'Sensitive Content', 'version' => self::PLUGIN_VERSION, 'author' => 'MoonMan', 'homepage' => 'https://gitgud.io/ShitposterClub/SensitiveContent/', 'description' => _m('Mark, hide/show sensitive notices like on Twitter.')); return true; } static function settings($setting) { $settings['blockerimage'] = Plugin::staticPath('SensitiveContent', '').'img/blocker.png'; $settings['hideforvisitors'] = false; $configphpsettings = common_config('site','sensitivecontent') ?: array(); foreach($configphpsettings as $configphpsetting=>$value) { $settings[$configphpsetting] = $value; } if(isset($settings[$setting])) { return $settings[$setting]; } else FALSE; } function onNoticeSimpleStatusArray($notice, &$twitter_status, $scoped) { $twitter_status['tags'] = $notice->getTags(); } function onTwitterUserArray($profile, &$twitter_user, $scoped) { if ($scoped instanceof Profile && $scoped->sameAs($profile)) { $twitter_user['hide_sensitive'] = $this->getHideSensitive($scoped); } } public function onRouterInitialized(URLMapper $m) { $m->connect('settings/sensitivecontent', ['action' => 'sensitivecontentsettings']); } function onEndAccountSettingsNav($action) { $action->menuItem(common_local_url('sensitivecontentsettings'), _m('MENU', 'Sensitive Content'), _m('Settings for display of sensitive content.')); return true; } public function onQvitterEndShowHeadElements(Action $action) { $blocker = static::settings('blockerimage'); common_log( LOG_DEBUG, "SENSITIVECONTENT " . $blocker ); $styles = <<style($styles); } function onQvitterEndShowScripts(Action $action) { $action->script( Plugin::staticPath('SensitiveContent', '').'js/sensitivecontent.js' ); } function onEndShowStyles(Action $action) { $blocker = static::settings('blockerimage'); $styles = << footer > .attachments > .inline-attachment > .attachment-wrapper > .sensitive-blocker { display: none; } html[data-hidesensitive='true'] .tagcontainer.data-tag-nsfw > footer > .attachments > .inline-attachment > .attachment-wrapper > .sensitive-blocker { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; z-index: 100; /*background-color: #d4baba;*/ background-color: black; background-image: url($blocker); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-size: contain; transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out; } html[data-hidesensitive='true'] .tagcontainer.data-tag-nsfw > footer > .attachments > .inline-attachment > .attachment-wrapper > .sensitive-blocker.reveal { opacity: 0; } EOB; $action->style($styles); } function onStartShowAttachmentRepresentation($out, $file) { $classes = "sensitive-blocker"; //'sensitive-blocker'; $thumbnail = null; try { $thumbnail = $file->getThumbnail(); } catch (Exception $e) { $thumbnail = null; } $thumb_width_css = $thumbnail ? $thumbnail->width . 'px' : '100%'; $thumb_height_css = $thumbnail ? $thumbnail->height . 'px' : '100%'; $out->elementStart('div', array( 'class' => 'attachment-wrapper', 'style' => "height: {$thumb_height_css}; width: {$thumb_width_css};", )); /*needs height of thumb*/ $out->elementStart('div', array( 'class' => $classes, 'onclick' => 'toggleSpoiler(event)', 'style' => "height: {$thumb_height_css}; width: {$thumb_width_css};", )); $out->raw(' '); $out->elementEnd('div'); } function onEndShowAttachmentRepresentation($out, $file) { $out->elementEnd('div'); } function onEndShowScripts(Action $action) { $profile = $action->getScoped(); $hidesensitive = $this->getHideSetting($profile); $hidesensitive_string = $hidesensitive ? "true" : "false"; $inline = <<inlineScript($inline); } function onEndOpenNoticeListItemElement(NoticeListItem $nli) { $rawtags = $nli->getNotice()->getTags(); $classes = "tagcontainer"; foreach($rawtags as $tag) { $classes = $classes . ' data-tag-' . $tag; } $nli->elementStart('span', array('class' => $classes)); //$nli->elementEnd('span'); } function onStartCloseNoticeListItemElement(NoticeListItem $nli) { $nli->elementEnd('span'); } function onStartHtmlElement($action, &$attrs) { $profile = Profile::current(); $hidesensitive = $this->getHideSetting($profile); $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array('data-hidesensitive' => ($hidesensitive ? "true" : "false")) ); } function getHideSetting($profile) { if (isset($profile) && $profile instanceof Profile) { return $this->getHideSensitive($profile); } else { return static::settings('hideforvisitors'); } } function getHideSensitive($profile) { $c = Cache::instance(); /* if (!empty($c)) { $hidesensitive = $c->get(Cache::key('profile:hide_sensitive:'.$profile->id)); if (is_numeric($hidesensitive)) { return (boolean) $hidesensitive; } else return FALSE; } */ $hidesensitive = $profile->getPref('MoonMan', 'hide_sensitive', '0'); if (!empty($c)) { //not using it yet. $c->set(Cache::key('profile:hide_sensitive:'.$profile->id), $hidesensitive); } //common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "SENSITIVECONTENT hidesensitive? id " . $profile->id . " value " . (boolean)$hidesensitive ); if (is_null($hidesensitive)) { return FALSE; } else if (is_numeric($hidesensitive)) { return (boolean) $hidesensitive; } else return FALSE; } }