. * * @category Plugin * @package StatusNet * @author Sarven Capadisli * @copyright 2009 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { exit(1); } define('PAGE_TYPE_PREFS_MOBILEPROFILE', 'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml, application/xhtml+xml, text/html;q=0.9'); require_once INSTALLDIR.'/plugins/Mobile/WAP20Plugin.php'; /** * Superclass for plugin to output XHTML Mobile Profile * * @category Plugin * @package StatusNet * @author Sarven Capadisli * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ class MobileProfilePlugin extends WAP20Plugin { public $DTD = null; public $serveMobile = false; public $reallyMobile = false; public $mobileFeatures = array(); function __construct($DTD='http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd') { $this->DTD = $DTD; parent::__construct(); } function onStartShowHTML($action) { // XXX: This should probably graduate to WAP20Plugin // If they are on the mobile site, serve them MP if ((common_config('site', 'mobileserver').'/'. common_config('site', 'path').'/' == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $this->serveMobile = true; } else if (isset($_COOKIE['MobileOverride'])) { // Cookie override is controlled by link at bottom. $this->serveMobile = (bool)$_COOKIE['MobileOverride']; } else { // If they like the WAP 2.0 mimetype, serve them MP // @fixme $type is undefined, making this if case useless and spewing errors. // What's the intent? //if (strstr('application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml', $type) !== false) { // $this->serveMobile = true; //} else { // If they are a mobile device that supports WAP 2.0, // serve them MP // XXX: Browser sniffing sucks // I really don't like going through this every page, // perhaps use $_SESSION or cookies // May be better to group the devices in terms of // low,mid,high-end // Or, detect the mobile devices based on their support for // MP 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2 may be ideal. Possible? $this->mobiledevices = array( 'alcatel', 'android', 'audiovox', 'au-mic,', 'avantgo', 'blackberry', 'blazer', 'cldc-', 'danger', 'epoc', 'ericsson', 'ericy', 'iphone', 'ipaq', 'ipod', 'j2me', 'lg', 'maemo', 'midp-', 'mobile', 'mot', 'netfront', 'nitro', 'nokia', 'opera mini', 'palm', 'palmsource', 'panasonic', 'philips', 'pocketpc', 'portalmmm', 'rover', 'samsung', 'sanyo', 'series60', 'sharp', 'sie-', 'smartphone', 'sony', 'symbian', 'up.browser', 'up.link', 'up.link', 'vodafone', 'wap1', 'wap2', 'webos', 'windows ce' ); $blacklist = array( 'ipad', // Larger screen handles the full theme fairly well. ); $httpuseragent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); foreach ($blacklist as $md) { if (strstr($httpuseragent, $md) !== false) { $this->serveMobile = false; return true; } } foreach ($this->mobiledevices as $md) { if (strstr($httpuseragent, $md) !== false) { $this->setMobileFeatures($httpuseragent); $this->serveMobile = true; $this->reallyMobile = true; break; } } //} // If they are okay with MP, and the site has a mobile server, // redirect there if ($this->serveMobile && common_config('site', 'mobileserver') !== false && (common_config('site', 'mobileserver') != common_config('site', 'server'))) { // FIXME: Redirect to equivalent page on mobile site instead common_redirect($this->_common_path(''), 302); } } if (!$this->serveMobile) { return true; } // @fixme $type is undefined, making this if case useless and spewing errors. // What's the intent? //if (!$type) { $httpaccept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : null; $cp = common_accept_to_prefs($httpaccept); $sp = common_accept_to_prefs(PAGE_TYPE_PREFS_MOBILEPROFILE); $type = common_negotiate_type($cp, $sp); if (!$type) { // TRANS: Client exception thrown when requesting a not supported media type. throw new ClientException(_m('This page is not available in a '. 'media type you accept.'), 406); } //} header('Content-Type: '.$type); if ($this->reallyMobile) { $action->extraHeaders(); if (preg_match("/.*\/.*xml/", $type)) { // Required for XML documents $action->xw->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); } $action->xw->writeDTD('html', '-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN', $this->DTD); $language = $action->getLanguage(); $action->elementStart('html', array('xmlns' => 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'xml:lang' => $language)); return false; } else { return true; } } function setMobileFeatures($useragent) { $mobiledeviceInputFileType = array( 'nokia' ); $this->mobileFeatures['inputfiletype'] = false; foreach ($mobiledeviceInputFileType as $md) { if (strstr($useragent, $md) !== false) { $this->mobileFeatures['inputfiletype'] = true; break; } } } public function onStartShowStylesheets(Action $action) { if (!$this->serveMobile) { return true; } $action->primaryCssLink(); $action->cssLink($this->path('mp-screen.css'),null,'screen'); if (file_exists(Theme::file('css/mp-screen.css'))) { $action->cssLink('css/mp-screen.css', null, 'screen'); } $action->cssLink($this->path('mp-handheld.css'),null,'handheld'); if (file_exists(Theme::file('css/mp-handheld.css'))) { $action->cssLink('css/mp-handheld.css', null, 'handheld'); } // Allow other plugins to load their styles. Event::handle('EndShowStylesheets', array($action)); return false; } function onStartShowUAStyles($action) { if (!$this->serveMobile) { return true; } return false; } function onStartShowHeader($action) { if (!$this->serveMobile) { return true; } $action->elementStart('div', array('id' => 'header')); $this->_showLogo($action); $action->showPrimaryNav(); $action->elementEnd('div'); return false; } function _showLogo($action) { $action->elementStart('address', 'vcard'); if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled')) { $user = User::singleUser(); $url = common_local_url('showstream', array('nickname' => $user->nickname)); } else { $url = common_local_url('public'); } $action->elementStart('a', array('class' => 'url home bookmark', 'href' => $url)); if (common_config('site', 'mobilelogo') || file_exists(Theme::file('logo.png')) || file_exists(Theme::file('mobilelogo.png'))) { $action->element('img', array('class' => 'photo', 'src' => (common_config('site', 'mobilelogo')) ? common_config('site', 'mobilelogo') : ((file_exists(Theme::file('mobilelogo.png'))) ? (Theme::path('mobilelogo.png')) : Theme::path('logo.png')), 'alt' => common_config('site', 'name'))); } $action->element('span', array('class' => 'fn org'), common_config('site', 'name')); $action->elementEnd('a'); $action->elementEnd('address'); } function onStartShowAside($action) { if ($this->serveMobile) { return false; } } function onStartShowLocalNavBlock($action) { if ($this->serveMobile) { // @todo FIXME: "Show Navigation" / "Hide Navigation" needs i18n $action->element('a', array('href' => '#', 'id' => 'navtoggle'), 'Show Navigation'); return true; } } function onEndShowScripts($action) { // @todo FIXME: "Show Navigation" / "Hide Navigation" needs i18n $action->inlineScript(' $(function() { $("#mobile-toggle-disable").click(function() { $.cookie("MobileOverride", "0", {path: "/"}); window.location.reload(); return false; }); $("#mobile-toggle-enable").click(function() { $.cookie("MobileOverride", "1", {path: "/"}); window.location.reload(); return false; }); $("#navtoggle").click(function () { $("#site_nav_local_views").fadeToggle(); var text = $("#navtoggle").text(); $("#navtoggle").text( text == "Show Navigation" ? "Hide Navigation" : "Show Navigation"); }); });' ); if ($this->serveMobile) { $action->inlineScript(' $(function() { $(".checkbox-wrapper").unbind("click"); });' ); } } function onEndShowInsideFooter($action) { if ($this->serveMobile) { // TRANS: Link to switch site layout from mobile to desktop mode. Appears at very bottom of page. $linkText = _m('Switch to desktop site layout.'); $key = 'mobile-toggle-disable'; } else { // TRANS: Link to switch site layout from desktop to mobile mode. Appears at very bottom of page. $linkText = _m('Switch to mobile site layout.'); $key = 'mobile-toggle-enable'; } $action->elementStart('p'); $action->element('a', array('href' => '#', 'id' => $key), $linkText); $action->elementEnd('p'); return true; } function _common_path($relative, $ssl=false) { $pathpart = (common_config('site', 'path')) ? common_config('site', 'path')."/" : ''; if (($ssl && (common_config('site', 'ssl') === 'sometimes')) || common_config('site', 'ssl') === 'always') { $proto = 'https'; if (is_string(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) && mb_strlen(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) > 0) { $serverpart = common_config('site', 'sslserver'); } else { $serverpart = common_config('site', 'mobileserver'); } } else { $proto = 'http'; $serverpart = common_config('site', 'mobileserver'); } return $proto.'://'.$serverpart.'/'.$pathpart.$relative; } function onPluginVersion(&$versions) { $versions[] = array('name' => 'MobileProfile', 'version' => STATUSNET_VERSION, 'author' => 'Sarven Capadisli', 'homepage' => 'http://status.net/wiki/Plugin:MobileProfile', 'rawdescription' => // TRANS: Plugin description. _m('XHTML MobileProfile output for supporting user agents.')); return true; } }