'); define('normal_pat', '

Do you wish to confirm your identity ' . '(%s) with %s?

'); define('id_select_pat', '

You entered the server URL at the RP. Please choose the name you wish to use. If you enter nothing, the request will be cancelled.

'); define('no_id_pat', ' You did not send an identifier with the request, and it was not an identifier selection request. Please return to the relying party and try again. '); function trust_render($info) { $current_user = getLoggedInUser(); $lnk = link_render(idURL($current_user)); $trust_root = htmlspecialchars($info->trust_root); $trust_url = buildURL('trust', true); if ($info->idSelect()) { $prompt = id_select_pat; } else { $prompt = sprintf(normal_pat, $lnk, $trust_root); } $form = sprintf(trust_form_pat, $trust_url, $prompt); return page_render($form, $current_user, 'Trust This Site'); } function noIdentifier_render() { return page_render(no_id_pat, null, 'No Identifier Sent'); } ?>