
1839 lines
77 KiB

/*· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
· ·
· ·
· Q V I T T E R ·
· ·
· ·
· <o) ·
· /_//// ·
· (____/ ·
· (o< ·
· o> \\\\_\ ·
· \\) \____) ·
· ·
· ·
· @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the ·
· JavaScript code in this page. ·
· ·
· Copyright (C) 2015 Hannes Mannerheim and other contributors ·
· ·
· ·
· This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ·
· it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as ·
· published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ·
· License, or (at your option) any later version. ·
· ·
· This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ·
· but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ·
· GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ·
· ·
· You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License ·
· along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ·
· ·
· @licend The above is the entire license notice ·
· for the JavaScript code in this page. ·
· ·
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */
/* ·
· Show favs and requeets in queet element
· @param q: queet jQuery object
· @param data: object with users that has faved and requeeted
· · · · · · · · · */
function showFavsAndRequeetsInQueet(q,data) {
// set the non-expanded fav- and rq-count
// don't proceed if queet is not expanded
if(!q.hasClass('expanded') || q.hasClass('collapsing')) {
// don't proceed and remove expanded stats if all favs and repeats are removed
if(data.favs.length < 1 && data.repeats.length < 1) {
// remove any existing stats container and add a new empty one
if(q.children('.queet').find('ul.stats').length > 0) {
q.children('.queet').find('.queet-stats-container').prepend('<ul class="stats"><li class="avatar-row"></li></ul>');
// set the expanded fav-count number
if(data.favs.length > 0) {
if(data.favs.length == 1) {
var favLabel = window.sL.favoriteNoun;
else if(data.favs.length > 1) {
var favLabel = window.sL.favoritesNoun;
if(q.children('.queet').find('.fav-count').length>0) {
else {
q.children('.queet').find('li.avatar-row').before('<li class="fav-count"><a>' + favLabel + ' </a><strong>' + data.favs.length + '</strong></li>');
// add repeats
if(data.repeats.length > 0) {
if(data.repeats.length == 1) {
var repeatsLabel = window.sL.requeetNoun;
else if(data.repeats.length > 1) {
var repeatsLabel = window.sL.requeetsNoun;
if(q.children('.queet').find('.rq-count').length>0) {
else {
q.children('.queet').find('li.avatar-row').before('<li class="rq-count"><a>' + repeatsLabel + ' </a><strong>' + data.repeats.length + '</strong></li>');
// merge favs and repeats objects by user_id (removes duplicate users)
var favsAndRepeats = {};
favsAndRepeats[this.user_id] = this;
favsAndRepeats[this.user_id] = this;
// make an object with time the key
var favsAndRepeatsByTime = {};
favsAndRepeatsByTime[this.time] = this;
// create an array with times and sort it
var timeSorted = [];
// display avatars in chronological order, max 7
var avatarnum = 1;
q.children('.queet').find('.avatar-row').append('<a title="' + favsAndRepeatsByTime[this].fullname + '" data-user-id="' + favsAndRepeatsByTime[this].user_id + '" href="' + favsAndRepeatsByTime[this].profileurl + '"><img alt="' + favsAndRepeatsByTime[this].fullname + '" src="' + favsAndRepeatsByTime[this].avatarurl + '" class="avatar size24" id="av-' + favsAndRepeatsByTime[this].user_id + '"></a>');
if(avatarnum > 15) {
return false;
/* ·
· Build profile card HTML
· @param data: an object with a user array
· · · · · · · · · */
function buildProfileCard(data) {
data = cleanUpUserObject(data);
// use avatar if no cover photo
var coverPhotoHtml = '';
if(data.cover_photo !== false) {
coverPhotoHtml = 'background-image:url(\'' + data.cover_photo + '\')';
// follows me?
var follows_you = '';
if(data.follows_you === true && window.myUserID != data.id) {
var follows_you = '<span class="follows-you">' + window.sL.followsYou + '</span>';
// show user actions if logged in
var followingClass = '';
if(data.following) {
followingClass = 'following';
var followButton = '';
// only add follow button if this is a local user
if(data.is_local == true) {
if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined' && window.myUserID != data.id) {
var followButton = '<div class="user-actions"><button data-follow-user-id="' + data.id + '" data-follow-user="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '" type="button" class="qvitter-follow-button ' + followingClass + '"><span class="button-text follow-text"><i class="follow"></i>' + window.sL.userFollow + '</span><span class="button-text following-text">' + window.sL.userFollowing + '</span><span class="button-text unfollow-text">' + window.sL.userUnfollow + '</span></button></div>';
// follow from external instance if logged out
if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name == 'undefined') {
var followButton = '<div class="user-actions"><button type="button" class="external-follow-button ' + followingClass + '"><span class="button-text follow-text"><i class="follow"></i>' + window.sL.userExternalFollow + '</span></button></div>';
// edit profile button if me
if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined' && window.myUserID == data.id) {
var followButton = '<div class="user-actions"><button type="button" class="edit-profile-button"><span class="button-text edit-profile-text">' + window.sL.editMyProfile + '</span></button></div>';
// is webpage empty?
var emptyWebpage = '';
if(data.url.length<1) {
emptyWebpage = ' empty';
// full card html
data.profileCardHtml = '\
<div class="profile-card">\
<div class="profile-header-inner" style="' + coverPhotoHtml + '">\
<div class="profile-header-inner-overlay"></div>\
<a class="profile-picture" href="' + data.profile_image_url_original + '">\
<img src="' + data.profile_image_url_profile_size + '" />\
<div class="profile-card-inner">\
<h1 class="fullname">' + data.name + '<span></span></h1>\
<h2 class="username">\
<span class="screen-name">@' + data.screen_name + '</span>\
' + follows_you + '\
<div class="bio-container"><p>' + data.description + '</p></div>\
<p class="location-and-url">\
<span class="location">' + data.location + '</span>\
<span class="url' + emptyWebpage + '">\
<span class="divider"> · </span>\
<a href="' + data.url + '">' + data.url.replace('http://','').replace('https://','') + '</a>\
<div class="profile-banner-footer">\
<ul class="stats">\
<li class="tweet-num"><a href="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '" class="tweet-stats">' + window.sL.notices + '<strong>' + data.statuses_count + '</strong></a></li>\
<li class="following-num"><a href="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '/subscriptions" class="following-stats">' + window.sL.following + '<strong>' + data.friends_count + '</strong></a></li>\
<li class="follower-num"><a href="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '/subscribers" class="follower-stats">' + window.sL.followers + '<strong>' + data.followers_count + '</strong></a></li>\
<li class="groups-num"><a href="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '/groups" class="groups-stats">' + window.sL.groups + '<strong>' + data.groups_count + '</strong></a></li>\
' + followButton + '\
<div class="clearfix"></div>\
return data;
/* ·
· Build external profile card HTML
· @param data: an object containing data.external user array,
· and maybe (hopefully) also a data.local user array
· · · · · · · · · */
function buildExternalProfileCard(data) {
// local profile id and follow class
var followLocalIdHtml = '';
var followingClass = '';
if(typeof data.local != 'undefined' && data.local !== null) {
followLocalIdHtml = ' data-follow-user-id="' + data.local.id + '"';
if(data.local.following) {
followingClass = 'following';
// follows me?
var follows_you = '';
if(data.local !== null && data.local.follows_you === true && window.myUserID != data.local.id) {
var follows_you = '<span class="follows-you">' + window.sL.followsYou + '</span>';
// empty strings and zeros instead of null
data = cleanUpUserObject(data.external);
// old statusnet-versions might not have full avatar urls in their api response
if(typeof data.profile_image_url_original == 'undefined'
|| data.profile_image_url_original === null
|| data.profile_image_url_original.length == 0) {
data.profile_image_url_original = data.profile_image_url;
if(typeof data.profile_image_url_profile_size == 'undefined'
|| data.profile_image_url_profile_size === null
|| data.profile_image_url_profile_size.length == 0) {
data.profile_image_url_profile_size = data.profile_image_url;
// we might have a cover photo
if(typeof data.cover_photo != 'undefined' && data.cover_photo !== false) {
var cover_photo = data.cover_photo;
else {
var cover_photo = data.profile_image_url_original;
// is webpage empty?
var emptyWebpage = '';
if(data.url.length<1) {
emptyWebpage = ' empty';
var serverUrl = guessInstanceUrlWithoutProtocolFromProfileUrlAndNickname(data.statusnet_profile_url, data.screen_name);
data.screenNameWithServer = '@' + data.screen_name + '@' + serverUrl;
var followButton = '';
// we can only follow remote users if we're logged in at the moment
if(window.loggedIn !== false) {
var followButton = '<div class="user-actions"><button' + followLocalIdHtml + ' data-follow-user="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '" type="button" class="qvitter-follow-button ' + followingClass + '"><span class="button-text follow-text"><i class="follow"></i>' + window.sL.userFollow + '</span><span class="button-text following-text">' + window.sL.userFollowing + '</span><span class="button-text unfollow-text">' + window.sL.userUnfollow + '</span></button></div>';
data.profileCardHtml = '\
<div class="profile-card">\
<div class="profile-header-inner" style="background-image:url(\'' + cover_photo + '\')">\
<div class="profile-header-inner-overlay"></div>\
<a class="profile-picture"><img src="' + data.profile_image_url_profile_size + '" /></a>\
<div class="profile-card-inner">\
<a target="_blank" href="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '">\
<h1 class="fullname">' + data.name + '<span></span></h1>\
<h2 class="username">\
<span class="screen-name">' + data.screenNameWithServer + '</span>\
<span class="ostatus-link" data-tooltip="' + window.sL.goToTheUsersRemoteProfile + '">' + window.sL.goToTheUsersRemoteProfile + '</span>\
' + follows_you + '\
<div class="bio-container"><p>' + data.description + '</p></div>\
<p class="location-and-url">\
<span class="location">' + data.location + '</span>\
<span class="url' + emptyWebpage + '">\
<span class="divider"> · </span>\
<a target="_blank" href="' + data.url + '">' + data.url.replace('http://','').replace('https://','') + '</a>\
<div class="profile-banner-footer">\
<ul class="stats">\
<li class="tweet-num"><a class="tweet-stats" target="_blank" href="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '">' + window.sL.notices + '<strong>' + data.statuses_count + '</strong></a></li>\
<li class="following-num"><a class="following-stats" target="_blank" href="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '/subscriptions">' + window.sL.following + '<strong>' + data.friends_count + '</strong></a></li>\
<li class="follower-num"><a class="follower-stats" target="_blank" href="' + data.statusnet_profile_url + '/subscribers">' + window.sL.followers + '<strong>' + data.followers_count + '</strong></a></li>\
' + followButton + '\
<div class="clearfix"></div>\
<div class="clearfix"></div>';
return data;
/* ·
· Adds a profile card before feed element
· @param data: an object with a user array
· · · · · · · · · */
function addProfileCardToDOM(data) {
// change design
changeDesign({backgroundimage:data.background_image, backgroundcolor:data.backgroundcolor, linkcolor:data.linkcolor});
// remove any old profile card and show profile card
/* ·
· Adds a profile card before feed element, with data from the first object in the included object
· @param data: an object with one or more queet objects
· · · · · · · · · */
function profileCardFromFirstObject(data,screen_name) {
var first = new Object();
for (var i in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof(i) !== 'function') {
first = data[i];
if(typeof first.user != 'undefined') {
/* ·
· Adds a group profile card before feed element
· @param data: an object with one or more queet objects
· · · · · · · · · */
function groupProfileCard(groupAlias) {
getFromAPI('statusnet/groups/show/' + groupAlias + '.json', function(data){ if(data){
data.nickname = data.nickname || '';
data.fullname = data.fullname || '';
data.stream_logo = data.stream_logo || window.defaultAvatarStreamSize;
data.homepage_logo = data.homepage_logo || window.defaultAvatarProfileSize;
data.original_logo = data.original_logo || window.defaultAvatarProfileSize;
data.description = data.description || '';
data.homepage = data.homepage || '';
data.url = data.url || '';
data.member_count = data.member_count || 0;
data.admin_count = data.admin_count || 0;
// show user actions if logged in
var memberClass = '';
if(data.member) {
memberClass = 'member';
var memberButton = '';
if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') {
var memberButton = '<div class="user-actions"><button data-group-id="' + data.id + '" type="button" class="member-button ' + memberClass + '"><span class="button-text join-text"><i class="join"></i>' + window.sL.joinGroup + '</span><span class="button-text ismember-text">' + window.sL.isMemberOfGroup + '</span><span class="button-text leave-text">' + window.sL.leaveGroup + '</span></button></div>';
// follow from external instance if logged out
if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name == 'undefined') {
var memberButton = '<div class="user-actions"><button type="button" class="external-member-button"><span class="button-text join-text"><i class="join"></i>' + window.sL.joinExternalGroup + '</span></button></div>';
// change design
changeDesign({backgroundimage:false, backgroundcolor:false, linkcolor:false});
// add card to DOM
$('#feed').siblings('.profile-card').remove(); // remove any old profile card
$('#feed').before(' <div class="profile-card group">\
<div class="profile-header-inner" style="background-image:url(' + data.original_logo + ')">\
<div class="profile-header-inner-overlay"></div>\
<a class="profile-picture" href="' + data.original_logo + '">\
<img src="' + data.homepage_logo + '" />\
<div class="profile-card-inner">\
<a href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + 'group/' + data.nickname + '">\
<h1 class="fullname">sadsa\
' + data.fullname + '\
<h2 class="username">\
<span class="screen-name">!' + data.nickname + '</span>\
<div class="bio-container">\
<p>' + data.description + '</p>\
<p class="location-and-url">\
<span class="url">\
<a href="' + data.homepage + '">' + data.homepage.replace('http://','').replace('https://','') + '</a>\
<div class="profile-banner-footer">\
<ul class="stats">\
<a href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + 'group/' + data.nickname + '/members" class="member-stats">\
' + window.sL.memberCount + '\
<strong>' + data.member_count + '</strong>\
<a href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + 'group/' + data.nickname + '/admins" class="admin-stats">\
' + window.sL.adminCount + '\
<strong>' + data.admin_count + '</strong>\
' + memberButton + '\
<div class="clearfix"></div>\
/* ·
· Change stream
· @param streamObject: object returned by pathToStreamRouter()
· @param setLocation: whether we should update the browsers location bar when we set the new stream
· @param fallbackId: if we fail to get the stream, it can be due to a bad/changed user/group nickname,
· in that case this parameter can contain a user/group id that we can use to retrieve the correct nickname
· @param actionOnSuccess: callback function on success
· · · · · · · · · */
function setNewCurrentStream(streamObject,setLocation,fallbackId,actionOnSuccess) {
if(!streamObject && !streamObject.stream) {
console.log('invalid streamObject, no stream to set!');
// remember state of old stream (including profile card)
window.oldStreams[window.currentStream] = $('#feed').siblings('.profile-card').outerHTML() + $('#feed').outerHTML();
// halt interval that checks for new queets
// scroll to top
// blur any selected links
// null any searches
// remember the most recent stream
window.currentStream = streamObject.stream;
window.currentStreamObject = streamObject;
if(streamObject.streamSubHeader) {
var h2FeedHeader = streamObject.streamSubHeader;
else {
var h2FeedHeader = streamObject.streamHeader;
// if we have a saved copy of this stream, show it immediately (but it is replaced when stream finishes to load later)
if(typeof window.oldStreams[window.currentStream] != "undefined") {
$('#feed-header-inner h2').css('opacity','0.2');
$('#feed-header-inner h2').animate({opacity:'1'},1000);
// set location bar from stream
if(setLocation) {
// also mark this stream as the current stream immediately, if a saved copy exists
// otherwise we fade out and wait for stream to load
else {
// fade out
// when fade out finishes, remove any profile cards and set new header
$('#feed-header-inner h2').html(h2FeedHeader);
// change design immediately to either cached design or logged in user's
if(typeof window.oldStreamsDesigns[theUserOrGroupThisStreamBelongsTo(window.currentStream)] != 'undefined') {
else {
changeDesign({backgroundimage:window.loggedIn.background_image, backgroundcolor:window.loggedIn.backgroundcolor, linkcolor:window.loggedIn.linkcolor});
// get stream
getFromAPI(streamObject.stream, function(queet_data, userArray){
// while waiting for this data user might have changed stream, so only proceed if current stream still is this one
if(window.currentStream != streamObject.stream) {
console.log('stream has changed, aborting');
// if we have a fallbackId and a userArray, and the userArray's is is not equal to
// the fallackId, this is the wrong stream! we need to re-invoke setNewCurrentStream()
// with the correct and up-to-date nickname (maybe best not to send a fallbackId here not
// to risk getting into an infinite loop caused by bad data)
// also, we do the same thing if getting the stream fails, but we have a fallback id
if((userArray && fallbackId && userArray.id != fallbackId)
|| (queet_data === false && fallbackId)) {
getNicknameByUserIdFromAPI(fallbackId,function(nickname) {
if(nickname) {
else {
// redirect to front page if everything fails
// getting stream failed, and we don't have a fallback id, redirect to front page
else if(queet_data === false) {
// everything seems fine, show the new stream
else if(queet_data) {
// set location bar from stream
if(setLocation) {
// profile card from user array
if(userArray) {
// show group profile card if this is a group stream
if(streamObject.name == 'group notice stream'
|| streamObject.name == 'group member list'
|| streamObject.name == 'group admin list') {
// start checking for new queets again
// add this stream to the history menu
$('#feed-body').html(''); // empty feed only now so the scrollers don't flicker on and off
$('#new-queets-bar').parent().addClass('hidden'); document.title = window.siteTitle; // hide new queets bar if it's visible there
addToFeed(queet_data, false,'visible'); // add stream items to feed element
$('#feed').animate({opacity:'1'},150); // fade in
$('html,body').scrollTop(0); // scroll to top
// maybe do something
if(typeof actionOnSuccess == 'function') {
/* ·
· Add this stream to history menu if it doesn't exist in stream selection menus (if we're logged in)
· and mark this stream as current
· @param streamObject: stream object returned by pathToStreamRouter()
· · · · · · · · · */
function addStreamToHistoryMenuAndMarkAsCurrent(streamObject) {
if(streamObject.parentPath) {
var urlToMarkAsCurrent = window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.parentPath;
else {
var urlToMarkAsCurrent = window.siteInstanceURL + streamObject.path;
if($('.stream-selection[href="' + urlToMarkAsCurrent + '"]').length==0
&& typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') {
$('#history-container').prepend('<a class="stream-selection" href="' + urlToMarkAsCurrent + '">' + streamObject.streamHeader + '<i class="chev-right" data-tooltip="' + window.sL.tooltipBookmarkStream + '"></i></a>');
// max 10 in history container
var historyNum = $('#history-container').children('.stream-selection').length;
if(historyNum > 10) {
$('.stream-selection[href="' + urlToMarkAsCurrent + '"]').addClass('current');
/* ·
· Expand/de-expand queet
· @param q: the stream item to expand
· @param doScrolling: if we should scroll back to position or not
· · · · · · · · · */
function expand_queet(q,doScrolling) {
// don't do anything if this is a queet being posted
if(q.hasClass('temp-post')) {
// don't expand if this is a remote profile popup
if(q.closest('#popup-external-profile, #popup-local-profile').length>0) {
doScrolling = typeof doScrolling !== 'undefined' ? doScrolling : true;
var qid = q.attr('data-quitter-id');
// de-expand if expanded
if(q.hasClass('expanded') && !q.hasClass('collapsing')) {
var sel = getSelection().toString();
&& !q.find('.queet-button').children('button').hasClass('enabled')
&& !q.find('.queet-button').children('button').hasClass('too-long')) { // don't collapse if text is selected, or if queet has an active queet button, or if queet text is too long
// remove some things right away
// "unplay" gif image on collapse if there's only one attachment (switch to thumb)
var gifToUnPlay = q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').children('.thumb-container.play-button').children('.attachment-thumb[data-mime-type="image/gif"]');
if(gifToUnPlay.length > 0) {
gifToUnPlay.parent('.thumb-container').css('background-image','url(\'' + gifToUnPlay.attr('data-thumb-url') + '\')');
// show thumbs (if hidden) and remove any iframe video immediately
if(q.hasClass('conversation')) {
else {
// give stream item a height
q.css('height',q.height() + 'px');
q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').css('height',q.find('.expanded-content').height() + 'px');
q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').css('max-height',q.find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').height() + 'px');
q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('max-height',q.find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').height() + 'px');
var collapseTime = 100 + q.find('.stream-item.conversation:not(.hidden-conversation)').length*50;
// set transition time (needs to be delayed, otherwise webkit animates the height-setting above)
setTimeout(function() {
q.children('.queet').css('-moz-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.children('.queet').css('-o-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.children('.queet').css('-webkit-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime * 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.children('.queet').css('transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('-moz-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('-o-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('-webkit-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime * 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.css('-moz-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.css('-o-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.css('-webkit-transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime * 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
q.css('transition-duration',Math.round( collapseTime / 1000 * 10) / 10 + 's');
// set new heights and margins to animate to
var animateToHeight = q.children('.queet').outerHeight() - q.find('.inline-reply-queetbox').outerHeight() - q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').outerHeight() - Math.max(0,q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').outerHeight()-250) - 2;
if(animateToHeight < 73) { // no less than this
animateToHeight = 73;
q.css('height',animateToHeight + 'px');
q.children('.queet').css('margin-top', '-' + (q.children('.queet').offset().top - q.offset().top) + 'px');
q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1, .queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('max-height','250px');
if(doScrolling) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, collapseTime);
else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, collapseTime);
}, 50);
else if(!q.hasClass('collapsing')) {
// not for acitivity or notifications
if(!q.hasClass('activity') && !q.hasClass('repeat') && !q.hasClass('like') && !q.hasClass('follow')) {
// if shortened queet, get full text
if(q.children('.queet').find('span.attachment.more').length>0) {
var attachmentId = q.children('.queet').find('span.attachment.more').attr('data-attachment-id');
// get full html for queet, first try localstorage cache
var cacheData = localStorageObjectCache_GET('fullQueetHtml',qid);
if(cacheData) {
else {
getFromAPI("attachment/" + attachmentId + ".json",function(data){
if(data) {
// add expanded container
var longdate = parseTwitterLongDate(q.find('.created-at').attr('data-created-at'));
var qurl = q.find('.created-at').find('a').attr('href');
var metadata = '<span class="longdate" title="' + longdate + '">' + longdate + ' · ' + unescape(q.attr('data-source')) + '</span> · <a href="' + qurl + '" class="permalink-link">' + window.sL.details + '</a>';
// show expanded content
q.find('.stream-item-footer').before('<div class="expanded-content"><div class="queet-stats-container"></div><div class="client-and-actions"><span class="metadata">' + metadata + '</span></div></div>');
// "play" gif image on expand if there's only one attachment (switch to full gif from thumb)
var gifToPlay = q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').children('.thumb-container.play-button').children('.attachment-thumb[data-mime-type="image/gif"]');
if(gifToPlay.length > 0) {
gifToPlay.parent('.thumb-container').css('background-image','url(\'' + gifToPlay.attr('data-full-image-url') + '\')');
// if there's only one thumb and it's a youtube video, show it inline
if(q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').children('.thumb-container.play-button.youtube').length == 1) {
var youtubeId = q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1').children('.thumb-container.play-button.youtube').children('.attachment-thumb').attr('data-full-image-url').replace('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=','').replace('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=','').replace('http://youtu.be/','').replace('https://youtu.be/','').substr(0,11);
if(q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').children('.media').children('iframe[src="//www.youtube.com/embed/' + youtubeId + '"]').length < 1) { // not if already showed
// hide video thumbnail if it's the only one
if(q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs').children('.thumb-container').length < 2) {
// show video
q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').prepend('<div class="media"><iframe width="510" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/' + youtubeId + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>');
// show certain attachments in expanded content
if(q.data('attachments') != 'undefined') {
$.each(q.data('attachments'), function() {
var attachment_mimetype = this.mimetype;
var attachment_title = this.url;
// filename extension
var attachment_title_extension = attachment_title.substr((~-attachment_title.lastIndexOf(".") >>> 0) + 2);
// attachments in the content link to /attachment/etc url and not direct to image/video, link is in title
if(typeof attachment_title != 'undefined') {
// hack to make remote webm-movies load
if(attachment_title_extension == 'webm') {
attachment_mimetype = 'video/webm';
// videos
if($.inArray(attachment_mimetype, ['video/mp4', 'video/ogg', 'video/quicktime', 'video/webm']) >=0) {
if(q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').children('.media').children('video').children('source[href="' + attachment_title + '"]').length < 1) { // not if already showed
// local attachment with a thumbnail
var attachment_poster = '';
if(typeof this.thumb_url != 'undefined') {
attachment_poster = ' poster="' + this.thumb_url + '"';
if(q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').children('.media').length > 0) {
q.children('.queet').find('.media').last().after('<div class="media"><video class="u-video" controls="controls"' + attachment_poster + '><source type="' + attachment_mimetype + '" src="' + attachment_title + '" /></video></div>');
else {
q.children('.queet').find('.expanded-content').prepend('<div class="media"><video class="u-video" controls="controls"' + attachment_poster + '><source type="' + attachment_mimetype + '" src="' + attachment_title + '" /></video></div>');
else {
// other plugins, e.g. gotabulo, can check for other attachment file formats to expand
window.currentlyExpanding = {
// get and show favs and repeats
getFavsAndRequeetsForQueet(q, qid);
// show conversation and reply form (but not if already in conversation)
if(!q.hasClass('conversation')) {
// show conversation (wait for css to animate the margin 50ms)
getConversation(q, qid);
// show inline reply form if logged in
if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') {
// if we have cached text, expand the reply form and add that
var queetBox = q.children('.queet').find('.queet-box');
var cachedText = decodeURIComponent(queetBox.attr('data-cached-text'));
var cachedTextText = $('<div/>').html(cachedText).text();
if(cachedText != 'undefined') {
setSelectionRange(queetBox[0], cachedTextText.length, cachedTextText.length);
function cleanUpAfterCollapseQueet(q) {
q.children('.queet').find('.queet-thumbs.thumb-num-1 .thumb-container').css('max-height','');
/* ·
· Get an inline queet box
· @return the html for the queet box
· · · · · · · · · */
function queetBoxHtml() {
var startText = encodeURIComponent(window.sL.compose);
return '<div class="inline-reply-queetbox"><div class="queet-box queet-box-syntax" data-start-text="' + startText + '">' + decodeURIComponent(startText) + '</div><div class="syntax-middle"></div><div class="syntax-two" contenteditable="true"></div><div class="mentions-suggestions"></div><div class="queet-toolbar toolbar-reply"><div class="queet-box-extras"><button data-tooltip="' + window.sL.tooltipAttachImage + '" class="upload-image"></button><button data-tooltip="' + window.sL.tooltipShortenUrls + '" class="shorten disabled">URL</button></div><div class="queet-button"><span class="queet-counter"></span><button>' + window.sL.queetVerb + '</button></div></div></div>';
/* ·
· Get a reply form
· @param q: the stream item to open reply form in
· @param qid: queet id
· @return the html for the reply form
· · · · · · · · · */
function replyFormHtml(q,qid) {
// if we have cached text in localstorage
var data = localStorageObjectCache_GET('queetBoxInput','queet-box-' + qid);
if(data) {
var cachedText = encodeURIComponent(data);
// get all @:s
var user_screen_name = q.children('.queet').find('.screen-name').html().substring(1);
var user_screen_name_html = '<a>@' + user_screen_name + '</a>';
var user_screen_name_text = '@' + user_screen_name;
var reply_to_screen_name = '';
var reply_to_screen_name_html = '';
var reply_to_screen_name_text = '';
if(q.attr('data-in-reply-to-screen-name').length>0 // not if not a reply
&& q.attr('data-in-reply-to-screen-name') != $('#user-screen-name').html() // not if it's me
&& q.attr('data-in-reply-to-screen-name') != user_screen_name // not same screen name twice
) {
reply_to_screen_name = q.attr('data-in-reply-to-screen-name');
reply_to_screen_name_html = '&nbsp;<a>@' + reply_to_screen_name + '</a>';
reply_to_screen_name_text = ' @' + reply_to_screen_name;
var more_reply_tos = '';
var more_reply_tos_text = '';
var thisMention = $(obj).html().replace('@','');
if(thisMention != user_screen_name && thisMention != reply_to_screen_name && thisMention != $('#user-screen-name').html()) {
more_reply_tos = more_reply_tos + '&nbsp;<a>@' + thisMention + '</a>';
more_reply_tos_text = more_reply_tos_text + ' @' + thisMention;
var startText = window.sL.replyTo + ' ' + user_screen_name_html + reply_to_screen_name_html + more_reply_tos + '&nbsp;<br>';
var repliesText = user_screen_name_text + reply_to_screen_name_text + more_reply_tos_text + '&nbsp;';
startText = encodeURIComponent(startText);
repliesText = encodeURIComponent(repliesText);
return '<div class="inline-reply-queetbox"><span class="inline-reply-caret"><span class="caret-inner"></span></span><img class="reply-avatar" src="' + $('#user-avatar').attr('src') + '" /><div class="queet-box queet-box-syntax" id="queet-box-' + qid + '" data-start-text="' + startText + '" data-replies-text="' + repliesText + '" data-cached-text="' + cachedText + '">' + decodeURIComponent(startText) + '</div><div class="syntax-middle"></div><div class="syntax-two" contenteditable="true"></div><div class="mentions-suggestions"></div><div class="queet-toolbar toolbar-reply"><div class="queet-box-extras"><button data-tooltip="' + window.sL.tooltipAttachImage + '" class="upload-image"></button><button data-tooltip="' + window.sL.tooltipShortenUrls + '" class="shorten disabled">URL</button></div><div class="queet-button"><span class="queet-counter"></span><button>' + window.sL.queetVerb + '</button></div></div></div>';
/* ·
· Popup for replies, deletes, etc
· @param popupId: popups id
· @param heading: popops header
· @param bodyHtml: popups body html
· @param footerHtml: popups footer html
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function popUpAction(popupId, heading, bodyHtml, footerHtml, popUpWidth){
$('.modal-container').remove(); // remove any open popups
var allFooterHtml = '';
if(footerHtml) {
allFooterHtml = '<div class="modal-footer">' + footerHtml + '</div>';
$('body').prepend('<div id="' + popupId + '" class="modal-container"><div class="modal-draggable"><div class="modal-content"><button class="modal-close" type="button"><span class="icon"></span></button><div class="modal-header"><h3 class="modal-title">' + heading + '</h3></div><div class="modal-body">' + bodyHtml + '</div>' + allFooterHtml + '</div></div></div>');
var thisPopUp = $('#' + popupId).children('.modal-draggable');
if(typeof popUpWidth != 'undefined') {
function centerPopUp(thisPopUp) {
var this_modal_height = thisPopUp.height();
var this_modal_width = thisPopUp.width();
var popupPos = thisPopUp.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop();
if((popupPos-(this_modal_height/2))<5) {
var marginTop = 5-popupPos;
else {
var marginTop = 0-this_modal_height/2;
thisPopUp.css('margin-top', marginTop + 'px');
thisPopUp.css('margin-left', '-' + (this_modal_width/2) + 'px');
thisPopUp.draggable({ handle: ".modal-header" });
/* ·
· Get and show conversation
· This function has grown into a monster, needs fixing
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function getConversation(q, qid) {
// check if we have a conversation for this notice cached in localstorage
var cacheData = localStorageObjectCache_GET('conversation',q.attr('data-conversation-id'));
if(cacheData) {
showConversation(q, qid, cacheData);
// always get most recent conversation from server
getFromAPI('statusnet/conversation/' + q.attr('data-conversation-id') + '.json?count=100', function(data){ if(data) {
// cache in localstorage
localStorageObjectCache_STORE('conversation',q.attr('data-conversation-id'), data);
showConversation(q, qid,data);
function showConversation(q, qid, data) {
if(data && !q.hasClass('collapsing')){
if(data.length>1) {
var before_or_after = 'before';
$.each(data.reverse(), function (key,obj) {
// switch to append after original queet
if(obj.id == qid) {
before_or_after = 'after';
// don't add clicked queet to DOM, but all else
// note: first we add the full conversation, but hidden
if(obj.id != qid) {
var queetTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.created_at);
if(obj.source == 'activity') {
// because we had an xss issue, the obj.statusnet_html of qvitter-deleted-activity-notices can contain unwanted html, so we escape..
obj.statusnet_html = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(obj.statusnet_html);
var queetHtml = '<div id="conversation-stream-item-' + obj.id + '" class="stream-item conversation activity hidden-conversation" data-source="' + escape(obj.source) + '" data-quitter-id="' + obj.id + '" data-quitter-id-in-stream="' + obj.id + '"><div class="queet" id="conversation-q-' + obj.id + '"><div class="queet-content"><div class="stream-item-header"><small class="created-at" data-created-at="' + obj.created_at + '"><a>' + queetTime + '</a></small></div><div class="queet-text">' + $.trim(obj.statusnet_html) + '</div></div></div></div>';
// detect rtl
queetHtml = detectRTL(queetHtml);
else {
var queetHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj, obj.id, 'conversation hidden-conversation', false, true);
if(q.hasClass('expanded')) { // add queet to conversation only if still expanded
// replace already existing queets' html
if(q.children('#conversation-stream-item-' + obj.id).length > 0) {
var streamItemInnerHtml = $('<div/>').append(queetHtml).find('.stream-item').html();
q.children('#conversation-stream-item-' + obj.id).html(streamItemInnerHtml);
else if(before_or_after == 'before') {
else {
if(q.children('.queet').nextAll('.conversation').length < 1) {
else {
else {
// loop trough this stream items conversation and show the "strict" line of replies
else {
/* ·
· Add last visible class, since that's not possible to select in pure css
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function findAndMarkLastVisibleInConversation(streamItem) {
/* ·
· Recursive walker functions to view onlt reyplies to replies, not full conversation
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function findInReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,reply,only_first,onlyINreplyto) {
var reply_found = $('#stream-item-' + qid).find('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + reply + '"]');
var reply_found_reply_to = $('#stream-item-' + qid).find('.stream-item[data-quitter-id="' + reply_found.attr('data-in-reply-to-status-id') + '"]');
if(reply_found.length>0) {
if(only_first && reply_found_reply_to.length>0) {
if(q.children('.view-more-container-top').length < 1) {
if(q.children('.queet').prevAll('.hidden-conversation').length>0) {
q.prepend('<div class="view-more-container-top" data-trace-from="' + reply + '"><a>' + window.sL.viewMoreInConvBefore + '</a></div>');
findReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,qid,true);
else {
findInReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,reply_found.attr('data-in-reply-to-status-id'),false,onlyINreplyto);
else if(!onlyINreplyto) {
findReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,qid,true);
else {
checkForHiddenConversationQueets(q, qid);
// recursive function to find the replies to a status
function findReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,this_id,only_first) {
var replies_found = q.find('.stream-item[data-in-reply-to-status-id="' + this_id + '"]');
$.each(replies_found, function(k,reply_found){
var reply_founds_reply = q.find('.stream-item[data-in-reply-to-status-id="' + $(reply_found).attr('data-quitter-id') + '"]');
if(!only_first) {
findReplyToStatusAndShow(q, qid,$(this).attr('data-quitter-id'),false);
if(only_first && reply_founds_reply.length>0) {
if(q.children('.view-more-container-bottom').length < 1) {
if(q.children('.queet').nextAll('.hidden-conversation').length>0) {
q.append('<div class="view-more-container-bottom" data-replies-after="' + qid + '"><a>' + window.sL.viewMoreInConvAfter + '</a></div>');
checkForHiddenConversationQueets(q, qid);
// helper function for the above recursive functions
function checkForHiddenConversationQueets(q, qid) {
// here we check if there are any remaining hidden queets in conversation, if there are, we put a "show full conversation"-link
if(q.find('.hidden-conversation').length>0) {
if(q.children('.queet').find('.show-full-conversation').length == 0) {
q.children('.queet').find('.stream-item-footer').append('<span class="show-full-conversation" data-stream-item-id="' + qid + '">' + window.sL.expandFullConversation + '</span>');
// if this is a single notice, we show conversation
if(window.currentStream.substring(0,14) == 'statuses/show/') {
else {
/* ·
· Build stream items and add them to feed
· Also a function that has grown out of control... Needs total makeover
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function addToFeed(feed, after, extraClasses, isReply) {
// some streams, e.g. /statuses/show/1234.json is not enclosed in an array, make sure it is
if(!$.isArray(feed)) {
feed = [feed];
$.each(feed.reverse(), function (key,obj) {
var extraClassesThisRun = extraClasses;
// is this a temp-post-placeholder?
var isTempPost = false;
if(after) {
if(after.indexOf('stream-item-temp-post') > -1) {
isTempPost = true;
// if this is the notifications feed, but not if it is a reply
if(window.currentStream.substring(0,35) == 'qvitter/statuses/notifications.json'
&& !isReply) {
// don't show any notices with object_type "activity"
if(typeof obj.notice != 'undefined' && obj.notice !== null && obj.notice.is_activity === true) {
return true;
// only if this notification isn't already in stream
if($('#feed-body > .stream-item[data-quitter-id-in-stream="' + obj.id + '"]').length == 0) {
obj.from_profile.description = obj.from_profile.description || '';
var notificationTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.created_at);
if(obj.is_seen == '0') {
extraClassesThisRun = extraClassesThisRun + ' not-seen'
// external
var ostatusHtml = '';
if(obj.from_profile.is_local === false) {
ostatusHtml = '<a target="_blank" data-tooltip="' + window.sL.goToOriginalNotice + '" class="ostatus-link" href="' + obj.from_profile.statusnet_profile_url + '"></a>';
if(obj.ntype == 'like') {
var noticeTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.notice.created_at);
var notificationHtml = '<div data-quitter-id-in-stream="' + obj.id + '" id="stream-item-n-' + obj.id + '" class="stream-item ' + extraClassesThisRun + ' notification like">\
<div class="queet">\
<div class="dogear"></div>\
' + ostatusHtml + '\
<div class="queet-content">\
<div class="stream-item-header">\
<a class="account-group" href="' + obj.from_profile.statusnet_profile_url + '">\
<img class="avatar" src="' + obj.from_profile.profile_image_url + '" />\
<strong class="name" data-user-id="' + obj.from_profile.id + '" title="@' + obj.from_profile.screen_name + '">\
' + obj.from_profile.name + '\
</a> \
' + window.sL.xFavedYourQueet + '\
<small class="created-at" data-created-at="' + obj.created_at + '" data-tooltip="' + parseTwitterLongDate(obj.created_at) + '">\
' + notificationTime + '\
<div class="small-grey-notice">\
<a data-tooltip="' + parseTwitterLongDate(obj.notice.created_at) + '" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + 'notice/' + obj.notice.id + '">\
' + noticeTime + '\
</a>: \
' + $.trim(obj.notice.statusnet_html) + '\
else if(obj.ntype == 'repeat') {
var noticeTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.notice.created_at);
var notificationHtml = '<div data-quitter-id-in-stream="' + obj.id + '" id="stream-item-n-' + obj.id + '" class="stream-item ' + extraClassesThisRun + ' notification repeat">\
<div class="queet">\
<div class="queet-content">\
<div class="dogear"></div>\
' + ostatusHtml + '\
<div class="stream-item-header">\
<a class="account-group" href="' + obj.from_profile.statusnet_profile_url + '">\
<img class="avatar" src="' + obj.from_profile.profile_image_url + '" />\
<strong class="name" data-user-id="' + obj.from_profile.id + '" title="@' + obj.from_profile.screen_name + '">\
' + obj.from_profile.name + '\
</a> \
' + window.sL.xRepeatedYourQueet + '\
<small class="created-at" data-created-at="' + obj.created_at + '" data-tooltip="' + parseTwitterLongDate(obj.created_at) + '">\
' + notificationTime + '\
<div class="small-grey-notice">\
<a data-tooltip="' + parseTwitterLongDate(obj.notice.created_at) + '" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + 'notice/' + obj.notice.id + '">\
' + noticeTime + '\
</a>: \
' + $.trim(obj.notice.statusnet_html) + '\
else if(obj.ntype == 'mention') {
var notificationHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj.notice, obj.id, extraClassesThisRun + ' notification mention');
else if(obj.ntype == 'reply') {
var notificationHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj.notice, obj.id, extraClassesThisRun + ' notification reply');
else if(obj.ntype == 'follow') {
var notificationHtml = '<div data-quitter-id-in-stream="' + obj.id + '" id="stream-item-n-' + obj.id + '" class="stream-item ' + extraClassesThisRun + ' notification follow"><div class="queet"><div class="queet-content">' + ostatusHtml + '<div class="stream-item-header"><a class="account-group" href="' + obj.from_profile.statusnet_profile_url + '"><img class="avatar" src="' + obj.from_profile.profile_image_url + '" /><strong class="name" data-user-id="' + obj.from_profile.id + '" title="@' + obj.from_profile.screen_name + '">' + obj.from_profile.name + '</strong></a> ' + window.sL.xStartedFollowingYou + '<small class="created-at" data-created-at="' + obj.created_at + '" title="' + obj.created_at + '">' + notificationTime + '</small></div></div></div></div>';
if(after) {
$('#' + after).after(notificationHtml);
else {
// add not seen notification circle
$.each($('.notification.not-seen .queet'),function(){
if($(this).children('.not-seen').length<1) {
$(this).prepend('<div class="not-seen"></div>');
// if this is a user feed
else if((window.currentStream.substring(0,21) == 'statuses/friends.json'
|| window.currentStream.substring(0,18) == 'statuses/followers'
|| window.currentStream.substring(0,28) == 'statusnet/groups/membership/'
|| window.currentStream.substring(0,24) == 'statusnet/groups/admins/')
&& isTempPost === false // not if we're posting queet
) {
// only if not user is already in stream
if($('#stream-item-' + obj.id).length == 0) {
obj.description = obj.description || '';
// external
var ostatusHtml = '';
if(obj.is_local === false) {
ostatusHtml = '<a target="_blank" title="' + window.sL.goToTheUsersRemoteProfile + '" class="ostatus-link" href="' + obj.statusnet_profile_url + '"></a>';
// rtl or not
var rtlOrNot = '';
if($('body').hasClass('rtl')) {
rtlOrNot = 'rtl';
// show user actions
var followingClass = '';
if(obj.following) {
followingClass = 'following';
var followButton = '';
if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined' // if logged in
&& window.myUserID != obj.id) { // not if this is me
if(!(obj.statusnet_profile_url.indexOf('/twitter.com/')>-1 && obj.following === false)) { // only unfollow twitter users
var followButton = '<div class="user-actions"><button data-follow-user-id="' + obj.id + '" data-follow-user="' + obj.statusnet_profile_url + '" type="button" class="qvitter-follow-button ' + followingClass + '"><span class="button-text follow-text"><i class="follow"></i>' + window.sL.userFollow + '</span><span class="button-text following-text">' + window.sL.userFollowing + '</span><span class="button-text unfollow-text">' + window.sL.userUnfollow + '</span></button></div>';
var userHtml = '<div id="stream-item-' + obj.id + '" class="stream-item user"><div class="queet ' + rtlOrNot + '">' + followButton + '<div class="queet-content"><div class="stream-item-header"><a class="account-group" href="' + obj.statusnet_profile_url + '"><img class="avatar" src="' + obj.profile_image_url_profile_size + '" /><strong class="name" data-user-id="' + obj.id + '">' + obj.name + '</strong> <span class="screen-name">@' + obj.screen_name + '</span></a>' + ostatusHtml + '</div><div class="queet-text">' + obj.description + '</div></div></div></div>';
if(after) {
$('#' + after).after(userHtml);
else {
// if this is a list of groups
else if(window.currentStream.substring(0,26) == 'statusnet/groups/list.json'
&& isTempPost === false // not if we're posting queet
) {
// only if not group is already in stream
if($('#stream-item-' + obj.id).length == 0) {
obj.description = obj.description || '';
obj.stream_logo = obj.stream_logo || window.defaultAvatarStreamSize;
// rtl or not
var rtlOrNot = '';
if($('body').hasClass('rtl')) {
rtlOrNot = 'rtl';
// show group actions if logged in
var memberClass = '';
if(obj.member) {
memberClass = 'member';
var memberButton = '';
if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') {
var memberButton = '<div class="user-actions"><button data-group-id="' + obj.id + '" type="button" class="member-button ' + memberClass + '"><span class="button-text join-text"><i class="join"></i>' + window.sL.joinGroup + '</span><span class="button-text ismember-text">' + window.sL.isMemberOfGroup + '</span><span class="button-text leave-text">' + window.sL.leaveGroup + '</span></button></div>';
var groupAvatar = obj.stream_logo;
if(obj.homepage_logo != null) {
groupAvatar = obj.homepage_logo;
var groupHtml = '<div id="stream-item-' + obj.id + '" class="stream-item user"><div class="queet ' + rtlOrNot + '">' + memberButton + '<div class="queet-content"><div class="stream-item-header"><a class="account-group" href="' + obj.url + '"><img class="avatar" src="' + groupAvatar + '" /><strong class="name" data-group-id="' + obj.id + '">' + obj.fullname + '</strong> <span class="screen-name">!' + obj.nickname + '</span></a></div><div class="queet-text">' + obj.description + '</div></div></div></div>';
if(after) {
$('#' + after).after(groupHtml);
else {
// if this is a retweet
else if(typeof obj.retweeted_status != 'undefined') {
// don't show any notices with object_type "activity"
if(typeof obj.retweeted_status.is_activity != 'undefined' && obj.retweeted_status.is_activity === true) {
return true;
// retweeted object already exist in feed
if($('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id).length > 0) {
// only if not already shown and not mine
if($('#requeet-' + obj.id).length == 0 && obj.user.statusnet_profile_url != $('#user-profile-link').children('a').attr('href')) {
// if requeeted before
if($('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id + ' > .context').find('.requeet-text').length > 0) {
// if users rt not already added
if($('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id + ' > .context').find('.requeet-text').find('a[data-user-id="' + obj.user.id + '"]').length==0) {
$('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id + ' > .context').find('.requeet-text').children('a').last().after('<a data-user-id="' + obj.user.id + '" href="' + obj.user.statusnet_profile_url + '"> <b>' + obj.user.name + '</b></a>');
// if no context requeets
else {
var requeetHtml = '<a data-user-id="' + obj.user.id + '" href="' + obj.user.statusnet_profile_url + '"> <b>' + obj.user.name + '</b></a>';
$('#q-' + obj.retweeted_status.id).prepend('<div class="context" id="requeet-' + obj.id + '"><span class="with-icn"><i class="badge-requeeted"></i><span class="requeet-text"> ' + window.sL.requeetedBy.replace('{requeeted-by}',requeetHtml) + '</span></span></div>');
// retweeted object don't exist in feed
else {
var queetHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj.retweeted_status, obj.id, extraClassesThisRun, obj);
if(after) {
$('#' + after).after(queetHtml);
else {
// ordinary tweet
else {
// if this is a special qvitter-delete-notice activity notice it means we try to hide
// the deleted notice from our stream
// the uri is in the obj.text var, between the double curly brackets
if(typeof obj.qvitter_delete_notice != 'undefined' && obj.qvitter_delete_notice == true) {
var uriToHide = obj.text.substring(obj.text.indexOf('{{')+2,obj.text.indexOf('}}'));
var streamItemToHide = $('.stream-item[data-uri="' + uriToHide + '"]');
$(this).css('height',$(this).height() + 'px');
// only if not already exist
if($('#q-' + obj.id).length == 0) {
// activity get special design
if(obj.source == 'activity' || obj.is_activity === true) {
// because we had an xss issue, the obj.statusnet_html of qvitter-deleted-activity-notices can contain unwanted html, so we escape..
obj.statusnet_html = replaceHtmlSpecialChars(obj.statusnet_html);
var queetTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.created_at);
var queetHtml = '<div id="stream-item-' + obj.id + '" class="stream-item activity ' + extraClassesThisRun + '" data-quitter-id="' + obj.id + '" data-conversation-id="' + obj.statusnet_conversation_id + '" data-quitter-id-in-stream="' + obj.id + '"><div class="queet" id="q-' + obj.id + '"><div class="queet-content"><div class="stream-item-header"><small class="created-at" data-created-at="' + obj.created_at + '"><a href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + 'notice/' + obj.id + '">' + queetTime + '</a></small></div><div class="queet-text">' + $.trim(obj.statusnet_html) + '</div></div></div></div>';
// detect rtl
queetHtml = detectRTL(queetHtml);
if(after) {
$('#' + after).after(queetHtml);
else {
else {
// if this is my queet, remove any temp-queets
if(typeof obj.user != 'undefined') {
if(obj.user.screen_name == $('#user-screen-name').html()) {
if($('.temp-post').length > 0) {
$('.temp-post').each(function (){
// remove temp duplicate
// we do this so this queet gets added after correct temp-queet in expanded conversations
if($(this).find('.queet-text').text() == obj.text) {
after = $(this).attr('id');
// but don't hide my new queet
extraClassesThisRun = 'visible';
var queetHtml = buildQueetHtml(obj, obj.id, extraClassesThisRun);
if(after) {
if($('#' + after).hasClass('conversation')) { // if this is a reply, give stream item some conversation formatting
if($('#conversation-q-' + obj.id).length == 0) { // only if it's not already there
$('#' + after).after(queetHtml.replace('id="stream-item','id="conversation-stream-item').replace('class="stream-item','class="stream-item conversation').replace('id="q','id="conversation-q'));
$('#' + after).remove();
else {
$('#' + after).after(queetHtml);
else {
// if this is a single notice, we expand it
if(window.currentStream.substring(0,14) == 'statuses/show/') {
expand_queet($('#stream-item-' + obj.id));
// fadeout any posting-popups
$('#popup-sending').fadeOut(1000, function(){
$('.stream-selection').removeAttr('data-current-user-stream-name'); // don't remeber user feeds
/* ·
· Build HTML for a queet from an object
· @param obj: a queet object
· @param requeeted_by: if this is a requeet
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function buildQueetHtml(obj, idInStream, extraClassesThisRun, requeeted_by, isConversation) {
// if we have the full html for a truncated notice cached in localstorage, we use that
var cacheData = localStorageObjectCache_GET('fullQueetHtml',obj.id);
if(cacheData) {
obj.statusnet_html = cacheData;
// we don't want to print 'null' in in_reply_to_screen_name-attribute, someone might have that username!
var in_reply_to_screen_name = '';
if(obj.in_reply_to_screen_name != null) {
in_reply_to_screen_name = obj.in_reply_to_screen_name;
// conversations has some slightly different id's
var idPrepend = '';
if(typeof isConversation != 'undefined' && isConversation === true) {
var idPrepend = 'conversation-';
// is this mine?
var isThisMine = 'not-mine';
if(obj.user.id == window.myUserID) {
var isThisMine = 'is-mine';
// requeeted by me?
var requeetedByMe = '';
if(obj.repeated_id) {
requeetedByMe = ' data-requeeted-by-me-id="' + obj.repeated_id + '" ';
// requeet html
var requeetedClass = '';
if(obj.repeated) {
var requeetHtml = '<li class="action-rt-container"><a class="with-icn done"><span class="icon sm-rt" title="' + window.sL.requeetedVerb + '"></span></a></li>';
var requeetedClass = 'requeeted';
else {
var requeetHtml = '<li class="action-rt-container"><a class="with-icn"><span class="icon sm-rt ' + isThisMine + '" title="' + window.sL.requeetVerb + '"></span></a></li>';
// favorite html
var favoritedClass = '';
if(obj.favorited) {
var favoriteHtml = '<a class="with-icn done"><span class="icon sm-fav" title="' + window.sL.favoritedVerb + '"></span></a>';
favoritedClass = 'favorited';
else {
var favoriteHtml = '<a class="with-icn"><span class="icon sm-fav" title="' + window.sL.favoriteVerb + '"></span></a>';
// actions only for logged in users
var queetActions = '';
if(typeof window.loggedIn.screen_name != 'undefined') {
queetActions = '<ul class="queet-actions"><li class="action-reply-container"><a class="with-icn"><span class="icon sm-reply" title="' + window.sL.replyVerb + '"></span></a></li>' + requeetHtml + '<li class="action-rq-num" data-rq-num="' + obj.repeat_num + '">' + obj.repeat_num + '</li><li class="action-fav-container">' + favoriteHtml + '</li><li class="action-fav-num" data-fav-num="' + obj.fave_num + '">' + obj.fave_num + '</li><li class="action-ellipsis-container"><a class="with-icn"><span class="icon sm-ellipsis" title="' + window.sL.ellipsisMore + '"></span></a></li></ul>';
// reply-to html
var reply_to_html = '';
if(obj.in_reply_to_screen_name !== null && obj.in_reply_to_profileurl !== null && obj.in_reply_to_screen_name != obj.user.screen_name) {
reply_to_html = '<span class="reply-to"><a class="h-card mention" href="' + obj.in_reply_to_profileurl + '">@' + obj.in_reply_to_screen_name + '</a></span> ';
// in-groups html
var in_groups_html = '';
if(typeof obj.statusnet_in_groups != 'undefined' && obj.statusnet_in_groups !== false && typeof obj.statusnet_in_groups === 'object') {
in_groups_html = in_groups_html + ' <span class="in-groups"><a class="h-card group" href="' + this.url + '">!' + this.nickname + '</a></span>';
// image attachment thumbnails
var attachment_html = '';
var attachmentNum = 0;
if(typeof obj.attachments != "undefined") {
$.each(obj.attachments, function(){
if(this.id != null) { // if there's an id we assume this is a image or video
var bigThumbW = 1000;
var bigThumbH = 3000;
if(bigThumbW > window.siteMaxThumbnailSize) {
bigThumbW = window.siteMaxThumbnailSize;
if(bigThumbH > window.siteMaxThumbnailSize) {
bigThumbH = window.siteMaxThumbnailSize;
// very long landscape images should not have background-size:cover
var noCoverClass='';
if(this.width/this.height > 2) {
noCoverClass=' no-cover';
// play button for videos and animated gifs
var playButtonClass = '';
if(this.url.indexOf('://www.youtube.com') > -1
|| (typeof this.animated != 'undefined' && this.animated === true)) {
var playButtonClass = ' play-button';
// youtube class
var youTubeClass = '';
if(this.url.indexOf('://www.youtube.com') > -1) {
youTubeClass = ' youtube';
// animated gifs always get default small non-animated thumbnail
if(this.animated === true && typeof this.thumb_url != 'undefined') {
var img_url = this.thumb_url;
// if no dimensions are set, go with default thumb
else if(this.width === null && this.height === null && typeof this.thumb_url != 'undefined') {
var img_url = this.thumb_url;
// large images get large thumbnail
else if(this.width > 1000) {
var img_url = this.large_thumb_url;
// no thumbnails for small images
else {
var img_url = this.url;
attachment_html = attachment_html + '<a style="background-image:url(\'' + img_url + '\')" class="thumb-container' + noCoverClass + playButtonClass + youTubeClass + '" href="' + this.url + '"><img class="attachment-thumb" data-mime-type="' + this.mimetype + '" src="' + img_url + '"/ data-width="' + this.width + '" data-height="' + this.height + '" data-full-image-url="' + this.url + '" data-thumb-url="' + img_url + '"></a>';
else if (this.mimetype == 'image/svg+xml') {
attachment_html = attachment_html + '<a style="background-image:url(\'' + this.url + '\')" class="thumb-container" href="' + this.url + '"><img class="attachment-thumb" data-mime-type="' + this.mimetype + '" src="' + this.url + '"/></a>';
// requeets
var requeetHtml = '';
if(typeof requeeted_by != 'undefined' && requeeted_by !== false) {
var requeetedByHtml = '<a data-user-id="' + requeeted_by.user.id + '" href="' + requeeted_by.user.statusnet_profile_url + '"> <b>' + requeeted_by.user.name + '</b></a>';
requeetHtml = '<div class="context" id="requeet-' + requeeted_by.id + '"><span class="with-icn"><i class="badge-requeeted"></i><span class="requeet-text"> ' + window.sL.requeetedBy.replace('{requeeted-by}',requeetedByHtml) + '</span></span></div>';
// external
var ostatusHtml = '';
if(obj.is_local === false) {
ostatusHtml = '<a target="_blank" data-tooltip="' + window.sL.goToOriginalNotice + '" class="ostatus-link" href="' + obj.external_url + '"></a>';
var queetTime = parseTwitterDate(obj.created_at);
var queetHtml = '<div \
id="' + idPrepend + 'stream-item-' + obj.id + '" \
data-uri="' + obj.uri + '" \
class="stream-item ' + extraClassesThisRun + ' ' + requeetedClass + ' ' + favoritedClass + '" \
data-attachments=\'' + JSON.stringify(obj.attachments) + '\'\
data-source="' + escape(obj.source) + '" \
data-quitter-id="' + obj.id + '" \
data-conversation-id="' + obj.statusnet_conversation_id + '" \
data-quitter-id-in-stream="' + idInStream + '" \
data-in-reply-to-screen-name="' + in_reply_to_screen_name + '" \
data-in-reply-to-status-id="' + obj.in_reply_to_status_id + '"\
' + requeetedByMe + '>\
<div class="queet" id="' + idPrepend + 'q-' + obj.id + '">\
' + requeetHtml + '\
' + ostatusHtml + '\
<div class="queet-content">\
<div class="stream-item-header">\
<a class="account-group" href="' + obj.user.statusnet_profile_url + '">\
<img class="avatar" src="' + obj.user.profile_image_url_profile_size + '" />\
<strong class="name" data-user-id="' + obj.user.id + '">' + obj.user.name + '</strong> \
<span class="screen-name">@' + obj.user.screen_name + '</span>' +
'</a>' +
'<i class="addressees">' + reply_to_html + in_groups_html + '</i>' +
'<small class="created-at" data-created-at="' + obj.created_at + '">\
<a data-tooltip="' + parseTwitterLongDate(obj.created_at) + '" href="' + window.siteInstanceURL + 'notice/' + obj.id + '">' + queetTime + '</a>\
<div class="queet-text">' + $.trim(obj.statusnet_html) + '</div>\
<div class="queet-thumbs thumb-num-' + attachmentNum + '">' + attachment_html + '</div>\
<div class="stream-item-footer">\
' + queetActions + '\
// detect rtl
queetHtml = detectRTL(queetHtml);
return queetHtml;