2014-05-23 14:13:38 +02:00

649 lines
24 KiB

/* · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
· ·
· ·
· Q V I T T E R ·
· ·
· http://github.com/hannesmannerheim/qvitter ·
· ·
· ·
· <o) ·
· /_//// ·
· (____/ ·
· (o< ·
· o> \\\\_\ ·
· \\) \____) ·
· ·
· ·
· ·
· Qvitter is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify it ·
· under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by ·
· the Free Software Foundation, either version three of the License or (at ·
· your option) any later version. ·
· ·
· Qvitter is distributed in hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY ·
· WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILTY or FITNESS ·
· FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for ·
· more details. ·
· ·
· You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License ·
· along with Qvitter. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ·
· ·
· Contact h@nnesmannerhe.im if you have any questions. ·
· ·
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */
/* ·
· Checks if localstorage is availible
· We can't just do if(typeof localStorage.selectedLanguage != 'undefined')
· because firefox with cookies disabled then freaks out and stops executing js completely
· · · · · · · · · */
function localStorageIsEnabled() {
var mod = 'test';
try {
localStorage.setItem(mod, mod);
return true;
catch(e) {
return false;
/* ·
· Checks if register form is valid
· @returns true or false
· · · · · · · · · */
function validateRegisterForm(o) {
var nickname = o.find('#signup-user-nickname-step2');
var fullname = o.find('#signup-user-name-step2');
var email = o.find('#signup-user-email-step2');
var homepage = o.find('#signup-user-homepage-step2');
var bio = o.find('#signup-user-bio-step2');
var loc = o.find('#signup-user-location-step2');
var password1 = o.find('#signup-user-password1-step2');
var password2 = o.find('#signup-user-password2-step2');
var passwords = o.find('#signup-user-password1-step2,#signup-user-password2-step2');
var allFieldsValid = true;
if(nickname.val().length>1 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(nickname.val())) {
nickname.removeClass('invalid'); } else { nickname.addClass('invalid'); if(allFieldsValid)allFieldsValid=false; }
if(fullname.val().length < 255) {
fullname.removeClass('invalid'); } else { fullname.addClass('invalid'); if(allFieldsValid)allFieldsValid=false; }
if(/^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test(email.val())) {
email.removeClass('invalid'); } else { email.addClass('invalid'); if(allFieldsValid)allFieldsValid=false; }
if($.trim(homepage.val()).length==0 || /^(ftp|http|https):\/\/[^ "]+$/.test(homepage.val())) {
homepage.removeClass('invalid'); } else { homepage.addClass('invalid'); if(allFieldsValid)allFieldsValid=false; }
if(bio.val().length < 140) {
bio.removeClass('invalid'); } else { bio.addClass('invalid'); if(allFieldsValid)allFieldsValid=false; }
if(loc.val().length < 255) {
loc.removeClass('invalid'); } else { loc.addClass('invalid'); if(allFieldsValid)allFieldsValid=false; }
if(password1.val().length>5 && password2.val().length>5 && password1.val() == password2.val()) {
passwords.removeClass('invalid'); } else { passwords.addClass('invalid'); if(allFieldsValid)allFieldsValid=false; }
return allFieldsValid;
/* ·
· Change profile design
· @param obj: user object that _might_ contain colors, or window object, that _might_ contain user settings
· · · · · · · · · */
function changeDesign(obj) {
// user object that might contains other user's colors
if(typeof obj.linkcolor != 'undefined' &&
typeof obj.backgroundcolor != 'undefined') {
if(obj.linkcolor == null) {
else if(obj.linkcolor.length == 6) {
changeLinkColor('#' + obj.linkcolor);
else {
if(obj.backgroundcolor == null) {
else if(obj.backgroundcolor.length == 6) {
$('body').css('background-color','#' + obj.backgroundcolor);
else {
// window object that might contain my colors
else if(typeof obj.userLinkColor != 'undefined' &&
typeof obj.userBackgroundColor != 'undefined') {
if(obj.userLinkColor == null) {
else if(obj.userLinkColor.length == 6) {
changeLinkColor('#' + obj.userLinkColor);
else {
if(obj.userBackgroundColor == null) {
else if(obj.userBackgroundColor.length == 6) {
$('body').css('background-color','#' + obj.userBackgroundColor);
else {
/* ·
· Change link color
· @param newLinkColor: hex value with #
· · · · · · · · · */
function changeLinkColor(newLinkColor) {
var linkstyle = $('style').text();
$('style').text(linkstyle.substring(0,linkstyle.indexOf('color:')+6) + newLinkColor + linkstyle.substring(linkstyle.indexOf(';/*COLOREND*/')));
var linkstyle = $('style').html();
$('style').text(linkstyle.substring(0,linkstyle.indexOf('background-color:')+17) + newLinkColor + linkstyle.substring(linkstyle.indexOf(';/*BACKGROUNDCOLOREND*/')));
/* ·
· Right-to-left language detection <o
· (//
· @param s: the stream-item to detect rtl in
· @return a stream-item that might have rtl-class added
· · · · · · · · · */
function detectRTL(s) {
var $streamItem = $('<div>').append(s);
var $queetText = $('<div>').append($streamItem.find('.queet-text').html()); // create an jquery object
var $a = $queetText.find('a'); $a.remove(); // remove links
var $vcard = $queetText.find('.vcard'); $vcard.remove(); // remove users, groups
var $tag = $queetText.find('.tag'); $tag.remove(); // remove tags
if($queetText.find('.rtl').length>0) { $queetText.html($queetText.find('.rtl').html()); } // remove rtl container if there is one
// remove chars we're not interested in
$queetText.html($queetText.html().replace(/\@/gi,'').replace(/\#/gi,'').replace(/\!/gi,'').replace(/\(/gi,'').replace(/\)/gi,'').replace(/\:D/gi,'').replace(/D\:/gi,'').replace(/\:/gi,'').replace(/\-/gi,'').replace(/\s/gi, ''));
// count ltr and rtl chars
var ltrChars = 'A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02B8\u0300-\u0590\u0800-\u1FFF'+'\u2C00-\uFB1C\uFDFE-\uFE6F\uFEFD-\uFFFF',
rtlChars = '\u0591-\u07FF\uFB1D-\uFDFD\uFE70-\uFEFC',
rtlDirCheck = new RegExp('^[^'+ltrChars+']*['+rtlChars+']'),
RTLnum = 0,
LTRnum = 0,
RTLorLTR = $queetText.html();
for (var i = 0, len = RTLorLTR.length; i < len; i++) {
if(rtlDirCheck.test(RTLorLTR[i])) { RTLnum++; }
else { LTRnum++; }
// if there are more rtl chars than ltr
if(RTLnum > LTRnum) { $streamItem.children('.stream-item').children('.queet').addClass('rtl'); }
// if no chars (that we are interested, but body is set to rtl)
else if ($queetText.html().length==0 && $('body').hasClass('rtl')) {
return $streamItem.html().replace(/@<span class="vcard">/gi,'<span class="vcard">').replace(/!<span class="vcard">/gi,'<span class="vcard">').replace(/#<span class="tag">/gi,'<span class="tag">'); // hacky way to get @#! into mention tags to stop bidirection (css sets an @ with before content method)
/* ·
· Takes twitter style dates and converts them
· @param tdate: date in the form of e.g. 'Mon Aug 05 16:30:22 +0200 2013'
· @return user friendly dates ..M_
· W
· Needs global language object window.sL to be populated
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function parseTwitterDate(tdate) {
var month_names = new Array ();
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsJanuary;
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsFebruary
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsMars
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsApril
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsMay
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsJune
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsJuly
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsAugust
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsSeptember
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsOctober
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsNovember
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.shortmonthsDecember
var system_date = new Date(Date.parse(tdate));
var user_date = new Date();
var diff = Math.floor((user_date - system_date) / 1000);
if (diff <= 10) {return window.sL.now;}
if (diff < 60) {return window.sL.shortDateFormatSeconds.replace('{seconds}',Math.round(diff/10)*10);}
if (diff <= 3540) {return window.sL.shortDateFormatMinutes.replace('{minutes}',Math.round(diff / 60));}
if (diff <= 86400) {return window.sL.shortDateFormatHours.replace('{hours}',Math.round(diff / 3600));}
if (diff <= 31536000) {return window.sL.shortDateFormatDate.replace('{day}',system_date.getDate()).replace('{month}',month_names[system_date.getMonth()]);}
if (diff > 31536000) {return window.sL.shortDateFormatDateAndY.replace('{day}',system_date.getDate()).replace('{month}',month_names[system_date.getMonth()]).replace('{year}',system_date.getFullYear());}
return system_date;
function parseTwitterLongDate(tdate) {
var month_names = new Array ();
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsJanuary;
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsFebruary
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsMars
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsApril
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsMay
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsJune
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsJuly
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsAugust
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsSeptember
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsOctober
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsNovember
month_names[month_names.length] = window.sL.longmonthsDecember
var system_date = new Date(Date.parse(tdate));
var hours = system_date.getHours();
var minutes = ('0'+system_date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
var time24hours = hours + ':' + minutes;
var time12hours = hours % 12;
time12hours = time12hours ? time12hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'
if(ampm == 'am') { time12hours = window.sL.time12am.replace('{time}',time12hours + ':' + minutes);}
else { time12hours = window.sL.time12pm.replace('{time}',time12hours + ':' + minutes); }
return window.sL.longDateFormat.replace('{time24}',time24hours).replace('{hours}',hours).replace('{minutes}',minutes).replace('{time12}',time12hours).replace('{day}',system_date.getDate()).replace('{month}',month_names[system_date.getMonth()]).replace('{year}',system_date.getFullYear());
function timestampToTwitterDate(timestamp) {
var a = new Date(timestamp*1000);
var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
var days = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'];
var day = days[a.getUTCDay()];
var year = a.getUTCFullYear();
var month = months[a.getUTCMonth()];
var date = (a.getUTCDate()<10?'0':'')+a.getUTCDate();
var hour = (a.getUTCHours()<10?'0':'')+a.getUTCHours();
var min = (a.getUTCMinutes()<10?'0':'')+a.getUTCMinutes();
var sec = (a.getUTCSeconds()<10?'0':'')+a.getUTCSeconds();
return day+' '+month+' '+date+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec+' +0000 '+year;
/* ·
· Decode Qvitter's compact API reponse
· @param data: the data returned from qvitter's compact api response
· @return data formatted as the non-compact "[old] twitter style" api response
· · · · · · · · · · */
function decodeQvitterCompactFormat(data) {
// leave data unchanged if we don't recognize it
if(typeof data.s == 'undefined') {
return data;
// decode
else {
var users = new Object();
var i = 0;
$.each(data.u, function(k,v){
users[k] = new Object;
users[k].screen_name = v[0];
users[k].name = (v[1]==0?null:v[1]);
users[k].location = (v[2]==0?null:v[2]);
users[k].description = (v[3]==0?null:v[3]);
users[k].profile_image_url_profile_size = v[4];
users[k].profile_image_url_original = v[5];
users[k].groups_count = v[6];
users[k].linkcolor = (v[7]==0?false:v[7]);
users[k].backgroundcolor = (v[8]==0?false:v[8]);
users[k].url = (v[9]==0?null:v[9]);
users[k].followers_count = v[10];
users[k].friends_count = v[11];
users[k].favourites_count = v[12];
users[k].statuses_count = v[13];
users[k].following = (v[14]==0?false:v[14]);
users[k].statusnet_blocking = (v[15]==0?false:v[15]);
users[k].statusnet_profile_url = v[16];
var unqvitter = Array();
var i = 0;
$.each(data.s, function(k,v){
unqvitter[i] = new Object;
unqvitter[i].id = v[0];
unqvitter[i].created_at = timestampToTwitterDate(v[1]);
unqvitter[i].text = v[2];
unqvitter[i].statusnet_html = v[3];
unqvitter[i].in_reply_to_status_id = (v[4]==0?null:v[4]);
unqvitter[i].in_reply_to_user_id = (v[5]==0?null:v[5]);
unqvitter[i].in_reply_to_screen_name = (v[6]==0?null:v[6]);
unqvitter[i].favorited = (v[7]==0?false:v[7]);
unqvitter[i].repeated = (v[8]==0?false:v[8]);
unqvitter[i].statusnet_in_groups = (v[9]==0?false:v[9]);
unqvitter[i].user = users[v[10]];
unqvitter[i].statusnet_conversation_id = v[11];
unqvitter[i].uri = window.siteInstanceURL + 'notice/' + v[0];
unqvitter[i].source = (v[12]==0?null:v[12]);
return unqvitter;
/* ·
· Return all URL:s in a string
· @param string: the string to search
· @return an array with the found urls
· · · · · · · · · · */
function findUrls(text) {
var source = (text || '').toString();
var urlArray = [];
var url;
var matchArray;
var regexToken = /(((ftp|https?):\/\/)[\-\w@:%_\+.~#?,&\/\/=]+)|((mailto:)?[_.\w-]+@([\w][\w\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,3})/g;
while( (matchArray = regexToken.exec( source )) !== null ) {
var token = matchArray[0];
urlArray.push( token );
return urlArray;
/* ·
· Functions to show and remove the spinner
· · · · · · · · · · · · */
function display_spinner() {
if($('.spinner-wrap').length==0) {
$('body').prepend('<div class="spinner-wrap"><div class="spinner"><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i></div></div>');
function remove_spinner() {
/* ·
· Converts ...-attachment-links to spans
· (Attachments are loaded when queets expand)
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function convertAttachmentMoreHref() {
$('a.attachment.more').each(function() {
if(typeof $(this).attr('href') != 'undefined') {
$(this).replaceWith($('<span class="attachment more" data-attachment-id="' + $(this).attr('href').substring(29) + '">…</span>'));
/* ·
· Places the caret at the end of the contenteditable
· @param el: the contenteditable-element
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function placeCaretAtEnd(el) {
if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined"
&& typeof document.createRange != "undefined") {
var range = document.createRange();
var sel = window.getSelection();
} else if (typeof document.body.createTextRange != "undefined") {
var textRange = document.body.createTextRange();
/* ·
· Updates the local storage
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function updateHistoryLocalStorage() {
if(localStorageIsEnabled()) {
var i=0;
var localStorageName = window.loggedIn.screen_name + '-history-container-v2';
var historyContainer = new Object();
$.each($('#history-container .stream-selection'), function(key,obj) {
historyContainer[i] = new Object();
historyContainer[i].dataStreamHref = $(obj).attr('href');
historyContainer[i].dataStreamHeader = $(obj).attr('data-stream-header');
localStorage[localStorageName] = JSON.stringify(historyContainer);
if($('#history-container .stream-selection').length==0) {
else {
$('#history-container').sortable({delay: 100});
/* ·
· Loads history from local storage to menu
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function loadHistoryFromLocalStorage() {
if(localStorageIsEnabled()) {
var localStorageName = window.loggedIn.screen_name + '-history-container-v2';
if(typeof localStorage[localStorageName] != "undefined") {
var historyContainer = $.parseJSON(localStorage[localStorageName]);
$.each(historyContainer, function(key,obj) {
$('#history-container').append('<a class="stream-selection" data-stream-header="' + obj.dataStreamHeader + '" href="' + obj.dataStreamHref + '">' + obj.dataStreamHeader + '</i><i class="chev-right"></i></a>');
/* ·
· Does stream need a ? or a &
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function qOrAmp(stream) {
if(stream.substr(-5) == '.json') {
return '?';
else {
return '&';
/* ·
· Count chars in queet box
· @param src: the queetbox's value
· @param trgt: the counter
· @param btn: the button
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function countCharsInQueetBox(src,trgt,btn) {
var numchars = $.trim(src).length;
// limited
if(window.textLimit > 0) {
trgt.html(window.textLimit - numchars);
// activate/deactivare button
if(numchars > 0 && numchars < window.textLimit+1) {
// deactivate button if it's equal to the start text
var startText = btn.closest('.inline-reply-queetbox').children('.queet-box-template').attr('data-start-text');
if(typeof startText != 'undefined') {
if($.trim(startText) == $.trim(src)) {
else {
// counter color
if((window.textLimit-numchars) < 0) {
else {
// unlimited
else {
if(numchars > 0) {
else {
/* ·
· Remember my scroll position
· @param obj: jQuery object which position we want to remember
· @param id: id for position to remember
· @param offset: we might want to offset our remembered scroll, e.g. when stream-item gets margin after expand
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function rememberMyScrollPos(obj,id,offset) {
if(typeof offset == 'undefined') {
var offset = 0;
if(typeof window.scrollpositions == 'undefined') { window.scrollpositions = new Object();}
window.scrollpositions[id] = obj.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() - offset;
/* ·
· Go back to my scroll po
· @param obj: jQuery object to put in the remebered position
· @param id: id for remembered position
· @param animate: if we want to animate the scroll
· @param callback: function to run when animation stops
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
function backToMyScrollPos(obj,id,animate,callback) {
var pos = obj.offset().top-window.scrollpositions[id];
if(animate) {
if(animate == 'animate' || animate === true) {
animate = 1000;
if(typeof callback !== 'undefined'){
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: pos}, animate, 'linear',function(){
else {
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: pos }, animate, 'linear');
else {
$('html, body').scrollTop(pos);
/* ·
· outerHTML
· · · · · · · · · · · · · */
jQuery.fn.outerHTML = function(s) {
return s
? this.before(s).remove()
: jQuery("<p>").append(this.eq(0).clone()).html();