. */ /* XXX: break up into separate modules (HTTP, user, files) */ /** * Show a server error. */ function common_server_error($msg, $code=500) { $err = new ServerErrorAction($msg, $code); $err->showPage(); } /** * Show a user error. */ function common_user_error($msg, $code=400) { $err = new ClientErrorAction($msg, $code); $err->showPage(); } /** * This should only be used at setup; processes switching languages * to send text to other users should use common_switch_locale(). * * @param string $language Locale language code (optional; empty uses * current user's preference or site default) * @return mixed success */ function common_init_locale($language=null) { if(!$language) { $language = common_language(); } putenv('LANGUAGE='.$language); putenv('LANG='.$language); $ok = setlocale(LC_ALL, $language . ".utf8", $language . ".UTF8", $language . ".utf-8", $language . ".UTF-8", $language); return $ok; } /** * Initialize locale and charset settings and gettext with our message catalog, * using the current user's language preference or the site default. * * This should generally only be run at framework initialization; code switching * languages at runtime should call common_switch_language(). * * @access private */ function common_init_language() { mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); // Note that this setlocale() call may "fail" but this is harmless; // gettext will still select the right language. $language = common_language(); $locale_set = common_init_locale($language); if (!$locale_set) { // The requested locale doesn't exist on the system. // // gettext seems very picky... We first need to setlocale() // to a locale which _does_ exist on the system, and _then_ // we can set in another locale that may not be set up // (say, ga_ES for Galego/Galician) it seems to take it. // // For some reason C and POSIX which are guaranteed to work // don't do the job. en_US.UTF-8 should be there most of the // time, but not guaranteed. $ok = common_init_locale("en_US"); if (!$ok && strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) != 'win') { // Try to find a complete, working locale on Unix/Linux... // @fixme shelling out feels awfully inefficient // but I don't think there's a more standard way. $all = `locale -a`; foreach (explode("\n", $all) as $locale) { if (preg_match('/\.utf[-_]?8$/i', $locale)) { $ok = setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale); if ($ok) { break; } } } } if (!$ok) { common_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to find a UTF-8 locale on this system; UI translations may not work."); } $locale_set = common_init_locale($language); } common_init_gettext(); } /** * @access private */ function common_init_gettext() { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C'); // So we do not have to make people install the gettext locales $path = common_config('site','locale_path'); bindtextdomain("statusnet", $path); bind_textdomain_codeset("statusnet", "UTF-8"); textdomain("statusnet"); } /** * Switch locale during runtime, and poke gettext until it cries uncle. * Otherwise, sometimes it doesn't actually switch away from the old language. * * @param string $language code for locale ('en', 'fr', 'pt_BR' etc) */ function common_switch_locale($language=null) { common_init_locale($language); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C'); // So we do not have to make people install the gettext locales $path = common_config('site','locale_path'); bindtextdomain("statusnet", $path); bind_textdomain_codeset("statusnet", "UTF-8"); textdomain("statusnet"); } function common_timezone() { if (common_logged_in()) { $user = common_current_user(); if ($user->timezone) { return $user->timezone; } } return common_config('site', 'timezone'); } function common_valid_language($lang) { if ($lang) { // Validate -- we don't want to end up with a bogus code // left over from some old junk. foreach (common_config('site', 'languages') as $code => $info) { if ($info['lang'] == $lang) { return true; } } } return false; } function common_language() { // Allow ?uselang=xx override, very useful for debugging // and helping translators check usage and context. if (isset($_GET['uselang'])) { $uselang = strval($_GET['uselang']); if (common_valid_language($uselang)) { return $uselang; } } // If there is a user logged in and they've set a language preference // then return that one... if (_have_config() && common_logged_in()) { $user = common_current_user(); if (common_valid_language($user->language)) { return $user->language; } } // Otherwise, find the best match for the languages requested by the // user's browser... if (common_config('site', 'langdetect')) { $httplang = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] : null; if (!empty($httplang)) { $language = client_prefered_language($httplang); if ($language) return $language; } } // Finally, if none of the above worked, use the site's default... return common_config('site', 'language'); } /** * Salted, hashed passwords are stored in the DB. */ function common_munge_password($password, $id, Profile $profile=null) { $hashed = null; if (Event::handle('StartHashPassword', array(&$hashed, $password, $profile))) { Event::handle('EndHashPassword', array(&$hashed, $password, $profile)); } if (empty($hashed)) { throw new PasswordHashException(); } return $hashed; } /** * Check if a username exists and has matching password. */ function common_check_user($nickname, $password) { // empty nickname always unacceptable if (empty($nickname)) { return false; } $authenticatedUser = false; if (Event::handle('StartCheckPassword', array($nickname, $password, &$authenticatedUser))) { if (common_is_email($nickname)) { $user = User::getKV('email', common_canonical_email($nickname)); } else { $user = User::getKV('nickname', Nickname::normalize($nickname)); } if (!empty($user)) { if (!empty($password)) { // never allow login with blank password if (0 == strcmp(common_munge_password($password, $user->id), $user->password)) { //internal checking passed $authenticatedUser = $user; } } } Event::handle('EndCheckPassword', array($nickname, $password, $authenticatedUser)); } return $authenticatedUser; } /** * Is the current user logged in? */ function common_logged_in() { return (!is_null(common_current_user())); } function common_have_session() { return (0 != strcmp(session_id(), '')); } function common_ensure_session() { $c = null; if (array_key_exists(session_name(), $_COOKIE)) { $c = $_COOKIE[session_name()]; } if (!common_have_session()) { if (common_config('sessions', 'handle')) { Session::setSaveHandler(); } if (array_key_exists(session_name(), $_GET)) { $id = $_GET[session_name()]; } else if (array_key_exists(session_name(), $_COOKIE)) { $id = $_COOKIE[session_name()]; } if (isset($id)) { session_id($id); } @session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['started'])) { $_SESSION['started'] = time(); if (!empty($id)) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'Session cookie "' . $_COOKIE[session_name()] . '" ' . ' is set but started value is null'); } } } } // Three kinds of arguments: // 1) a user object // 2) a nickname // 3) null to clear // Initialize to false; set to null if none found $_cur = false; function common_set_user($user) { global $_cur; if (is_null($user) && common_have_session()) { $_cur = null; unset($_SESSION['userid']); return true; } else if (is_string($user)) { $nickname = $user; $user = User::getKV('nickname', $nickname); } else if (!($user instanceof User)) { return false; } if ($user) { if (Event::handle('StartSetUser', array(&$user))) { if (!empty($user)) { if (!$user->hasRight(Right::WEBLOGIN)) { // TRANS: Authorisation exception thrown when a user a not allowed to login. throw new AuthorizationException(_('Not allowed to log in.')); } common_ensure_session(); $_SESSION['userid'] = $user->id; $_cur = $user; Event::handle('EndSetUser', array($user)); return $_cur; } } } return false; } function common_set_cookie($key, $value, $expiration=0) { $path = common_config('site', 'path'); $server = common_config('site', 'server'); if ($path && ($path != '/')) { $cookiepath = '/' . $path . '/'; } else { $cookiepath = '/'; } return setcookie($key, $value, $expiration, $cookiepath, $server, common_config('site', 'ssl')=='always'); } define('REMEMBERME', 'rememberme'); define('REMEMBERME_EXPIRY', 30 * 24 * 60 * 60); // 30 days function common_rememberme($user=null) { if (!$user) { $user = common_current_user(); if (!$user) { return false; } } $rm = new Remember_me(); $rm->code = common_good_rand(16); $rm->user_id = $user->id; // Wrap the insert in some good ol' fashioned transaction code $rm->query('BEGIN'); $result = $rm->insert(); if (!$result) { common_log_db_error($rm, 'INSERT', __FILE__); return false; } $rm->query('COMMIT'); $cookieval = $rm->user_id . ':' . $rm->code; common_log(LOG_INFO, 'adding rememberme cookie "' . $cookieval . '" for ' . $user->nickname); common_set_cookie(REMEMBERME, $cookieval, time() + REMEMBERME_EXPIRY); return true; } function common_remembered_user() { $user = null; $packed = isset($_COOKIE[REMEMBERME]) ? $_COOKIE[REMEMBERME] : null; if (!$packed) { return null; } list($id, $code) = explode(':', $packed); if (!$id || !$code) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'Malformed rememberme cookie: ' . $packed); common_forgetme(); return null; } $rm = Remember_me::getKV('code', $code); if (!$rm) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'No such remember code: ' . $code); common_forgetme(); return null; } if ($rm->user_id != $id) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'Rememberme code for wrong user: ' . $rm->user_id . ' != ' . $id); common_forgetme(); return null; } $user = User::getKV('id', $rm->user_id); if (!$user) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'No such user for rememberme: ' . $rm->user_id); common_forgetme(); return null; } // successful! $result = $rm->delete(); if (!$result) { common_log_db_error($rm, 'DELETE', __FILE__); common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'Could not delete rememberme: ' . $code); common_forgetme(); return null; } common_log(LOG_INFO, 'logging in ' . $user->nickname . ' using rememberme code ' . $rm->code); common_set_user($user); common_real_login(false); // We issue a new cookie, so they can log in // automatically again after this session common_rememberme($user); return $user; } /** * must be called with a valid user! */ function common_forgetme() { common_set_cookie(REMEMBERME, '', 0); } /** * Who is the current user? */ function common_current_user() { global $_cur; if (!_have_config()) { return null; } if ($_cur === false) { if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()]) || isset($_GET[session_name()]) || (isset($_SESSION['userid']) && $_SESSION['userid'])) { common_ensure_session(); $id = isset($_SESSION['userid']) ? $_SESSION['userid'] : false; if ($id) { $user = User::getKV($id); if ($user) { $_cur = $user; return $_cur; } } } // that didn't work; try to remember; will init $_cur to null on failure $_cur = common_remembered_user(); if ($_cur) { // XXX: Is this necessary? $_SESSION['userid'] = $_cur->id; } } return $_cur; } /** * Logins that are 'remembered' aren't 'real' -- they're subject to * cookie-stealing. So, we don't let them do certain things. New reg, * OpenID, and password logins _are_ real. */ function common_real_login($real=true) { common_ensure_session(); $_SESSION['real_login'] = $real; } function common_is_real_login() { return common_logged_in() && $_SESSION['real_login']; } /** * Get a hash portion for HTTP caching Etags and such including * info on the current user's session. If login/logout state changes, * or we've changed accounts, or we've renamed the current user, * we'll get a new hash value. * * This should not be considered secure information. * * @param User $user (optional; uses common_current_user() if left out) * @return string */ function common_user_cache_hash($user=false) { if ($user === false) { $user = common_current_user(); } if ($user) { return crc32($user->id . ':' . $user->nickname); } else { return '0'; } } /** * get canonical version of nickname for comparison * * @param string $nickname * @return string * * @throws NicknameException on invalid input * @deprecated call Nickname::normalize() directly. */ function common_canonical_nickname($nickname) { return Nickname::normalize($nickname); } /** * get canonical version of email for comparison * * @fixme actually normalize * @fixme reject invalid input * * @param string $email * @return string */ function common_canonical_email($email) { // XXX: canonicalize UTF-8 // XXX: lcase the domain part return $email; } /** * Partial notice markup rendering step: build links to !group references. * * @param string $text partially rendered HTML * @param Notice $notice in whose context we're working * @return string partially rendered HTML */ function common_render_content($text, $notice) { $r = common_render_text($text); $id = $notice->profile_id; $r = common_linkify_mentions($r, $notice); $r = preg_replace_callback('/(^|[\s\.\,\:\;]+)!(' . Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT . ')/', function ($m) { return "{$m[1]}!".common_group_link($id, $m[2]); }, $r); return $r; } /** * Finds @-mentions within the partially-rendered text section and * turns them into live links. * * Should generally not be called except from common_render_content(). * * @param string $text partially-rendered HTML * @param Notice $notice in-progress or complete Notice object for context * @return string partially-rendered HTML */ function common_linkify_mentions($text, $notice) { $mentions = common_find_mentions($text, $notice); // We need to go through in reverse order by position, // so our positions stay valid despite our fudging with the // string! $points = array(); foreach ($mentions as $mention) { $points[$mention['position']] = $mention; } krsort($points); foreach ($points as $position => $mention) { $linkText = common_linkify_mention($mention); $text = substr_replace($text, $linkText, $position, mb_strlen($mention['text'])); } return $text; } function common_linkify_mention($mention) { $output = null; if (Event::handle('StartLinkifyMention', array($mention, &$output))) { $xs = new XMLStringer(false); $attrs = array('href' => $mention['url'], 'class' => 'url'); if (!empty($mention['title'])) { $attrs['title'] = $mention['title']; } $xs->elementStart('span', 'vcard'); $xs->elementStart('a', $attrs); $xs->element('span', 'fn nickname mention', $mention['text']); $xs->elementEnd('a'); $xs->elementEnd('span'); $output = $xs->getString(); Event::handle('EndLinkifyMention', array($mention, &$output)); } return $output; } /** * Find @-mentions in the given text, using the given notice object as context. * References will be resolved with common_relative_profile() against the user * who posted the notice. * * Note the return data format is internal, to be used for building links and * such. Should not be used directly; rather, call common_linkify_mentions(). * * @param string $text * @param Notice $notice notice in whose context we're building links * * @return array * * @access private */ function common_find_mentions($text, $notice) { $mentions = array(); $sender = Profile::getKV('id', $notice->profile_id); if (empty($sender)) { return $mentions; } if (Event::handle('StartFindMentions', array($sender, $text, &$mentions))) { // Get the context of the original notice, if any $originalAuthor = null; $originalNotice = null; $originalMentions = array(); // Is it a reply? if (!empty($notice) && !empty($notice->reply_to)) { $originalNotice = Notice::getKV('id', $notice->reply_to); if (!empty($originalNotice)) { $originalAuthor = Profile::getKV('id', $originalNotice->profile_id); $ids = $originalNotice->getReplies(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $repliedTo = Profile::getKV('id', $id); if (!empty($repliedTo)) { $originalMentions[$repliedTo->nickname] = $repliedTo; } } } } $matches = common_find_mentions_raw($text); foreach ($matches as $match) { try { $nickname = Nickname::normalize($match[0]); } catch (NicknameException $e) { // Bogus match? Drop it. continue; } // Try to get a profile for this nickname. // Start with conversation context, then go to // sender context. if (!empty($originalAuthor) && $originalAuthor->nickname == $nickname) { $mentioned = $originalAuthor; } else if (!empty($originalMentions) && array_key_exists($nickname, $originalMentions)) { $mentioned = $originalMentions[$nickname]; } else { $mentioned = common_relative_profile($sender, $nickname); } if (!empty($mentioned)) { $user = User::getKV('id', $mentioned->id); if ($user) { $url = common_local_url('userbyid', array('id' => $user->id)); } else { $url = $mentioned->profileurl; } $mention = array('mentioned' => array($mentioned), 'text' => $match[0], 'position' => $match[1], 'url' => $url); if (!empty($mentioned->fullname)) { $mention['title'] = $mentioned->fullname; } $mentions[] = $mention; } } // @#tag => mention of all subscriptions tagged 'tag' preg_match_all('/(?:^|[\s\.\,\:\;]+)@#([\pL\pN_\-\.]{1,64})/', $text, $hmatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); foreach ($hmatches[1] as $hmatch) { $tag = common_canonical_tag($hmatch[0]); $plist = Profile_list::getByTaggerAndTag($sender->id, $tag); if (!empty($plist) && !$plist->private) { $tagged = $sender->getTaggedSubscribers($tag); $url = common_local_url('showprofiletag', array('tagger' => $sender->nickname, 'tag' => $tag)); $mentions[] = array('mentioned' => $tagged, 'text' => $hmatch[0], 'position' => $hmatch[1], 'url' => $url); } } Event::handle('EndFindMentions', array($sender, $text, &$mentions)); } return $mentions; } /** * Does the actual regex pulls to find @-mentions in text. * Should generally not be called directly; for use in common_find_mentions. * * @param string $text * @return array of PCRE match arrays */ function common_find_mentions_raw($text) { $tmatches = array(); preg_match_all('/^T (' . Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT . ') /', $text, $tmatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $atmatches = array(); preg_match_all('/(?:^|\s+)@(' . Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT . ')\b/', $text, $atmatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $matches = array_merge($tmatches[1], $atmatches[1]); return $matches; } function common_render_text($text) { $r = htmlspecialchars($text); $r = preg_replace('/[\x{0}-\x{8}\x{b}-\x{c}\x{e}-\x{19}]/', '', $r); $r = common_replace_urls_callback($r, 'common_linkify'); $r = preg_replace_callback('/(^|\"\;|\'|\(|\[|\{|\s+)#([\pL\pN_\-\.]{1,64})/u', function ($m) { return "{$m[1]}#".common_tag_link($m[2]); }, $r); // XXX: machine tags return $r; } /** * Find links in the given text and pass them to the given callback function. * * @param string $text * @param function($text, $arg) $callback: return replacement text * @param mixed $arg: optional argument will be passed on to the callback */ function common_replace_urls_callback($text, $callback, $arg = null) { // Start off with a regex $regex = '#'. '(?:^|[\s\<\>\(\)\[\]\{\}\\\'\\\";]+)(?![\@\!\#])'. '('. '(?:'. '(?:'. //Known protocols '(?:'. '(?:(?:https?|ftps?|mms|rtsp|gopher|news|nntp|telnet|wais|file|prospero|webcal|irc)://)'. '|'. '(?:(?:mailto|aim|tel|xmpp):)'. ')'. '(?:[\pN\pL\-\_\+\%\~]+(?::[\pN\pL\-\_\+\%\~]+)?\@)?'. //user:pass@ '(?:'. '(?:'. '\[[\pN\pL\-\_\:\.]+(?'(', 'right'=>')' ), array( 'left'=>'[', 'right'=>']' ), array( 'left'=>'{', 'right'=>'}' ), array( 'left'=>'<', 'right'=>'>' ) ); $cannotEndWith=array('.','?',',','#'); $original_url=$url; do{ $original_url=$url; foreach($groupSymbolSets as $groupSymbolSet){ if(substr($url,-1)==$groupSymbolSet['right']){ $group_left_count = substr_count($url,$groupSymbolSet['left']); $group_right_count = substr_count($url,$groupSymbolSet['right']); if($group_left_count<$group_right_count){ $right-=1; $url=substr($url,0,-1); } } } if(in_array(substr($url,-1),$cannotEndWith)){ $right-=1; $url=substr($url,0,-1); } }while($original_url!=$url); $result = call_user_func_array($callback, array($url, $arg)); return substr($matches[0],0,$left) . $result . substr($matches[0],$right); } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', 'ge')) { // lambda implementation in a separate file; PHP 5.2 won't parse it. require_once INSTALLDIR . "/lib/curry.php"; } else { function curry($fn) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $id = uniqid('_partial'); $GLOBALS[$id] = array($fn, $args); return create_function('', '$args = func_get_args(); '. 'return call_user_func_array('. '$GLOBALS["'.$id.'"][0],'. 'array_merge('. '$args,'. '$GLOBALS["'.$id.'"][1]));'); } } function common_linkify($url) { // It comes in special'd, so we unspecial it before passing to the stringifying // functions $url = htmlspecialchars_decode($url); if (strpos($url, '@') !== false && strpos($url, ':') === false && Validate::email($url)) { //url is an email address without the mailto: protocol $canon = "mailto:$url"; $longurl = "mailto:$url"; } else { $canon = File_redirection::_canonUrl($url); $longurl_data = File_redirection::where($canon, common_config('attachments', 'process_links')); if (is_array($longurl_data)) { $longurl = $longurl_data['url']; } elseif (is_string($longurl_data)) { $longurl = $longurl_data; } else { // Unable to reach the server to verify contents, etc // Just pass the link on through for now. common_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't linkify url '$url'"); $longurl = $url; } } $attrs = array('href' => $canon, 'title' => $longurl); $is_attachment = false; $attachment_id = null; $has_thumb = false; // Check to see whether this is a known "attachment" URL. $f = File::getKV('url', $longurl); if (empty($f)) { if (common_config('attachments', 'process_links')) { // XXX: this writes to the database. :< $f = File::processNew($longurl); } } if (!empty($f)) { if ($f->getEnclosure()) { $is_attachment = true; $attachment_id = $f->id; $thumb = File_thumbnail::getKV('file_id', $f->id); if (!empty($thumb)) { $has_thumb = true; } } } // Add clippy if ($is_attachment) { $attrs['class'] = 'attachment'; if ($has_thumb) { $attrs['class'] = 'attachment thumbnail'; } $attrs['id'] = "attachment-{$attachment_id}"; } // Whether to nofollow $nf = common_config('nofollow', 'external'); if ($nf == 'never') { $attrs['rel'] = 'external'; } else { $attrs['rel'] = 'nofollow external'; } return XMLStringer::estring('a', $attrs, $url); } /** * Find and shorten links in a given chunk of text if it's longer than the * configured notice content limit (or unconditionally). * * Side effects: may save file and file_redirection records for referenced URLs. * * Pass the $user option or call $user->shortenLinks($text) to ensure the proper * user's options are used; otherwise the current web session user's setitngs * will be used or ur1.ca if there is no active web login. * * @param string $text * @param boolean $always (optional) * @param User $user (optional) * * @return string */ function common_shorten_links($text, $always = false, User $user=null) { if ($user === null) { $user = common_current_user(); } $maxLength = User_urlshortener_prefs::maxNoticeLength($user); if ($always || ($maxLength != -1 && mb_strlen($text) > $maxLength)) { return common_replace_urls_callback($text, array('File_redirection', 'forceShort'), $user); } else { return common_replace_urls_callback($text, array('File_redirection', 'makeShort'), $user); } } /** * Very basic stripping of invalid UTF-8 input text. * * @param string $str * @return mixed string or null if invalid input * * @todo ideally we should drop bad chars, and maybe do some of the checks * from common_xml_safe_str. But we can't strip newlines, etc. * @todo Unicode normalization might also be useful, but not needed now. */ function common_validate_utf8($str) { // preg_replace will return NULL on invalid UTF-8 input. // // Note: empty regex //u also caused NULL return on some // production machines, but none of our test machines. // // This should be replaced with a more reliable check. return preg_replace('/\x00/u', '', $str); } /** * Make sure an arbitrary string is safe for output in XML as a single line. * * @param string $str * @return string */ function common_xml_safe_str($str) { // Replace common eol and extra whitespace input chars $unWelcome = array( "\t", // tab "\n", // newline "\r", // cr "\0", // null byte eos "\x0B" // vertical tab ); $replacement = array( ' ', // single space ' ', '', // nothing '', ' ' ); $str = str_replace($unWelcome, $replacement, $str); // Neutralize any additional control codes and UTF-16 surrogates // (Twitter uses '*') return preg_replace('/[\p{Cc}\p{Cs}]/u', '*', $str); } function common_tag_link($tag) { $canonical = common_canonical_tag($tag); if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled')) { // regular TagAction isn't set up in 1user mode $nickname = User::singleUserNickname(); $url = common_local_url('showstream', array('nickname' => $nickname, 'tag' => $canonical)); } else { $url = common_local_url('tag', array('tag' => $canonical)); } $xs = new XMLStringer(); $xs->elementStart('span', 'tag'); $xs->element('a', array('href' => $url, 'rel' => 'tag'), $tag); $xs->elementEnd('span'); return $xs->getString(); } function common_canonical_tag($tag) { // only alphanum $tag = preg_replace('/[^\pL\pN]/u', '', $tag); $tag = mb_convert_case($tag, MB_CASE_LOWER, "UTF-8"); $tag = substr($tag, 0, 64); return $tag; } function common_valid_profile_tag($str) { return preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]{1,64}$/', $str); } /** * * @param $sender_id * @param $nickname * @return * @access private */ function common_group_link($sender_id, $nickname) { $sender = Profile::getKV($sender_id); $group = User_group::getForNickname($nickname, $sender); if ($sender && $group && $sender->isMember($group)) { $attrs = array('href' => $group->permalink(), 'class' => 'url'); if (!empty($group->fullname)) { $attrs['title'] = $group->getFancyName(); } $xs = new XMLStringer(); $xs->elementStart('span', 'vcard'); $xs->elementStart('a', $attrs); $xs->element('span', 'fn nickname group', $nickname); $xs->elementEnd('a'); $xs->elementEnd('span'); return $xs->getString(); } else { return $nickname; } } /** * Resolve an ambiguous profile nickname reference, checking in following order: * - profiles that $sender subscribes to * - profiles that subscribe to $sender * - local user profiles * * WARNING: does not validate or normalize $nickname -- MUST BE PRE-VALIDATED * OR THERE MAY BE A RISK OF SQL INJECTION ATTACKS. THIS FUNCTION DOES NOT * ESCAPE SQL. * * @fixme validate input * @fixme escape SQL * @fixme fix or remove mystery third parameter * @fixme is $sender a User or Profile? * * @param $sender the user or profile in whose context we're looking * @param string $nickname validated nickname of * @param $dt unused mystery parameter; in Notice reply-to handling a timestamp is passed. * * @return Profile or null */ function common_relative_profile($sender, $nickname, $dt=null) { // Will throw exception on invalid input. $nickname = Nickname::normalize($nickname); // Try to find profiles this profile is subscribed to that have this nickname $recipient = new Profile(); // XXX: use a join instead of a subquery $recipient->whereAdd('EXISTS (SELECT subscribed from subscription where subscriber = '.intval($sender->id).' and subscribed = id)', 'AND'); $recipient->whereAdd("nickname = '" . $recipient->escape($nickname) . "'", 'AND'); if ($recipient->find(true)) { // XXX: should probably differentiate between profiles with // the same name by date of most recent update return $recipient; } // Try to find profiles that listen to this profile and that have this nickname $recipient = new Profile(); // XXX: use a join instead of a subquery $recipient->whereAdd('EXISTS (SELECT subscriber from subscription where subscribed = '.intval($sender->id).' and subscriber = id)', 'AND'); $recipient->whereAdd("nickname = '" . $recipient->escape($nickname) . "'", 'AND'); if ($recipient->find(true)) { // XXX: should probably differentiate between profiles with // the same name by date of most recent update return $recipient; } // If this is a local user, try to find a local user with that nickname. $sender = User::getKV($sender->id); if ($sender) { $recipient_user = User::getKV('nickname', $nickname); if ($recipient_user) { return $recipient_user->getProfile(); } } // Otherwise, no links. @messages from local users to remote users, // or from remote users to other remote users, are just // outside our ability to make intelligent guesses about return null; } function common_local_url($action, $args=null, $params=null, $fragment=null, $addSession=true) { if (Event::handle('StartLocalURL', array(&$action, &$params, &$fragment, &$addSession, &$url))) { $r = Router::get(); $path = $r->build($action, $args, $params, $fragment); $ssl = common_config('site', 'ssl') === 'always' || StatusNet::isHTTPS() || common_is_sensitive($action); if (common_config('site','fancy')) { $url = common_path($path, $ssl, $addSession); } else { if (mb_strpos($path, '/index.php') === 0) { $url = common_path($path, $ssl, $addSession); } else { $url = common_path('index.php/'.$path, $ssl, $addSession); } } Event::handle('EndLocalURL', array(&$action, &$params, &$fragment, &$addSession, &$url)); } return $url; } function common_is_sensitive($action) { static $sensitive = array( 'login', 'register', 'passwordsettings', 'api', 'ApiOAuthRequestToken', 'ApiOAuthAccessToken', 'ApiOAuthAuthorize', 'ApiOAuthPin', 'showapplication' ); $ssl = null; if (Event::handle('SensitiveAction', array($action, &$ssl))) { $ssl = in_array($action, $sensitive); } return $ssl; } function common_path($relative, $ssl=false, $addSession=true) { $pathpart = (common_config('site', 'path')) ? common_config('site', 'path')."/" : ''; if (($ssl && (common_config('site', 'ssl') === 'sometimes')) || common_config('site', 'ssl') === 'always') { $proto = 'https'; if (is_string(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) && mb_strlen(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) > 0) { $serverpart = common_config('site', 'sslserver'); } else if (common_config('site', 'server')) { $serverpart = common_config('site', 'server'); } else { common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Site server not configured, unable to determine site name.'); } } else { $proto = 'http'; if (common_config('site', 'server')) { $serverpart = common_config('site', 'server'); } else { common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Site server not configured, unable to determine site name.'); } } if ($addSession) { $relative = common_inject_session($relative, $serverpart); } return $proto.'://'.$serverpart.'/'.$pathpart.$relative; } function common_inject_session($url, $serverpart = null) { if (common_have_session()) { if (empty($serverpart)) { $serverpart = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); } $currentServer = (array_key_exists('HTTP_HOST', $_SERVER)) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : null; // Are we pointing to another server (like an SSL server?) if (!empty($currentServer) && 0 != strcasecmp($currentServer, $serverpart)) { // Pass the session ID as a GET parameter $sesspart = session_name() . '=' . session_id(); $i = strpos($url, '?'); if ($i === false) { // no GET params, just append $url .= '?' . $sesspart; } else { $url = substr($url, 0, $i + 1).$sesspart.'&'.substr($url, $i + 1); } } } return $url; } function common_date_string($dt) { // XXX: do some sexy date formatting // return date(DATE_RFC822, $dt); $t = strtotime($dt); $now = time(); $diff = $now - $t; if ($now < $t) { // that shouldn't happen! return common_exact_date($dt); } else if ($diff < 60) { // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return _('a few seconds ago'); } else if ($diff < 92) { // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return _('about a minute ago'); } else if ($diff < 3300) { $minutes = round($diff/60); // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return sprintf( _m('about one minute ago', 'about %d minutes ago', $minutes), $minutes); } else if ($diff < 5400) { // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return _('about an hour ago'); } else if ($diff < 22 * 3600) { $hours = round($diff/3600); // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return sprintf( _m('about one hour ago', 'about %d hours ago', $hours), $hours); } else if ($diff < 37 * 3600) { // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return _('about a day ago'); } else if ($diff < 24 * 24 * 3600) { $days = round($diff/(24*3600)); // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return sprintf( _m('about one day ago', 'about %d days ago', $days), $days); } else if ($diff < 46 * 24 * 3600) { // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return _('about a month ago'); } else if ($diff < 330 * 24 * 3600) { $months = round($diff/(30*24*3600)); // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return sprintf( _m('about one month ago', 'about %d months ago',$months), $months); } else if ($diff < 480 * 24 * 3600) { // TRANS: Used in notices to indicate when the notice was made compared to now. return _('about a year ago'); } else { return common_exact_date($dt); } } function common_exact_date($dt) { static $_utc; static $_siteTz; if (!$_utc) { $_utc = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); $_siteTz = new DateTimeZone(common_timezone()); } $dateStr = date('d F Y H:i:s', strtotime($dt)); $d = new DateTime($dateStr, $_utc); $d->setTimezone($_siteTz); return $d->format(DATE_RFC850); } function common_date_w3dtf($dt) { $dateStr = date('d F Y H:i:s', strtotime($dt)); $d = new DateTime($dateStr, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $d->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone())); return $d->format(DATE_W3C); } function common_date_rfc2822($dt) { $dateStr = date('d F Y H:i:s', strtotime($dt)); $d = new DateTime($dateStr, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $d->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone())); return $d->format('r'); } function common_date_iso8601($dt) { $dateStr = date('d F Y H:i:s', strtotime($dt)); $d = new DateTime($dateStr, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $d->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(common_timezone())); return $d->format('c'); } function common_sql_now() { return common_sql_date(time()); } function common_sql_date($datetime) { return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $datetime); } /** * Return an SQL fragment to calculate an age-based weight from a given * timestamp or datetime column. * * @param string $column name of field we're comparing against current time * @param integer $dropoff divisor for age in seconds before exponentiation * @return string SQL fragment */ function common_sql_weight($column, $dropoff) { if (common_config('db', 'type') == 'pgsql') { // PostgreSQL doesn't support timestampdiff function. // @fixme will this use the right time zone? // @fixme does this handle cross-year subtraction correctly? return "sum(exp(-extract(epoch from (now() - $column)) / $dropoff))"; } else { return "sum(exp(timestampdiff(second, utc_timestamp(), $column) / $dropoff))"; } } function common_redirect($url, $code=307) { static $status = array(301 => "Moved Permanently", 302 => "Found", 303 => "See Other", 307 => "Temporary Redirect"); header('HTTP/1.1 '.$code.' '.$status[$code]); header("Location: $url"); header("Connection: close"); $xo = new XMLOutputter(); $xo->startXML('a', '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN', 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd'); $xo->element('a', array('href' => $url), $url); $xo->endXML(); exit; } // Stick the notice on the queue function common_enqueue_notice($notice) { static $localTransports = array('ping'); $transports = array(); if (common_config('sms', 'enabled')) { $transports[] = 'sms'; } if (Event::hasHandler('HandleQueuedNotice')) { $transports[] = 'plugin'; } // We can skip these for gatewayed notices. if ($notice->isLocal()) { $transports = array_merge($transports, $localTransports); } if (Event::handle('StartEnqueueNotice', array($notice, &$transports))) { $qm = QueueManager::get(); foreach ($transports as $transport) { $qm->enqueue($notice, $transport); } Event::handle('EndEnqueueNotice', array($notice, $transports)); } return true; } /** * Legacy function to broadcast profile updates to OMB remote subscribers. * * XXX: This probably needs killing, but there are several bits of code * that broadcast profile changes that need to be dealt with. AFAIK * this function is only used for OMB. -z * * Since this may be slow with a lot of subscribers or bad remote sites, * this is run through the background queues if possible. */ function common_broadcast_profile(Profile $profile) { Event::handle('BroadcastProfile', array($profile)); } function common_profile_url($nickname) { return common_local_url('showstream', array('nickname' => $nickname), null, null, false); } /** * Should make up a reasonable root URL */ function common_root_url($ssl=false) { $url = common_path('', $ssl, false); $i = strpos($url, '?'); if ($i !== false) { $url = substr($url, 0, $i); } return $url; } /** * returns $bytes bytes of random data as a hexadecimal string * "good" here is a goal and not a guarantee * * TODO: Find and replace all calls to this with common_random_hexstr */ function common_good_rand($bytes) { return common_random_hexstr($bytes); } function common_random_hexstr($bytes) { $str = @file_exists('/dev/urandom') ? common_urandom($bytes) : common_mtrand($bytes); $hexstr = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++) { $hexstr .= sprintf("%02x", ord($str{$i})); } return $hexstr; } function common_urandom($bytes) { $h = fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb'); // should not block $src = fread($h, $bytes); fclose($h); return $src; } function common_mtrand($bytes) { $str = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++) { $str .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255)); } return $str; } /** * Record the given URL as the return destination for a future * form submission, to be read by common_get_returnto(). * * @param string $url * * @fixme as a session-global setting, this can allow multiple forms * to conflict and overwrite each others' returnto destinations if * the user has multiple tabs or windows open. * * Should refactor to index with a token or otherwise only pass the * data along its intended path. */ function common_set_returnto($url) { common_ensure_session(); $_SESSION['returnto'] = $url; } /** * Fetch a return-destination URL previously recorded by * common_set_returnto(). * * @return mixed URL string or null * * @fixme as a session-global setting, this can allow multiple forms * to conflict and overwrite each others' returnto destinations if * the user has multiple tabs or windows open. * * Should refactor to index with a token or otherwise only pass the * data along its intended path. */ function common_get_returnto() { common_ensure_session(); return (array_key_exists('returnto', $_SESSION)) ? $_SESSION['returnto'] : null; } function common_timestamp() { return date('YmdHis'); } function common_ensure_syslog() { static $initialized = false; if (!$initialized) { openlog(common_config('syslog', 'appname'), 0, common_config('syslog', 'facility')); $initialized = true; } } function common_log_line($priority, $msg) { static $syslog_priorities = array('LOG_EMERG', 'LOG_ALERT', 'LOG_CRIT', 'LOG_ERR', 'LOG_WARNING', 'LOG_NOTICE', 'LOG_INFO', 'LOG_DEBUG'); return date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . $syslog_priorities[$priority] . ': ' . $msg . PHP_EOL; } function common_request_id() { $pid = getmypid(); $server = common_config('site', 'server'); if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { $script = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); return "$server:$script:$pid"; } else { static $req_id = null; if (!isset($req_id)) { $req_id = substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 8); } if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; return "$server:$pid.$req_id $method $url"; } } function common_log($priority, $msg, $filename=null) { if(Event::handle('StartLog', array(&$priority, &$msg, &$filename))){ $msg = (empty($filename)) ? $msg : basename($filename) . ' - ' . $msg; $msg = '[' . common_request_id() . '] ' . $msg; $logfile = common_config('site', 'logfile'); if ($logfile) { $log = fopen($logfile, "a"); if ($log) { $output = common_log_line($priority, $msg); fwrite($log, $output); fclose($log); } } else { common_ensure_syslog(); syslog($priority, $msg); } Event::handle('EndLog', array($priority, $msg, $filename)); } } function common_debug($msg, $filename=null) { if ($filename) { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, basename($filename).' - '.$msg); } else { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, $msg); } } function common_log_db_error(&$object, $verb, $filename=null) { $objstr = common_log_objstring($object); $last_error = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','lastError'); if (is_object($last_error)) { $msg = $last_error->message; } else { $msg = 'Unknown error (' . var_export($last_error, true) . ')'; } common_log(LOG_ERR, $msg . '(' . $verb . ' on ' . $objstr . ')', $filename); } function common_log_objstring(&$object) { if (is_null($object)) { return "null"; } if (!($object instanceof DB_DataObject)) { return "(unknown)"; } $arr = $object->toArray(); $fields = array(); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if (is_object($v)) { $fields[] = "$k='".get_class($v)."'"; } else { $fields[] = "$k='$v'"; } } $objstring = $object->tableName() . '[' . implode(',', $fields) . ']'; return $objstring; } function common_valid_http_url($url, $secure=false) { // If $secure is true, only allow https URLs to pass // (if false, we use '?' in 'https?' to say the 's' is optional) $regex = $secure ? '/^https$/' : '/^https?$/'; return filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) && preg_match($regex, parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME)); } function common_valid_tag($tag) { if (preg_match('/^tag:(.*?),(\d{4}(-\d{2}(-\d{2})?)?):(.*)$/', $tag, $matches)) { return (Validate::email($matches[1]) || preg_match('/^([\w-\.]+)$/', $matches[1])); } return false; } /** * Determine if given domain or address literal is valid * eg for use in JIDs and URLs. Does not check if the domain * exists! * * @param string $domain * @return boolean valid or not */ function common_valid_domain($domain) { $octet = "(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])"; $ipv4 = "(?:$octet(?:\.$octet){3})"; if (preg_match("/^$ipv4$/u", $domain)) return true; $group = "(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})"; $ipv6 = "(?:\[($group(?::$group){0,7})?(::)?($group(?::$group){0,7})?\])"; // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3513#section-2.2 if (preg_match("/^$ipv6$/ui", $domain, $matches)) { $before = explode(":", $matches[1]); $zeroes = $matches[2]; $after = explode(":", $matches[3]); if ($zeroes) { $min = 0; $max = 7; } else { $min = 1; $max = 8; } $explicit = count($before) + count($after); if ($explicit < $min || $explicit > $max) { return false; } return true; } try { require_once "Net/IDNA.php"; $idn = Net_IDNA::getInstance(); $domain = $idn->encode($domain); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } $subdomain = "(?:[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*)"; // @fixme $fqdn = "(?:$subdomain(?:\.$subdomain)*\.?)"; return preg_match("/^$fqdn$/ui", $domain); } /* Following functions are copied from MediaWiki GlobalFunctions.php * and written by Evan Prodromou. */ function common_accept_to_prefs($accept, $def = '*/*') { // No arg means accept anything (per HTTP spec) if(!$accept) { return array($def => 1); } $prefs = array(); $parts = explode(',', $accept); foreach($parts as $part) { // FIXME: doesn't deal with params like 'text/html; level=1' @list($value, $qpart) = explode(';', trim($part)); $match = array(); if(!isset($qpart)) { $prefs[$value] = 1; } elseif(preg_match('/q\s*=\s*(\d*\.\d+)/', $qpart, $match)) { $prefs[$value] = $match[1]; } } return $prefs; } function common_mime_type_match($type, $avail) { if(array_key_exists($type, $avail)) { return $type; } else { $parts = explode('/', $type); if(array_key_exists($parts[0] . '/*', $avail)) { return $parts[0] . '/*'; } elseif(array_key_exists('*/*', $avail)) { return '*/*'; } else { return null; } } } function common_negotiate_type($cprefs, $sprefs) { $combine = array(); foreach(array_keys($sprefs) as $type) { $parts = explode('/', $type); if($parts[1] != '*') { $ckey = common_mime_type_match($type, $cprefs); if($ckey) { $combine[$type] = $sprefs[$type] * $cprefs[$ckey]; } } } foreach(array_keys($cprefs) as $type) { $parts = explode('/', $type); if($parts[1] != '*' && !array_key_exists($type, $sprefs)) { $skey = common_mime_type_match($type, $sprefs); if($skey) { $combine[$type] = $sprefs[$skey] * $cprefs[$type]; } } } $bestq = 0; $besttype = 'text/html'; foreach(array_keys($combine) as $type) { if($combine[$type] > $bestq) { $besttype = $type; $bestq = $combine[$type]; } } if ('text/html' === $besttype) { return "text/html; charset=utf-8"; } return $besttype; } function common_config($main, $sub) { global $config; return (array_key_exists($main, $config) && array_key_exists($sub, $config[$main])) ? $config[$main][$sub] : false; } function common_config_set($main, $sub, $value) { global $config; if (!array_key_exists($main, $config)) { $config[$main] = array(); } $config[$main][$sub] = $value; } function common_config_append($main, $sub, $value) { global $config; if (!array_key_exists($main, $config)) { $config[$main] = array(); } if (!array_key_exists($sub, $config[$main])) { $config[$main][$sub] = array(); } if (!is_array($config[$main][$sub])) { $config[$main][$sub] = array($config[$main][$sub]); } array_push($config[$main][$sub], $value); } /** * Pull arguments from a GET/POST/REQUEST array with first-level input checks: * strips "magic quotes" slashes if necessary, and kills invalid UTF-8 strings. * * @param array $from * @return array */ function common_copy_args($from) { $to = array(); $strip = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); foreach ($from as $k => $v) { if(is_array($v)) { $to[$k] = common_copy_args($v); } else { if ($strip) { $v = stripslashes($v); } $to[$k] = strval(common_validate_utf8($v)); } } return $to; } /** * Neutralise the evil effects of magic_quotes_gpc in the current request. * This is used before handing a request off to OAuthRequest::from_request. * @fixme Doesn't consider vars other than _POST and _GET? * @fixme Can't be undone and could corrupt data if run twice. */ function common_remove_magic_from_request() { if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST=array_map('stripslashes',$_POST); $_GET=array_map('stripslashes',$_GET); } } function common_user_uri(&$user) { return common_local_url('userbyid', array('id' => $user->id), null, null, false); } function common_notice_uri(&$notice) { return common_local_url('shownotice', array('notice' => $notice->id), null, null, false); } // 36 alphanums - lookalikes (0, O, 1, I) = 32 chars = 5 bits function common_confirmation_code($bits) { // 36 alphanums - lookalikes (0, O, 1, I) = 32 chars = 5 bits static $codechars = '23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $chars = ceil($bits/5); $code = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $chars; $i++) { // XXX: convert to string and back $num = hexdec(common_good_rand(1)); // XXX: randomness is too precious to throw away almost // 40% of the bits we get! $code .= $codechars[$num%32]; } return $code; } // convert markup to HTML function common_markup_to_html($c, $args=null) { if (is_null($args)) { $args = array(); } // XXX: not very efficient foreach ($args as $name => $value) { $c = preg_replace('/%%arg.'.$name.'%%/', $value, $c); } $c = preg_replace_callback('/%%user.(\w+)%%/', function ($m) { return common_user_property($m[1]); }, $c); $c = preg_replace_callback('/%%action.(\w+)%%/', function ($m) { return common_local_url($m[1]); }, $c); $c = preg_replace_callback('/%%doc.(\w+)%%/', function ($m) { return common_local_url('doc', array('title'=>$m[1])); }, $c); $c = preg_replace_callback('/%%(\w+).(\w+)%%/', function ($m) { return common_config($m[1], $m[2]); }, $c); return Markdown($c); } function common_user_property($property) { $profile = Profile::current(); if (empty($profile)) { return null; } switch ($property) { case 'profileurl': case 'nickname': case 'fullname': case 'location': case 'bio': return $profile->$property; break; case 'avatar': try { return $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE); } catch (Exception $e) { return null; } break; case 'bestname': return $profile->getBestName(); break; default: return null; } } function common_profile_uri($profile) { $uri = null; if (!empty($profile)) { if (Event::handle('StartCommonProfileURI', array($profile, &$uri))) { $user = User::getKV($profile->id); if (!empty($user)) { $uri = $user->uri; } Event::handle('EndCommonProfileURI', array($profile, &$uri)); } } // XXX: this is a very bad profile! return $uri; } function common_canonical_sms($sms) { // strip non-digits preg_replace('/\D/', '', $sms); return $sms; } function common_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) { switch ($errno) { case E_ERROR: case E_COMPILE_ERROR: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: case E_PARSE: case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: common_log(LOG_ERR, "[$errno] $errstr ($errfile:$errline) [ABORT]"); die(); break; case E_WARNING: case E_COMPILE_WARNING: case E_CORE_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: common_log(LOG_WARNING, "[$errno] $errstr ($errfile:$errline)"); break; case E_NOTICE: case E_USER_NOTICE: common_log(LOG_NOTICE, "[$errno] $errstr ($errfile:$errline)"); break; case E_STRICT: case E_DEPRECATED: case E_USER_DEPRECATED: // XXX: config variable to log this stuff, too break; default: common_log(LOG_ERR, "[$errno] $errstr ($errfile:$errline) [UNKNOWN LEVEL, die()'ing]"); die(); break; } // FIXME: show error page if we're on the Web /* Don't execute PHP internal error handler */ return true; } function common_session_token() { common_ensure_session(); if (!array_key_exists('token', $_SESSION)) { $_SESSION['token'] = common_good_rand(64); } return $_SESSION['token']; } function common_license_terms($uri) { if(preg_match('/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/([^\/]+)/', $uri, $matches)) { return explode('-',$matches[1]); } return array($uri); } function common_compatible_license($from, $to) { $from_terms = common_license_terms($from); // public domain and cc-by are compatible with everything if(count($from_terms) == 1 && ($from_terms[0] == 'publicdomain' || $from_terms[0] == 'by')) { return true; } $to_terms = common_license_terms($to); // sa is compatible across versions. IANAL if(in_array('sa',$from_terms) || in_array('sa',$to_terms)) { return count(array_diff($from_terms, $to_terms)) == 0; } // XXX: better compatibility check needed here! // Should at least normalise URIs return ($from == $to); } /** * returns a quoted table name, if required according to config */ function common_database_tablename($tablename) { if(common_config('db','quote_identifiers')) { $tablename = '"'. $tablename .'"'; } //table prefixes could be added here later return $tablename; } /** * Shorten a URL with the current user's configured shortening service, * or ur1.ca if configured, or not at all if no shortening is set up. * * @param string $long_url original URL * @param User $user to specify a particular user's options * @param boolean $force Force shortening (used when notice is too long) * @return string may return the original URL if shortening failed * * @fixme provide a way to specify a particular shortener */ function common_shorten_url($long_url, User $user=null, $force = false) { $long_url = trim($long_url); $user = common_current_user(); $maxUrlLength = User_urlshortener_prefs::maxUrlLength($user); // $force forces shortening even if it's not strictly needed // I doubt URL shortening is ever 'strictly' needed. - ESP if (($maxUrlLength == -1 || mb_strlen($long_url) < $maxUrlLength) && !$force) { return $long_url; } $shortenerName = User_urlshortener_prefs::urlShorteningService($user); if (Event::handle('StartShortenUrl', array($long_url, $shortenerName, &$shortenedUrl))) { if ($shortenerName == 'internal') { $f = File::processNew($long_url); if (empty($f)) { return $long_url; } else { $shortenedUrl = common_local_url('redirecturl', array('id' => $f->id)); if ((mb_strlen($shortenedUrl) < mb_strlen($long_url)) || $force) { return $shortenedUrl; } else { return $long_url; } } } else { return $long_url; } } else { //URL was shortened, so return the result return trim($shortenedUrl); } } /** * @return mixed array($proxy, $ip) for web requests; proxy may be null * null if not a web request * * @fixme X-Forwarded-For can be chained by multiple proxies; we should parse the list and provide a cleaner array * @fixme X-Forwarded-For can be forged by clients; only use them if trusted * @fixme X_Forwarded_For headers will override X-Forwarded-For read through $_SERVER; * use function to get exact request headers from Apache if possible. */ function common_client_ip() { if (!isset($_SERVER) || !array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER)) { return null; } if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)) { if (array_key_exists('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', $_SERVER)) { $proxy = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { $proxy = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $proxy = null; if (array_key_exists('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', $_SERVER)) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } return array($proxy, $ip); } function common_url_to_nickname($url) { static $bad = array('query', 'user', 'password', 'port', 'fragment'); $parts = parse_url($url); // If any of these parts exist, this won't work foreach ($bad as $badpart) { if (array_key_exists($badpart, $parts)) { return null; } } // We just have host and/or path // If it's just a host... if (array_key_exists('host', $parts) && (!array_key_exists('path', $parts) || strcmp($parts['path'], '/') == 0)) { $hostparts = explode('.', $parts['host']); // Try to catch common idiom of nickname.service.tld if ((count($hostparts) > 2) && (strlen($hostparts[count($hostparts) - 2]) > 3) && # try to skip .co.uk, .com.au (strcmp($hostparts[0], 'www') != 0)) { return common_nicknamize($hostparts[0]); } else { // Do the whole hostname return common_nicknamize($parts['host']); } } else { if (array_key_exists('path', $parts)) { // Strip starting, ending slashes $path = preg_replace('@/$@', '', $parts['path']); $path = preg_replace('@^/@', '', $path); $path = basename($path); // Hack for MediaWiki user pages, in the form: // http://example.com/wiki/User:Myname // ('User' may be localized.) if (strpos($path, ':')) { $parts = array_filter(explode(':', $path)); $path = $parts[count($parts) - 1]; } if ($path) { return common_nicknamize($path); } } } return null; } function common_nicknamize($str) { try { return Nickname::normalize($str); } catch (NicknameException $e) { return null; } } function common_perf_counter($key, $val=null) { global $_perfCounters; if (isset($_perfCounters)) { if (common_config('site', 'logperf')) { if (array_key_exists($key, $_perfCounters)) { $_perfCounters[$key][] = $val; } else { $_perfCounters[$key] = array($val); } if (common_config('site', 'logperf_detail')) { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "PERF COUNTER HIT: $key $val"); } } } } function common_log_perf_counters() { if (common_config('site', 'logperf')) { global $_startTime, $_perfCounters; if (isset($_startTime)) { $endTime = microtime(true); $diff = round(($endTime - $_startTime) * 1000); common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "PERF runtime: ${diff}ms"); } $counters = $_perfCounters; ksort($counters); foreach ($counters as $key => $values) { $count = count($values); $unique = count(array_unique($values)); common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "PERF COUNTER: $key $count ($unique unique)"); } } } function common_is_email($str) { return (strpos($str, '@') !== false); } function common_init_stats() { global $_mem, $_ts; $_mem = memory_get_usage(true); $_ts = microtime(true); } function common_log_delta($comment=null) { global $_mem, $_ts; $mold = $_mem; $told = $_ts; $_mem = memory_get_usage(true); $_ts = microtime(true); $mtotal = $_mem - $mold; $ttotal = $_ts - $told; if (empty($comment)) { $comment = 'Delta'; } common_debug(sprintf("%s: %d %d", $comment, $mtotal, round($ttotal * 1000000))); }