array( 'tagger' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'user making the tag'), 'tagged' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'profile tagged'), 'tag' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'hash tag associated with this notice'), 'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date the tag was added'), ), 'primary key' => array('tagger', 'tagged', 'tag'), 'foreign keys' => array( 'profile_tag_tagger_fkey' => array('profile', array('tagger' => 'id')), 'profile_tag_tagged_fkey' => array('profile', array('tagged' => 'id')), 'profile_tag_tag_fkey' => array('profile_list', array('tag' => 'tag')), ), 'indexes' => array( 'profile_tag_modified_idx' => array('modified'), 'profile_tag_tagger_tag_idx' => array('tagger', 'tag'), 'profile_tag_tagged_idx' => array('tagged'), ), ); } function pkeyGet($kv) { return Memcached_DataObject::pkeyGet('Profile_tag', $kv); } function links() { return array('tagger,tag' => 'profile_list:tagger,tag'); } function getMeta() { return Profile_list::pkeyGet(array('tagger' => $this->tagger, 'tag' => $this->tag)); } static function getTags($tagger, $tagged, $auth_user=null) { $profile_list = new Profile_list(); $include_priv = 1; if (!($auth_user instanceof User || $auth_user instanceof Profile) || ($auth_user->id !== $tagger)) { $profile_list->private = false; $include_priv = 0; } $key = sprintf('profile_tag:tagger_tagged_privacy:%d-%d-%d', $tagger, $tagged, $include_priv); $tags = Profile_list::getCached($key); if ($tags !== false) { return $tags; } $qry = 'select profile_list.* from profile_list left join '. 'profile_tag on (profile_list.tag = profile_tag.tag and '. 'profile_list.tagger = profile_tag.tagger) where '. 'profile_tag.tagger = %d and profile_tag.tagged = %d '; $qry = sprintf($qry, $tagger, $tagged); if (!$include_priv) { $qry .= ' and profile_list.private = 0'; } $profile_list->query($qry); Profile_list::setCache($key, $profile_list); return $profile_list; } static function getTagsArray($tagger, $tagged, $auth_user_id=null) { $ptag = new Profile_tag(); $qry = sprintf('select profile_tag.tag '. 'from profile_tag join profile_list '. ' on (profile_tag.tagger = profile_list.tagger ' . ' and profile_tag.tag = profile_list.tag) ' . 'where profile_tag.tagger = %d ' . 'and profile_tag.tagged = %d ', $tagger, $tagged); if ($auth_user_id != $tagger) { $qry .= 'and profile_list.private = 0'; } $tags = array(); $ptag->query($qry); while ($ptag->fetch()) { $tags[] = $ptag->tag; } return $tags; } static function setTags($tagger, $tagged, $newtags, $privacy=array()) { $newtags = array_unique($newtags); $oldtags = self::getTagsArray($tagger, $tagged, $tagger); $ptag = new Profile_tag(); // Delete stuff that's in old and not in new $to_delete = array_diff($oldtags, $newtags); // Insert stuff that's in new and not in old $to_insert = array_diff($newtags, $oldtags); foreach ($to_delete as $deltag) { self::unTag($tagger, $tagged, $deltag); } foreach ($to_insert as $instag) { $private = isset($privacy[$instag]) ? $privacy[$instag] : false; self::setTag($tagger, $tagged, $instag, null, $private); } return true; } # set a single tag static function setTag($tagger, $tagged, $tag, $desc=null, $private=false) { $ptag = Profile_tag::pkeyGet(array('tagger' => $tagger, 'tagged' => $tagged, 'tag' => $tag)); # if tag already exists, return it if(!empty($ptag)) { return $ptag; } $tagger_profile = Profile::staticGet('id', $tagger); $tagged_profile = Profile::staticGet('id', $tagged); if (Event::handle('StartTagProfile', array($tagger_profile, $tagged_profile, $tag))) { if (!$tagger_profile->canTag($tagged_profile)) { // TRANS: Client exception thrown trying to set a tag for a user that cannot be tagged. throw new ClientException(_('You cannot tag this user.')); return false; } $tags = new Profile_list(); $tags->tagger = $tagger; $count = (int) $tags->count('distinct tag'); if ($count >= common_config('peopletag', 'maxtags')) { // TRANS: Client exception thrown trying to set more tags than allowed. throw new ClientException(sprintf(_('You already have created %d or more tags ' . 'which is the maximum allowed number of tags. ' . 'Try using or deleting some existing tags.'), common_config('peopletag', 'maxtags'))); return false; } $plist = new Profile_list(); $plist->query('BEGIN'); $profile_list = Profile_list::ensureTag($tagger, $tag, $desc, $private); if ($profile_list->taggedCount() >= common_config('peopletag', 'maxpeople')) { // TRANS: Client exception thrown when trying to add more people than allowed to a list. throw new ClientException(sprintf(_('You already have %1$d or more people in list %2$s, ' . 'which is the maximum allowed number. ' . 'Try unlisting others first.'), common_config('peopletag', 'maxpeople'), $tag)); return false; } $newtag = new Profile_tag(); $newtag->tagger = $tagger; $newtag->tagged = $tagged; $newtag->tag = $tag; $result = $newtag->insert(); if (!$result) { common_log_db_error($newtag, 'INSERT', __FILE__); return false; } try { $plist->query('COMMIT'); Event::handle('EndTagProfile', array($newtag)); } catch (Exception $e) { $newtag->delete(); $profile_list->delete(); throw $e; return false; } $profile_list->taggedCount(true); self::blowCaches($tagger, $tagged); } return $newtag; } static function unTag($tagger, $tagged, $tag) { $ptag = Profile_tag::pkeyGet(array('tagger' => $tagger, 'tagged' => $tagged, 'tag' => $tag)); if (!$ptag) { return true; } if (Event::handle('StartUntagProfile', array($ptag))) { $orig = clone($ptag); $result = $ptag->delete(); if (!$result) { common_log_db_error($this, 'DELETE', __FILE__); return false; } Event::handle('EndUntagProfile', array($orig)); if ($result) { $profile_list = Profile_list::pkeyGet(array('tag' => $tag, 'tagger' => $tagger)); if (!empty($profile_list)) { $profile_list->taggedCount(true); } self::blowCaches($tagger, $tagged); return true; } return false; } } // @fixme: move this to Profile_list? static function cleanup($profile_list) { $ptag = new Profile_tag(); $ptag->tagger = $profile_list->tagger; $ptag->tag = $profile_list->tag; $ptag->find(); while($ptag->fetch()) { if (Event::handle('StartUntagProfile', array($ptag))) { $orig = clone($ptag); $result = $ptag->delete(); if (!$result) { common_log_db_error($this, 'DELETE', __FILE__); } Event::handle('EndUntagProfile', array($orig)); } } } // move a tag! static function moveTag($orig, $new) { $tags = new Profile_tag(); $qry = 'UPDATE profile_tag SET ' . 'tag = "%s", tagger = "%s" ' . 'WHERE tag = "%s" ' . 'AND tagger = "%s"'; $result = $tags->query(sprintf($qry, $tags->escape($new->tag), $tags->escape($new->tagger), $tags->escape($orig->tag), $tags->escape($orig->tagger))); if (!$result) { common_log_db_error($tags, 'UPDATE', __FILE__); return false; } return true; } static function blowCaches($tagger, $tagged) { foreach (array(0, 1) as $perm) { self::blow(sprintf('profile_tag:tagger_tagged_privacy:%d-%d-%d', $tagger, $tagged, $perm)); } return true; } // Return profiles with a given tag static function getTagged($tagger, $tag) { $profile = new Profile(); $profile->query('SELECT profile.* ' . 'FROM profile JOIN profile_tag ' . 'ON = profile_tag.tagged ' . 'WHERE profile_tag.tagger = ' . $tagger . ' ' . 'AND profile_tag.tag = "' . $tag . '" '); $tagged = array(); while ($profile->fetch()) { $tagged[] = clone($profile); } return true; } function insert() { $result = parent::insert(); if ($result) { self::blow('profile_list:tagged_count:%d:%s', $this->tagger, $this->tag); } return $result; } function delete() { $result = parent::delete(); if ($result) { self::blow('profile_list:tagged_count:%d:%s', $this->tagger, $this->tag); } return $result; } }