This little abstraction layer made it a bit easier to add a different title to a Note or Actor Feed Collection template, from whichever controller that uses it. Please, bear in mind, that abstract templates such as those found in Components\Collection, may act in a very 'declarative' way upon using them. This makes it difficult to dynamically choose what type of header is used without undergoing a mining operation in the likes of a pyramid of doom. Hence, this _little_ change.
[TWIG] Cards are now divided into blocks and macros, additional macros done, attachments page no longer inside cards directory
[CARDS][Navigation] Now using macros to create section, details, and nav elements
[COMPONENTS][LeftPanel] Removed onEndShowStyles event since the corresponding CSS needed is now consolidated into the default_theme itself [COMPONENTS][RightPanel] Deleted components/RightPanel/RightPanel.php, since its only method (onEndShowStyles) wasn't needed anymore
[COMPONENTS][Circle] Removed any Group related route from shouldAddToRightPanel event
[CARDS][Profile] Block should now allow inline long nicknames to not
[COMPONENTS][Circle] Removed any Group related route from shouldAddToRightPanel event
[CARDS][Profile] Block should now allow inline long nicknames to not
replaced with src/Twig/Rintime::getRightPanelBlocks
[COMPONENTS] Re-ordered onAppendRightPanelBlock event calls arguments for improved consistency across events
[CSS] Font size hierarchy refactor
[PLUGINS][MediaFeed] Renamed BeforeFeed event
Type scale hierarchy redone. Bigger line height added, making it easier
to click on links and separate contents.
Feed title added. AddFeedActions replaces BeforeFeed event.
MediaFeed links will now show an icon to the right of the feed title,
smaller footprint and more consistent with the overall design.