parameters: level: 6 tmpDir: /var/www/social/var/cache/phpstan inferPrivatePropertyTypeFromConstructor: true bootstrapFiles: - config/bootstrap.php paths: - src - tests - components - plugins excludePaths: - plugins/ActivityPub - plugins/Poll - components/FreeNetwork - tests/CodeCeption/_support/ earlyTerminatingMethodCalls: App\Core\Log: - unexpected_exception typeAliases: ControllerResultType: '(array{_template: string} | array{_redirect: string}) & array' CacheKeysType: 'array' SettingsTabsType: 'array' OrderByType: "'ASC' | 'DESC' | 'asc' | 'desc'" ModuleVersionType: 'array{name: string, version: string, author: string, rawdescription: string}' ignoreErrors: - message: '/Access to an undefined property App\\Util\\Bitmap::\$\w+/' paths: - * - message: '/^Property App\\PHPStan\\ClassFromTableNameDynamicStaticMethodReturnTypeExtension::\$provider is never read, only written\./' path: src/PHPStan/ClassFromTableNameDynamicStaticMethodReturnTypeExtension.php - message: '/Parameter \$I of method [a-zA-Z]+::[a-zA-Z_]+\(\) has invalid type AcceptanceTester\./' paths: - * - message: '/Call to method [a-zA-Z]+\(\) on an unknown class AcceptanceTester\./' paths: - * - message: '/::onCollectionQueryCreateExpression\(\) has parameter \$(actor|note)_expr with no type specified\./' paths: - * - message: '/::schemaDef\(\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\./' paths: - * - message: '/has no return type specified\./' paths: - * - message: '/with no value type specified in iterable type (array|iterable)\.|type has no value type specified in iterable type (array|iterable)\./' paths: - * - message: '/never returns array{_redirect: string} so it can be removed from the return type\./' paths: - * - message: '/but returns array\|string>\./' paths: - plugins/AttachmentCollections/Controller/AttachmentCollections.php - plugins/Bundles/Controller/BundleCollection.php - message: '/has parameter \$.+ with no type specified./' paths: - tests/* services: - class: App\PHPStan\ClassFromTableNameDynamicStaticMethodReturnTypeExtension tags: - - class: App\PHPStan\GNUsocialProvider