true; // DEFAULT BACKGROUND COLOR $settings['defaultbackgroundcolor'] = '#f4f4f4'; // DEFAULT BACKGROUND IMAGE $settings['sitebackground'] = 'img/vagnsmossen.jpg'; // DEFAULT FAVICON $settings['favicon'] = 'img/favicon.ico?v=5'; // DEFAULT LINK COLOR $settings['defaultlinkcolor'] = '#0084B4'; // ENABLE DEFAULT WELCOME TEXT $settings['enablewelcometext'] = true; // CUSTOM WELCOME TEXT (overrides the previous setting) $settings['customwelcometext'] = false; // Example: // $settings['customwelcometext']['sv'] = '

Välkommen till Quitter.se – en federerad1 mikrobloggsallmänning!

Etc etc...

'; // $settings['customwelcometext']['en'] = '

Welcome to Quitter.se – a federated microblog common!

Etc etc...

'; // TIME BETWEEN POLLING $settings['timebetweenpolling'] = 5000; // ms // URL SHORTENER $settings['urlshortenerapiurl'] = 'http://qttr.at/yourls-api.php'; $settings['urlshortenersignature'] = 'b6afeec983'; // CUSTOM TERMS OF USE $settings['customtermsofuse'] = false; // IP ADDRESSES BLOCKED FROM REGISTRATION $settings['blocked_ips'] = array(); /* · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (o> >o) · · \\\\_\ /_//// . · \____) (____/ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ // config.php settings override the settings in this file $configphpsettings = common_config('site','qvitter') ?: array(); foreach($configphpsettings as $configphpsetting=>$value) { $settings[$configphpsetting] = $value; } if(isset($settings[$setting])) { return $settings[$setting]; } else { return false; } } // make sure we have a notifications table function onCheckSchema() { $schema = Schema::get(); $schema->ensureTable('qvitternotification', QvitterNotification::schemaDef()); return true; } // route/reroute urls public function onRouterInitialized($m) { $m->connect('api/qvitter/favs_and_repeats/:notice_id.json', array('action' => 'ApiFavsAndRepeats'), array('notice_id' => '[0-9]+')); $m->connect('api/statuses/public_and_external_timeline.:format', array('action' => 'ApiTimelinePublicAndExternal', 'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/update_link_color.json', array('action' => 'apiqvitterupdatelinkcolor')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/update_background_color.json', array('action' => 'apiqvitterupdatebackgroundcolor')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/checklogin.json', array('action' => 'apiqvitterchecklogin')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/allfollowing/:id.json', array('action' => 'apiqvitterallfollowing', 'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT)); $m->connect('api/qvitter/update_cover_photo.json', array('action' => 'ApiUpdateCoverPhoto')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/update_background_image.json', array('action' => 'ApiUpdateBackgroundImage')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/update_avatar.json', array('action' => 'ApiUpdateAvatar')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/upload_image.json', array('action' => 'ApiUploadImage')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/external_user_show.json', array('action' => 'ApiExternalUserShow')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/toggle_qvitter.json', array('action' => 'ApiToggleQvitter')); $m->connect('api/qvitter/statuses/notifications.json', array('action' => 'apiqvitternotifications')); $m->connect(':nickname/notifications', array('action' => 'qvitter', 'nickname' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT)); $m->connect('settings/qvitter', array('action' => 'qvittersettings')); $m->connect('panel/qvitter', array('action' => 'qvitteradminsettings')); common_config_append('admin', 'panels', 'qvitteradm'); $m->connect('main/qlogin', array('action' => 'qvitterlogin')); // check if we should reroute UI to qvitter $logged_in_user = common_current_user(); $qvitter_enabled_by_user = false; $qvitter_disabled_by_user = false; if($logged_in_user) { try { $qvitter_enabled_by_user = Profile_prefs::getData($logged_in_user->getProfile(), 'qvitter', 'enable_qvitter'); } catch (NoResultException $e) { $qvitter_enabled_by_user = false; } try { $qvitter_disabled_by_user = Profile_prefs::getData($logged_in_user->getProfile(), 'qvitter', 'disable_qvitter'); } catch (NoResultException $e) { $qvitter_disabled_by_user = false; } } if((self::settings('enabledbydefault') && !$logged_in_user) || (self::settings('enabledbydefault') && !$qvitter_disabled_by_user) || (!self::settings('enabledbydefault') && $qvitter_enabled_by_user)) { $m->connect('', array('action' => 'qvitter')); $m->connect('main/all', array('action' => 'qvitter')); $m->connect('search/notice', array('action' => 'qvitter')); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, ':nickname', array('action' => 'showstream'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, ':nickname/', array('action' => 'showstream'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, ':nickname/all', array('action' => 'all'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, ':nickname/subscriptions', array('action' => 'subscriptions'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, ':nickname/subscribers', array('action' => 'subscribers'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, ':nickname/groups', array('action' => 'usergroups'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, ':nickname/replies', array('action' => 'replies'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, ':nickname/favorites', array('action' => 'showfavorites'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, 'group/:nickname', array('action' => 'showgroup'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, 'group/:nickname/members', array('action' => 'groupmembers'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT), 'qvitter'); $m->connect('group/:nickname/admins', array('action' => 'qvitter'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT)); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, 'tag/:tag', array('action' => 'showstream'), array('tag' => Router::REGEX_TAG), 'qvitter'); URLMapperOverwrite::overwrite_variable($m, 'notice/:notice', array('action' => 'shownotice'), array('notice' => '[0-9]+'), 'qvitter'); } // if qvitter is opt-out, disable the default register page (if we don't have a valid invitation code) if(isset($_POST['code'])) { $valid_code = Invitation::getKV('code', $_POST['code']); } if(self::settings('enabledbydefault') && empty($valid_code)) { $m->connect('main/register', array('action' => 'qvitter')); } } /** * Add script to default ui, to be able to toggle Qvitter with one click * * @return boolean hook return */ function onEndShowScripts($action){ if (common_logged_in()) { $user = common_current_user(); $profile = $user->getProfile(); $qvitter_enabled='false'; // if qvitter is enabled by default but _not_ disabled by the user, if(QvitterPlugin::settings('enabledbydefault')) { $disabled = Profile_prefs::getConfigData($profile, 'qvitter', 'disable_qvitter'); if($disabled == 0) { $qvitter_enabled='true'; } } // if qvitter is disabled by default and _enabled_ by the user, else { $enabled = Profile_prefs::getConfigData($profile, 'qvitter', 'enable_qvitter'); if($enabled == 1) { $qvitter_enabled='true'; } } $action->inlineScript(' var toggleQvitterAPIURL = \''.common_path('', true).'api/qvitter/toggle_qvitter.json\'; var toggleText = \'New '.str_replace("'","\'",common_config('site','name')).'\'; var qvitterEnabled = '.$qvitter_enabled.'; var qvitterAllLink = \''.common_local_url('all', array('nickname' => $user->nickname)).'\'; '); $action->script($this->path('js/toggleqvitter.js').'?changed='.date('YmdHis',filemtime(QVITTERDIR.'/js/toggleqvitter.js'))); } } /** * User colors in default UI too, if theme is neo-quitter * * @return boolean hook return */ function onEndShowStylesheets($action) { $theme = common_config('site','theme'); if (common_logged_in() && substr($theme,0,11) == 'neo-quitter') { $user = common_current_user(); $profile = $user->getProfile(); $backgroundcolor = Profile_prefs::getConfigData($profile, 'theme', 'backgroundcolor'); if(!$backgroundcolor) { $backgroundcolor = substr(QvitterPlugin::settings('defaultbackgroundcolor'),1); } $linkcolor = Profile_prefs::getConfigData($profile, 'theme', 'linkcolor'); if(!$linkcolor) { $linkcolor = substr(QvitterPlugin::settings('defaultlinkcolor'),1); } $ligthen_elements = ''; if($this->darkness($backgroundcolor)<0.5) { $ligthen_elements = " #nav_profile a:before, #nav_timeline_replies a:before, #nav_timeline_personal a:before, #nav_local_default li:first-child ul.nav li:nth-child(4) a:before, #nav_timeline_favorites a:before, #nav_timeline_public a:before, #nav_groups a:before, #nav_recent-tags a:before, #nav_timeline_favorited a:before, #nav_directory a:before, #nav_lists a:before, #site_nav_local_views h3, #content h1, #aside_primary h2, #gnusocial-version p, #page_notice, #pagination .nav_next a { color:rgba(255,255,255,0.4); } .nav li.current a:before, .entity_actions a { color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.6) !important; } #aside_primary, .entity_edit a:before, .entity_remote_subscribe:before, #export_data a:before, .peopletags_edit_button:before, .form_group_join:before, .form_group_leave:before, .form_group_delete:before, #site_nav_object li.current a, #pagination .nav_next a:hover, #content .guide { color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.6); } #site_nav_local_views a, #site_nav_object a, #aside_primary a:not(.invite_button) { color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.7); } #site_nav_local_views li.current a, .entity_edit a:hover:before, .entity_remote_subscribe:hover:before, .peopletags_edit_button:hover:before, .form_group_join:hover:before, .form_group_leave:hover:before, .form_group_delete:hover:before { color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.8); } #site_nav_local_views li.current a { background-position: -3px 1px; } #site_nav_local_views li a:hover { background-position:-3px -24px; } #gnusocial-version, #pagination .nav_next a { border-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.3); } #pagination .nav_next a:hover { border-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.5); } #site_nav_object li.current a { background-position: -3px 2px; } #site_nav_object li a:hover { background-position: -3px -23px; } "; } $action->style(" body { background-color:#".$backgroundcolor."; } a, a:hover, a:active, #site_nav_global_primary a:hover, .threaded-replies .notice-faves:before, .threaded-replies .notice-repeats:before, .notice-reply-comments > a:before, #content .notices > .notice > .entry-metadata .conversation { color:#".$linkcolor."; } #site_nav_global_primary a:hover { border-color:#".$linkcolor."; } address { background-color:#".$linkcolor."; } ".$ligthen_elements); } } /** * Menu item for Qvitter * * @param Action $action action being executed * * @return boolean hook return */ function onEndAccountSettingsNav($action) { $action_name = $action->trimmed('action'); $action->menuItem(common_local_url('qvittersettings'), // TRANS: Poll plugin menu item on user settings page. _m('MENU', 'Qvitter'), // TRANS: Poll plugin tooltip for user settings menu item. _m('Enable/Disable Qvitter UI'), $action_name === 'qvittersettings'); return true; } /** * Menu item for admin panel * * @param Action $action action being executed * * @return boolean hook return */ function onEndAdminPanelNav($action) { $action_name = $action->trimmed('action'); $action->out->menuItem(common_local_url('qvitteradminsettings'), // TRANS: Poll plugin menu item on user settings page. _m('MENU', 'Qvitter'), // TRANS: Poll plugin tooltip for user settings menu item. _m('Qvitter Sidebar Notice'), $action_name === 'qvitteradminsettings'); return true; } /** * Add stuff to notices in API responses * * @param Action $action action being executed * * @return boolean hook return */ function onNoticeSimpleStatusArray($notice, &$twitter_status, $scoped) { // groups $notice_groups = $notice->getGroups(); $group_addressees = false; foreach($notice_groups as $g) { $group_addressees = array('nickname'=>$g->nickname,'url'=>$g->mainpage); } $twitter_status['statusnet_in_groups'] = $group_addressees; // include the repeat-id, which we need when unrepeating later if(array_key_exists('repeated', $twitter_status) && $twitter_status['repeated'] === true) { $repeated = Notice::pkeyGet(array('profile_id' => $scoped->id, 'repeat_of' => $notice->id)); $twitter_status['repeated_id'] = $repeated->id; } // thumb urls // find all thumbs $attachments = $notice->attachments(); $attachment_url_to_id = array(); if (!empty($attachments)) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if(is_object($attachment)) { try { $enclosure_o = $attachment->getEnclosure(); $thumb = $attachment->getThumbnail(); $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['id'] = $attachment->id; $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['thumb_url'] = $thumb->getUrl(); } catch (ServerException $e) { $thumb = File_thumbnail::getKV('file_id', $attachment->id); if ($thumb instanceof File_thumbnail) { $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['id'] = $attachment->id; $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['thumb_url'] = $thumb->getUrl(); } } } } } // add thumbs to $twitter_status if (!empty($twitter_status['attachments'])) { foreach ($twitter_status['attachments'] as &$attachment) { if (!empty($attachment_url_to_id[$attachment['url']])) { $attachment['id'] = $attachment_url_to_id[$attachment['url']]['id']; // if the attachment is other than image, and we have a thumb (e.g. videos), // we include the default thumbnail url if(substr($attachment['mimetype'],0,5) != 'image') { $attachment['thumb_url'] = $attachment_url_to_id[$attachment['url']]['thumb_url']; } } } } // reply-to profile url $twitter_status['in_reply_to_profileurl'] = null; if ($notice->reply_to) { $reply = Notice::getKV(intval($notice->reply_to)); if ($reply) { $replier_profile = $reply->getProfile(); $twitter_status['in_reply_to_profileurl'] = $replier_profile->profileurl; } } // some more metadata about notice if($notice->is_local == '1') { $twitter_status['is_local'] = true; } else { $twitter_status['is_local'] = false; if($notice->object_type != 'activity') { $twitter_status['external_url'] = $notice->getUrl(true); } } if($notice->object_type == 'activity') { $twitter_status['is_activity'] = true; } else { $twitter_status['is_activity'] = false; } return true; } /** * Cover photo in API response, also follows_you, etc * * @return boolean hook return */ function onTwitterUserArray($profile, &$twitter_user, $scoped) { $twitter_user['cover_photo'] = Profile_prefs::getConfigData($profile, 'qvitter', 'cover_photo'); $twitter_user['background_image'] = Profile_prefs::getConfigData($profile, 'qvitter', 'background_image'); // follows me? if ($scoped) { $twitter_user['follows_you'] = $profile->isSubscribed($scoped); } // local user? $twitter_user['is_local'] = $profile->isLocal(); return true; } /** * Insert into notification table */ function insertNotification($to_profile_id, $from_profile_id, $ntype, $notice_id=false) { // no notifications from blocked profiles $to_user = User::getKV('id', $to_profile_id); $from_user = Profile::getKV($from_profile_id); if ($to_user instanceof User && $to_user->hasBlocked($from_user)) { return false; } // never notify myself if($to_profile_id == $from_profile_id) { return false; } // insert $notif = new QvitterNotification(); $notif->to_profile_id = $to_profile_id; $notif->from_profile_id = $from_profile_id; $notif->ntype = $ntype; $notif->notice_id = $notice_id; $notif->created = common_sql_now(); if (!$notif->insert()) { common_log_db_error($notif, 'INSERT', __FILE__); return false; } return true; } /** * Insert likes in notification table */ public function onEndFavorNotice($profile, $notice) { // don't notify people favoriting their own notices if($notice->profile_id != $profile->id) { $this->insertNotification($notice->profile_id, $profile->id, 'like', $notice->id); } } /** * Remove likes in notification table on dislike */ public function onEndDisfavorNotice($profile, $notice) { $notif = new QvitterNotification(); $notif->from_profile_id = $profile->id; $notif->notice_id = $notice->id; $notif->ntype = 'like'; $notif->delete(); return true; } /** * Insert notifications for replies, mentions and repeats * * @return boolean hook flag */ function onStartNoticeDistribute($notice) { assert($notice->id > 0); // since we removed tests below // don't add notifications for activity type notices if($notice->object_type == 'activity') { return true; } // mark reply/mention-notifications as read if we're replying to a notice we're notified about if($notice->reply_to) { $user = common_current_user(); $notification_to_mark_as_seen = QvitterNotification::pkeyGet(array('is_seen' => 0, 'notice_id' => $notice->reply_to, 'to_profile_id' => $user->id)); if($notification_to_mark_as_seen instanceof QvitterNotification && ($notification_to_mark_as_seen->ntype == 'mention' || $notification_to_mark_as_seen->ntype == 'reply')) { $orig = clone($notification_to_mark_as_seen); $notification_to_mark_as_seen->is_seen = 1; $notification_to_mark_as_seen->update($orig); } } // repeats if ($notice->isRepeat()) { $repeated_notice = Notice::getKV('id', $notice->repeat_of); if ($repeated_notice instanceof Notice) { $this->insertNotification($repeated_notice->profile_id, $notice->profile_id, 'repeat', $repeated_notice->id); } } // replies and mentions (no notifications for these if this is a repeat) else { $reply_notification_to = false; // check for reply to insert in notifications if($notice->reply_to) { try { $replyauthor = $notice->getParent()->getProfile(); $reply_notification_to = $replyauthor->id; $this->insertNotification($replyauthor->id, $notice->profile_id, 'reply', $notice->id); //} catch (NoParentNoticeException $e) { // TODO: catch this when everyone runs latest GNU social! // This is not a reply to something (has no parent) } catch (NoResultException $e) { // Parent author's profile not found! Complain louder? common_log(LOG_ERR, "Parent notice's author not found: ".$e->getMessage()); } } // check for mentions to insert in notifications $mentions = common_find_mentions($notice->content, $notice); $sender = Profile::getKV($notice->profile_id); $all_mentioned_user_ids = array(); foreach ($mentions as $mention) { foreach ($mention['mentioned'] as $mentioned) { // no duplicate mentions if(in_array($mentioned->id, $all_mentioned_user_ids)) { continue; } $all_mentioned_user_ids[] = $mentioned->id; // only notify if mentioned user is not already notified for reply if($reply_notification_to != $mentioned->id) { $this->insertNotification($mentioned->id, $notice->profile_id, 'mention', $notice->id); } } } } return true; } /** * Delete any notifications tied to deleted notices and un-repeats * * @return boolean hook flag */ public function onNoticeDeleteRelated($notice) { $notif = new QvitterNotification(); // unrepeats if ($notice->isRepeat()) { $repeated_notice = Notice::getKV('id', $notice->repeat_of); $notif->notice_id = $repeated_notice->id; $notif->from_profile_id = $notice->profile_id; } // notices else { $notif->notice_id = $notice->id; } $notif->delete(); return true; } /** * Add notification on subscription, remove on unsubscribe * * @return boolean hook flag */ public function onEndSubscribe($subscriber, $other) { if(Subscription::exists($subscriber, $other)) { $this->insertNotification($other->id, $subscriber->id, 'follow', 1); } return true; } public function onEndUnsubscribe($subscriber, $other) { if(!Subscription::exists($subscriber, $other)) { $notif = new QvitterNotification(); $notif->to_profile_id = $other->id; $notif->from_profile_id = $subscriber->id; $notif->ntype = 'follow'; $notif->delete(); } return true; } /** * Replace GNU Social's default FAQ with Qvitter's * * @return boolean hook flag */ public function onEndLoadDoc($title, &$output) { if($title == 'faq') { $faq = file_get_contents(QVITTERDIR.'/doc/en/faq.html'); $faq = str_replace('{instance-name}',common_config('site','name'),$faq); $faq = str_replace('{instance-url}',common_config('site','server'),$faq); $faq = str_replace('{instance-url-with-protocol}',common_path('', true),$faq); if (common_logged_in()) { $user = common_current_user(); $faq = str_replace('{nickname}',$user->nickname,$faq); } $output = $faq; } return true; } /** * Add menu items to top header in Classic * * @return boolean hook flag */ public function onStartPrimaryNav($action) { $action->menuItem(common_local_url('doc', array('title' => 'faq')), // TRANS: Menu item in primary navigation panel. _m('MENU','FAQ'), // TRANS: Menu item title in primary navigation panel. _('Frequently asked questions'), false, 'top_nav_doc_faq'); return true; } /** * No registration for blocked ips * * @return boolean hook flag */ public function onStartUserRegister($profile) { if(is_array(self::settings("blocked_ips"))) { if(in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], self::settings("blocked_ips"))) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Add unread notification count to all API responses * * @return boolean hook flag */ public function onEndSetApiUser($user) { if (!$user instanceof User) { return true; } $user_id = $user->id; $notification = new QvitterNotification(); $notification->selectAdd(); $notification->selectAdd('ntype'); $notification->selectAdd('count(id) as count'); $notification->whereAdd("(to_profile_id = '".$user_id."')"); $notification->groupBy('ntype'); $notification->whereAdd("(is_seen = '0')"); $notification->whereAdd("(notice_id IS NOT NULL)"); // sometimes notice_id is NULL, those notifications are corrupt and should be discarded $notification->find(); $new_notifications = array(); while ($notification->fetch()) { $new_notifications[$notification->ntype] = $notification->count; } header('Qvitter-Notifications: '.json_encode($new_notifications)); return true; } function onPluginVersion(&$versions) { $versions[] = array('name' => 'Qvitter', 'version' => '4', 'author' => 'Hannes Mannerheim', 'homepage' => 'https://github.com/hannesmannerheim/qvitter', 'rawdescription' => _m('User interface')); return true; } function darkness($hex) { $r = hexdec($hex[0].$hex[1]); $g = hexdec($hex[2].$hex[3]); $b = hexdec($hex[4].$hex[5]); return (max($r, $g, $b) + min($r, $g, $b)) / 510.0; // HSL algorithm } } /** * Overwrites variables in URL-mapping * */ class URLMapperOverwrite extends URLMapper { function overwrite_variable($m, $path, $args, $paramPatterns, $newaction) { $m->connect($path, array('action' => $newaction), $paramPatterns); $regex = URLMapper::makeRegex($path, $paramPatterns); foreach($m->variables as $n=>$v) if($v[1] == $regex) $m->variables[$n][0]['action'] = $newaction; } } ?>