[DOCKER] Fix redis extension build process to use LZ4 and add APCu
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
FROM php:fpm-alpine
RUN apk update && apk add git gettext-dev icu-dev zlib-dev libpng-dev gmp-dev \
RUN apk update && apk add git autoconf make file gettext-dev icu-dev zlib-dev libpng-dev gmp-dev \
mariadb-dev mariadb-client postgresql-dev postgresql-client composer > /dev/null
ARG exts=" bcmath exif gd gettext gmp intl mysqli opcache pdo pdo_mysql mysqli pdo_pgsql pgsql"
RUN apk add --virtual .phpize-deps $PHPIZE_DEPS \
&& cd /tmp && git clone https://github.com/php-ds/ext-ds && cd ext-ds \
&& phpize && ./configure && make && make install \
&& cd /tmp && git clone https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-php && cd msgpack-php \
&& phpize && ./configure && make && make install \
&& cd /tmp && git clone https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis && cd phpredis \
&& phpize && ./configure --enable-redis-msgpack --enable-redis-lz4 && make && make install \
&& cd /tmp && git clone https://github.com/krakjoe/apcu && cd apcu && phpize && ./configure --enable-apcu && make install \
&& cd /tmp && git clone https://github.com/php-ds/ext-ds && cd ext-ds && phpize && ./configure && make install \
&& cd /tmp && git clone https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-php && cd msgpack-php && phpize && ./configure && make install \
&& cd /tmp && git clone https://github.com/lz4/lz4 && cd lz4 && make install \
&& cd /tmp && git clone https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis && cd phpredis && phpize && ./configure --enable-redis-msgpack --enable-redis-lz4 --with-liblz4=yes && make install \
&& rm -rf /usr/share/php7 \
&& rm -rf /tmp/* \
&& apk del .phpize-deps > /dev/null
RUN docker-php-ext-install ${exts} && docker-php-ext-enable ds msgpack redis
RUN docker-php-ext-install ${exts} && docker-php-ext-enable ds msgpack redis apcu
WORKDIR /var/www/social
Reference in New Issue
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