/*· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Q V I T T E R · · · · · · \\\\_\ · · \\) \____) · · · · · · @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the · · JavaScript code in this page. · · · · Copyright (C) 2015 Hannes Mannerheim and other contributors · · · · · · This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify · · it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as · · published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the · · License, or (at your option) any later version. · · · · This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, · · but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of · · MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the · · GNU Affero General Public License for more details. · · · · You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License · · along with this program. If not, see . · · · · @licend The above is the entire license notice · · for the JavaScript code in this page. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ // plugins can add translatons to this object window.pluginTranslations = []; // object to keep old states of streams in, to speed up stream change window.oldStreams = new Object(); // check our localStorage and make sure it's correct checkLocalStorage(); // don't let users inject html/scripts into their own user data... not that it matters, it is only displayed to themselves, but just to be 200% safe window.loggedIn = iterateRecursiveReplaceHtmlSpecialChars(window.loggedIn); // hack to supress basic auth popup, e.g. if the user has to tabs open and // log out in one of them. but microsoft browsers and chrome 59+ doesn't support this if(typeof bowser != 'undefined') { var bowserIntVersion = parseInt(bowser.version,10); if(typeof bowser.msie == 'undefined' && typeof bowser.msedge == 'undefined' && !(typeof bowser.chrome != 'undefined' && bowser.chrome === true && bowserIntVersion <= 59)) { window.apiRoot = window.apiRoot.replace('://','://x:x@'); } } /* · · · Update stream on back button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ window.onpopstate = function(event) { if(event && event.state) { display_spinner(); setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter(event.state.strm),false,false,function(){ remove_spinner(); }); } } /* · · · Discard error messages · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.discard-error-message',function(){ // don't nag on people if($(this).parent().hasClass('language-error-message')) { localStorageObjectCache_STORE('languageErrorMessageDiscarded',$(this).parent().attr('data-language-name'), true); } $(this).addClass('clicked'); $(this).closest('.error-message, .language-error-message').slideUp(100,function(){ $(this).remove(); }); }); /* · · · welcome text expand and collapse · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.show-full-welcome-text, .front-welcome-text:not(.expanded) sup',function(){ $('.front-welcome-text').toggleClass('expanded'); if($('.front-welcome-text').hasClass('expanded')) { var welcomeTextInnerObjectsHeightSum = $('.front-welcome-text > p').outerHeight() + $('.front-welcome-text > h1').outerHeight() + 50; $('.front-welcome-text').css('height', welcomeTextInnerObjectsHeightSum + 'px') } else { $('.front-welcome-text').css('height', '180px'); $('.front-welcome-text').css('overflow', 'hidden'); var scrollTo = $(window).scrollTop() - ($('.front-welcome-text').outerHeight()-200); if(scrollTo < 0) { scrollTo = 0;} $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollTo}, 300, 'linear'); } }); $('body').on('click','.welcome-text-register-link',function(){ var scrollTo = $('#user-container').offset().top; $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollTo}, 300, 'linear'); }); /* · · · Check for tooltips to display · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on({ mouseover: function (e) { removeAllTooltips(); // convert title to tooltip if($(e.target).is('[title]')) { var titleAttribute = replaceHtmlSpecialChars($(e.target).attr('title')); // can contain malicious code $(e.target).attr('data-tooltip',titleAttribute); $(e.target).removeAttr('title'); } // regular tooltips if($(e.target).is('[data-tooltip]')) { var tooltipClass = ''; tooltip_data = $(e.target).attr('data-tooltip'); // if embedded content is hidden, we show it in tooltips if($('#feed-body').hasClass('embedded-content-hidden-by-user') && !$(e.target).is('.oembed-item') && $(e.target).closest('.queet').length > 0 && $(e.target).closest('.queet').find('.oembed-item[href="' + $(e.target).attr('href') + '"]').length > 0) { tooltip_data = $(e.target).closest('.queet').find('.oembed-item[href="' + $(e.target).attr('href') + '"]').html(); tooltipClass = 'oembed'; } else if($('#feed-body').hasClass('embedded-content-hidden-by-user') && !$(e.target).is('.attachment-thumb') && $(e.target).closest('.queet').length > 0 && $(e.target).text().indexOf('/attachment/') > -1) { // local attachments has /attachment/-url in its href attribute if($(e.target).closest('.queet').find('.thumb-container[data-local-attachment-url="' + $(e.target).attr('href') + '"]').length>0) { tooltip_data = $(e.target).closest('.queet').find('.thumb-container[data-local-attachment-url="' + $(e.target).attr('href') + '"]').outerHTML(); tooltipClass = 'thumb'; } // remote attachments are identified by full url else if($(e.target).closest('.queet').find('.thumb-container[href="' + $(e.target).attr('data-tooltip') + '"]').length>0) { tooltip_data = $(e.target).closest('.queet').find('.thumb-container[href="' + $(e.target).attr('data-tooltip') + '"]').outerHTML(); tooltipClass = 'thumb'; } // sometimes the attachment link in the queet text does not give us any clue to // which attachment it is referring to. but if it is the only link and there is // exactly one attachment, we can safely assume that the link is referring to // that attachment else if($(e.target).closest('.queet').find('.thumb-container').length == 1 && $(e.target).closest('.queet-text').find('a.attachment').length == 1) { tooltip_data = $(e.target).closest('.queet').find('.thumb-container').outerHTML(); tooltipClass = 'thumb'; } } else if($('#feed-body').hasClass('quotes-hidden-by-user') && !$(e.target).is('.quote-link-container') && $(e.target).is('[data-quote-url]') && $(e.target).closest('.queet-text').find('.quote-link-container[data-quote-url="' + $(e.target).attr('data-quote-url') + '"]').length > 0) { tooltip_data = $(e.target).closest('.queet-text').find('.quote-link-container[data-quote-url="' + $(e.target).attr('data-quote-url') + '"]').html(); tooltipClass = 'quote'; } var tooltipElement = $('
' + tooltip_data + '
'); var tooltipCaret = $('
'); $('body').prepend(tooltipElement); $('body').prepend(tooltipCaret); // align tooltip to the hovered element alignTooltipTohoveredElement(tooltipElement,tooltipCaret,$(e.target)); // fade in tooltipElement.css('opacity','1'); tooltipCaret.css('opacity','1'); } }, mouseleave: function (e) { removeAllTooltips(); } }); // tooltips should be removed very easily, e.g. when any of these events happen $('body').on("touchstart scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup submit keydown keypress keyup", function(e){ removeAllTooltips(); }); // removes all tooltips function removeAllTooltips() { $('.tooltip,.tooltip-caret').remove(); } /* · · · Check for profile hovercards to display · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ window.userArrayLastRetrieved = new Object(); $('body').on('mouseover',function (e) { // no hovercards on these elements if($(e.target).is('#user-queets') || $(e.target).closest('a').is('#user-queets') || $(e.target).is('.tweet-stats') || $(e.target).closest('a').is('.tweet-stats')) { return true; } var timeNow = new Date().getTime(); removeAllhoverCards(e,timeNow); var hoverCardData = false; var userArray = false; var hrefAttr = false; var possibleNickname = false; // closest a-element with a href if($(e.target).is('[href]')) { var targetElement = $(e.target); } else if($(e.target).closest('a').length>0) { if($(e.target).closest('a').is('[href]')) { var targetElement = $(e.target).closest('a'); } else { var targetElement = $(e.target); } } else { var targetElement = $(e.target); } // get href-attribute if(targetElement.is('[href]')) { hrefAttr = targetElement.attr('href'); } else { return true; } // no hover card if the element has the no-hover-card class if(targetElement.hasClass('no-hover-card')) { return true; } // no hovercard for anchor links if(hrefAttr.substring(0,1) == '#') { return true; } // guess what element close by could be a nickname if($(e.target).is('[href]')) { possibleNickname = $(e.target).text(); } else if($(e.target).closest('a').length>0 && $(e.target).closest('a').is('[href]')) { if($(e.target).siblings('.screen-name').length>0) { // the screen name can be in a sibling if we're lucky possibleNickname = $(e.target).siblings('.screen-name').text(); } else { possibleNickname = $(e.target).text(); } } // see if we have it in cache, otherwise query server getUserArrayData(hrefAttr, possibleNickname, timeNow, targetElement, function(userArray, timeOut){ // bad data if(typeof userArray.local == 'undefined') { return; } // build card from either the local or external data, depending on what we got if (userArray.local !== null && userArray.local.is_local == true) { var profileCard = buildProfileCard(userArray.local); } else if(userArray.local !== null && userArray.local.is_local == false && (typeof userArray.external == 'undefined' || userArray.external === null || userArray.external === false)) { var profileCard = buildProfileCard(userArray.local); } else if ((userArray.local === null || userArray.local === false || userArray.local.is_local == false) && typeof userArray.external != 'undefined' && userArray.external !== false && userArray.external !== null) { var profileCard = buildExternalProfileCard(userArray); } else { console.log('could not build profile card...'); return; } var hoverCardElement = $('
' + profileCard.profileCardHtml + '
'); var hoverCardCaret = $('
'); targetElement.attr('data-awaiting-hover-card',timeNow); // let user hover for 600ms before showing the card setTimeout(function(){ // make sure user is still hovering the same link and that that the link awaits the same hover card // (user can have flickered on and off the link triggering two or more hover cards to in setTimeout delay) if(targetElement.is(":hover") && parseInt(targetElement.attr('data-awaiting-hover-card'),10) == timeNow) { if($('.hover-card').length == 0) { // no card if there already is one open $('body').prepend(hoverCardElement); $('body').prepend(hoverCardCaret); targetElement.attr('data-hover-card-active',timeNow); // if the user array has not been retrieved from the server for the last 60 seconds, // we query it for the lastest data if((typeof window.userArrayLastRetrieved[hrefAttr] == 'undefined') || (timeNow - window.userArrayLastRetrieved[hrefAttr]) > 60000) { window.userArrayLastRetrieved[hrefAttr] = timeNow; // local users if(userArray.local && userArray.local.is_local === true) { getFromAPI('users/show.json?id=' + userArray.local.screen_name, function(data){ if(data) { var newProfileCard = buildProfileCard(data); hoverCardElement.html(newProfileCard.profileCardHtml); alignTooltipTohoveredElement(hoverCardElement,hoverCardCaret,targetElement); } }); } // external users else if(!userArray.local || userArray.local.is_local === false) { getFromAPI('qvitter/external_user_show.json?profileurl=' + encodeURIComponent(hrefAttr),function(data){ if(data && data.external !== null) { var newProfileCard = buildExternalProfileCard(data); hoverCardElement.html(newProfileCard.profileCardHtml); alignTooltipTohoveredElement(hoverCardElement,hoverCardCaret,targetElement); } }); } } // hide tooltips $('.tooltip,.tooltip-caret').remove(); // align hover card to the hovered element alignTooltipTohoveredElement(hoverCardElement,hoverCardCaret,targetElement); // fade in hoverCardElement.css('opacity','1'); hoverCardCaret.css('opacity','1'); } } },timeOut); }); }); // get user array from cache (or from server) function getUserArrayData(maybeProfileUrl,maybeNickname,timeNow,targetElement,callback) { if(maybeProfileUrl && maybeNickname) { userArray = userArrayCacheGetByProfileUrlAndNickname(maybeProfileUrl, maybeNickname); // no cached user array found, query server if this seems to be a profile url if(!userArray) { var streamObject = URLtoStreamRouter(maybeProfileUrl); // pathToStreamRouter failed finding a local stream for this path, maybe it's a remote profile? if(streamObject === false) { // we don't want to query the server every time we just pass an a-element with the cursor, so if the user // hovers the element for, say, 200ms we ask the server if the link could be a remote profile setTimeout(function(){ if(targetElement.is(":hover")) { // don't try this if we already tried it less than a minute ago if((typeof window.userArrayLastRetrieved[maybeProfileUrl] == 'undefined') || (timeNow - window.userArrayLastRetrieved[maybeProfileUrl]) > 60000) { window.userArrayLastRetrieved[maybeProfileUrl] = timeNow; getFromAPI('qvitter/external_user_show.json?profileurl=' + encodeURIComponent(maybeProfileUrl),function(data){ if(data) { // we want hover cards to appear _at least_ 600ms after hover (see below) var timeAfterServerQuery = new Date().getTime(); var queryTime = timeAfterServerQuery-timeNow; if(queryTime<600) { var timeOut = 600-queryTime; } else { var timeOut = 0; } callback(data,timeOut); } }); } } },200); } // likely an uncached local profile else if(streamObject && (streamObject.name == 'profile' || streamObject.name == 'profile by id')) { var nicknameOrId = streamObject.nickname; if(!nicknameOrId) { nicknameOrId = streamObject.id; } // don't query too often for the same user if(typeof window.userArrayLastRetrieved[maybeProfileUrl] == 'undefined' || (timeNow - window.userArrayLastRetrieved[maybeProfileUrl]) > 60000) { window.userArrayLastRetrieved[maybeProfileUrl] = timeNow; // query server and cache user data (done automatically in getFromAPI) getFromAPI('users/show.json?id=' + nicknameOrId, function(data){ if(data) { userArray = {local:data}; // we want hover cards to appear _at least_ 600ms after hover // we could just set the timeout to 0 and let the card appear // whenever it's loaded, but this will not feel good if we're // on a crazy fast server. so we calculate the diff time and makes // sure the total delay is at least 600ms var timeAfterServerQuery = new Date().getTime(); var queryTime = timeAfterServerQuery-timeNow; if(queryTime<600) { var timeOut = 600-queryTime; } else { var timeOut = 0; } // continue to display the hover card callback(userArray,timeOut); } }); } } } // from cache else { // continue to display the hover card // 600ms before cards appear feels pretty good // but this can be tweaked if cards appear to fast/slow callback(userArray,600); } } } // hover cards should be removed very easily, e.g. when any of these events happen $('body').on("mouseleave touchstart scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup submit keydown keypress keyup", function(e){ var timeNow = new Date().getTime(); removeAllhoverCards(e,timeNow); }); // removes all hover cards function removeAllhoverCards(event,priorTo) { // don't remove hovercards until after 100ms, so user have time to move the cursor to it (which gives it the dont-remove-card class) setTimeout(function(){ $.each($('.hover-card'),function(){ // don't remove card if it was created after removeAllhoverCards() was called if($(this).data('card-created') < priorTo) { // don't remove it if we're hovering it right now! if(!$(this).hasClass('dont-remove-card')) { $('[data-hover-card-active="' + $(this).data('card-created') + '"]').removeAttr('data-hover-card-active'); $('#hover-card-caret-' + $(this).data('card-created')).remove(); $(this).remove(); } } }); },100); } // if we're hovering a hover card, give it a class, so we don't remove it $('body').on('mouseover','.hover-card', function(e) { $(this).addClass('dont-remove-card'); }); $('body').on('mouseleave','.hover-card', function(e) { $(this).removeClass('dont-remove-card'); }); /* · · · find someone tool · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#find-someone input').keyup(function(e){ var thisFindSomeoneInput = $(this); if(e.keyCode==13 && !thisFindSomeoneInput.hasClass('submitted')) { thisFindSomeoneInput.addClass('submitted'); thisFindSomeoneInput.attr('disabled','disabled'); var val = $.trim(thisFindSomeoneInput.val()); // if this is a simple text input, we assume it is a local user if(val.length>1 && /^(@)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(val)) { if(val.indexOf('@') == 0) { val = val.replace('@',''); } setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter(val),true,false,function(){ foundSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput); }); } // urls might be a remote user else if(val.length==0 || /^(ftp|http|https):\/\/[^ "]+$/.test(val)) { getFromAPI('qvitter/external_user_show.json?profileurl=' + encodeURIComponent(val),function(data){ if(data && data.local !== null) { setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter('user/' + data.local.id),true,false,function(){ foundSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput); }); } else { cantFindSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput); } }); } // @user@instance.domain style syntax else if(val.length==0 || /^(@)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.)(.*)+$/.test(val)) { if(val.indexOf('@') == 0) { val = val.substring(1) } var username = val.substring(0, val.indexOf('@')); var domain = val.substring(val.indexOf('@')+1); var urlToTry = 'https://' + domain + '/' + username; var secondUrlToTry = 'http://' + domain + '/' + username; var thirdUrlToTry = 'https://' + domain + '/@' + username; // mastodon getFromAPI('qvitter/external_user_show.json?profileurl=' + encodeURIComponent(urlToTry),function(data){ if(data && data.local !== null) { setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter('user/' + data.local.id),true,false,function(){ foundSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput); }); } else { getFromAPI('qvitter/external_user_show.json?profileurl=' + encodeURIComponent(secondUrlToTry),function(data){ if(data && data.local !== null) { setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter('user/' + data.local.id),true,false,function(){ foundSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput); }); } else { getFromAPI('qvitter/external_user_show.json?profileurl=' + encodeURIComponent(thirdUrlToTry),function(data){ if(data && data.local !== null) { setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter('user/' + data.local.id),true,false,function(){ foundSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput); }); } else { cantFindSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput); } }); } }); } }); } else { cantFindSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput); } } }); function cantFindSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput) { thisFindSomeoneInput.css('background-color','pink'); thisFindSomeoneInput.effect('shake',{distance:5,times:3,duration:700},function(){ thisFindSomeoneInput.animate({backgroundColor:'#fff'},1000); thisFindSomeoneInput.removeAttr('disabled'); thisFindSomeoneInput.removeClass('submitted'); thisFindSomeoneInput.focus(); }); } function foundSomeone(thisFindSomeoneInput) { thisFindSomeoneInput.removeAttr('disabled'); thisFindSomeoneInput.val(''); thisFindSomeoneInput.blur(); thisFindSomeoneInput.removeClass('submitted'); } /* · · · fix login and register box to top when they reach top · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $(window).scroll(function(e){ if($('#page-container > .profile-card').length > 0) { var feedOrProfileCardOffsetTop = $('#page-container > .profile-card').offset().top; } else { var feedOrProfileCardOffsetTop = $('#feed').offset().top; } if ($(this).scrollTop() > (feedOrProfileCardOffsetTop-55) && $('#login-content').css('position') != 'fixed'){ var loginAndSignUpBoxesHeight = $('#login-content').outerHeight() + $('.front-signup').not('#popup-signup').outerHeight(); $('#login-register-container').css({'position': 'fixed', 'top': '55px'}); } else if ($(this).scrollTop() < (feedOrProfileCardOffsetTop-55) && $('#login-content').css('position') != 'absolute'){ $('#login-register-container').css({'position': 'relative', 'top': 'auto'}); } }); /* · · · Tooltip to show what federated means · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('mouseenter','#federated-tooltip',function(){ $('#what-is-federation').fadeIn(100); }); $('body').on('mouseleave','#what-is-federation',function(){ $('#what-is-federation').fadeOut(100); }); /* · · · Scroll to top when clicking top bar · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.global-nav',function(e) { if($(e.target).hasClass('global-nav')) { $(window).scrollTop(0); } }); /* · · · Register · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ if(!window.registrationsClosed) { $('.front-signup input, .front-signup button').removeAttr('disabled'); // clear this onload $('#signup-btn-step1').click(function(){ $(document).trigger('onClickStep1Register'); // hook display_spinner(); $('.front-signup input, .front-signup button').addClass('disabled'); $('.front-signup input, .front-signup button').attr('disabled','disabled'); // 7 s timeout to annoy human spammers setTimeout(function(){ remove_spinner(); popUpAction('popup-register',window.sL.signUp,'',false); // ask api if nickname is ok, if no typing for 1 s $('#signup-user-nickname-step2').on('keyup',function(){ clearTimeout(window.checkNicknameTimeout); var thisInputElement = $(this); var thisValue = $(this).val(); if(thisValue.length>1 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(thisValue)) { thisInputElement.addClass('nickname-taken'); if($('.spinner-wrap').length==0) { thisInputElement.after('
'); } window.checkNicknameTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ $.get(window.apiRoot + 'check_nickname.json?nickname=' + encodeURIComponent(thisValue),function(data){ $('.spinner-wrap').remove(); if(data==0) { $('#signup-user-password2-step2').trigger('keyup'); // revalidates } else { thisInputElement.removeClass('nickname-taken'); $('#signup-user-password2-step2').trigger('keyup'); } }); },1000); } else { $('.spinner-wrap').remove(); } }); // ask api if email is in use, if no typing for 1 s $('#signup-user-email-step2').on('keyup',function(){ clearTimeout(window.checkEmailTimeout); var thisInputElement = $(this); var thisValue = $(this).val(); if(thisValue.length>1 && validEmail(thisValue)) { thisInputElement.addClass('email-in-use'); if($('.spinner-wrap').length==0) { thisInputElement.after('
'); } window.checkEmailTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ $.get(window.apiRoot + 'qvitter/check_email.json?email=' + encodeURIComponent(thisValue),function(data){ $('.spinner-wrap').remove(); if(data==1) { $('#signup-user-password2-step2').trigger('keyup'); // revalidates thisInputElement.after(''); } else { thisInputElement.removeClass('email-in-use'); thisInputElement.siblings('.fieldhelp.email-in-use').remove(); $('#signup-user-password2-step2').trigger('keyup'); } }); },1000); } else { $('.spinner-wrap').remove(); } }); // validate on keyup / paste / blur $('#popup-register input').on('keyup paste blur',function(){ setTimeout(function () { // defer validation as after paste the content is not immediately available if(validateRegisterForm($('#popup-register')) && !$('#signup-user-nickname-step2').hasClass('nickname-taken') && !$('#signup-user-email-step2').hasClass('email-in-use')) { $('#signup-btn-step2').removeClass('disabled'); } else { $('#signup-btn-step2').addClass('disabled'); } }, 0); }); $('#popup-register input').trigger('keyup'); // submit on enter $('input#signup-user-name-step2,input#signup-user-email-step2,input#signup-user-password1-step2, input#signup-user-password2-step2').keyup(function(e){ if(e.keyCode==13) { $('#signup-btn-step2').trigger('click'); } }); $('#signup-btn-step2').click(function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) { $('#popup-register input,#popup-register button').addClass('disabled'); display_spinner(); $.ajax({ url: window.apiRoot + 'account/register.json', type: "POST", data: { nickname: $('#signup-user-nickname-step2').val(), email: $('#signup-user-email-step2').val(), fullname: $('#signup-user-name-step2').val(), homepage: $('#signup-user-homepage-step2').val(), bio: $('#signup-user-bio-step2').val(), location: $('#signup-user-location-step2').val(), password: $('#signup-user-password1-step2').val(), confirm: $('#signup-user-password2-step2').val(), cBS: window.cBS, cBSm: window.cBSm, username: 'none', }, dataType:"json", error: function(data){ if(typeof data.responseJSON != 'undefined' && typeof data.responseJSON.error != 'undefined') { remove_spinner(); $('#popup-register input,#popup-register button').removeClass('disabled'); $('#signup-user-password2-step2').trigger('keyup'); // revalidate showErrorMessage(data.responseJSON.error,$('#popup-register .modal-header')); } }, success: function(data) { remove_spinner(); if(typeof data.error == 'undefined') { $('input#nickname').val($('#signup-user-nickname-step2').val()); $('input#password').val($('#signup-user-password1-step2').val()); $('input#rememberme').prop('checked', true); $('#submit-login').trigger('click'); $('#popup-register').remove(); } else { alert('Try again! ' + data.error); $('#popup-register input,#popup-register button').removeClass('disabled'); } } }); } }); // reactivate register form on popup close $('#popup-register').on('remove',function(){ $('.front-signup input, .front-signup button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.front-signup input, .front-signup button').removeClass('disabled'); }); },7000); }); // submit on enter $('input#signup-user-name,input#signup-user-email,input#signup-user-password').keyup(function(e){ if(e.keyCode==13) { $('#signup-btn-step1').trigger('click'); } }); } /* · · · Show/hide Terms of Use · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','#signup-terms-header',function(){ if($('#signup-terms-container').text().length > 0) { $('#signup-terms-container').html(''); } else { if(window.customTermsOfUse) { $('#signup-terms-container').html(window.customTermsOfUse); } else { getDoc('terms',function(termsHtml){ $('#signup-terms-container').html(termsHtml); }); } } }); /* · · · set language, autologin or show welcome screen · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#submit-login').removeAttr('disabled'); // might be remebered by browser... $(window).load(function() { // set language, from local storage, else browser language var browserLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; // use english if browser has no language set if(typeof browserLang == 'undefined') { var browserLang = 'en-GB'; } // browsers report e.g. sv-SE but we want it in the format "sv" or "sv_se" browserLang = browserLang.replace('-','_').toLowerCase(); // if we're logged out, we see if there's a saved language in localstorage if(window.loggedIn === false) { var cacheDataLoggedOut = localStorageObjectCache_GET('selectedLanguage','logged_out'); if(cacheDataLoggedOut) { window.selectedLanguage = cacheDataLoggedOut; } else { window.selectedLanguage = browserLang; } } // if we're logged in, we check // 1) check if the logged in user has selected a language // 2) check if there a selected language for logged_out users (i.e. the user selected the language before logging in) // 3) go with the browser language else { var cacheDataLoggedOut = localStorageObjectCache_GET('selectedLanguage','logged_out'); var cacheDataLoggedIn = localStorageObjectCache_GET('selectedLanguage',window.loggedIn.id); if(cacheDataLoggedIn) { window.selectedLanguage = cacheDataLoggedIn; } else if(cacheDataLoggedOut) { window.selectedLanguage = cacheDataLoggedOut; } else { window.selectedLanguage = browserLang; } } // check that the language is available, if(typeof window.availableLanguages[window.selectedLanguage] == 'undefined') { var similarLanguageFound = false; // if not there might be a base language, e.g. "sv" instead of "sv_se" if(window.selectedLanguage.indexOf('_') > -1 && typeof window.availableLanguages[window.selectedLanguage.substring(0,window.selectedLanguage.indexOf('_'))] != 'undefined') { window.selectedLanguage = window.selectedLanguage.substring(0,window.selectedLanguage.indexOf('_')); similarLanguageFound = true; } else { // there's also a chance there no base language, but a similar country specific language that we can use (rather than english) if(window.selectedLanguage.indexOf('_') > -1) { var baseLan = window.selectedLanguage.indexOf('_'); } else { var baseLan = window.selectedLanguage; } $.each(window.availableLanguages, function(lanCode,lanData){ if(lanCode.substring(0,lanCode.indexOf('_')) == baseLan) { window.selectedLanguage = lanCode; similarLanguageFound = true; return false; } }); } // if we can't find a similar language, go with english if(similarLanguageFound === false) { window.selectedLanguage = 'en'; } } // english is always available if(window.selectedLanguage == 'en') { proceedToSetLanguageAndLogin(window.englishLanguageData); } else { // if we already have this version of this language in localstorage, we // use that cached version. we do this because $.ajax doesn't respect caching, it seems var cacheData = localStorageObjectCache_GET('languageData',window.availableLanguages[window.selectedLanguage]); if(cacheData) { proceedToSetLanguageAndLogin(cacheData); } else { $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: window.fullUrlToThisQvitterApp + 'locale/' + window.availableLanguages[window.selectedLanguage], error: function(data){console.log(data)}, success: function(data) { // store this response in localstorage localStorageObjectCache_STORE('languageData',window.availableLanguages[window.selectedLanguage], data); proceedToSetLanguageAndLogin(data); } }); } } }); // proceed to set language and login function proceedToSetLanguageAndLogin(data){ window.sL = data; // plugins might have added translations $.each(window.pluginTranslations,function(k,pluginTranslation) { if(typeof pluginTranslation[window.selectedLanguage] != 'undefined') { $.extend(window.sL,pluginTranslation[window.selectedLanguage]); } else if(typeof pluginTranslation['en'] != 'undefined') { $.extend(window.sL,pluginTranslation['en']); } }); // plugins might want to wait and do stuff until after language is set $(document).trigger('qvitterAfterLanguageIsSet'); // if this is a RTL-language, add rtl class to body if(window.sL.directionality == 'rtl') { $('body').addClass('rtl'); } window.siteTitle = $('head title').html(); // remember this for later use // replace placeholders in translation $.each(window.sL,function(k,v){ window.sL[k] = v.replace(/{site-title}/g,window.siteTitle); }); // suggest user to help translate if their browsers language does't exist if(typeof window.availableLanguages[window.usersLanguageCode] == 'undefined' && !localStorageObjectCache_GET('languageErrorMessageDiscarded',window.usersLanguageNameInEnglish)) { // but don't nag $('#page-container').prepend('
' + window.siteTitle + ' is not availible in your language (' + replaceHtmlSpecialChars(window.usersLanguageNameInEnglish) + '). Visit Qvitter\'s repository homepage if you want to help us to translate the interface.
'); } // if selected language is too similar to english, we display a message telling people to help with the translation if(window.sL.languageName != 'English') { var numberOfStringsSameAsEnglish = 0; var totalStrings = 0; $.each(window.sL,function(k,v){ if(v == window.englishLanguageData[k]) { numberOfStringsSameAsEnglish++; } totalStrings++; }); numberOfStringsSameAsEnglish = Math.max(0, numberOfStringsSameAsEnglish-20); totalStrings = Math.max(0, totalStrings-20); // ~20 strings, e.g. shortened months, is often same in many languages var percentTranslated = parseInt((1-(numberOfStringsSameAsEnglish/totalStrings))*100,10); if(percentTranslated < 95) { if(!localStorageObjectCache_GET('languageErrorMessageDiscarded',window.sL.languageName)) { // but don't nag $('#page-container').prepend('
' + window.sL.onlyPartlyTranslated.replace('{percent}',percentTranslated).replace('{language-name}',window.sL.languageName) + '
'); } } } // set some static strings if(window.customWelcomeText !== false && typeof window.customWelcomeText[window.selectedLanguage] != 'undefined') { $('.front-welcome-text').html(window.customWelcomeText[window.selectedLanguage]); // collapse long welcome texts and add expand button if($('.front-welcome-text').outerHeight()>250) { $('.front-welcome-text').css('height','240px'); $('.front-welcome-text').css('overflow', 'hidden'); $('.front-welcome-text').append('
'); } } else { $('.front-welcome-text').html('

' + window.sL.welcomeHeading + '

'); if(window.enableWelcomeText) { $('.front-welcome-text').append(window.sL.welcomeText); } } $('#nickname').attr('placeholder',window.sL.loginUsername); $('#password').attr('placeholder',window.sL.loginPassword); $('button#submit-login').html(window.sL.loginSignIn); $('#rememberme_label').html(window.sL.loginRememberMe); $('#forgot-password').html(window.sL.loginForgotPassword); $('.front-signup h2').html('' + window.sL.newToQuitter + ' ' + window.sL.signUp); $('#signup-user-name').attr('placeholder',window.sL.signUpFullName); $('#signup-user-email').attr('placeholder',window.sL.signUpEmail); $('#signup-user-password').attr('placeholder',window.sL.loginPassword); $('.front-signup button.signup-btn').html(window.sL.signUpButtonText); $('#user-queets .label').html(window.sL.notices); $('#user-following .label').html(window.sL.following); $('#user-followers .label').html(window.sL.followers); $('#user-groups .label').html(window.sL.groups); $('#queet-box').html(window.sL.compose); $('#queet-box').attr('data-start-text',encodeURIComponent(window.sL.compose)); $('#user-footer .queet-button button').html(window.sL.queetVerb); $('#stream-header').html(window.sL.queetsNounPlural); $('#logout').html(window.sL.logout); $('#settings').html(window.sL.settings); $('#other-servers-link').html(window.sL.otherServers); $('.language-dropdown .dropdown-toggle small').html(window.sL.languageSelected); $('.language-dropdown .current-language').html(window.sL.languageName); $('.stream-selection.friends-timeline').prepend(window.sL.timeline); $('.stream-selection.mentions').prepend(window.sL.mentions); $('.stream-selection.notifications').prepend(window.sL.notifications); $('.stream-selection.favorites').prepend(window.sL.favoritesNoun); $('.stream-selection.public-timeline').prepend(window.sL.publicTimeline); $('.stream-selection.public-and-external-timeline').prepend(window.sL.publicAndExtTimeline) $('#search-query').attr('placeholder',window.sL.searchVerb); $('#blocking-link').html(window.sL.userBlocks); $('#faq-link').html(window.sL.FAQ); $('#tou-link').html(window.sL.showTerms); $('#add-edit-language-link').html(window.sL.addEditLanguageLink); $('#shortcuts-link').html(window.sL.keyboardShortcuts); $('#invite-link').html(window.sL.inviteAFriend); $('#classic-link').html(window.sL.classicInterface); $('#edit-profile-header-link').html(window.sL.editMyProfile); $('#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel').attr('data-tooltip',window.sL.profileSettings); $('#accessibility-toggle-link').html(window.sL.accessibilityToggleLink); $('#settingslink .nav-session').attr('data-tooltip',window.sL.profileAndSettings); $('#top-compose').attr('data-tooltip',window.sL.compose); $('button.upload-image').attr('data-tooltip',window.sL.tooltipAttachFile); $('button.shorten').attr('data-tooltip',window.sL.tooltipShortenUrls); $('.reload-stream').attr('data-tooltip',window.sL.tooltipReloadStream); $('#clear-history').html(window.sL.clearHistory); $('#user-screen-name, #user-avatar, #user-name').attr('data-tooltip', window.sL.viewMyProfilePage); $('#top-menu-profile-link-view-profile').html(window.sL.viewMyProfilePage); $('#find-someone input').attr('placeholder',window.sL.findSomeone); $('#find-someone input').attr('data-tooltip',window.sL.findSomeoneTooltip); // show site body now $('#user-container').css('display','block'); $('#feed').css('display','block'); // logged in or not? if(window.loggedIn) { proceedLoggedIn(); } else { proceedLoggedOut(); } } /* · · · Stuff we do on load specifically for logged out users · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function proceedLoggedOut() { display_spinner(); setNewCurrentStream(getStreamFromUrl(),true,false,function(){ // $('input#nickname').focus(); --> maybe not a good idea on mobile? $('#page-container').css('opacity','1'); }); } /* · · · Stuff we do on load specifically for logged in users · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function proceedLoggedIn() { display_spinner(); // get everyone we follow, block and our memberships and stor in global objects getAllFollowsMembershipsAndBlocks(function(){ // do this now not to stall slow computers, also we know of group memberships to highlight now cacheSyntaxHighlighting(); // we might have cached text for the queet box // (we need to get the mentions suggestions and cache the syntax highlighting before doing this) $('#queet-box').attr('data-cached-text',encodeURIComponent(localStorageObjectCache_GET('queetBoxInput','queet-box'))); maybePrefillQueetBoxWithCachedText($('#queet-box')); }); // load history loadHistoryFromLocalStorage(); // show bookmarks appendAllBookmarks(window.qvitterProfilePrefs.bookmarks); // set stream setNewCurrentStream(getStreamFromUrl(),true,false,function(){ $('.language-dropdown').css('display','none'); $('#page-container').css('opacity','1'); $('#search').fadeIn('slow'); $('#settingslink .dropdown-toggle').fadeIn('slow'); $('#top-compose').fadeIn('slow'); $('input#nickname').blur(); }); } /* · · · Shake the login box, i.e. when indicating an error · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function shakeLoginBox() { $('input#nickname').css('background-color','pink'); $('input#password').css('background-color','pink'); $('#login-content').effect('shake',{distance:5,times:2},function(){ $('input#nickname').animate({backgroundColor:'#fff'},1000); $('input#password').animate({backgroundColor:'#fff'},1000); }); } /* · · · In the login form, we want to check the remember-me-checkbox when its label is clicked · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#rememberme_label').click(function(){ if($('#rememberme').prop('checked')) { $('#rememberme').prop('checked', false); } else { $('#rememberme').prop('checked', true); } }); $('#rememberme_label').disableSelection(); /* · · · Submit login form · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#form_login').submit(function(e) { if(typeof window.loginCheckSuccessful == 'undefined') { e.preventDefault(); checkLogin($('input#nickname').val(),$('input#password').val(),function(data){ window.loginCheckSuccessful = true; $('#form_login').submit(); }); } }); /* · · · Logout · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#logout').click(function(){ window.location.href =window.siteInstanceURL + 'main/logout'; }); /* · · · FAQ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#faq-link').click(function(){ popUpAction('popup-faq', window.siteTitle + ' ' + window.sL.FAQ,'
',false); getDoc('faq',function(faqHtml){ $('#faq-container').html(faqHtml); }); }); /* · · · Terms · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#tou-link,.tou-link').click(function(){ popUpAction('popup-terms', window.sL.showTerms,'
',false); if(window.customTermsOfUse) { $('#terms-container').html(window.customTermsOfUse); } else { getDoc('terms',function(termsHtml){ $('#terms-container').html(termsHtml); }); } }); /* · · · Classic Link, toggle setting in api and redirect to /all · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#classic-link, #accessibility-toggle-link').click(function(){ getFromAPI('qvitter/toggle_qvitter.json',function(data){ if(data.success === true) { window.location.href = window.siteInstanceURL + window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/all'; } }); }); /* · · · Handling the language dropdown selection · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('.dropdown').click(function(){$(this).toggleClass('dropped')}); $('.dropdown').disableSelection(); $(document).bind('click', function (e) { if(!$(e.target).is('#logo') && !$(e.target).is('#settingslink') && !$(e.target).is('.nav-session') && !$(e.target).is('.dropdown-toggle') && !$(e.target).is('.dropdown-toggle small') && !$(e.target).is('.dropdown-toggle span') && !$(e.target).is('.dropdown-toggle b')) { $('.dropdown').removeClass('dropped'); $('.quitter-settings.dropdown-menu').removeClass('dropped'); } }); $('.language-link').click(function(){ if(window.loggedIn === false) { var selectedForUser = 'logged_out'; } else { var selectedForUser = window.loggedIn.id; } localStorageObjectCache_STORE('selectedLanguage',selectedForUser, $(this).attr('data-lang-code')); location.reload(); // reload }); /* · · · Show the logo menu dropdown on click · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#settingslink').click(function(){ removeAllTooltips(); if(!$('.quitter-settings').hasClass('dropped')) { $('.quitter-settings').addClass('dropped'); } else { $('.quitter-settings').removeClass('dropped'); } }); /* · · · Show/hide the user menu dropdown on click · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.user-menu-cog',function(e){ if(!$(e.target).is($(this))) { // don't show/hide when clicking inside the menu } // hide else if($(this).hasClass('dropped')) { $(this).removeClass('dropped'); $(this).children('.dropdown-menu').remove(); } // show else { $(this).addClass('dropped'); var userID = $(this).attr('data-user-id'); var userScreenName = $(this).attr('data-screen-name'); var silenced = $(this).hasClass('silenced'); var sandboxed = $(this).hasClass('sandboxed'); // menu var menuArray = []; // settings etc if it's me if(userID == window.loggedIn.id) { menuArray = loggedInUsersMenuArray(); } // block etc if it not me else { if(userIsBlocked(userID)) { menuArray.push({ type: 'function', functionName: 'unblockUser', functionArguments: { userId: userID }, label: window.sL.unblockUser.replace('{username}','@' + userScreenName) }); } else { menuArray.push({ type: 'function', functionName: 'blockUser', functionArguments: { userId: userID }, label: window.sL.blockUser.replace('{username}','@' + userScreenName) }); } // mute profile pref menuArray.push({ type: 'profile-prefs-toggle', namespace: 'qvitter', topic: 'mute:' + userID, label: window.sL.muteUser, enabledLabel: window.sL.unmuteUser, tickDisabled: true, callback: 'hideOrShowNoticesAfterMuteOrUnmute' }); // moderator actions menuArray = appendModeratorUserActionsToMenuArray(menuArray,userID,userScreenName,sandboxed,silenced); } var menu = $(getMenu(menuArray)).appendTo(this); alignMenuToParent(menu,$(this)); } }); // hide the stream menu when clicking outside it $('body').on('click',function(e){ if(!$(e.target).is('.user-menu-cog') && $('.user-menu-cog').hasClass('dropped') && !$(e.target).closest('.user-menu-cog').length>0) { $('.user-menu-cog').children('.dropdown-menu').remove(); $('.user-menu-cog').removeClass('dropped'); } }); /* · · · Show/hide the stream menu dropdown on click · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','#stream-menu-cog',function(e){ if(!$(e.target).is('#stream-menu-cog') && $(e.target).closest('#stream-menu-cog').length>0) { // don't show/hide when clicking inside the menu } // hide else if($(this).hasClass('dropped')) { $(this).removeClass('dropped'); $(this).children('.dropdown-menu').remove(); } // show else { $(this).addClass('dropped'); var menu = $(streamObjectGetMenu(window.currentStreamObject)).appendTo(this); alignMenuToParent(menu,$(this)); } }); // hide the stream menu when clicking outside it $('body').on('click',function(e){ if(!$(e.target).is('#stream-menu-cog') && $('#stream-menu-cog').hasClass('dropped') && !$(e.target).closest('#stream-menu-cog').length>0) { $('#stream-menu-cog').children('.dropdown-menu').remove(); $('#stream-menu-cog').removeClass('dropped'); } }); /* · · · Open a queet menu when clicking ellipsis button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.sm-ellipsis',function(e){ if(!$(e.target).is('.sm-ellipsis') && $(e.target).closest('.sm-ellipsis').length>0) { // don't show/hide when clicking inside the menu } // hide else if($(this).hasClass('dropped')) { $(this).removeClass('dropped'); $(this).children('.dropdown-menu').remove(); } // show else { $(this).addClass('dropped'); var closestStreamItem = $(this).closest('.queet').parent('.stream-item'); var streamItemUsername = closestStreamItem.attr('data-user-screen-name'); var streamItemUserID = closestStreamItem.attr('data-user-id'); var streamItemID = closestStreamItem.attr('data-quitter-id'); var streamItemUserSandboxed = closestStreamItem.hasClass('sandboxed'); var streamItemUserSilenced = closestStreamItem.hasClass('silenced'); // menu var menuArray = []; // delete my notice, or others notices for mods with rights if(streamItemUserID == window.loggedIn.id || window.loggedIn.rights.delete_others_notice === true) { menuArray.push({ type: 'function', functionName: 'deleteQueet', functionArguments: { streamItemID: streamItemID }, label: window.sL.deleteVerb }); } // block/unblock if it's not me if(streamItemUserID != window.loggedIn.id) { if(userIsBlocked(streamItemUserID)) { menuArray.push({ type: 'function', functionName: 'unblockUser', functionArguments: { userId: streamItemUserID }, label: window.sL.unblockUser.replace('{username}',streamItemUsername) }); } else { menuArray.push({ type: 'function', functionName: 'blockUser', functionArguments: { userId: streamItemUserID }, label: window.sL.blockUser.replace('{username}',streamItemUsername) }); } // mute profile pref menuArray.push({ type: 'profile-prefs-toggle', namespace: 'qvitter', topic: 'mute:' + streamItemUserID, label: window.sL.muteUser, enabledLabel: window.sL.unmuteUser, tickDisabled: true, callback: 'hideOrShowNoticesAfterMuteOrUnmute' }); } // moderator actions menuArray = appendModeratorUserActionsToMenuArray(menuArray,streamItemUserID,streamItemUsername,streamItemUserSandboxed,streamItemUserSilenced); // add menu to DOM and align it var menu = $(getMenu(menuArray)).appendTo(this); alignMenuToParent(menu,$(this)); } }); // remove the ellipsis menu when clicking outside it $('body').on('click',function(e){ if(!$(e.target).is('.sm-ellipsis') && $('.sm-ellipsis.dropped').length>0 && !$(e.target).closest('.sm-ellipsis').length>0) { $('.sm-ellipsis').children('.dropdown-menu').remove(); $('.sm-ellipsis').removeClass('dropped'); } }); /* · · · When clicking a function row in a stream menu – invoke the function · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.row-type-function',function(e){ var thisFunctionRow = $(this); // don't invoke the function again if it's not finished last time if(thisFunctionRow.hasClass('clicked')) { return true; } thisFunctionRow.addClass('clicked'); var functionName = $(this).attr('data-function-name'); if(typeof $(this).attr('data-function-arguments') == 'undefined' || $(this).attr('data-function-arguments') == 'undefined') { var functionArguments = false; } else { var functionArguments = JSON.parse($(this).attr('data-function-arguments')); } window[functionName](functionArguments, function(success){ if(success) { thisFunctionRow.removeClass('clicked'); } }); }); /* · · · When toggeling a a profile pref in a dropdown menu · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.row-type-profile-prefs-toggle',function(e){ var thisToggle = $(this); // wait for last toggle to finish before toggeling again if(thisToggle.hasClass('clicked')) { return true; } if(thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-state') == 'disabled') { var prefDataToSet = '1'; } else if(thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-state') == 'enabled') { var prefDataToSet = '0'; } else { // invalid return true; } thisToggle.addClass('clicked'); var prefNamespace = thisToggle.attr('data-profile-prefs-namespace'); var prefTopic = thisToggle.attr('data-profile-prefs-topic'); var prefLabel = thisToggle.attr('data-profile-prefs-label'); var prefEnabledLabel = thisToggle.attr('data-profile-prefs-enabled-label'); // only prefs in the 'qvitter' namespace allowed if(prefNamespace != 'qvitter') { return true; } // save pref to server postSetProfilePref(prefNamespace,prefTopic,prefDataToSet,function(data){ if(data === false) { // error showErrorMessage(window.sL.ERRORfailedSavingYourSetting + ' (' + prefTopic + ')'); } else { // success thisToggle.removeClass('clicked'); if(thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-state') == 'disabled') { thisToggle.removeClass('disabled'); thisToggle.addClass('enabled'); thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-state','enabled'); if(prefEnabledLabel != 'undefined') { thisToggle.html(prefEnabledLabel); } window.qvitterProfilePrefs[prefTopic] = '1'; } else if(thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-state') == 'enabled') { thisToggle.removeClass('enabled'); thisToggle.addClass('disabled'); thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-state','disabled'); if(prefEnabledLabel != 'undefined') { thisToggle.html(prefLabel); } window.qvitterProfilePrefs[prefTopic] = '0'; } // run callback if(typeof thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-callback') != 'undefined' && thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-state') != 'undefined' && typeof window[thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-callback')] == 'function') { window[thisToggle.attr('data-profile-pref-callback')](); } } }); }); /* · · · Mark all notifications as seen · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function markAllNotificationsAsSeen(arg,callback) { display_spinner(); getFromAPI('qvitter/mark_all_notifications_as_seen.json',function(data){ if(data === false) { showErrorMessage(window.sL.ERRORfailedMarkingAllNotificationsAsRead); callback(true); } else { helloAPI(function(){ $('.stream-item').removeClass('not-seen'); $('#new-queets-bar').trigger('click'); // show any hidden notifications (this will also remove the dropdown menu) remove_spinner(); callback(true); }); } }); } /* · · · Show or hide embedded content in timeline? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function showOrHideEmbeddedContentInTimelineFromProfilePref() { if(typeof window.qvitterProfilePrefs['hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + window.currentStreamObject.path] != 'undefined') { var showHide = window.qvitterProfilePrefs['hide_embedded_in_timeline:' + window.currentStreamObject.path]; if(parseInt(showHide,10) == 1) { $('#feed-body').addClass('embedded-content-hidden-by-user'); return; } } $('#feed-body').removeClass('embedded-content-hidden-by-user'); } /* · · · Show or hide quotes in timeline? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function showOrHideQuotesInTimelineFromProfilePref() { if(typeof window.qvitterProfilePrefs['hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + window.currentStreamObject.path] != 'undefined') { var showHide = window.qvitterProfilePrefs['hide_quotes_in_timeline:' + window.currentStreamObject.path]; if(parseInt(showHide,10) == 1) { $('#feed-body').addClass('quotes-hidden-by-user'); return; } } $('#feed-body').removeClass('quotes-hidden-by-user'); } /* · · · Show or hide notices from muted users in notifications? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function showOrHideNoticesFromMutedUsersInNotifications() { if(typeof window.qvitterProfilePrefs['hide_notifications_from_muted_users'] != 'undefined') { var showHide = window.qvitterProfilePrefs['hide_notifications_from_muted_users']; if(parseInt(showHide,10) == 1) { $('#feed-body').addClass('hide-notifications-from-muted-users'); return; } } $('#feed-body').removeClass('hide-notifications-from-muted-users') } /* · · · When clicking an external follow button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.external-follow-button',function(event){ popUpAction('popup-external-follow', window.sL.userExternalFollow + ' ' + $('.profile-card-inner .screen-name').html(),'
'); $('#popup-external-follow form input#profile').focus(); $('#popup-external-follow button.primary').click(function(){ $('#popup-external-follow form').submit(); }); }); /* · · · When clicking an external join button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.external-member-button',function(event){ popUpAction('popup-external-join', window.sL.joinExternalGroup + ' ' + $('.profile-card-inner .screen-name').html(),'
'); $('#popup-external-join form input#profile').focus(); $('#popup-external-join button.primary').click(function(){ $('#popup-external-join form').submit(); }); }); /* · · · When clicking a follow/block button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.qvitter-follow-button',function(event){ if($(this).hasClass('disabled')) { return true; } $(this).addClass('disabled'); var user_id = $(this).attr('data-follow-user-id'); // if we have a local id, it's straightforward, but we could be handling an unfollow if(typeof user_id != 'undefined') { // unblock? if($(this).hasClass('blocking')) { unblockUser({userId: user_id, blockButton_jQueryElement: $(this)}); return true; } // follow or unfollow? if($(this).hasClass('following')) { var followOrUnfollow = 'unfollow'; } else { var followOrUnfollow = 'follow'; } // post to api display_spinner(); APIFollowOrUnfollowUser(followOrUnfollow,user_id, this, function(data,this_element) { remove_spinner(); $(this_element).removeClass('disabled'); if(data) { if(data.following) { $(this_element).addClass('following'); $('#user-following strong').html(parseInt($('#user-following strong').html(),10)+1); appendUserToMentionsSuggestionsArray(data); } else { $(this_element).removeClass('following'); $('#user-following strong').html(parseInt($('#user-following strong').html(),10)-1); } } }); return true; } // if there's no local user id, we have to take a detour $.ajax({ url: window.siteInstanceURL + 'main/ostatussub', type: "POST", data: { token: window.commonSessionToken, profile: $(this).attr('data-follow-user'), submit: 'Confirm' }, error: function(data){ console.log('error'); console.log(data); }, success: function(data) { // reload page on success // since ostatussub doesn't have an api, there's no good way to get the local user id here, // and change the button to an unsubscribe button. window.location.replace(window.siteInstanceURL + window.loggedIn.screen_name + '/subscriptions'); } }); }); /* · · · When clicking a join group button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.member-button',function(event){ if(!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) { $(this).addClass('disabled'); // get group id var group_id = $(this).attr('data-group-id'); // join or leave? if($(this).hasClass('member')) { var joinOrLeave = 'leave'; } else { var joinOrLeave = 'join'; } // post to api display_spinner(); APIJoinOrLeaveGroup(joinOrLeave,group_id, this, function(data,this_element) { remove_spinner(); $(this_element).removeClass('disabled'); if(data) { if(data.member) { $(this_element).addClass('member'); $('.profile-card .member-stats strong').html(parseInt($('.profile-card .member-stats strong').html(),10)+1); $('#user-groups strong').html(parseInt($('#user-groups strong').html(),10)+1); // add group to mention suggestion array if(data.homepage_logo === null) { data.homepage_logo = window.defaultAvatarStreamSize; } var groupmembershipObject = { avatar:data.homepage_logo, id:data.id, name:data.fullname, url:data.url, username:data.nickname }; window.groupMemberships.push(groupmembershipObject); } else if(data.member === false) { $(this_element).removeClass('member'); $('.profile-card .member-stats strong').html(parseInt($('.profile-card .member-stats strong').html(),10)-1); $('#user-groups strong').html(parseInt($('#user-groups strong').html(),10)-1); // remove group from mention suggestion array, if it's there var groupToRemove = false; $.each(window.groupMemberships,function(k,v) { if(v.id == data.id) { groupToRemove = k; } }); if(groupToRemove) { console.log('remove at' + groupToRemove); window.groupMemberships.splice(groupToRemove,1); } } } }); } }); /* · · · Go to profile page when clicking the small user header in left column · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#user-header').on('click',function(e){ // not if we're clicking the mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel if($(e.target).is('#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel')) { return; } setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter(window.loggedIn.screen_name),true,false); }); /* · · · Searching · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#search-query').on('keyup',function(e) { if(e.keyCode==13) { showSearchStream(); }}); // on enter in input field $('button.icon.nav-search').on('click',function(e) { showSearchStream();}); // on click on magnifying glass function showSearchStream() { var path = 'search/notice?q=' + encodeURIComponent(replaceHtmlSpecialChars($('#search-query').val())); setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter(path),true,false); } /* · · -1) { return; } // don't hijack and don't follow link if this is the bookmark stream icon, prevent link but don't set a new currentstream if($(e.target).is('i.chev-right')) { e.preventDefault(); return; } // don't hijack links with donthijack attribute if(!!$(this).attr('donthijack') || $(this).attr('donthijack') == '') { return; } // all links opens in new tab $(this).attr('target','_blank'); // only proceed if we really have a href attribute if(typeof $(this).attr('href') == 'undefined') { return; } // profile picture if ($(this).hasClass('profile-picture')) { e.preventDefault(); if($(this).closest('.modal-container').attr('id') != 'edit-profile-popup') { // no popup if we're editing our profile popUpAction('popup-profile-picture', $('.profile-card-inner .screen-name').html(),'',false); $('.hover-card,.hover-card-caret').remove(); } } // hijack link if we find a matching link that qvitter can handle else { var hrefAttr = $(this).attr('href'); // this might be a remote profile that we want to reroute to a local instance/user/id url, let's check our cache if(typeof window.convertStatusnetProfileUrlToUserArrayCacheKey[hrefAttr] != 'undefined') { if(typeof window.userArrayCache[window.convertStatusnetProfileUrlToUserArrayCacheKey[hrefAttr]] != 'undefined') { var cachedUserArray = window.userArrayCache[window.convertStatusnetProfileUrlToUserArrayCacheKey[hrefAttr]]; if(cachedUserArray.local.is_local === false) { hrefAttr = window.siteInstanceURL + 'user/' + cachedUserArray.local.id; } } } else if(typeof window.convertUriToUserArrayCacheKey[hrefAttr] != 'undefined') { if(typeof window.userArrayCache[window.convertUriToUserArrayCacheKey[hrefAttr]] != 'undefined') { var cachedUserArray = window.userArrayCache[window.convertUriToUserArrayCacheKey[hrefAttr]]; if(cachedUserArray.local.is_local === false) { hrefAttr = window.siteInstanceURL + 'user/' + cachedUserArray.local.id; } } } var streamObject = URLtoStreamRouter(hrefAttr); if(streamObject && streamObject.stream) { e.preventDefault(); // if this is a user/{id} type link but we know the nickname already if(streamObject.name == 'profile by id' && streamObject.nickname !== false) { setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter(streamObject.nickname),true,streamObject.id); } // same with group/{id}/id links else if(streamObject.name == 'group notice stream by id') { // we might be member of the group and thereby already know its nickname if (typeof window.groupMemberships != 'undefined' && typeof window.groupMemberships[streamObject.id] != 'undefined') { setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter('group/' + window.groupMemberships[streamObject.id].username),true,streamObject.id); } // if the text() of the clicked element looks like a group nickname, use that (but send id to setNewCurrentStream() in case this is bad data) else if(/^![a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test($(e.target).text()) || /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test($(e.target).text())) { var nickname = $(e.target).text(); if(nickname.indexOf('!') == 0) { nickname = nickname.substring(1); // remove any starting ! } setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter('group/' + nickname),true,streamObject.id); } // if we can't figure out or guess a nickname, query the server for it else { getNicknameByGroupIdFromAPI(streamObject.id,function(nickname) { if(nickname) { setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter('group/' + nickname),true,false); } else { alert('group not found'); } }); } } // all other links that qvitter can handle else { setNewCurrentStream(streamObject,true,false); } } } }); /* · · · When user clicks the bookmark icon to bookmark · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','#history-container .chev-right',function(event){ var thisStreamLink = $(this).parent('.stream-selection'); thisStreamLink.slideUp(300,function(){ $('#bookmark-container').append(thisStreamLink.outerHTML()); $('#bookmark-container').children().last().children('.chev-right').attr('data-tooltip',window.sL.tooltipRemoveBookmark); $('#bookmark-container').children().last().fadeIn(300,function(){ thisStreamLink.remove(); updateHistoryLocalStorage(); saveAllBookmarks(); }); }); }); /* · · · When user clicks the x to remove a bookmark · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','#bookmark-container .chev-right',function(event){ $(this).parent('.stream-selection').remove(); saveAllBookmarks(); }); /* · · · When sorting the bookmark menu · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#bookmark-container').on("sortupdate", function() { saveAllBookmarks(); }); /* · · · When clearing the browsing history · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('#clear-history').on('click', function() { $('#history-container').empty(); updateHistoryLocalStorage(); }); /* · · · Load more from the current stream when scroll is 1000px from bottom · · The search API is crap and don't do max_id and last_id, so we have to do pages there... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $(window).scroll(function() { if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 1000) { // not if we're already loading or if no stream is set yet if(!$('body').hasClass('loading-older') && typeof window.currentStreamObject != "undefined" && $('#feed-body').attr('data-end-reached') != 'true') { $('body').addClass('loading-older'); // remove loading class in 10 seconds, i.e. try again if failed to load within 10 s if(window.currentStreamObject.name != 'search') { setTimeout(function(){$('body').removeClass('loading-older');},10000); } var lastStreamItemId = $('#feed-body').children('.stream-item').last().attr('id'); // if this is a stream that uses 'page' for paging, i.e. search or users lists, // we need page and rpp vars (page number is stored in an attribute in feed-body) if(window.currentStreamObject.maxIdOrPage == 'page') { if(typeof $('#feed-body').attr('data-search-page-number') != 'undefined') { var searchPage = parseInt($('#feed-body').attr('data-search-page-number'),10); } else { var searchPage=2; } var nextPage = searchPage+1; var getVars = qOrAmp(window.currentStreamObject.stream) + 'rpp=20&page=' + searchPage; // search uses 'rpp' var and others 'count' for paging, though we can add rrp to others aswell without any problem } // normal streams else { var getVars = qOrAmp(window.currentStreamObject.stream) + 'max_id=' + ($('#feed-body').children('.stream-item').last().attr('data-quitter-id-in-stream')); } display_spinner('#footer-spinner-container'); getFromAPI(window.currentStreamObject.stream + getVars,function(data){ // if data returned an empty array, we have probably reached the bottom if(data.length == 0) { $('#feed-body').attr('data-end-reached',true); } else if(data) { addToFeed(data, lastStreamItemId,'visible'); $('body').removeClass('loading-older'); // if this is search our group users lists, we remember page number (if we got any users) if(window.currentStreamObject.maxIdOrPage == 'page') { $('#feed-body').attr('data-search-page-number',nextPage); } } remove_spinner(); }); } } }); /* · · · Updates all queets' times/dates · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ var updateTimesInterval=self.setInterval(function(){ updateAllQueetsTimes(); },10000); /* · · · Check for new queets · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ var checkForNewQueetsInterval=window.setInterval(function(){checkForNewQueets()},window.timeBetweenPolling); function checkForNewQueets() { // no new requests if requests are very slow, e.g. searches if(!$('body').hasClass('loading-newer')) { $('body').addClass('loading-newer'); // only if logged in and only for notice or notification streams if(window.loggedIn && (window.currentStreamObject.type == 'notices' || window.currentStreamObject.type == 'notifications')) { var lastId = $('#feed-body').children('.stream-item').not('.temp-post').not('.posted-from-form').attr('data-quitter-id-in-stream'); var addThisStream = window.currentStreamObject.stream; getFromAPI(addThisStream + qOrAmp(window.currentStreamObject.stream) + 'since_id=' + lastId,function(data){ $('body').removeClass('loading-newer'); if(data) { if(addThisStream == window.currentStreamObject.stream) { addToFeed(data, false, 'hidden'); // say hello to the api if this is notifications stream, to // get correct unread notifcation count if(window.currentStreamObject.name == 'notifications') { helloAPI(); } // if we have hidden items, show new-queets-bar maybeShowTheNewQueetsBar() } } }); } } } /* · · · Show hidden queets when user clicks on new-queets-bar · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','#new-queets-bar',function(){ if(window.currentStreamObject.name == 'notifications') { document.title = window.siteTitle; } var hiddenStreamItems = $('.stream-item.hidden'); hiddenStreamItems.css('opacity','0') hiddenStreamItems.animate({opacity:'1'}, 200); hiddenStreamItems.addClass('visible'); hiddenStreamItems.removeClass('hidden'); $('#new-queets-bar').parent().addClass('hidden'); // say hello to the api if this is notifications stream, to // get correct unread notifcation count if(window.currentStreamObject.name == 'notifications') { helloAPI(); } }); /* · · · Expand and de-expand queets when clicking anywhere but on a few element types · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.queet',function (event) { if(typeof $(this).attr('href') == 'undefined' && $(event.target).closest('a').length == 0 && !$(event.target).is('\ a,\ video,\ .cm-mention,\ .cm-tag,\ .cm-group,\ .cm-url,\ pre,\ img,\ .name,\ .queet-box,\ .syntax-two,\ button,\ .show-full-conversation,\ span.mention,\ .action-reply-container a span,\ .action-reply-container a b,\ .action-rt-container a span,\ .action-rt-container a b,\ .action-del-container a span,\ .action-del-container a b,\ .action-fav-container a span,\ .action-fav-container a b,\ .action-ellipsis-container a span,\ .action-ellipsis-container a b,\ span.group,\ .longdate,\ .screen-name,\ .discard-error-message') && !$(this).parent('.stream-item').hasClass('user')) { // not if user stream expand_queet($(this).parent()); } }); /* · · · Image popups · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.stream-item .queet img.attachment-thumb',function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // don't do anything if we are in the middle of collapsing if($(this).closest('.stream-item').hasClass('collapsing')) { // no action } // if the stream item isn't expanded, expand that else if(!$(this).closest('.stream-item').hasClass('expanded')) { expand_queet($(this).closest('.stream-item')); } // otherwise we open the popup else { var thisAttachmentThumbSrc = $(this).attr('src'); var parentStreamItem = $(this).closest('.stream-item'); var $parentStreamItemClone = $('
').append(parentStreamItem.outerHTML()); var $queetThumbsClone = $('
').append($parentStreamItemClone.children('.stream-item').children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs').outerHTML()); // cleaned version of the stream item to show in the footer cleanStreamItemsFromClassesAndConversationElements($parentStreamItemClone); $parentStreamItemClone.find('.context,.stream-item-footer').remove(); var parentStreamItemHTMLWithoutFooter = $parentStreamItemClone.outerHTML(); $thumbToDisplay = $queetThumbsClone.find('img.attachment-thumb[src="' + thisAttachmentThumbSrc + '"]'); $thumbToDisplay.parent().addClass('display-this-thumb'); // "play" all animated gifs and add youtube iframes to all youtube and vimeo videos $.each($queetThumbsClone.find('img.attachment-thumb'),function(){ if($(this).attr('data-mime-type') == 'image/gif' && $(this).parent().hasClass('play-button')) { $(this).attr('src',$(this).attr('data-full-image-url')); $(this).parent('.thumb-container').css('background-image','url(\'' + $(this).attr('data-full-image-url') + '\')'); } else if($(this).parent().hasClass('host-youtube-com')){ $(this).parent().prepend(''); } else if($(this).parent().hasClass('host-vimeo-com')){ $(this).parent().prepend(''); } }); // navigation buttons var imgNum = parentStreamItem.children('.queet').find('.attachment-thumb').length; if(imgNum > 1) { $queetThumbsClone.find('.queet-thumbs').before('
'); $queetThumbsClone.find('.queet-thumbs').after('
'); } if(parentStreamItem.hasClass('expanded')) { var calculatedDimensions = calculatePopUpAndImageDimensions($thumbToDisplay); var $thisImgInQueetThumbsClone = $queetThumbsClone.find('img[src="' + $thumbToDisplay.attr('src') + '"]'); // set dimensions $thisImgInQueetThumbsClone.width(calculatedDimensions.displayImgWidth); $thisImgInQueetThumbsClone.parent('.thumb-container').width(calculatedDimensions.displayImgWidth); $thisImgInQueetThumbsClone.parent('.thumb-container').children('iframe').attr('width',calculatedDimensions.displayImgWidth); $thisImgInQueetThumbsClone.parent('.thumb-container').children('iframe').attr('height',calculatedDimensions.displayImgHeight); // open popup popUpAction('queet-thumb-popup', '', '' + $queetThumbsClone.outerHTML() + '', parentStreamItemHTMLWithoutFooter, calculatedDimensions.popUpWidth); disableOrEnableNavigationButtonsInImagePopup($('#queet-thumb-popup')); // for some reason vimeo autoplays when we have a #t=x start time, so stop any vimeo videos running in the background (delay so it has time to load) setTimeout(function(){ $.each($('#queet-thumb-popup').find('.thumb-container.host-vimeo-com:not(.display-this-thumb)').children('iframe'),function(){ console.log($(this).attr('src')); this.contentWindow.postMessage('{"method": "pause"}', '*'); }); },1000); } } }); // popups can be max 900px wide, and should not be higher than the window, so we need to do some calculating function calculatePopUpAndImageDimensions(img) { var img_src = img.attr('src'); // trick to get width and height, we can't go with what gnusocial tells us, because // gnusocial doesn't (always?) report width and height after proper orientation $('body').prepend('
'); var imgWidth = $('#img-dimension-check img').width(); var imgHeight = $('#img-dimension-check img').height(); $('#img-dimension-check').remove(); // e.g. svg's may not have dimensions set, in that case we just make them small if(typeof imgWidth == 'undefined' && typeof imgHeight == 'undefined') { return {popUpWidth: 540, displayImgWidth: 540}; } var thisImgWidth = parseInt(imgWidth,10); var thisImgHeight = parseInt(imgHeight,10); var maxImageHeight = $(window).height() - 120; // 120 being a little more than a short queet in the footer if(thisImgWidth < 540) { var displayImgWidth = thisImgWidth; var popUpWidth = 540; if(thisImgHeight > maxImageHeight) { displayImgWidth = Math.round(maxImageHeight/thisImgHeight*displayImgWidth); } } else if(thisImgWidth < 900) { var displayImgWidth = thisImgWidth; if(thisImgHeight > maxImageHeight) { displayImgWidth = Math.round(maxImageHeight/thisImgHeight*displayImgWidth); if(displayImgWidth < 540) { var popUpWidth = 540; } else { var popUpWidth = displayImgWidth; } } else { var popUpWidth = displayImgWidth; } } else { var displayImgWidth = 900; var displayImgHeight = 900/thisImgWidth*thisImgHeight; if(displayImgHeight > maxImageHeight) { displayImgWidth = Math.round(maxImageHeight*displayImgWidth/displayImgHeight); if(displayImgWidth < 540) { var popUpWidth = 540; } else if(displayImgWidth < 900) { var popUpWidth = displayImgWidth; } else { var popUpWidth = 900; } } else { var popUpWidth = 900; } } // vimeo can't be too small, or the design freaks out if(img.parent('.thumb-container').hasClass('host-vimeo-com') && displayImgWidth < 540) { displayImgWidth = 540; displayImgHeight = 305; } return {popUpWidth: popUpWidth, displayImgWidth: displayImgWidth, displayImgHeight: displayImgHeight }; } // switch to next image when clicking the image in the popup $('body').on('click','#queet-thumb-popup .attachment-thumb',function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var nextImage = $(this).parent().next().children('.attachment-thumb'); if(nextImage.length>0) { // start and stop youtube videos, if any $.each($(this).parent('.host-youtube-com').children('iframe'),function(){ this.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"' + 'stopVideo' + '","args":""}', '*'); }); $.each(nextImage.parent('.host-youtube-com').children('iframe'),function(){ this.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"' + 'playVideo' + '","args":""}', '*'); }); // start stop vimeo $.each($(this).parent('.host-vimeo-com').children('iframe'),function(){ this.contentWindow.postMessage('{"method": "pause"}', '*'); }); $.each(nextImage.parent('.host-vimeo-com').children('iframe'),function(){ this.contentWindow.postMessage('{"method": "play"}', '*'); }); // set dimensions of next image and the popup var calculatedDimensions = calculatePopUpAndImageDimensions(nextImage); nextImage.width(calculatedDimensions.displayImgWidth); nextImage.parent('.thumb-container').width(calculatedDimensions.displayImgWidth); nextImage.parent('.thumb-container').children('iframe').attr('width',calculatedDimensions.displayImgWidth); nextImage.parent('.thumb-container').children('iframe').attr('height',calculatedDimensions.displayImgHeight); $('#queet-thumb-popup .modal-draggable').width(calculatedDimensions.popUpWidth); // switch image $(this).parent().removeClass('display-this-thumb'); $(this).parent().next().addClass('display-this-thumb'); disableOrEnableNavigationButtonsInImagePopup($('#queet-thumb-popup')); centerPopUp($('#queet-thumb-popup .modal-draggable')); } }); // navigation buttons in image popup $('body').on('click','#queet-thumb-popup .next-thumb',function (event) { $(this).parent().find('.display-this-thumb').children('img').trigger('click'); }); $('body').on('click','#queet-thumb-popup .prev-thumb',function (event) { var prevImage = $(this).parent().find('.display-this-thumb').prev().children('img'); if(prevImage.length>0) { // start and stop youtube videos, if any $.each($(this).parent().find('.display-this-thumb.host-youtube-com').children('iframe'),function(){ this.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"' + 'stopVideo' + '","args":""}', '*'); }); $.each(prevImage.parent('.host-youtube-com').children('iframe'),function(){ this.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"' + 'playVideo' + '","args":""}', '*'); }); // start stop vimeo $.each($(this).parent().find('.display-this-thumb.host-vimeo-com').children('iframe'),function(){ this.contentWindow.postMessage('{"method": "pause"}', '*'); }); $.each(prevImage.parent('.host-vimeo-com').children('iframe'),function(){ this.contentWindow.postMessage('{"method": "play"}', '*'); }); // set dimensions of next image and the popup var calculatedDimensions = calculatePopUpAndImageDimensions(prevImage); prevImage.width(calculatedDimensions.displayImgWidth); prevImage.parent('.thumb-container').width(calculatedDimensions.displayImgWidth); prevImage.parent('.thumb-container').children('iframe').attr('width',calculatedDimensions.displayImgWidth); prevImage.parent('.thumb-container').children('iframe').attr('height',calculatedDimensions.displayImgHeight); $('#queet-thumb-popup .modal-draggable').width(calculatedDimensions.popUpWidth); // switch image $(this).parent().find('.display-this-thumb').removeClass('display-this-thumb'); prevImage.parent().addClass('display-this-thumb'); disableOrEnableNavigationButtonsInImagePopup($('#queet-thumb-popup')); centerPopUp($('#queet-thumb-popup .modal-draggable')); } }); function disableOrEnableNavigationButtonsInImagePopup(popUp) { if(popUp.find('.display-this-thumb').prev().length < 1) { popUp.find('.prev-thumb').addClass('disabled'); } else { popUp.find('.prev-thumb').removeClass('disabled'); } if(popUp.find('.display-this-thumb').next().length < 1) { popUp.find('.next-thumb').addClass('disabled'); } else { popUp.find('.next-thumb').removeClass('disabled'); } } /* · · · Collapse all open conversations and the welcome text on esc or when clicking the margin · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').click(function(event){ if($(event.target).is('body') || $(event.target).is('#page-container')) { $('.front-welcome-text.expanded > .show-full-welcome-text').trigger('click'); $.each($('.stream-item.expanded'),function(){ expand_queet($(this), false); }); } }); $(document).keyup(function(e){ if(e.keyCode==27) { // esc $('.front-welcome-text.expanded > .show-full-welcome-text').trigger('click'); $.each($('.stream-item.expanded'),function(){ expand_queet($(this), false); }); } }); /* · · · When clicking the delete-button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function deleteQueet(arg) { var this_stream_item = $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + arg.streamItemID + '"]'); // don't do anything if this is a queet being posted if(this_stream_item.hasClass('temp-post')) { return; } var this_qid = this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id'); var $queetHtml = $(this_stream_item.outerHTML()); $queetHtml.children('.stream-item.conversation').remove(); $queetHtml.find('.context,.stream-item-footer,.inline-reply-queetbox,.expanded-content').remove(); var queetHtmlWithoutFooterAndConversation = $queetHtml.outerHTML(); popUpAction('popup-delete-' + this_qid, window.sL.deleteConfirmation,queetHtmlWithoutFooterAndConversation,'
'); $('#popup-delete-' + this_qid + ' button.primary').on('click',function(){ display_spinner(); $('.modal-container').remove(); // delete postActionToAPI('statuses/destroy/' + this_qid + '.json', function(data) { if(data) { remove_spinner(); window.knownDeletedNotices[$('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + this_qid + '"]').attr('data-uri')] = true; slideUpAndRemoveStreamItem($('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + this_qid + '"]')); } else { remove_spinner(); } }); }); } /* · · · When clicking the requeet-button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.action-rt-container .icon:not(.is-mine)',function(){ var this_stream_item = $(this).closest('.stream-item'); var this_queet = this_stream_item.children('.queet'); var this_action = $(this).closest('li'); // requeet if(!this_action.children('.with-icn').hasClass('done')) { // update the repeat count immediately var newRqNum = parseInt(this_queet.find('.action-rq-num').html(),10)+1; this_queet.find('.action-rq-num').html(newRqNum); this_queet.find('.action-rq-num').attr('data-rq-num',newRqNum); this_action.children('.with-icn').addClass('done'); this_stream_item.addClass('requeeted'); // requeet animation this_action.children('.with-icn').children('.sm-rt').addClass('rotate'); // remove the fav and rq cache for this queet, to avoid number flickering localStorageObjectCache_STORE('favsAndRequeets',this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id'), false); // post requeet postActionToAPI('statuses/retweet/' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '.json', function(data) { if(data) { // success this_stream_item.attr('data-requeeted-by-me-id',data.id); getFavsAndRequeetsForQueet(this_stream_item, this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id')); // mark all instances of this notice as repeated $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + data.retweeted_status.id + '"]').addClass('requeeted'); $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + data.retweeted_status.id + '"]').attr('data-requeeted-by-me-id',data.id); $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + data.retweeted_status.id + '"]').children('.queet').find('.action-rt-container').children('.with-icn').addClass('done'); } else { // error this_action.children('.with-icn').removeClass('done'); this_action.find('.with-icn b').html(window.sL.requeetVerb); this_stream_item.removeClass('requeeted'); } }); } // un-requeet else if(this_action.children('.with-icn').hasClass('done')) { display_spinner(); var myRequeetID = this_stream_item.attr('data-requeeted-by-me-id'); // display button as unrepeated this_action.children('.with-icn').removeClass('done'); this_action.find('.with-icn b').html(window.sL.requeetVerb); this_stream_item.removeClass('requeeted'); // post unrequeet postActionToAPI('statuses/destroy/' + myRequeetID + '.json', function(data) { if(data) { // remove my repeat-notice from the feed, if it's there slideUpAndRemoveStreamItem($('.stream-item[data-quitter-id-in-stream="' + myRequeetID + '"]')); // mark all instances of this notice as non-repeated $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '"]').removeClass('requeeted'); $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '"]').removeAttr('data-requeeted-by-me-id'); $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '"]').children('.queet').find('.action-rt-container').children('.with-icn').removeClass('done'); getFavsAndRequeetsForQueet(this_stream_item, this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id')); remove_spinner(); } else { remove_spinner(); this_action.children('.with-icn').addClass('done'); this_action.find('.with-icn b').html(window.sL.requeetedVerb); this_stream_item.addClass('requeeted'); } }); } }); /* · · · When clicking the fav-button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.action-fav-container',function(){ var this_stream_item = $(this).closest('.stream-item'); var this_queet = this_stream_item.children('.queet'); // don't do anything if this is a queet being posted if(this_stream_item.hasClass('temp-post')) { return; } var this_action = $(this); // fav if(!this_action.children('.with-icn').hasClass('done')) { // update the fav count immediately var newFavNum = parseInt(this_queet.find('.action-fav-num').html(),10)+1; this_queet.find('.action-fav-num').html(newFavNum); this_queet.find('.action-fav-num').attr('data-fav-num',newFavNum); this_action.children('.with-icn').addClass('done'); this_stream_item.addClass('favorited'); // fav animation this_action.children('.with-icn').children('.sm-fav').addClass('pulse'); // remove the fav and rq cache for this queet, to avoid number flickering localStorageObjectCache_STORE('favsAndRequeets',this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id'), false); // post fav postActionToAPI('favorites/create/' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '.json', function(data) { if(data) { // success getFavsAndRequeetsForQueet(this_stream_item, this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id')); // mark all instances of this notice as favorited $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '"]').addClass('favorited'); $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '"]').children('.queet').find('.action-fav-container').children('.with-icn').addClass('done'); } else { // error this_action.children('.with-icn').removeClass('done'); this_action.find('.with-icn b').html(window.sL.favoriteVerb); this_stream_item.removeClass('favorited'); } }); } // unfav else { // update the fav count immediately var newFavNum = Math.max(0, parseInt(this_queet.find('.action-fav-num').html(),10)-1); this_queet.find('.action-fav-num').html(newFavNum); this_queet.find('.action-fav-num').attr('data-fav-num',newFavNum); this_action.children('.with-icn').removeClass('done'); this_action.find('.with-icn b').html(window.sL.favoriteVerb); this_stream_item.removeClass('favorited'); // remove the fav and rq cache for this queet, to avoid number flickering localStorageObjectCache_STORE('favsAndRequeets',this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id'), false); // post unfav postActionToAPI('favorites/destroy/' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '.json', function(data) { if(data) { // success getFavsAndRequeetsForQueet(this_stream_item, this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id')); // mark all instances of this notice as non-favorited $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '"]').removeClass('favorited'); $('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id') + '"]').children('.queet').find('.action-fav-container').children('.with-icn').removeClass('done'); } else { // error this_action.children('.with-icn').addClass('done'); this_action.find('.with-icn b').html(window.sL.favoritedVerb); this_stream_item.addClass('favorited'); } }); } }); /* · · · When clicking the reply-button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.action-reply-container',function(){ var this_stream_item = $(this).closest('.stream-item'); // don't do anything if this is a queet being posted if(this_stream_item.hasClass('temp-post')) { return; } var this_stream_item_id = this_stream_item.attr('data-quitter-id'); this_stream_item.addClass('replying-to'); // grabbing the stream-item and view it in the popup, stripped of conversation footer, reply box and other sruff var streamItemHTML = $('
').html(this_stream_item.outerHTML()); cleanStreamItemsFromClassesAndConversationElements(streamItemHTML); streamItemHTML.find('.context,.stream-item-footer').remove(); var streamItemHTMLWithoutFooter = streamItemHTML.outerHTML(); popUpAction('popup-reply-' + this_stream_item_id, window.sL.replyTo + ' ' + this_stream_item.children('.queet').find('.screen-name').html(),replyFormHtml(this_stream_item,this_stream_item_id),streamItemHTMLWithoutFooter); $('#popup-reply-' + this_stream_item_id).find('.modal-body').find('.queet-box').trigger('click'); // expand // fix the width of the queet box, otherwise the syntax highlighting break var queetBox = $('#popup-reply-' + this_stream_item_id).find('.modal-body').find('.inline-reply-queetbox'); var queetBoxWidth = queetBox.width()-20; queetBox.children('.queet-box-syntax, .syntax-middle, .syntax-two').width(queetBoxWidth); maybePrefillQueetBoxWithCachedText(queetBox.children('.queet-box')); }); /* · · · When clicking the compose button · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','#top-compose',function(){ popUpAction('popup-compose', window.sL.compose,queetBoxPopUpHtml(),false); var queetBoxWidth = $('#popup-compose').find('.inline-reply-queetbox').width()-20; $('#popup-compose').find('.queet-box-syntax').width(queetBoxWidth); $('#popup-compose').find('.syntax-middle').width(queetBoxWidth); $('#popup-compose').find('.syntax-two').width(queetBoxWidth); $('#popup-compose').find('.queet-box').trigger('click'); maybePrefillQueetBoxWithCachedText($('#popup-compose').find('.queet-box')); }); /* · · · Close popups · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.modal-container button.close',function(){ $('.stream-item').removeClass('replying-to'); $('.modal-container').remove(); }); $('body').on('click','.modal-close',function(){ $('.stream-item').removeClass('replying-to'); $('.modal-container').remove(); }); $('body').on('click','.modal-container',function(e){ if($(e.target).is('.modal-container')) { $('.stream-item').removeClass('replying-to'); $('.modal-container').remove(); abortEditProfile(); } }); $(document).keyup(function(e){ if(e.keyCode==27) { $('.stream-item').removeClass('replying-to'); $('.modal-container').remove(); $('*').blur(); abortEditProfile(); } }); /* · · · Post queets, inline and popup replies · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click', '.queet-toolbar button',function () { if($(this).hasClass('enabled')) { // set temp post id if($('.temp-post').length == 0) { var tempPostId = 'stream-item-temp-post-i'; } else { var tempPostId = $('.temp-post').attr('id') + 'i'; } var queetBox = $(this).parent().parent().siblings('.queet-box'); var queetBoxID = queetBox.attr('id'); // jquery's .text() function is not consistent in converting
:s to \n:s, // so we do this detour to make sure line breaks are preserved. // In firefox (and maybe some other browsers), queetBox.html() may have
s // and may or may not have
in them. // To deal with this, remove any
s right before
and then add ones. queetBox.html(queetBox.html().replace(/(
)*<\/div>/g, '
/g, '{{{lb}}}')); var queetText = $.trim(queetBox.text().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').replace(/\n/g, '')); queetText = queetText.replace(/{{{lb}}}/g, "\n"); var queetTempText = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(queetText.replace(/\n/g,'
')); // no xss queetTempText = queetTempText.replace(/<br>/g,'
'); // but preserve line breaks var queetHtml = '
' + queetTempText + '
'; queetHtml = detectRTL(queetHtml); // popup reply if($('.modal-container').find('.toolbar-reply button').length>0){ var in_reply_to_status_id = $('.modal-container').attr('id').substring(12); } // if this is a inline reply else if(queetBox.parent().hasClass('inline-reply-queetbox')) { var in_reply_to_status_id = queetBox.closest('.stream-item').attr('data-quitter-id'); } // not a reply else { var in_reply_to_status_id = false; } // remove any popups $('.modal-container').remove(); // try to find a queet to add the temp queet to: var tempQueetInsertedInConversation = false; // if the queet is in conversation, add it to parent's conversation if($('.stream-item.replying-to').length > 0 && $('.stream-item.replying-to').hasClass('conversation')) { var insertedTempQueet = $(queetHtml).appendTo($('.stream-item.replying-to').parent()); findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation($('.stream-item.replying-to').parent()); insertedTempQueet.parent().children('.view-more-container-bottom').remove(); // remove any view-more-container-bottom:s, they only cause trouble at this point tempQueetInsertedInConversation = true; } // if the queet is expanded, add it to its conversation else if($('.stream-item.replying-to').length > 0 && $('.stream-item.replying-to').hasClass('expanded')) { var insertedTempQueet = $(queetHtml).appendTo($('.stream-item.replying-to')); findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation($('.stream-item.replying-to')); insertedTempQueet.parent().children('.view-more-container-bottom').remove(); // remove any view-more-container-bottom:s, they only cause trouble at this point tempQueetInsertedInConversation = true; } // maybe the replying-to class is missing but we still have a suiting place to add it else if($('.stream-item.expanded[data-quitter-id="' + in_reply_to_status_id + '"]').length > 0) { var insertedTempQueet = $(queetHtml).appendTo($('.stream-item.expanded[data-quitter-id="' + in_reply_to_status_id + '"]')); findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation($('.stream-item.expanded[data-quitter-id="' + in_reply_to_status_id + '"]')); insertedTempQueet.parent().children('.view-more-container-bottom').remove(); // remove any view-more-container-bottom:s, they only cause trouble at this point tempQueetInsertedInConversation = true; } // if we can't find a proper place, add it to top and remove conversation class // if this is either 1) our home/all feed, 2) our user timeline or 3) whole site or 4) whole network else if(window.currentStreamObject.name == 'friends timeline' || window.currentStreamObject.name == 'my profile' || window.currentStreamObject.name == 'public timeline' || window.currentStreamObject.name == 'public and external timeline') { var insertedTempQueet = $(queetHtml).prependTo('#feed-body'); insertedTempQueet.removeClass('conversation'); } // don't add it to the current stream, open a popup instead, without conversation class else { popUpAction('popup-sending','','',false); var insertedTempQueet = $(queetHtml).prependTo($('#popup-sending').find('.modal-body')); insertedTempQueet.removeClass('conversation'); } // maybe post queet in groups var postToGroups = ''; var postToGropsArray = new Array(); $.each(queetBox.siblings('.post-to-group'),function(){ postToGropsArray.push($(this).data('group-id')); }); if(postToGropsArray.length > 0) { postToGroups = postToGropsArray.join(':'); } // remove any post-to-group-divs queetBox.siblings('.post-to-group').remove(); // remove any replying-to classes $('.stream-item').removeClass('replying-to'); // null reply box collapseQueetBox(queetBox); // check for new queets (one second from) NOW setTimeout('checkForNewQueets()', 1000); // post queet postQueetToAPI(queetText, in_reply_to_status_id, postToGroups, function(data){ if(data) { var queetHtml = buildQueetHtml(data, data.id, 'visible posted-from-form', false, tempQueetInsertedInConversation); // while we were waiting for our posted queet to arrive here, it may have already // arrived in the automatic update of the feed, so if it's already there, we // replace it (but not if the temp queet is inserted in a conversation of course, or if // the user has had time to expand it) var alredyArrived = $('#feed-body > .stream-item[data-quitter-id-in-stream=' + data.id + ']'); if(alredyArrived.length > 0 && tempQueetInsertedInConversation === false) { if(!alredyArrived.hasClass('expanded')) { alredyArrived.replaceWith(queetHtml); } } else { var newInsertedQueet = $(queetHtml).insertBefore(insertedTempQueet); findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation(insertedTempQueet.parent()); // make ranting easier, move the reply-form to this newly created notice // if we have not started writing in it, or if it's missing // only if this is an expanded conversation // and only if we're ranting, i.e. no replies the queetbox var parentQueetBox = insertedTempQueet.parent().find('.inline-reply-queetbox'); if(parentQueetBox.length == 0 || parentQueetBox.children('.syntax-middle').css('display') == 'none') { if(insertedTempQueet.parent().hasClass('expanded') || insertedTempQueet.parent().hasClass('conversation')) { if(parentQueetBox.children('.queet-box').attr('data-replies-text') == '') { insertedTempQueet.parent().find('.inline-reply-queetbox').remove(); newInsertedQueet.children('.queet').append(replyFormHtml(newInsertedQueet,newInsertedQueet.attr('data-quitter-id'))); } } } } // remove temp queet insertedTempQueet.remove(); // clear queetbox input cache localStorageObjectCache_STORE('queetBoxInput',queetBox.attr('id'),false); // queet count $('#user-queets strong').html(parseInt($('#user-queets strong').html(),10)+1); // fadeout any posting-popups setTimeout(function(){ $('#popup-sending').fadeOut(1000, function(){ $('#popup-sending').remove(); }); },100); }}); } }); /* · · · Count chars in queet box on keyup, also check for any attachments to show/hide · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('keyup input paste','.queet-box-syntax',function () { countCharsInQueetBox($(this),$(this).siblings('.queet-toolbar').find('.queet-counter'),$(this).siblings('.queet-toolbar').find('.queet-button button')); var attachments = $(this).siblings('.upload-image-container'); $.each(attachments,function(k,attachment){ var attachmentShorturl = $(attachment).children('img').attr('data-shorturl'); if($(attachment).siblings('.queet-box-syntax').text().indexOf(attachmentShorturl) > -1) { $(attachment).show(); } else { $(attachment).hide(); } }); }); /* · · · Middle button expands queet box · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('mousedown','.queet-box-syntax',function (e) { if( e.which == 2 ) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).trigger('click'); } }); /* · · · Shorten URL's · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','button.shorten',function () { shortenUrlsInBox($(this)); }); /* · · · Reload current stream · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.reload-stream',function () { reloadCurrentStream(); }); // can be used a callback too, e.g. from profile pref toggles function reloadCurrentStream() { setNewCurrentStream(URLtoStreamRouter(window.location.href),false,false,false); } /* · · · Reload current stream and clear cache · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function reloadCurrentStreamAndClearCache() { $('#feed-body').empty(); rememberStreamStateInLocalStorage(); // reload reloadCurrentStream(); } /* · · · Expand/collapse queet box on click and blur · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click contextmenu','.queet-box-syntax',function () { if($(this).html() == decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('data-start-text'))) { $(this).attr('contenteditable','true'); $(this).focus(); $(this).siblings('.syntax-middle').html(' '); $(this).siblings('.syntax-two').html(' '); $(this).siblings('.queet-toolbar').css('display','block'); $(this).siblings('.syntax-middle').css('display','block'); $(this).siblings('.mentions-suggestions').css('display','block'); $(this).siblings('.syntax-two').css('display','block'); $(this).siblings('.queet-toolbar').find('.queet-button button').addClass('disabled'); countCharsInQueetBox($(this),$(this).siblings('.queet-toolbar .queet-counter'),$(this).siblings('.queet-toolbar button')); $(this)[0].addEventListener("paste", stripHtmlFromPaste); if(typeof $(this).attr('data-replies-text') != 'undefined') { $(this).html(decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('data-replies-text'))); var repliesLen = decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('data-replies-text')).replace(' ',' ').length; setSelectionRange($(this)[0], repliesLen, repliesLen); } else { $(this).html(''); } $(this).trigger('input'); $(this).closest('.stream-item').addClass('replying-to'); } }); $('body').on('mousedown','.syntax-two',function () { $(this).addClass('clicked'); }); $('body').on('blur','.queet-box-syntax',function (e) { // empty the mention suggestions on blur, timeout because we want to capture clicks in .mentions-suggestions setTimeout(function(){ $(this).siblings('.mentions-suggestions').empty(); },10); // don't collapse if a toolbar button has been clicked var clickedToolbarButtons = $(this).siblings('.queet-toolbar').find('button.clicked'); if(clickedToolbarButtons.length>0) { clickedToolbarButtons.removeClass('clicked'); return true; } // don't collapse if an error message discard button has been clicked if($(this).siblings('.error-message').children('.discard-error-message').length>0) { return true; } // don't collapse if we're clicking around inside queet-box var syntaxTwoBox = $(this).siblings('.syntax-two'); if(syntaxTwoBox.hasClass('clicked')) { syntaxTwoBox.removeClass('clicked'); return true; } // don't collapse if we're in a modal if($(this).parent().parent().hasClass('modal-body')) { return true; } // collapse if nothing is change if($(this).attr('data-replies-text') != 'undefined') { var $startText = $('
').append(decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('data-replies-text'))); if($.trim($startText.text()) == $.trim($(this).text()) || $(this).html().length == 0 || $(this).html() == '
' || $(this).html() == '
' || $(this).html() == ' ' || $(this).html() == ' 
') { collapseQueetBox($(this)); } } // collapse if empty else if($(this).html().length == 0 || $(this).html() == '
' || $(this).html() == '
' || $(this).html() == ' ' || $(this).html() == ' 
') { collapseQueetBox($(this)); } }); function collapseQueetBox(qB) { qB.closest('.stream-item').removeClass('replying-to'); qB.siblings('.upload-image-container').remove(); qB.siblings('.syntax-middle').css('display','none'); qB.siblings('.syntax-two').css('display','none'); qB.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').css('display','none'); qB.attr('contenteditable','false'); qB.html(decodeURIComponent(qB.attr('data-start-text'))); qB.siblings('.queet-toolbar').find('button').removeClass('enabled'); qB.siblings('.queet-toolbar').css('display','none'); qB.removeAttr('style'); qB[0].removeEventListener("paste", stripHtmlFromPaste); } /* · · · Syntax highlighting in queetbox · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ // transfer focus and position/selection to background div $('body').on('mouseup', 'div.syntax-two', function(e){ // don't transfer rightclicks, instead wait for oninput and transfer after // this makes spell checker work if( e.which == 3 ) { $(this)[0].oninput = function() { $(this).siblings('div.queet-box-syntax').html($(this).html()); $(this).trigger('mouseup'); // transfer focus } } else { $(this).removeClass('clicked'); var caretPos = getSelectionInElement($(this)[0]); var thisQueetBox = $(this).siblings('div.queet-box-syntax'); thisQueetBox.focus(); setSelectionRange(thisQueetBox[0], caretPos[0], caretPos[1]); // fixes problem with caret not showing after delete, unfocus and refocus if(thisQueetBox.html() == '
') { thisQueetBox.html(' '); } } }); // strip html from paste function stripHtmlFromPaste(e) { e.preventDefault(); var text = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain")); text = text.replace(/\n/g,'
').replace(/\t/g, '    '); // keep line-breaks and tabs document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, text); } // sync divs $('body').on('keyup paste input', 'div.queet-box-syntax', function() { var currentVal = $(this).html(); currentVal = currentVal.replace(/
$/, '').replace(/ $/, '').replace(/ $/, ''); // fix $(this).siblings('.syntax-two').html(currentVal); // loop through the regexps and highlight $.each(window.syntaxHighlightingRegexps,function(k,v){ var i = 0; while(currentVal.match(v) && i < 100) { // 100 matches is enough, we don't want to get caught in an infinite loop here var currentMatch = currentVal.match(v); // too small match, probably a single ! or something, just replace that with its html code if($.trim(currentMatch[0]).length < 2) { currentVal = currentVal.replace(currentMatch[0],currentMatch[0].replace('#','#').replace('@','@').replace('.','.').replace('!','!')); } // long enough match, create a mention span else { // don't include ending char, if any of these (but tags can contain and end with . and -) if(currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == '<' || currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == '&' || currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == '?' || currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == '!' || currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == ' ' || (currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == '-' && k != 'tag') || currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == ':' || (currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == '.' && k != 'tag') || currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == ',' || currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == ')' || currentMatch[0].slice(-1) == '\'') { currentMatch[0] = currentMatch[0].slice(0,-1); } // don't include these start strings if(currentMatch[0].substring(0,1) == ' ' || currentMatch[0].substring(0,1) == '(') { currentMatch[0] = currentMatch[0].substring(1); } else if(currentMatch[0].substring(0,6) == ' ') { currentMatch[0] = currentMatch[0].substring(6); } currentVal = currentVal.replace(currentMatch[0],'' + currentMatch[0].replace('#','#').replace('@','@').replace('.','.').replace('!','!') + '') } i++; } }); // safari fix if(typeof bowser.safari != 'undefined') { currentVal = currentVal.replace(/  div', function(){ $('.mentions-suggestions > div').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }).on('mouseleave', '.mentions-suggestions > div', function(){ $(this).removeClass('selected'); }); $('body').on('click', '.mentions-suggestions > div', function(){ $(this).parent().siblings('.queet-box-syntax').focus(); $(this).siblings().removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); useSelectedMention($(this).parent().siblings('.queet-box-syntax')); }); // navigate in mentions with keyboard $('body').on('keydown', '.queet-box-syntax', function(e) { if($(this).siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div').length > 0) { // enter or tab if (!e.ctrlKey && (e.keyCode == '13' || e.keyCode == '9')) { e.preventDefault(); useSelectedMention($(this)); } // downkey else if (e.keyCode == '40') { e.preventDefault(); if($(this).siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div.selected').length > 0) { var selected = $(this).siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div.selected'); selected.removeClass('selected'); selected.next().addClass('selected'); } else { $(this).siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div').first().addClass('selected'); } } // upkey else if (e.keyCode == '38') { e.preventDefault(); if($(this).siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div.selected').length > 0) { var selected = $(this).siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div.selected'); selected.removeClass('selected'); selected.prev().addClass('selected'); } else { $(this).siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div').last().addClass('selected'); } } } }); function useSelectedMention(queetBox){ // use selected if(queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div.selected').length > 0) { var selectedSuggestion = queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div.selected'); } // if none selected, take top suggestion else { var selectedSuggestion = queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('div').first(); } var username = selectedSuggestion.children('span').html(); var name = selectedSuggestion.children('strong').html(); // if this is a group, we remember its id, the user might be member of multiple groups with the same username if(selectedSuggestion.hasClass('group-suggestion')) { var groupId = selectedSuggestion.data('group-id'); if(queetBox.siblings('.post-to-group[data-group-id="' + groupId + '"]').length < 1) { if(queetBox.siblings('.post-to-group').length>0) { var addAfter = queetBox.siblings('.post-to-group').last(); } else { var addAfter = queetBox; } addAfter.after('
' + name + '
'); } } // replace the halfwritten username with the one we want deleteBetweenCharacterIndices(queetBox[0], window.lastMention.mentionPos+1, window.lastMention.cursorPos); var range = createRangeFromCharacterIndices(queetBox[0], window.lastMention.mentionPos+1, window.lastMention.mentionPos+1); range.insertNode(document.createTextNode(username + '\u00a0')); // non-breaking-space, to prevent collapse // put caret after setSelectionRange(queetBox[0], window.lastMention.mentionPos+username.length+2, window.lastMention.mentionPos+username.length+2); queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').empty(); queetBox.trigger('input'); // avoid some flickering } // check for removed group mentions $('body').on('keyup', 'div.queet-box-syntax', function(e) { var groupMentions = $(this).siblings('.post-to-group'); var queetBoxGroups = $(this).siblings('.syntax-middle').find('.group'); var queetBoxGroupsString = ''; $.each(queetBoxGroups,function(){ queetBoxGroupsString = queetBoxGroupsString + $(this).html() + ':'; }); $.each(groupMentions,function(){ if(queetBoxGroupsString.indexOf('!' + $(this).data('group-username') + ':') == -1) { $(this).remove(); } }); }); // check for user mentions window.lastMention = new Object(); $('body').on('keyup', 'div.queet-box-syntax', function(e) { var queetBox = $(this); var cursorPosArray = getSelectionInElement(queetBox[0]); var cursorPos = cursorPosArray[0]; // add space before linebreaks (to separate mentions in beginning of new lines when .text():ing later) if(e.keyCode == '13') { e.preventDefault(); var range = createRangeFromCharacterIndices(queetBox[0], cursorPos, cursorPos); range.insertNode(document.createTextNode(" \n")); } else if(e.keyCode != '40' && e.keyCode != '38' && e.keyCode != '13' && e.keyCode != '9') { var contents = queetBox.text().substring(0,cursorPos); var mentionPos = contents.lastIndexOf('@'); var check_contents = contents.substring(mentionPos - 1, cursorPos); var regex = /(^|\s|\.|\n)(@)[a-zA-Z0-9]+/; var match = check_contents.match(regex); if (contents.indexOf('@') >= 0 && match) { if(contents.lastIndexOf('@') > 1) { match[0] = match[0].substring(1,match[0].length); } if((contents.lastIndexOf('@')+match[0].length) == cursorPos) { queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('.user-suggestion').remove(); queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').css('top',(queetBox.height()+20) + 'px'); var term = match[0].substring(match[0].lastIndexOf('@')+1, match[0].length).toLowerCase(); window.lastMention.mentionPos = mentionPos; window.lastMention.cursorPos = cursorPos; // see if anyone we're following matches var suggestionsToShow = []; var suggestionsUsernameCount = {}; suggestionsUsernameCount[window.loggedIn.screen_name] = 1; // any suggestions with the same screen name as mine will get their server url added $.each(window.following,function(){ var userregex = new RegExp(term); if(this.username.toLowerCase().match(userregex) || this.name.toLowerCase().match(userregex)) { suggestionsToShow.push({avatar:this.avatar, name:this.name, username:this.username,url:this.url}); // count the usernames to see if we need to show the server for any of them if(typeof suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username] != 'undefined') { suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username] = suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username] + 1; } else { suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username] = 1; } } }); // show matches $.each(suggestionsToShow,function(){ var serverHtml = ''; if(suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username]>1 && this.url !== false) { serverHtml = '@' + this.url; } queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').append('
' + this.name + ' @' + this.username + serverHtml + '
') }); } else { queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('.user-suggestion').remove(); } } else { queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('.user-suggestion').remove(); } } }); // check for group mentions $('body').on('keyup', 'div.queet-box-syntax', function(e) { var queetBox = $(this); var cursorPosArray = getSelectionInElement(queetBox[0]); var cursorPos = cursorPosArray[0]; // add space before linebreaks (to separate mentions in beginning of new lines when .text():ing later) if(e.keyCode == '13') { e.preventDefault(); var range = createRangeFromCharacterIndices(queetBox[0], cursorPos, cursorPos); range.insertNode(document.createTextNode(" \n")); } else if(e.keyCode != '40' && e.keyCode != '38' && e.keyCode != '13' && e.keyCode != '9') { var contents = queetBox.text().substring(0,cursorPos); var mentionPos = contents.lastIndexOf('!'); var check_contents = contents.substring(mentionPos - 1, cursorPos); var regex = /(^|\s|\.|\n)(!)[a-zA-Z0-9]+/; var match = check_contents.match(regex); if (contents.indexOf('!') >= 0 && match) { if(contents.lastIndexOf('!') > 1) { match[0] = match[0].substring(1,match[0].length); } if((contents.lastIndexOf('!')+match[0].length) == cursorPos) { queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('.group-suggestion').remove(); queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').css('top',(queetBox.height()+20) + 'px'); var term = match[0].substring(match[0].lastIndexOf('!')+1, match[0].length).toLowerCase(); window.lastMention.mentionPos = mentionPos; window.lastMention.cursorPos = cursorPos; // see if any group we're member of matches var suggestionsToShow = []; var suggestionsUsernameCount = {}; $.each(window.groupMemberships,function(){ var userregex = new RegExp(term); if(this.username.toLowerCase().match(userregex) || this.name.toLowerCase().match(userregex)) { suggestionsToShow.push({id:this.id, avatar:this.avatar, name:this.name, username:this.username,url:this.url}); // count the usernames to see if we need to show the server for any of them if(typeof suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username] != 'undefined') { suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username] = suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username] + 1; } else { suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username] = 1; } } }); // show matches $.each(suggestionsToShow,function(){ var serverHtml = ''; if(suggestionsUsernameCount[this.username]>1 && this.url !== false) { serverHtml = this.url + '/group/'; } queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').append('
' + this.name + ' !' + this.username + '
') }); } else { queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('.group-suggestion').remove(); } } else { queetBox.siblings('.mentions-suggestions').children('.group-suggestion').remove(); } } }); /* · · · Any click empties the mentions-suggestions · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $(document).click(function() { $('.mentions-suggestions').empty(); }); /* · · · Store unposted queets in cache, if the user accidentally reloads the page or something · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('keyup', 'div.queet-box-syntax', function(e) { var thisId = $(this).attr('id'); var thisText = $.trim($(this).text()); // keep in global var to avoid doing all these operations every keystroke if(typeof window.queetBoxCurrentlyActive == 'undefined' || window.queetBoxCurrentlyActive.id != thisId) { window.queetBoxCurrentlyActive = { id: thisId, startText: $.trim($('
').append(decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('data-start-text'))).text()), repliesText: $.trim($('
').append(decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('data-replies-text'))).text()) }; } // remove from cache if empty, or same as default text if(thisText == '' || thisText == window.sL.compose || thisText == window.queetBoxCurrentlyActive.startText || thisText == window.queetBoxCurrentlyActive.repliesText) { localStorageObjectCache_STORE('queetBoxInput',thisId,false); } else { localStorageObjectCache_STORE('queetBoxInput',thisId,$(this).html()); } }); /* · · · Keyboard shortcuts · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ // menu $('#shortcuts-link').click(function(){ // not if disabled if($(this).hasClass('disabled')) { return true; } popUpAction('popup-shortcuts', window.sL.keyboardShortcuts,'
',false); getDoc('shortcuts',function(html){ $('#shortcuts-container').html(html); centerPopUp($('#popup-shortcuts').find('.modal-draggable')); }); }); // send queet on ctrl+enter or ⌘+enter (mac) $('body').on('keydown','.queet-box-syntax',function (e) { // do nothing if shortcuts are disabled if(window.disableKeyboardShortcuts === true) { return true; } if((e.ctrlKey && e.which == 13) || (e.metaKey && e.which == 13)) { e.preventDefault(); var pressThisButton = $(this).siblings('.queet-toolbar').children('.queet-button').children('button'); pressThisButton.click(); $(this).blur(); } }); $('body').keyup(function (e) { // do nothing if shortcuts are disabled if(window.disableKeyboardShortcuts === true) { return true; } // only if queetbox is blurred, and we're not typing in any input, and we're logged in if($('.queet-box-syntax[contenteditable="true"]').length == 0 && $(":focus").length == 0 && window.loggedIn !== false) { // shortcuts documentation on '?' if(e.shiftKey && (e.which == 171 || e.which == 191)) { $('#shortcuts-link').click(); } // queet box popup on 'n' else if(e.which == 78) { // n e.preventDefault(); var pressThis = $('#top-compose') pressThis.click(); } // select first queet on first selection, 'j' or 'k' else if ((e.which == 74 || e.which == 75) && $('.stream-item.selected-by-keyboard').length == 0) { $('#feed-body').children('.stream-item.visible').first().addClass('selected-by-keyboard'); } // only if we have a selected queet else if($('.stream-item.selected-by-keyboard').length == 1) { var selectedQueet = $('#feed-body').children('.stream-item.selected-by-keyboard'); // next queet on 'j' if(e.which == 74) { selectedQueet.removeClass('selected-by-keyboard'); var next = selectedQueet.nextAll('.visible').not('.always-hidden').first(); next.addClass('selected-by-keyboard'); scrollToQueet(next); } // prev queet on 'k' else if(e.which == 75) { selectedQueet.removeClass('selected-by-keyboard'); var prev = selectedQueet.prevAll('.visible').not('.always-hidden').first(); prev.addClass('selected-by-keyboard'); scrollToQueet(prev); } // fav queet on 'f' else if(e.which == 70) { selectedQueet.children('.queet').find('.icon.sm-fav').click(); } // rq queet on 't' else if(e.which == 84) { selectedQueet.children('.queet').find('.icon.sm-rt:not(.is-mine)').click(); } // expand/collapse queet on enter else if(e.which == 13) { selectedQueet.children('.queet').click(); } // reply to queet on 'r' else if(e.which == 82) { if(selectedQueet.hasClass('expanded')) { selectedQueet.find('.queet-box-syntax').click(); } else { selectedQueet.children('.queet').find('.icon.sm-reply').click(); } } } } }); /* · · · When clicking show more links, walk upwards or downwards · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.view-more-container-bottom', function(){ var thisParentStreamItem = $(this).parent('.stream-item'); findReplyToStatusAndShow(thisParentStreamItem, thisParentStreamItem.attr('data-quitter-id'),$(this).attr('data-replies-after')); $(this).remove(); findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation(thisParentStreamItem); }); $('body').on('click','.view-more-container-top', function(){ var this_qid = $(this).closest('.stream-item:not(.conversation)').attr('data-quitter-id'); var queet = $(this).siblings('.queet'); var thisParentStreamItem = $(this).parent('.stream-item'); rememberMyScrollPos(queet,'moretop' + this_qid); findInReplyToStatusAndShow(thisParentStreamItem, thisParentStreamItem.attr('data-quitter-id'),$(this).attr('data-trace-from'),false,true); $(this).remove(); backToMyScrollPos(queet,'moretop' + this_qid,false); // remove the "show full conversation" link if nothing more to show if(thisParentStreamItem.find('.hidden-conversation').length == 0) { thisParentStreamItem.children('.queet').find('.show-full-conversation').remove(); } findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation(thisParentStreamItem); }); /* · · · When clicking "show full conversation", show all hidden queets in conversation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.show-full-conversation',function(){ var this_q = $(this).closest('.queet'); var thisStreamItem = this_q.parent(); var this_qid = thisStreamItem.attr('data-quitter-id'); rememberMyScrollPos(this_q,this_qid); thisStreamItem.find('.view-more-container-top').remove(); thisStreamItem.find('.view-more-container-bottom').remove(); $.each(thisStreamItem.find('.hidden-conversation'),function(key,obj){ $(obj).removeClass('hidden-conversation'); $(obj).animate({opacity:'1'},400,function(){ $(obj).css('background-color','pink').animate({backgroundColor:'#F6F6F6'},1000); }); }); $(this).remove(); backToMyScrollPos(this_q,this_qid,false); findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation(thisStreamItem); }); /* · · · Edit profile · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','#page-container > .profile-card .edit-profile-button',function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) { $(this).addClass('disabled'); $('html').scrollTop(0); $('html').addClass('fixed'); $('body').prepend(''); display_spinner(); getFromAPI('users/show/' + window.loggedIn.screen_name + '.json', function(data){ remove_spinner(); if(data){ data = cleanUpUserObject(data); // use avatar if no cover photo var coverPhotoHtml = ''; if(data.cover_photo !== false) { coverPhotoHtml = 'background-image:url(\'' + data.cover_photo + '\')'; } $('.hover-card,.hover-card-caret').remove(); $('#edit-profile-popup').prepend('\
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \

@' + data.screen_name + '

\ \

\ \ · \ \

\ \
'); $('#edit-profile-popup .profile-card').css('top',$('#page-container .profile-card').offset().top-53 + 'px'); // position exactly over // save colors on change $('#link-color-selection').minicolors({ change: function(hex) { // pause for 500ms before saving and displaying color changes window.changeToLinkColor = hex; setTimeout(function(){ if(hex == window.changeToLinkColor) { changeDesign({linkcolor:hex}); postNewLinkColor(hex.substring(1)); window.loggedIn.linkcolor = hex.substring(1); } },500); } }); $('#background-color-selection').minicolors({ change: function(hex) { // pause for 500ms before saving and displaying color changes window.changeToBackgroundColor = hex; setTimeout(function(){ if(hex == window.changeToBackgroundColor) { changeDesign({backgroundcolor:hex}); postNewBackgroundColor(hex.substring(1)); window.loggedIn.backgroundcolor = hex.substring(1); } },500); } }); // also on keyup in input (minicolors 'change' event does not do this, apparently) $('#link-color-selection').on('keyup',function(){ keyupSetLinkColor($(this).val()); }); $('#background-color-selection').on('keyup',function(){ keyupSetBGColor($(this).val()); }); // check if profile info is change and show/hide buttons $('input.fullname,textarea.bio,input.location,input.url').on('keyup paste input',function(){ showHideSaveProfileButtons(); }); } else { abortEditProfile(); } }); } }); // function to see if anything in profile is changed and show/hide buttons accordingly function showHideSaveProfileButtons() { if($('input.fullname').val() != $('input.fullname').attr('data-start-value') || $('textarea.bio').val() != $('textarea.bio').attr('data-start-value') || $('input.location').val() != $('input.location').attr('data-start-value') || $('input.url').val() != $('input.url').attr('data-start-value')) { $('.abort-edit-profile-button, .save-profile-button').show(); } else { $('.abort-edit-profile-button, .save-profile-button').hide(); } } // idle function for linkcolor selection by keyboard input var keyupLinkColorTimer; function keyupSetLinkColor(hex) { clearTimeout(keyupLinkColorTimer); keyupLinkColorTimer = setTimeout(function () { $('#link-color-selection').minicolors('value',hex); changeLinkColor($('#link-color-selection').val()); postNewLinkColor($('#link-color-selection').val().substring(1)); }, 500); } // idle function for bgcolor selection by keyboard input var keyupBGColorTimer; function keyupSetBGColor(hex) { clearTimeout(keyupBGColorTimer); keyupBGColorTimer = setTimeout(function () { $('#background-color-selection').minicolors('value',hex); $('body').css('background-color',$('#background-color-selection').val()); postNewBackgroundColor($('#background-color-selection').val().substring(1)); }, 500); } // cancel $('body').on('click','.close-edit-profile-window',function(){ abortEditProfile(); }); $('body').on('click','.abort-edit-profile-button',function(){ // if this is the avatar or cover photo if($('#edit-profile-popup .jwc_frame').length>0) { cleanUpAfterCropping(); } // if profile info else { abortEditProfile(); } }); function abortEditProfile() { $('#edit-profile-popup').remove(); $('.edit-profile-button').removeClass('disabled'); $('html').removeClass('fixed'); } // validate $('body').on('keyup paste input', '#edit-profile-popup input,#edit-profile-popup textarea', function() { if(validateEditProfileForm($('#edit-profile-popup'))){ $('.save-profile-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.save-profile-button').removeClass('disabled'); } else { $('.save-profile-button').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.save-profile-button').addClass('disabled'); } }); // submit cover photo or avatar $('body').on('click','.crop-and-save-button',function(){ if($('.crop-and-save-button').attr('disabled') != 'disabled') { $('.crop-and-save-button').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button').addClass('disabled'); display_spinner(); // if this is the cover photo if($('#edit-profile-popup .jwc_frame.cover-photo-to-crop').length>0) { var coverImgFormData = new FormData(); coverImgFormData.append('banner', $('#cover-photo-input')[0].files[0]); coverImgFormData.append('height', window.jwc.result.cropH); coverImgFormData.append('width', window.jwc.result.cropW); coverImgFormData.append('offset_left', window.jwc.result.cropX); coverImgFormData.append('offset_top', window.jwc.result.cropY); $.ajax({ url: window.apiRoot + 'account/update_profile_banner.json', type: "POST", data: coverImgFormData, processData: false, contentType: false, cache: false, dataType: "json", error: function(data){ console.log('error saving profile banner'); console.log(data); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeClass('disabled'); cleanUpAfterCropping(); remove_spinner(); }, success: function(data) { remove_spinner(); if(typeof data.error == 'undefined') { $('.crop-and-save-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeClass('disabled'); cleanUpAfterCropping(); $('.profile-header-inner').css('background-image','url(' + data.url + ')'); $('#user-header').css('background-image','url(' + data.url + ')'); } else { alert('Try again! ' + data.error); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeClass('disabled'); } } }); } // if this is the avatar else if($('#edit-profile-popup .jwc_frame.avatar-to-crop').length>0) { $.ajax({ url: window.apiRoot + 'qvitter/update_avatar.json', type: "POST", data: { cropH: window.jwc.result.cropH, cropW: window.jwc.result.cropW, cropX: window.jwc.result.cropX, cropY: window.jwc.result.cropY, img: $('#avatar-to-crop').attr('src') }, dataType:"json", error: function(data){ console.log('error'); console.log(data); }, success: function(data) { remove_spinner(); if(typeof data.error == 'undefined') { $('.crop-and-save-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeClass('disabled'); cleanUpAfterCropping(); $('.profile-picture').attr('href',data.profile_image_url_original); $('.profile-picture img, #user-avatar').attr('src',data.profile_image_url_profile_size); $('#settingslink .nav-session').css('background-image','url(\'' + data.profile_image_url_profile_size + '\')'); $('.account-group .name[data-user-id="' + window.loggedIn.id + '"]').siblings('.avatar').attr('src',data.profile_image_url_profile_size); } else { alert('Try again! ' + data.error); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeClass('disabled'); } } }); } // if this is the background-image else if($('#edit-profile-popup .jwc_frame.background-to-crop').length>0) { $.ajax({ url: window.apiRoot + 'qvitter/update_background_image.json', type: "POST", data: { cropH: window.jwc.result.cropH, cropW: window.jwc.result.cropW, cropX: window.jwc.result.cropX, cropY: window.jwc.result.cropY, img: $('#background-to-crop').attr('src') }, dataType:"json", error: function(data){ console.log('error'); console.log(data); }, success: function(data) { remove_spinner(); if(typeof data.error == 'undefined') { $('.crop-and-save-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeClass('disabled'); cleanUpAfterCropping(); changeDesign({backgroundimage:data.url}); window.loggedIn.background_image = data.url; } else { alert('Try again! ' + data.error); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeClass('disabled'); } } }); } } }); // submit new profile info $('body').on('click','.save-profile-button',function(){ if($('.save-profile-button').attr('disabled') != 'disabled') { $('.save-profile-button').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.save-profile-button').addClass('disabled'); display_spinner(); if(validateEditProfileForm($('#edit-profile-popup'))) { $.ajax({ url: window.apiRoot + 'account/update_profile.json', type: "POST", data: { name: $('#edit-profile-popup input.fullname').val(), url: $('#edit-profile-popup input.url').val(), location: $('#edit-profile-popup input.location').val(), description: $('#edit-profile-popup textarea.bio').val(), }, dataType:"json", error: function(data){ console.log('error'); console.log(data); }, success: function(data) { remove_spinner(); if(typeof data.error == 'undefined') { location.reload(); // reload, hopefully the new profile is saved } else { alert('Try again! ' + data.error); $('.save-profile-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.save-profile-button').removeClass('disabled'); } } }); } } }); // cover photo, avatar and background image select and crop $('body').on('click','.upload-cover-photo, .upload-avatar, .upload-background-image',function(){ var coverOrAvatar = $(this).attr('class'); if(coverOrAvatar == 'upload-cover-photo') { var inputId = 'cover-photo-input' } else if(coverOrAvatar == 'upload-avatar') { var inputId = 'avatar-input' } else if(coverOrAvatar == 'upload-background-image') { var inputId = 'background-image-input' } $('#' + inputId).click(function(){ $(this).one('change',function(e){ // trick to make the change event only fire once when selecting a file coverPhotoAndAvatarSelectAndCrop(e, coverOrAvatar); })}); // trigger click triggerClickOnInputFile($('#' + inputId)); }); // load image from file input function coverPhotoAndAvatarSelectAndCrop(e, coverOrAvatar) { if(coverOrAvatar == 'upload-cover-photo') { var targetWidth = 588; var targetHeight = 260; var cropId = 'cover-photo-to-crop'; } else if(coverOrAvatar == 'upload-avatar') { var targetWidth = 220; var targetHeight = 220; var maxWidth = 1040; var minWidth = 1040; var cropId = 'avatar-to-crop'; } else if(coverOrAvatar == 'upload-background-image') { var targetWidth = $(window).width(); var targetHeight = $(window).height()-46; var maxWidth = 3000; var minWidth = 3000; var cropId = 'background-to-crop'; } // get orientation loadImage.parseMetaData(e.target.files[0], function (data) { if (data.exif) { var orientation = data.exif.get('Orientation'); } else { var orientation = 1; } display_spinner(); // clean up cleanUpAfterCropping(); // create image loadImage(e.target.files[0], function (img) { if(typeof img.target == 'undefined') { var appendedImg = $('#edit-profile-popup .profile-card').prepend(''); // enable cropping $('#' + cropId).jWindowCrop({ targetWidth:targetWidth, targetHeight:targetHeight, onChange: function(result) { remove_spinner(); } }); // align centered, fade out background $('#' + cropId).parent().addClass(cropId); $('#' + cropId).parent().css('position','absolute') $('#' + cropId).parent().css('left','50%') $('#' + cropId).parent().css('margin-left','-' + (targetWidth/2) + 'px') $('#' + cropId).parent().siblings('.profile-header-inner').children('div,input,a').css('display','none'); // replace the hardcoded "click to drag" string $('#' + cropId).siblings('.jwc_controls').children('span').html(window.sL.clickToDrag); window.jwc = $('#' + cropId).getjWindowCrop(); $('.save-profile-button').hide(); $('.abort-edit-profile-button, .crop-and-save-button').show(); } else { remove_spinner(); $('.queet-box-loading-cover').remove(); alert('could not read image'); } }, { maxWidth: maxWidth, minWidth: minWidth, canvas: true, orientation: orientation } // Options ); }); } function cleanUpAfterCropping(){ $('.jwc_frame').siblings('.profile-header-inner').children('div,input,a').css('display','block'); if(typeof window.jwc != 'undefined') { window.jwc.destroy(); } $('.jwc_frame').remove(); $('#cover-photo-to-crop').remove(); $('#avatar-to-crop').remove(); $('#background-to-crop').remove(); $('input:file').unbind('click'); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeClass('disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.crop-and-save-button, .abort-edit-profile-button').hide(); showHideSaveProfileButtons(); } /* · · · Upload attachment · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('mousedown','.upload-image',function () { // remember caret position var caretPos = getSelectionInElement($(this).closest('.queet-toolbar').siblings('.queet-box-syntax')[0]); $(this).attr('data-caret-pos',caretPos); // prevent queet-box collapse $(this).addClass('clicked'); }); $('body').on('click','.upload-image',function () { var thisUploadButton = $(this); $('#upload-image-input').one('click',function(){ // trick to make the change event only fire once when selecting a file $(this).unbind('change'); $(this).one('change',function(e){ uploadAttachment(e, thisUploadButton); }) }); // trigger click triggerClickOnInputFile($('#upload-image-input')); }); function uploadAttachment(e, thisUploadButton) { // loader cover stuff thisUploadButton.closest('.queet-toolbar').parent().append('
'); thisUploadButton.closest('.queet-toolbar').siblings('.queet-box-loading-cover').width(thisUploadButton.closest('.queet-toolbar').parent().outerWidth()); display_spinner(thisUploadButton.closest('.queet-toolbar').siblings('.queet-box-loading-cover')[0]); thisUploadButton.closest('.queet-toolbar').siblings('.queet-box-loading-cover').find('.loader').css('top', (thisUploadButton.closest('.queet-toolbar').parent().outerHeight()/2-20) + 'px'); var uploadButton = thisUploadButton.closest('.queet-toolbar').find('.upload-image'); var queetBox = thisUploadButton.closest('.queet-toolbar').siblings('.queet-box-syntax'); var caretPos = uploadButton.attr('data-caret-pos').split(','); var imgFormData = new FormData(); imgFormData.append('media', $('#upload-image-input')[0].files[0]); // upload $.ajax({ url: window.apiRoot + 'statusnet/media/upload', type: "POST", data: imgFormData, contentType: false, processData: false, dataType: "xml", error: function(data, textStatus, errorThrown){ showErrorMessage(window.sL.ERRORattachmentUploadFailed, queetBox.siblings('.syntax-two')); $('.queet-box-loading-cover').remove(); queetBox.focus(); }, success: function(data) { var rsp = $(data).find('rsp'); if (rsp.attr('stat') == 'ok') { // maybe add thumbnail below queet box if($(data).find('atom\\:link,link').length>0) { var mimeType = $(data).find('atom\\:link,link').attr('type'); if(mimeType.indexOf('image/') == 0) { var imgUrl = $(data).find('atom\\:link,link').attr('href'); thisUploadButton.closest('.queet-toolbar').before(''); } } var mediaurl = rsp.find('mediaurl').text(); $('img.to-upload').attr('data-shorturl', mediaurl); $('img.to-upload').addClass('uploaded'); $('img.to-upload').removeClass('to-upload'); // insert shorturl in queet box deleteBetweenCharacterIndices(queetBox[0], caretPos[0], caretPos[1]); var range = createRangeFromCharacterIndices(queetBox[0], caretPos[0], caretPos[0]); if(typeof range == 'undefined') { // if queetbox is empty no range is returned, and inserting will fail, // so we insert a space and try to get range again... queetBox.html(' '); range = createRangeFromCharacterIndices(queetBox[0], caretPos[0], caretPos[0]); } range.insertNode(document.createTextNode(' ' + mediaurl + ' ')); // put caret after queetBox.focus(); var putCaretAt = parseInt(caretPos[0],10)+mediaurl.length+2; setSelectionRange(queetBox[0], putCaretAt, putCaretAt); queetBox.trigger('input'); // avoid some flickering setTimeout(function(){ queetBox.trigger('input');},1); // make sure chars are counted and shorten-button activated $('.queet-box-loading-cover').remove(); } else { alert('Try again! ' + rsp.find('err').attr('msg')); $('.save-profile-button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.save-profile-button').removeClass('disabled'); $('img.to-upload').parent().remove(); $('.queet-box-loading-cover').remove(); } } }); } /* · · · Small edit profile button on hover cards goes to edit profile · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','.hover-card .edit-profile-button',function(){ goToEditProfile(); }); /* · · · User menu when clicking the mini cog wheel in the logged in mini card · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ $('body').on('click','#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel:not(.dropped)',function(){ var menu = $(getMenu(loggedInUsersMenuArray())).appendTo(this); alignMenuToParent(menu,$(this)); $(this).addClass('dropped'); }); // hide when clicking it again $('body').on('click','#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel.dropped',function(e){ if($(e.target).is('#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel')) { $('#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel').children('.dropdown-menu').remove(); $('#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel').removeClass('dropped'); } }); // hide the menu when clicking outside it $('body').on('click',function(e){ if($('#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel').hasClass('dropped') && !$(e.target).closest('#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel').length>0) { $('#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel').children('.dropdown-menu').remove(); $('#mini-logged-in-user-cog-wheel').removeClass('dropped'); } }); /* · · · Goes to edit profile · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */ function goToEditProfile(arg, callback) { if(window.currentStreamObject.name == 'my profile') { $('#page-container > .profile-card .edit-profile-button').trigger('click'); if(typeof callback == 'function') { callback(true); } } else { setNewCurrentStream(pathToStreamRouter(window.loggedIn.screen_name), true, false, function(){ $('#page-container > .profile-card .edit-profile-button').trigger('click'); if(typeof callback == 'function') { callback(true); } }); } }