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« Federación » significa que no debes tener una cuenta de {site-title} para seguir su usuarios, estar seguido por o comunicar con ellos. ¡Puedes registrar con cualquier servidor StatusNet o GNU social, o cualquier servicio utilizando el protocolo OStatus! También no debes registrarse en cualquier servicio para participar - simplemente instala el software GNU social en tu propio servidor. (:
de microblogueros que, como tú, estan motivados por ética y solidaridad y quieren abandonar los servicios capitalistas centralizados.", "registerNickname": "Nombre de usuario", "registerHomepage": "Sitio web", "registerBio": "Biografía", "registerLocation": "Ubicación", "registerRepeatPassword": "Verificar contraseña", "moreSettings": "Más opciones", "otherServers": "De manera alternativa, puedes crear una cuenta en otro servidor de la red GNU social. Comparativa", "editMyProfile": "Editar perfil", "notifications": "Notificaciones", "xFavedYourQueet": "marcó tu Queet como favorito", "xRepeatedYourQueet": "te ha requitteado ", "xStartedFollowingYou": "te ha seguido", "followsYou": "te sigue", "FAQ": "Preguntas Frecuentosas", "inviteAFriend": "¡Invita a tus cuates!", "goToExternalProfile": "Ir al perfil completo", "cropAndSave": "Recortar y guardar", "showTerms": "Leer los términos de uso", "ellipsisMore": "Más", "blockUser": "Bloquear {username}", "goToOriginalNotice": "Go to original notice", "goToTheUsersRemoteProfile": "Go to the user's remote profile", "clickToDrag":"Click to drag", "keyboardShortcuts":"Keyboard shortcuts", "classicInterface":"Classic {site-title}", "accessibilityToggleLink":"For better accessibility, click this link to switch to the classic interface", "tooltipBookmarkStream":"Add this stream to your bookmarks", "tooltipTopMenu":"Menu and settings", "tooltipAttachImage":"Attach an image", "tooltipShortenUrls":"Shorten all URLs in the Queet", "tooltipReloadStream":"Refresh this stream", "tooltipRemoveBookmark":"Remove this bookmark", "clearHistory":"Clear browsing history", "ERRORsomethingWentWrong":"Something went wrong.", "ERRORmustBeLoggedIn":"You must be logged in to view this stream.", "ERRORcouldNotFindUserWithNickname":"Could not find a user with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server", "ERRORcouldNotFindGroupWithNickname":"Could not find a group with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server", "ERRORcouldNotFindPage":"Could not find that page.", "ERRORnoticeRemoved": "This notice has been removed.", "ERRORnoContactWithServer": "Can not establish a connection to the server. The server could be overloaded, or there might be a problem with your internet connecton. Please try again later!", "ERRORattachmentUploadFailed": "The upload failed. The format might be unsupported or the size too large.", "hideRepliesToPeopleIDoNotFollow":"Hide replies to people I don't follow", "markAllNotificationsAsSeen":"Mark all notifications as seen", "notifyRepliesAndMentions":"Mentions and replies", "notifyFavs":"Favorites", "notifyRepeats":"Requeets", "notifyFollows":"New followers", "timelineOptions":"Timeline options", "ERRORfailedSavingYourSetting":"Failed saving your setting", "ERRORfailedMarkingAllNotificationsAsRead":"Failed marking all notifications as seen.", "newNotification": "{new-notice-count} new notification", "newNotifications": "{new-notice-count} new notifications", "thisIsANoticeFromABlockedUser":"Warning: This is a notice from a user you have blocked. Click to show it.", "nicknamesListWithListName":"{nickname}’s list: {list-name}", "myListWithListName":"My list: {list-name}", "listMembers":"Members", "listSubscribers":"Subscribers", "ERRORcouldNotFindList":"There is no such list.", "emailAlreadyInUse":"Already in use", "addEditLanguageLink":"Help translate {site-title} to another language", "onlyPartlyTranslated":"{site-title} is only partly translated to {language-name} ({percent}%). You can help complete the translation at Qvitter's repository homepage", "startRant":"Start a rant", "continueRant":"Continue the rant", "hideEmbeddedInTimeline":"Hide embedded content in this timeline", "hideQuotesInTimeline":"Hide quotes in this timeline", "userBlocks":"Accounts you're blocking", "buttonBlocked":"Blocked", "buttonUnblock":"Unblock", "failedBlockingUser":"Failed to block the user.", "failedUnblockingUser":"Failed to unblock the user.", "unblockUser": "Unblock {username}", "tooltipBlocksYou":"You are blocked from following {username}.", "silenced":"Silenced", "silencedPlural":"Silenced profiles", "silencedUsersOnThisInstance":"Silenced profiles on {site-title}", "sandboxed":"Sandboxed", "sandboxedPlural":"Sandboxed profiles", "sandboxedUsersOnThisInstance":"Sandboxed profiles on {site-title}", "silencedStreamDescription":"Silenced users can't login or post quips and the quips they've already posted are hidden. For local users it's like a delete that can be reversed, for remote users it's like a site wide block.", "sandboxedStreamDescription":"Quips from sandboxed users are excluded from the Public Timeline and The Whole Known Network. Quips posted while being in the sandbox will not be included in the public timelines if the user is unsandboxed.", "onlyShowNotificationsFromUsersIFollow":"Only show notifications from users I follow", "userOptions":"More user actions", "silenceThisUser":"Silence {nickname}", "sandboxThisUser":"Sandbox {nickname}", "unSilenceThisUser":"Unsilence {nickname}", "unSandboxThisUser":"Unsandbox {nickname}", "ERRORfailedSandboxingUser":"Failed sandboxing/unsandboxing the user", "ERRORfailedSilencingUser":"Failed silencing/unsilencing the user", "muteUser":"Mute", "unmuteUser":"Unmute", "hideNotificationsFromMutedUsers":"Hide notifications from muted users", "thisIsANoticeFromAMutedUser":"You have muted the author of this quip. Click here to show it anyway.", "userMutes":"Accounts you're muting", "userBlocked":"Blocked accounts", "userMuted":"Muted accounts", "mutedStreamDescription":"You've hidden these accounts from your timeline. You will still recieve notifications from these accounts, unless you select "Hide notifications from muted users" from the cog wheel menu on the notifications page.", "profileAndSettings":"Profile and settings", "profileSettings":"Profile settings" }