'application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"', 'User-Agent' => 'GNUsocialBot ' . GNUSOCIAL_VERSION . ' - ' . GNUSOCIAL_PROJECT_URL, ]; public function version(): string { return '3.0.0'; } /** * This code executes when GNU social creates the page routing, and we hook * on this event to add our Inbox and Outbox handler for ActivityPub. * * @param RouteLoader $r the router that was initialized */ public function onAddRoute(RouteLoader $r): bool { $r->connect( 'activitypub_inbox', '/inbox.json', [Inbox::class, 'handle'], options: ['accept' => self::$accept_headers, 'format' => self::$accept_headers[0]], ); $r->connect( 'activitypub_actor_inbox', '/actor/{gsactor_id<\d+>}/inbox.json', [Inbox::class, 'handle'], options: ['accept' => self::$accept_headers, 'format' => self::$accept_headers[0]], ); $r->connect( 'activitypub_actor_outbox', '/actor/{gsactor_id<\d+>}/outbox.json', [Inbox::class, 'handle'], options: ['accept' => self::$accept_headers, 'format' => self::$accept_headers[0]], ); return Event::next; } public function onStartGetActorUrl(Actor $actor, int $type, ?string &$url): bool { if ( // Is remote? !$actor->getIsLocal() // Is in ActivityPub? && !is_null($ap_actor = ActivitypubActor::getWithPK(['actor_id' => $actor->getId()])) // We can only provide a full URL (anything else wouldn't make sense) && $type === Router::ABSOLUTE_URL ) { $url = $ap_actor->getUri(); return Event::stop; } return Event::next; } public function onAddFreeNetworkProtocol(array &$protocols): bool { $protocols[] = '\Plugin\ActivityPub\ActivityPub'; return Event::next; } public static function freeNetworkDistribute(Actor $sender, Activity $activity, array $targets, ?string $reason = null): bool { $to_addr = []; foreach ($targets as $target) { if (is_null($ap_target = ActivitypubActor::getWithPK(['actor_id' => $target->getId()]))) { continue; } $to_addr[$ap_target->getInboxSharedUri() ?? $ap_target->getInboxUri()] = true; } $errors = []; $to_failed = []; // TODO: Implement failed queues foreach ($to_addr as $inbox => $dummy) { try { $res = self::postman($sender, EntityToType::translate($activity), $inbox); // accummulate errors for later use, if needed $status_code = $res->getStatusCode(); if (!($status_code === 200 || $status_code === 202 || $status_code === 409)) { $res_body = json_decode($res->getContent(), true); $errors[] = isset($res_body['error']) ? $res_body['error'] : "An unknown error occurred."; $to_failed[$inbox] = $activity; } } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error('ActivityPub @ freeNetworkDistribute: ' . $e->getMessage()); $to_failed[$inbox] = $activity; } } if (!empty($errors)) { Log::error(sizeof($errors) . ' instance/s failed to handle the delete_profile activity!'); return false; } return true; } /** * @param Actor $sender * @param Type $activity * @param string $inbox * @param string $method * @return ResponseInterface */ public static function postman(Actor $sender, mixed $activity, string $inbox, string $method = 'post'): ResponseInterface { $data = $activity->toJson(); Log::debug('ActivityPub Postman: Delivering ' . $data . ' to ' . $inbox); $headers = HTTPSignature::sign($sender, $inbox, $data); Log::debug('ActivityPub Postman: Delivery headers were: ' . print_r($headers, true)); $response = HTTPClient::$method($inbox, ['headers' => $headers, 'body' => $data]); Log::debug('ActivityPub Postman: Delivery result with status code ' . $response->getStatusCode() . ': ' . $response->getContent()); return $response; } public static function getActorByUri(string $resource, ?bool $attempt_fetch = true): Actor { // Try local if (Common::isValidHttpUrl($resource)) { // This means $resource is a valid url $resource_parts = parse_url($resource); // TODO: Use URLMatcher if ($resource_parts['host'] === $_ENV['SOCIAL_DOMAIN']) { // XXX: Common::config('site', 'server')) { $str = $resource_parts['path']; // actor_view_nickname $renick = '/\/@(' . Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT . ')\/?/m'; // actor_view_id $reuri = '/\/actor\/(\d+)\/?/m'; if (preg_match_all($renick, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0) === 1) { return LocalUser::getWithPK(['nickname' => $matches[0][1]])->getActor(); } elseif (preg_match_all($reuri, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0) === 1) { return Actor::getById((int)$matches[0][1]); } } } // Try remote $aprofile = ActivitypubActor::getByAddr($resource); if ($aprofile instanceof ActivitypubActor) { return Actor::getById($aprofile->getActorId()); } else { throw new NoSuchActorException("From URI: {$resource}"); } } /** * @throws Exception */ public function onControllerResponseInFormat(string $route, array $accept_header, array $vars, ?TypeResponse &$response = null): bool { if (count(array_intersect(self::$accept_headers, $accept_header)) === 0) { return Event::next; } switch ($route) { case 'actor_view_id': case 'actor_view_nickname': $response = ActorResponse::handle($vars['actor']); return Event::stop; case 'note_view': $response = NoteResponse::handle($vars['note']); return Event::stop; /*case 'actor_favourites_id': case 'actor_favourites_nickname': $response = LikeResponse::handle($vars['actor']); return Event::stop; case 'actor_subscriptions_id': case 'actor_subscriptions_nickname': $response = FollowingResponse::handle($vars['actor']); return Event::stop; case 'actor_subscribers_id': case 'actor_subscribers_nickname': $response = FollowersResponse::handle($vars['actor']); return Event::stop;*/ default: if (Event::handle('ActivityStreamsTwoResponse', [$route, &$response]) == Event::stop) { return Event::stop; } return Event::next; } } /******************************************************** * WebFinger Events * ********************************************************/ /** * Add activity+json mimetype on WebFinger * * @throws Exception */ public function onEndWebFingerProfileLinks(XML_XRD $xrd, Actor $object): bool { if ($object->isPerson()) { $link = new XML_XRD_Element_Link( rel: 'self', href: $object->getUri(Router::ABSOLUTE_URL),//Router::url('actor_view_id', ['id' => $object->getId()], Router::ABSOLUTE_URL), type: 'application/activity+json', ); $xrd->links[] = clone $link; } return Event::next; } /** * Webfinger matches: @user@example.com or even @user--one.george_orwell@1984.biz * * @param string $text The text from which to extract webfinger IDs * @param string $preMention Character(s) that signals a mention ('@', '!'...) * @return array The matching IDs (without $preMention) and each respective position in the given string. */ public static function extractWebfingerIds(string $text, string $preMention = '@'): array { $wmatches = []; $result = preg_match_all( '/' . Nickname::BEFORE_MENTIONS . preg_quote($preMention, '/') . '(' . Nickname::WEBFINGER_FMT . ')/', $text, $wmatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); if ($result === false) { Log::error(__METHOD__ . ': Error parsing webfinger IDs from text (preg_last_error==' . preg_last_error() . ').'); return []; } elseif (($n_matches = count($wmatches)) != 0) { Log::debug((sprintf('Found %d matches for WebFinger IDs: %s', $n_matches, print_r($wmatches, true)))); } return $wmatches[1]; } /** * Profile URL matches: @param string $text The text from which to extract URL mentions * @param string $preMention Character(s) that signals a mention ('@', '!'...) * @return array The matching URLs (without @ or acct:) and each respective position in the given string. * @example.com/mublog/user * */ public static function extractUrlMentions(string $text, string $preMention = '@'): array { $wmatches = []; // In the regexp below we need to match / _before_ URL_REGEX_VALID_PATH_CHARS because it otherwise gets merged // with the TLD before (but / is in URL_REGEX_VALID_PATH_CHARS anyway, it's just its positioning that is important) $result = preg_match_all( '/(?:^|\s+)' . preg_quote($preMention, '/') . '(' . URL_REGEX_DOMAIN_NAME . '(?:\/[' . URL_REGEX_VALID_PATH_CHARS . ']*)*)/', $text, $wmatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); if ($result === false) { Log::error(__METHOD__ . ': Error parsing profile URL mentions from text (preg_last_error==' . preg_last_error() . ').'); return []; } elseif (count($wmatches)) { Log::debug((sprintf('Found %d matches for profile URL mentions: %s', count($wmatches), print_r($wmatches, true)))); } return $wmatches[1]; } /** * Find any explicit remote mentions. Accepted forms: * Webfinger: @user@example.com * Profile link: @param Actor $sender * @param string $text input markup text * @param $mentions * @return bool hook return value * @example.com/mublog/user */ public function onEndFindMentions(Actor $sender, string $text, array &$mentions): bool { $matches = []; foreach (self::extractWebfingerIds($text, '@') as $wmatch) { list($target, $pos) = $wmatch; Log::info("Checking webfinger person '$target'"); $profile = null; try { $aprofile = ActivitypubActor::getByAddr($target); $profile = Actor::getById($aprofile->getActorId()); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error("Webfinger check failed: " . $e->getMessage()); continue; } assert($profile instanceof Actor); $displayName = $profile->getFullname() ?? $profile->getNickname() ?? $target; // TODO: we could do getBestName() or getFullname() here $matches[$pos] = [ 'mentioned' => [$profile], 'type' => 'mention', 'text' => $displayName, 'position' => $pos, 'length' => mb_strlen($target), 'url' => $aprofile->getUri() ]; } foreach (self::extractUrlMentions($text) as $wmatch) { list($target, $pos) = $wmatch; $schemes = array('https', 'http'); foreach ($schemes as $scheme) { $url = "$scheme://$target"; Log::info("Checking profile address '$url'"); try { $aprofile = ActivitypubActor::fromUri($url); $profile = Actor::getById($aprofile->getActorId()); $displayName = $profile->getFullname() ?? $profile->getNickname() ?? $target; // TODO: we could do getBestName() or getFullname() here $matches[$pos] = ['mentioned' => [$profile], 'type' => 'mention', 'text' => $displayName, 'position' => $pos, 'length' => mb_strlen($target), 'url' => $aprofile->getUri() ]; break; } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error("Profile check failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } } } foreach ($mentions as $i => $other) { // If we share a common prefix with a local user, override it! $pos = $other['position']; if (isset($matches[$pos])) { $mentions[$i] = $matches[$pos]; unset($matches[$pos]); } } foreach ($matches as $mention) { $mentions[] = $mention; } return Event::next; } /** * Allow remote profile references to be used in commands: * sub update@status.net * whois evan@identi.ca * reply http://identi.ca/evan hey what's up * * @param Command $command * @param string $arg * @param Actor &$profile * @return bool hook return code * @author GNU social */ //public function onStartCommandGetProfile($command, $arg, &$profile) //{ // $aprofile = ActivitypubActor::fromUri($arg); // if (!($aprofile instanceof ActivitypubActor)) { // // No remote ActivityPub profile found // return Event::next; // } // // return Event::stop; //} /******************************************************** * Discovery Events * ********************************************************/ /** * Profile from URI. * * @param string $uri * @param Actor &$profile in/out param: Profile got from URI * @return mixed hook return code * @author GNU social */ //public function onStartGetProfileFromURI($uri, &$profile) //{ // try { // $profile = Explorer::get_profile_from_url($uri); // return Event::stop; // } catch (Exception) { // return Event::next; // It's not an ActivityPub profile as far as we know, continue event handling // } //} /** * Try to grab and store the remote profile by the given uri * * @param string $uri * @param Actor|null &$profile * @return bool */ //public function onRemoteFollowPullProfile(string $uri, ?Actor &$profile): bool //{ // $aprofile = ActivitypubActor::fromUri($uri); // if (!($aprofile instanceof ActivitypubActor)) { // // No remote ActivityPub profile found // return Event::next; // } // // return is_null($profile) ? Event::next : Event::stop; //} }