. // }}} namespace Plugin\TagBasedFiltering\Controller; use App\Core\Cache; use App\Core\Controller; use App\Core\DB\DB; use App\Core\Form; use function App\Core\I18n\_m; use App\Entity\Actor; use App\Entity\ActorTag; use App\Entity\ActorTagBlock; use App\Entity\Language; use App\Entity\Note; use App\Entity\NoteTag; use App\Entity\NoteTagBlock; use App\Util\Common; use App\Util\Exception\RedirectException; use Component\Tag\Tag; use Functional as F; use Plugin\TagBasedFiltering\TagBasedFiltering as TagFilerPlugin; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType; use Symfony\Component\Form\SubmitButton; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; class AddBlocked extends Controller { /** * Edit the blocked tags of $type_name for target with ID $id. Handles both actor and note tags */ private function addBlocked( Request $request, string $type_name, callable $calculate_target, callable $calculate_blocks, callable $calculate_tags, ?string $label, string $block_class, ) { $user = Common::ensureLoggedIn(); $target = $calculate_target(); $tag_blocks = $calculate_blocks($user); $blockable_tags = $calculate_tags($tag_blocks); $form_definition = []; foreach ($blockable_tags as $nt) { $canon = $nt->getCanonical(); $form_definition[] = ["{$canon}:tag", TextType::class, ['data' => '#' . $nt->getTag(), 'label' => ' ']]; $form_definition[] = ["{$canon}:use-canon", CheckboxType::class, ['label' => _m('Use canonical'), 'help' => _m('Block all similar tags'), 'required' => false, 'data' => true]]; $form_definition[] = ["{$canon}:add", SubmitType::class, ['label' => _m('Block')]]; } $form = null; if (!empty($form_definition)) { $form = Form::create($form_definition); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { $data = $form->getData(); foreach ($form_definition as [$id, $_, $opts]) { [$canon, $type] = explode(':', $id); if ($type === 'add') { /** @var SubmitButton $button */ $button = $form->get($id); if ($button->isClicked()) { Cache::delete($block_class::cacheKey($user->getId())); Cache::delete(TagFilerPlugin::cacheKeys($user->getId())[$type_name]); $new_tag = Tag::ensureValid($data[$canon . ':tag']); $language = $target instanceof Note ? Language::getByNote($target)->getLocale() : $user->getActor()->getTopLanguage()->getLocale(); $canonical_tag = Tag::canonicalTag($new_tag, $language); DB::persist($block_class::create([ 'blocker' => $user->getId(), 'tag' => $new_tag, 'canonical' => $canonical_tag, 'use_canonical' => $data[$canon . ':use-canon'], ])); DB::flush(); throw new RedirectException; } } } } } return [ '_template' => 'tag_based_filtering/add_blocked.html.twig', 'type' => $type_name, $type_name => $target, 'tags_form' => $form?->createView(), 'label' => $label, ]; } /** * Edit the user's list of blocked note tags, with the option of adding the notes from the note $note_id, if given */ public function addBlockedNoteTags(Request $request, int $note_id) { return self::addBlocked( request: $request, type_name: 'note', calculate_target: fn () => Note::getById($note_id), calculate_blocks: fn ($user) => NoteTagBlock::getByActorId($user->getId()), calculate_tags: fn ($blocks) => F\reject( NoteTag::getByNoteId($note_id), fn (NoteTag $nt) => NoteTagBlock::checkBlocksNoteTag($nt, $blocks), ), label: _m('Tags in the note above:'), block_class: NoteTagBlock::class, ); } public function addBlockedActorTags(Request $request, int $actor_id) { return self::addBlocked( request: $request, type_name: 'actor', calculate_target: fn () => Actor::getById($actor_id), calculate_blocks: fn ($user) => ActorTagBlock::getByActorId($user->getId()), calculate_tags: fn ($blocks) => F\reject( ActorTag::getByActorId($actor_id), fn (ActorTag $nt) => ActorTagBlock::checkBlocksActorTag($nt, $blocks), ), label: _m('Tags of the account above:'), block_class: ActorTagBlock::class, ); } }