
155 lines
7.0 KiB

"languageName": "Español (ahorita)",
"loginUsername": "Nombre de usuario o correo electrónico",
"loginPassword": "Contraseña",
"loginSignIn": "Iniciar sesión ahorita",
"loginRememberMe": "Recordar mis datos",
"loginForgotPassword": "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?",
"notices": "Queets",
"followers": "Seguidores",
"following": "Siguiendo",
"groups": "Grupos",
"compose": "Crear un nuevo Queet...",
"queetVerb": "Quittear",
"queetsNounPlural": "Queets",
"logout": "Cerrar sesión ahorita",
"languageSelected": "Idioma:",
"viewMyProfilePage": "Ver mi perfil",
"expand": "Abrir",
"collapse": "Reducir",
"details": "Detalles",
"expandFullConversation": "Ver toda la plática",
"replyVerb": "Responder",
"requeetVerb": "Requittear",
"favoriteVerb": "Favorito",
"requeetedVerb": "Requitteado",
"favoritedVerb": "Marcado como favorito",
"replyTo": "Responder a",
"requeetedBy": "Requitteado por {requeeted-by}",
"favoriteNoun": "Favorito",
"favoritesNoun": "Favoritos",
"requeetNoun": "Requeet",
"requeetsNoun": "Requeets",
"newQueet": "{new-notice-count} nuevo Queet",
"newQueets": "{new-notice-count} nuevos Queets",
"longmonthsJanuary": "enero",
"longmonthsFebruary": "febrero",
"longmonthsMars": "marzo",
"longmonthsApril": "abril",
"longmonthsMay": "mayo",
"longmonthsJune": "junio",
"longmonthsJuly": "julio",
"longmonthsAugust": "agosto",
"longmonthsSeptember": "septiembre",
"longmonthsOctober": "octubre",
"longmonthsNovember": "noviembre",
"longmonthsDecember": "diciembre",
"shortmonthsJanuary": "ene",
"shortmonthsFebruary": "feb",
"shortmonthsMars": "mar",
"shortmonthsApril": "abr",
"shortmonthsMay": "may",
"shortmonthsJune": "jun",
"shortmonthsJuly": "jul",
"shortmonthsAugust": "ago",
"shortmonthsSeptember": "sept",
"shortmonthsOctober": "oct",
"shortmonthsNovember": "nov",
"shortmonthsDecember": "dic",
"time12am": "{time} AM",
"time12pm": "{time} PM",
"longDateFormat": "{time24} - {day} {month} {year}",
"shortDateFormatSeconds": "{seconds}s",
"shortDateFormatMinutes": "{minutes}min",
"shortDateFormatHours": "{hours}h",
"shortDateFormatDate": "{day} {month}",
"shortDateFormatDateAndY": "{day} {month} {year}",
"now": "ahorita",
"posting": "enviando",
"viewMoreInConvBefore": "← Ver más en la conversación",
"viewMoreInConvAfter": "Ver más en la conversación →",
"mentions": "Menciones",
"timeline": "Línea temporal",
"publicTimeline": "Línea temporal pública",
"publicAndExtTimeline": "Toda la red conocida",
"searchVerb": "Buscar ahorita",
"deleteVerb": "Eliminar",
"cancelVerb": "Cancelar",
"deleteConfirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este queet?",
"userExternalFollow": "Seguir",
"userExternalFollowHelp": "ID de tu cuenta (p.e. user@rainbowdash.net).",
"userFollow": "Seguir",
"userFollowing": "Siguiendo",
"userUnfollow": "Dejar de seguir",
"joinGroup": "Unirse al grupo",
"joinExternalGroup": "Unirse al grupo",
"isMemberOfGroup": "Miembro",
"leaveGroup": "Abandonar grupo",
"memberCount": "Miembros",
"adminCount": "Administradores",
"settings": "Configuración",
"saveChanges": "Guardar cambios",
"linkColor": "Color del enlace",
"backgroundColor": "Color de fondo",
"newToQuitter": "¿Eres nuevo en {site-title}?",
"signUp": "¡Regístrate wey!",
"signUpFullName": "Nombre completo",
"signUpEmail": "Correo electrónico",
"signUpButtonText": "¡Regístrate en {site-title} wey!",
"welcomeHeading": "Bienvenido a {site-title}",
"welcomeText": "Somos una <span id=\"federated-tooltip\"><div id=\"what-is-federation\">« Federación » significa que no debes tener una cuenta de {site-title} para seguir su usuarios, estar seguido por o comunicar con ellos. ¡Puedes registrar con cualquier servidor StatusNet o <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/social/\">GNU social</a>, o cualquier servicio utilizando el protocolo <a href=\"http://www.w3.org/community/ostatus/wiki/Main_Page\">OStatus</a>! También no debes registrarse en cualquier servicio para participar - simplemente instala el software GNU social en tu propio servidor. (:</div>federación</span> de microblogueros que, como tú, estan motivados por ética y solidaridad y quieren abandonar los servicios capitalistas centralizados.",
"registerNickname": "Nombre de usuario",
"registerHomepage": "Sitio web",
"registerBio": "Biografía",
"registerLocation": "Ubicación",
"registerRepeatPassword": "Verificar contraseña",
"moreSettings": "Más opciones",
"otherServers": "De manera alternativa, puedes crear una cuenta en otro servidor de la red GNU social. <a href=\"http://federation.skilledtests.com/select_your_server.html\">Comparativa</a>",
"editMyProfile": "Editar perfil",
"notifications": "Notificaciones",
"xFavedYourQueet": "marcó tu Queet como favorito",
"xRepeatedYourQueet": "te ha requitteado ",
"xStartedFollowingYou": "te ha seguido",
"followsYou": "te sigue",
"FAQ": "Preguntas Frecuentosas",
"inviteAFriend": "¡Invita a tus cuates!",
"goToExternalProfile": "Ir al perfil completo",
"cropAndSave": "Recortar y guardar",
"showTerms": "Leer los términos de uso",
"ellipsisMore": "Más",
"blockUser": "Bloquear {username}",
"goToOriginalNotice": "Go to original notice",
"goToTheUsersRemoteProfile": "Go to the user's remote profile",
"clickToDrag":"Click to drag",
"keyboardShortcuts":"Keyboard shortcuts",
"classicInterface":"Classic {site-title}",
"accessibilityToggleLink":"For better accessibility, click this link to switch to the classic interface",
"tooltipBookmarkStream":"Add this stream to your bookmarks",
"tooltipTopMenu":"Menu and settings",
"tooltipAttachImage":"Attach an image",
"tooltipShortenUrls":"Shorten all URLs in the Queet",
"tooltipReloadStream":"Refresh this stream",
"tooltipRemoveBookmark":"Remove this bookmark",
"clearHistory":"Clear browsing history",
"ERRORsomethingWentWrong":"Something went wrong.",
"ERRORmustBeLoggedIn":"You must be logged in to view this stream.",
"ERRORcouldNotFindUserWithNickname":"Could not find a user with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server",
"ERRORcouldNotFindGroupWithNickname":"Could not find a group with nickname \"{nickname}\" on this server",
"ERRORcouldNotFindPage":"Could not find that page.",
"ERRORnoticeRemoved": "This notice has been removed.",
"ERRORnoContactWithServer": "Can not establish a connection to the server. The server could be overloaded, or there might be a problem with your internet connecton. Please try again later!",
"ERRORattachmentUploadFailed": "The upload failed. The format might be unsupported or the size too large.",
"hideRepliesToPeopleIDoNotFollow":"Hide replies to people I don't follow",
"markAllNotificationsAsSeen":"Mark all notifications as seen",
"notifyRepliesAndMentions":"Mentions and replies",
"notifyFollows":"New followers",
"timelineOptions":"Timeline options",
"ERRORfailedSavingYourSetting":"Failed saving your setting",
"ERRORfailedMarkingAllNotificationsAsRead":"Failed marking all notifications as seen.",
"newNotification": "{new-notice-count} new notification",
"newNotifications": "{new-notice-count} new notifications"