.section-panel is now only allowed to have the height it's allowed on view, .section-details hierarchy is now better represented through a bigger padding for titles, and a button-like consistent padding for subtitles; buttons' padding now dependent on font-size.
A browser will use Unicode glyphs from other font families if the glyph in question is not present for the current typeface. This leads to unnerving situations, whereby setting content through pseudo-selectors will cause text to misalign. And no, line-height won't make a difference in this case. This happens because fonts have different heights. Another reason may reside on CSS3 having pseudo selectors but not really having a proper spec for them to begin with.
[COMPONENTS][Posting] It is now visible on Actor profiles [COMPONENTS][Search] Overall rework of search results template, there's also additional help text added [CSS] Header no longer translucent, font sizes yet more consistent, replies marker less pronounced, and font hierarchy is now applied in both weight and size
This little abstraction layer made it a bit easier to add a different title to a Note or Actor Feed Collection template, from whichever controller that uses it. Please, bear in mind, that abstract templates such as those found in Components\Collection, may act in a very 'declarative' way upon using them. This makes it difficult to dynamically choose what type of header is used without undergoing a mining operation in the likes of a pyramid of doom. Hence, this _little_ change.
Due to space constraint on mobile screens, prior actions placement proved to be a problem. Additionally, note replies are now separated from their parent, allowing more horizontal space to be used if necessary/more reply depth to be presented in a reasonable fashion.
[COMPONENTS][RightPanel] Refactored template, improved clarity, and added Posting form related macros
[PLUGINS][NoteTypeFeedFilter] Removed icons from template, added them through CSS to further improve performance
[PLUGINS][Favourite] Foreign keys now properly defined on schema
[CARDS][Note] Note text is now hidden by default if too many paragraphs/line breaks are present, BlogCollection plugin will certainly need this feature
Browser specific quirks made it impossible to stylize checkbox and radio buttons. High DPI, custom default font sizes and/or custom GTK themes make it very difficult to keep it consistent.
[COMPONENTS][LeftPanel] Removed onEndShowStyles event since the corresponding CSS needed is now consolidated into the default_theme itself [COMPONENTS][RightPanel] Deleted components/RightPanel/RightPanel.php, since its only method (onEndShowStyles) wasn't needed anymore
[CSS] Simplyfying rules, re-ordering and removing unnecessary and costly 'display: flex' rules
[CARDS][Note] Minimal note macro has info inside the note itself now, since horizontal space is limited
[COMPONENTS][Circle] Removed any Group related route from shouldAddToRightPanel event
[CARDS][Profile] Block should now allow inline long nicknames to not
According to 'High Performance Web Sites' (ISBN 10: 0596529309), @import has a negative impact on web page performance. Since all imports dependant on base.css will only start downloading after that one is fully gathered.