. // }}} namespace Plugin\ImageThumbnail\Controller; use App\Core\Controller; use App\Core\DB\DB; use App\Util\Common; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; class ImageThumbnail extends Controller { /** * Get a thumbnail for the attachment with id $id */ public function thumbnail(Request $request, int $id) { $attachemnt = DB::findOneBy('attachment', ['id' => $id]); if (!is_null($attachemnt->getScope())) { // && ($attachemnt->scope | VisibilityScope::PUBLIC) != 0 // $user = Common::ensureLoggedIn(); assert(false, 'Attachment scope not implemented'); } // TODO rate limit $max_width = Common::config('thumbnail', 'width'); $max_height = Common::config('thumbnail', 'height'); $width = Common::clamp($this->int('w') ?? $max_width, min: 0, max: $max_width); $height = Common::clamp($this->int('h') ?? $max_height, min: 0, max: $max_height); $crop = $this->bool('c') ?? false; dd($width, $height, $crop); } }