#!/usr/bin/env php . /** * Upgrade database schema and data to latest software and check DB integrity * Usage: php upgrade.php [options] * * @package GNUsocial * @author Bhuvan Krishna * @author Evan Prodromou * @author Mikael Nordfeldth * @copyright 2010-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later */ define('INSTALLDIR', dirname(__DIR__)); define('PUBLICDIR', INSTALLDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public'); $shortoptions = 'dfx::'; $longoptions = ['debug', 'files', 'extensions=']; $helptext = << $def) { $schemaUpdater->register($table, $def); } $schemaUpdater->checkSchema(); printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function updateSchemaPlugins() { printfnq("Upgrading plugin schema..."); Event::handle('BeforePluginCheckSchema'); Event::handle('CheckSchema'); printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function fixupUserBadNulls(): void { printfnq("Ensuring all users have no empty strings for NULLs..."); foreach (['email', 'incomingemail', 'sms', 'smsemail'] as $col) { $user = new User(); $user->whereAdd("{$col} = ''"); if ($user->find()) { while ($user->fetch()) { $sql = "UPDATE {$user->escapedTableName()} SET {$col} = NULL " . "WHERE id = {$user->id}"; $user->query($sql); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function fixupNoticeConversation() { printfnq("Ensuring all notices have a conversation ID..."); $notice = new Notice(); $notice->whereAdd('conversation is null'); $notice->whereAdd('conversation = 0', 'OR'); $notice->orderBy('id'); // try to get originals before replies $notice->find(); while ($notice->fetch()) { try { $cid = null; $orig = clone($notice); if (!empty($notice->reply_to)) { $reply = Notice::getKV('id', $notice->reply_to); if ($reply instanceof Notice && !empty($reply->conversation)) { $notice->conversation = $reply->conversation; } unset($reply); } // if still empty if (empty($notice->conversation)) { $child = new Notice(); $child->reply_to = $notice->getID(); $child->limit(1); if ($child->find(true) && !empty($child->conversation)) { $notice->conversation = $child->conversation; } unset($child); } // if _still_ empty we just create our own conversation if (empty($notice->conversation)) { $notice->conversation = $notice->getID(); } $result = $notice->update($orig); unset($orig); } catch (Exception $e) { print("Error setting conversation: " . $e->getMessage()); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function fixupGroupURI() { printfnq("Ensuring all groups have an URI..."); $group = new User_group(); $group->whereAdd('uri IS NULL'); if ($group->find()) { while ($group->fetch()) { $orig = User_group::getKV('id', $group->id); $group->uri = $group->getUri(); $group->update($orig); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initConversation() { if (common_config('fix', 'upgrade_initConversation') <= 1) { printfnq(sprintf("Skipping %s, fixed by previous upgrade.\n", __METHOD__)); return; } printfnq("Ensuring all conversations have a row in conversation table..."); $notice = new Notice(); $notice->selectAdd(); $notice->selectAdd('DISTINCT conversation'); $notice->joinAdd(['conversation', 'conversation:id'], 'LEFT'); // LEFT to get the null values for conversation.id $notice->whereAdd('conversation.id IS NULL'); if ($notice->find()) { printfnq(" fixing {$notice->N} missing conversation entries..."); } while ($notice->fetch()) { $id = $notice->conversation; $uri = common_local_url('conversation', ['id' => $id]); // @fixme db_dataobject won't save our value for an autoincrement // so we're bypassing the insert wrappers $conv = new Conversation(); $sql = "INSERT INTO conversation (id,uri,created) VALUES (%d,'%s','%s')"; $sql = sprintf( $sql, $id, $conv->escape($uri), $conv->escape(common_sql_now()) ); $conv->query($sql); } // This is something we should only have to do once unless introducing new, bad code. if (DEBUG) { printfnq(sprintf('Storing in config that we have done %s', __METHOD__)); } common_config_set('fix', 'upgrade_initConversation', 1); printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function fixupConversationURIs() { printfnq("Ensuring all conversations have a URI..."); $conv = new Conversation(); $conv->whereAdd('uri IS NULL'); if ($conv->find()) { $rounds = 0; while ($conv->fetch()) { $uri = common_local_url('conversation', ['id' => $conv->id]); $sql = sprintf( 'UPDATE conversation SET uri = \'%1$s\' WHERE id = %2$d;', $conv->escape($uri), $conv->id ); $conv->query($sql); if (($conv->N-++$rounds) % 500 == 0) { printfnq(sprintf(' %d items left...', $conv->N-$rounds)); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initGroupProfileId() { printfnq("Ensuring all User_group entries have a Profile and profile_id..."); $group = new User_group(); $group->whereAdd('NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE id = user_group.profile_id)'); $group->find(); while ($group->fetch()) { try { // We must create a new, incrementally assigned profile_id $profile = new Profile(); $profile->nickname = $group->nickname; $profile->fullname = $group->fullname; $profile->profileurl = $group->mainpage; $profile->homepage = $group->homepage; $profile->bio = $group->description; $profile->location = $group->location; $profile->created = $group->created; $profile->modified = $group->modified; $profile->query('START TRANSACTION'); $id = $profile->insert(); if (empty($id)) { $profile->query('ROLLBACK'); throw new Exception('Profile insertion failed, profileurl: '.$profile->profileurl); } $group->query("UPDATE user_group SET profile_id={$id} WHERE id={$group->id}"); $profile->query('COMMIT'); $profile->free(); } catch (Exception $e) { printfv("Error initializing Profile for group {$group->nickname}:" . $e->getMessage()); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initLocalGroup() { printfnq("Ensuring all local user groups have a local_group..."); $group = new User_group(); $group->whereAdd('NOT EXISTS (select group_id from local_group where group_id = user_group.id)'); $group->find(); while ($group->fetch()) { try { // Hack to check for local groups if ($group->getUri() == common_local_url('groupbyid', ['id' => $group->id])) { $lg = new Local_group(); $lg->group_id = $group->id; $lg->nickname = $group->nickname; $lg->created = $group->created; // XXX: common_sql_now() ? $lg->modified = $group->modified; $lg->insert(); } } catch (Exception $e) { printfv("Error initializing local group for {$group->nickname}:" . $e->getMessage()); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initNoticeReshare() { if (common_config('fix', 'upgrade_initNoticeReshare') <= 1) { printfnq(sprintf("Skipping %s, fixed by previous upgrade.\n", __METHOD__)); return; } printfnq("Ensuring all reshares have the correct verb and object-type..."); $notice = new Notice(); $notice->whereAdd('repeat_of IS NOT NULL'); $notice->whereAdd(sprintf( '(verb <> %1$s OR object_type <> %2$s)', $notice->_quote(ActivityVerb::SHARE), $notice->_quote(ActivityObject::ACTIVITY) )); if ($notice->find()) { while ($notice->fetch()) { try { $orig = Notice::getKV('id', $notice->id); $notice->verb = ActivityVerb::SHARE; $notice->object_type = ActivityObject::ACTIVITY; $notice->update($orig); } catch (Exception $e) { printfv("Error updating verb and object_type for {$notice->id}:" . $e->getMessage()); } } } // This is something we should only have to do once unless introducing new, bad code. if (DEBUG) { printfnq(sprintf('Storing in config that we have done %s', __METHOD__)); } common_config_set('fix', 'upgrade_initNoticeReshare', 1); printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initSubscriptionURI() { printfnq("Ensuring all subscriptions have a URI..."); $sub = new Subscription(); $sub->whereAdd('uri IS NULL'); if ($sub->find()) { while ($sub->fetch()) { try { $sub->decache(); $sub->query(sprintf( 'UPDATE subscription '. "SET uri = '%s' " . 'WHERE subscriber = %d '. 'AND subscribed = %d', $sub->escape(Subscription::newUri($sub->getSubscriber(), $sub->getSubscribed(), $sub->created)), $sub->subscriber, $sub->subscribed )); } catch (Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error updated subscription URI: " . $e->getMessage()); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initGroupMemberURI() { printfnq("Ensuring all group memberships have a URI..."); $mem = new Group_member(); $mem->whereAdd('uri IS NULL'); if ($mem->find()) { while ($mem->fetch()) { try { $mem->decache(); $mem->query(sprintf( 'UPDATE group_member '. "SET uri = '%s' " . 'WHERE profile_id = %d ' . 'AND group_id = %d', Group_member::newUri(Profile::getByID($mem->profile_id), User_group::getByID($mem->group_id), $mem->created), $mem->profile_id, $mem->group_id )); } catch (Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error updated membership URI: " . $e->getMessage()); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initProfileLists() { printfnq("Ensuring all profile tags have a corresponding list..."); $ptag = new Profile_tag(); $ptag->selectAdd(); $ptag->selectAdd('tagger, tag, COUNT(*) AS tagged_count'); $ptag->whereAdd('NOT EXISTS (SELECT tagger, tagged FROM profile_list '. 'WHERE profile_tag.tagger = profile_list.tagger '. 'AND profile_tag.tag = profile_list.tag)'); $ptag->groupBy('tagger, tag'); $ptag->orderBy('tagger, tag'); if ($ptag->find()) { while ($ptag->fetch()) { $plist = new Profile_list(); $plist->tagger = $ptag->tagger; $plist->tag = $ptag->tag; $plist->private = false; $plist->created = common_sql_now(); $plist->modified = $plist->created; $plist->mainpage = common_local_url( 'showprofiletag', ['tagger' => $plist->getTagger()->nickname, 'tag' => $plist->tag] ); ; $plist->tagged_count = $ptag->tagged_count; $plist->subscriber_count = 0; $plist->insert(); $orig = clone($plist); // After insert since it uses auto-generated ID $plist->uri = common_local_url( 'profiletagbyid', ['id' => $plist->id, 'tagger_id' => $plist->tagger] ); $plist->update($orig); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } /* * Added as we now store interpretd width and height in File table. */ function fixupFileGeometry() { printfnq("Ensuring width and height is set for supported local File objects..."); $file = new File(); $file->whereAdd('filename IS NOT NULL'); // local files $file->whereAdd('width IS NULL OR width = 0'); if ($file->find()) { while ($file->fetch()) { if (DEBUG) { printfnq(sprintf('Found file without width: %s\n', _ve($file->getFilename()))); } // Set file geometrical properties if available try { $image = ImageFile::fromFileObject($file); } catch (ServerException $e) { // We couldn't make out an image from the file. if (DEBUG) { printfnq(sprintf('Could not make an image out of the file.\n')); } continue; } $orig = clone($file); $file->width = $image->width; $file->height = $image->height; if (DEBUG) { printfnq(sprintf('Setting image file and with to %sx%s.\n', $file->width, $file->height)); } $file->update($orig); // FIXME: Do this more automagically inside ImageFile or so. if ($image->getPath() != $file->getPath()) { if (DEBUG) { printfnq(sprintf('Deleting the temporarily stored ImageFile.\n')); } $image->unlink(); } unset($image); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } /* * File_thumbnail objects for local Files store their own filenames in the database. */ function deleteLocalFileThumbnailsWithoutFilename() { printfnq("Removing all local File_thumbnail entries without filename property..."); $file = new File(); $file->whereAdd('filename IS NOT NULL'); // local files if ($file->find()) { // Looping through local File entries while ($file->fetch()) { $thumbs = new File_thumbnail(); $thumbs->file_id = $file->id; $thumbs->whereAdd("filename IS NULL OR filename = ''"); // Checking if there were any File_thumbnail entries without filename if (!$thumbs->find()) { continue; } // deleting incomplete entry to allow regeneration while ($thumbs->fetch()) { $thumbs->delete(); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } /* * Delete File_thumbnail entries where the referenced file does not exist. */ function deleteMissingLocalFileThumbnails() { printfnq("Removing all local File_thumbnail entries without existing files..."); $thumbs = new File_thumbnail(); $thumbs->whereAdd("filename IS NOT NULL AND filename <> ''"); // Checking if there were any File_thumbnail entries without filename if ($thumbs->find()) { while ($thumbs->fetch()) { try { $thumbs->getPath(); } catch (FileNotFoundException $e) { $thumbs->delete(); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } /* * Files are now stored with their hash, so let's generate for previously uploaded files. */ function setFilehashOnLocalFiles() { printfnq('Ensuring all local files have the filehash field set...'); $file = new File(); $file->whereAdd("filename IS NOT NULL AND filename <> ''"); // local files $file->whereAdd('filehash IS NULL', 'AND'); // without filehash value if ($file->find()) { while ($file->fetch()) { try { $orig = clone($file); $file->filehash = hash_file(File::FILEHASH_ALG, $file->getPath()); $file->update($orig); } catch (FileNotFoundException $e) { echo "\n WARNING: file ID {$file->id} does not exist on path '{$e->path}'. If there is no file system error, run: php scripts/clean_file_table.php"; } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function fixupFileThumbnailUrlhash() { printfnq("Setting urlhash for File_thumbnail entries: "); switch (common_config('db', 'type')) { case 'pgsql': $url_sha256 = 'encode(sha256(CAST("url" AS bytea)), \'hex\')'; break; case 'mysql': $url_sha256 = 'sha2(`url`, 256)'; break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown DB type selected.'); } $thumb = new File_thumbnail(); $thumb->query(sprintf( 'UPDATE %1$s ' . 'SET urlhash = %2$s ' . 'WHERE url IS NOT NULL ' . // find all entries with a url value "AND url <> '' " . // precaution against non-null empty strings 'AND urlhash IS NULL', // but don't touch those we've already calculated $thumb->escapedTableName(), $url_sha256 )); printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function migrateProfilePrefs() { printfnq("Finding and possibly migrating Profile_prefs entries: "); $prefs = []; // ['qvitter' => ['cover_photo'=>'profile_banner_url', ...], ...] Event::handle('GetProfilePrefsMigrations', [&$prefs]); foreach ($prefs as $namespace=>$mods) { echo "$namespace... "; assert(is_array($mods)); $p = new Profile_prefs(); $p->namespace = $namespace; // find all entries in all modified topics given in this namespace $p->whereAddIn('topic', array_keys($mods), $p->columnType('topic')); $p->find(); while ($p->fetch()) { // for each entry, update 'topic' to the new key value $orig = clone($p); $p->topic = $mods[$p->topic]; $p->updateWithKeys($orig); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } main();