. * * @category Widget * @package GNU Social * @author Ian Denhardt * @copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { exit(1); } class PhotosAction extends Action { var $user = null; function prepare($args) { parent::prepare($args); $this->user = common_current_user(); common_log(LOG_INFO, "finishing prepare. user : "); common_log(LOG_INFO, $this->user->nickname); return true; } function handle($args) { parent::handle($args); $this->showPage(); } function title() { if (empty($this->user)) { return _m('Hello'); } else { return sprintf(_m('Hello, %s'), $this->user->nickname); } } function showContent() { common_log(LOG_INFO, "getting to show content.\n"); if (empty($this->user)) { // TODO: should just redirect to the login page. $this->element('p', array(), 'You are not logged in'); } else { common_log(LOG_INFO, 'fileroot : ' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/file/'); $dir = opendir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/file/'); if ($dir === false) { $err = error_get_last(); common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Error opening dir : ' . $err['message']); return; } $args = $this->returnToArgs(); foreach (array_keys($args) as $key) { common_log(LOG_INFO, $key . ' => ' . $args[$key]); if (is_array($args[$key])) { foreach (array_keys($args[$key]) as $skey) { common_log(LOG_INFO, ' ' . $skey . ' => ' . $args[$key][$skey]); } } } $pathparts = explode('/', $args[1]['nickname']); $username = $pathparts[0]; $this->elementStart('ul', array('class' => 'photothumbs')); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { $fparts = explode('-', $file); if ($fparts[0] == $username // uploaded by this user && ((substr($file, -4) == '.png') || (substr($file, -4) == '.jpg') // XXX: is this needed? status.net seems to save jpgs as .jpeg || (substr($file, -5) == '.jpeg') || (substr($file, -4) == '.gif'))) { // and it's an image common_log(LOG_INFO, 'file : ' . $file); $this->elementStart('li'); $this->elementStart('a', array('href' => 'http://' . common_config('site', 'server') . '/file/' . $file)); if (!file_exists(INSTALLDIR . '/file/thumb.' . $file)) { $this->makeThumb($file); } $this->element('img', array('src' => 'http://' . common_config('site', 'server') . '/file/' . 'thumb.' . $file)); $this->elementEnd('a'); $this->elementEnd('li'); } } $this->elementEnd('ul'); } } function makeThumb($filename) { $height_dest = 192; $width_dest = 256; if (substr($filename, -4) == '.jpg' || substr($filename, -5) == '.jpeg') { $image_src = imagecreatefromjpeg(INSTALLDIR . '/file/' . $filename); $image_type = IMAGETYPE_JPEG; } else if(substr($filename, -4) == '.png') { $image_src = imagecreatefrompng(INSTALLDIR . '/file/' . $filename); $image_type = IMAGETYPE_PNG; } else if(substr($filename, -4) == '.gif') { $image_src = imagecreatefromgif(INSTALLDIR . '/file/' . $filename); $image_type = IMAGETYPE_GIF; } else { return false; } $size_src = getimagesize(INSTALLDIR . '/file/' . $filename); $width_src = $size_src[0]; $height_src = $size_src[1]; $ratio_src = (float) $width_src / (float) $height_src; $ratio_dest = (float) $width_dest / (float) $height_dest; if ($ratio_src > $ratio_dest) { $height_crop = $height_src; $width_crop = (int)($height_crop * $ratio_dest); $x_crop = ($width_src - $width_crop) / 2; } else { $width_crop = $width_src; $height_crop = (int)($width_crop / $ratio_dest); $x_crop = 0; } $image_dest = imagecreatetruecolor($width_dest, $height_dest); imagecopyresampled($image_dest, $image_src, 0, 0, $x_crop, 0, $width_dest, $height_dest, $width_crop, $height_crop); switch ($image_type) { case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: imagejpeg($image_dest, INSTALLDIR . '/file/' . 'thumb.' . $filename, 100); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: imagepng($image_dest, INSTALLDIR . '/file/thumb.' . $filename); break; case IMAGETYPE_GIF: imagegif($image_dest, INSTALLDIR . '/file/thumb.' . $filename); break; } imagedestroy($image_src); imagedestroy($image_dest); return true; } }