{% set nickname = note.getActorNickname() %}
{{ nickname }}
{% set reply_to = note.getReplyToNickname() %}
{% if reply_to is not null and not skip_reply_to is defined %}
{% trans with {'%name%': reply_to}%} in reply to %name% {% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{{ note.getContent() }}
{% for attachment in note.getAttachments() %}
{% if attachment.mimetype starts with 'image/' %}
{{ attachment.getTitle() }}
{% elseif attachment.mimetype starts with 'video/' %}
{% else %}
{{ attachment.getTitle() }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for reply in note.getReplies() %}
{% include '/note/view.html.twig' with {'note': reply, 'skip_reply_to': true} only %}
{% endfor %}