. // }}} namespace Component\Search\Controller; use App\Core\Controller\FeedController; use App\Core\DB\DB; use App\Core\Event; use App\Core\Form; use function App\Core\I18n\_m; use App\Util\Common; use App\Util\Exception\BugFoundException; use App\Util\Exception\RedirectException; use App\Util\Form\FormFields; use Component\Search as Comp; use Component\Search\Util\Parser; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; class Search extends FeedController { /** * Handle a search query */ public function handle(Request $request) { $actor = Common::actor(); $language = !\is_null($actor) ? $actor->getTopLanguage()->getLocale() : null; $q = $this->string('q'); [$note_criteria, $actor_criteria] = Parser::parse($q, $language); $note_qb = DB::createQueryBuilder(); $actor_qb = DB::createQueryBuilder(); $note_qb->select('note')->from('App\Entity\Note', 'note')->orderBy('note.created', 'DESC'); $actor_qb->select('actor')->from('App\Entity\Actor', 'actor')->orderBy('actor.created', 'DESC'); Event::handle('SearchQueryAddJoins', [&$note_qb, &$actor_qb]); $notes = $actors = []; if (!\is_null($note_criteria)) { $note_qb->addCriteria($note_criteria); $notes = $note_qb->getQuery()->execute(); } if (!\is_null($actor_criteria)) { $actor_qb->addCriteria($actor_criteria); $actors = $actor_qb->getQuery()->execute(); } $search_builder_form = Form::create([ /* note-langs */ FormFields::language($actor, context_actor: null, label: _m('Search for notes in these languages'), multiple: true, required: false, use_short_display: false, form_id: 'note-langs', use_no_selection: true), ['note-tags', TextType::class, ['required' => false, 'label' => _m('Include only notes with all the following tags')]], /* note-actor-langs */ FormFields::language($actor, context_actor: null, label: _m('Search for notes by people who know these languages'), multiple: true, required: false, use_short_display: false, form_id: 'note-actor-langs', use_no_selection: true), ['note-actor-tags', TextType::class, ['required' => false, 'label' => _m('Include only notes by people with all the following tags')]], /* actor-langs */ FormFields::language($actor, context_actor: null, label: _m('Search for people that know these languages'), multiple: true, required: false, use_short_display: false, form_id: 'actor-langs', use_no_selection: true), ['actor-tags', TextType::class, ['required' => false, 'label' => _m('Include only people with all the following tags')]], [$form_name = 'search_builder', SubmitType::class, ['label' => _m('Search')]], ]); if ('POST' === $request->getMethod() && $request->request->has($form_name)) { $search_builder_form->handleRequest($request); if ($search_builder_form->isSubmitted() && $search_builder_form->isValid()) { $data = $search_builder_form->getData(); $query = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!\is_null($value) && !empty($value)) { if (str_contains($key, 'tags')) { $query[] = "{$key}:#{$value}"; } elseif (str_contains($key, 'lang')) { if (!\in_array('null', $value)) { $langs = implode(',', $value); $query[] = "{$key}:{$langs}"; } } else { throw new BugFoundException('Search form seems to have new fields the code did not expect'); } } } $query = implode(' ', $query); throw new RedirectException('search', ['q' => $query]); } } return [ '_template' => 'search/show.html.twig', 'search_form' => Comp\Search::searchForm($request, $q), 'search_builder_form' => $search_builder_form->createView(), 'notes' => $notes, 'actors' => $actors, 'page' => 1, // TODO paginate ]; } }