I made a new notice-list widget (like the profile list) and call it
from StreamAction. This cleans up some of the mess in the various
notice-stream-showing classes.
I also changed show-stream so it uses a subclass of NoticeList that
doesn't show author info (which is unnecessary).
I've removed the favoritedrss action, and removed the links from the
favorited page.
Most-favorited is not a good candidate for an RSS format. RSS works
well for series that work sequentially -- new things always come in at
the top.
This just isn't the case with "most favorited". The favorited notices
list on Identi.ca is sorted by how many times a message is favorited.
What happens if a notice used to be on that list, then falls off
because other messages get more faves, then gets back on because it
gets faved again? Or if a notice moves "up" on the list?