2021-09-14 13:10:08 +01:00

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// This file is part of GNU social -
// GNU social is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU social is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with GNU social. If not, see <>.
* ActivityPub implementation for GNU social
* @package GNUsocial
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
* @copyright 2018-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc
* @license GNU AGPL v3 or later
* @see
defined('GNUSOCIAL') || die();
* ActivityPub's own Explorer
* Allows to discovery new (or the same) Profiles (both local or remote)
* @category Plugin
* @package GNUsocial
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
* @license GNU AGPL v3 or later
class Activitypub_explorer
private $discovered_actor_profiles = [];
* Shortcut function to get a single profile from its URL.
* @param string $url
* @param bool $grab_online whether to try online grabbing, defaults to true
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception Network issues
* @throws NoProfileException This won't happen
* @throws Exception Invalid request
* @throws ServerException Error storing remote actor
* @return Profile
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
public static function get_profile_from_url(string $url, bool $grab_online = true): Profile
$discovery = new self();
// Get valid Actor object
$actor_profile = $discovery->lookup($url, $grab_online);
if (!empty($actor_profile)) {
return $actor_profile[0];
throw new Exception('Invalid Actor.');
* Get every profile from the given URL
* This function cleans the $this->discovered_actor_profiles array
* so that there is no erroneous data
* @param string $url User's url
* @param bool $grab_online whether to try online grabbing, defaults to true
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws Exception
* @throws ServerException
* @return array of Profile objects
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
public function lookup(string $url, bool $grab_online = true)
if (in_array($url, ACTIVITYPUB_PUBLIC_TO)) {
return [];
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Started now looking for ' . $url);
$this->discovered_actor_profiles = [];
return $this->_lookup($url, $grab_online);
* Get every profile from the given URL
* This is a recursive function that will accumulate the results on
* $discovered_actor_profiles array
* @param string $url User's url
* @param bool $grab_online whether to try online grabbing, defaults to true
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @throws Exception
* @return array of Profile objects
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
private function _lookup(string $url, bool $grab_online = true): array
$grab_local = $this->grab_local_user($url);
// First check if we already have it locally and, if so, return it.
// If the local fetch fails and remote grab is required: store locally and return.
if (!$grab_local && (!$grab_online || !$this->grab_remote_user($url))) {
throw new Exception('User not found.');
return $this->discovered_actor_profiles;
* Get a local user profile from its URL and joins it on
* $this->discovered_actor_profiles
* @param string $uri Actor's uri
* @param bool $online
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws Exception
* @return bool success state
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
private function grab_local_user(string $uri, bool $online = false): bool
if ($online) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Searching locally for ' . $uri . ' with online resources.');
$all_ids = LRDDPlugin::grab_profile_aliases($uri);
} else {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Searching locally for ' . $uri . ' offline.');
$all_ids = [$uri];
if (is_null($all_ids)) {
common_debug('AcvitityPub Explorer: Unable to find a local profile for ' . $uri);
return false;
foreach ($all_ids as $alias) {
// Try standard ActivityPub route
// Is this a known filthy little mudblood?
$aprofile = self::get_aprofile_by_url($alias);
if ($aprofile instanceof Activitypub_profile) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a local Aprofile for ' . $alias);
// double check to confirm this alias as a legitimate one
if ($online) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Double-checking ' . $alias . ' to confirm it as a legitimate alias');
$disco = new Discovery();
$xrd = $disco->lookup($aprofile->getUri());
$doublecheck_aliases = array_merge([$xrd->subject], $xrd->aliases);
if (in_array($uri, $doublecheck_aliases)) {
// the original URI is present, we're sure now!
// update aprofile's URI and proceed
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: ' . $alias . ' is a legitimate alias');
} else {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: ' . $alias . ' is not an alias we can trust');
// Assert: This AProfile has a Profile, no try catch.
$profile = $aprofile->local_profile();
// We found something!
$this->discovered_actor_profiles[] = $profile;
return true;
} else {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Unable to find a local Aprofile for ' . $alias . ' - looking for a Profile instead.');
// Well, maybe it is a pure blood?
// Iff, we are in the same instance:
$ACTIVITYPUB_BASE_ACTOR_URI = common_local_url('userbyid', ['id' => null], null, null, false, true); // @FIXME: Could this be too hardcoded?
if (substr($alias, 0, $ACTIVITYPUB_BASE_ACTOR_URI_length) === $ACTIVITYPUB_BASE_ACTOR_URI) {
try {
$profile = Profile::getByID((int) substr($alias, $ACTIVITYPUB_BASE_ACTOR_URI_length));
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a Profile for ' . $alias);
// We found something!
$this->discovered_actor_profiles[] = $profile;
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Let the exception go on its merry way.
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Unable to find a Profile for ' . $alias);
// If offline grabbing failed, attempt again with online resources
if (!$online) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Will try everything again with online resources against: ' . $uri);
return $this->grab_local_user($uri, true);
return false;
* Get a remote user(s) profile(s) from its URL and joins it on
* $this->discovered_actor_profiles
* @param string $url User's url
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @throws Exception
* @return bool success state
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
private function grab_remote_user(string $url): bool
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Trying to grab a remote actor for ' . $url);
$client = new HTTPClient();
$response = $client->get($url, ACTIVITYPUB_HTTP_CLIENT_HEADERS);
$res = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
if ($response->getStatus() == 410) { // If it was deleted
return true; // Nothing to add.
} elseif (!$response->isOk()) { // If it is unavailable
return false; // Try to add at another time.
if (is_null($res)) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Invalid JSON returned from given Actor URL: ' . $response->getBody());
return true; // Nothing to add.
if (isset($res['type']) && $res['type'] === 'OrderedCollection' && isset($res['first'])) { // It's a potential collection of actors!!!
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a collection of actors for ' . $url);
return true;
} elseif (self::validate_remote_response($res)) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a valid remote actor for ' . $url);
$this->discovered_actor_profiles[] = $this->store_profile($res);
return true;
} else {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Invalid potential remote actor while grabbing remotely: ' . $url . '. He returned the following: ' . json_encode($res, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
return false;
return false;
* Save remote user profile in local instance
* @param array $res remote response
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @throws Exception
* @return Profile remote Profile object
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
private function store_profile(array $res): Profile
// ActivityPub Profile
$aprofile = new Activitypub_profile;
$aprofile->uri = $res['id'];
$aprofile->nickname = $res['preferredUsername'];
$aprofile->fullname = $res['name'] ?? null;
$aprofile->bio = isset($res['summary']) ? substr(strip_tags($res['summary']), 0, 1000) : null;
$aprofile->inboxuri = $res['inbox'];
$aprofile->sharedInboxuri = $res['endpoints']['sharedInbox'] ?? $res['inbox'];
$aprofile->profileurl = $res['url'] ?? $aprofile->uri;
$profile = $aprofile->local_profile();
// Public Key
$apRSA = new Activitypub_rsa();
$apRSA->profile_id = $profile->getID();
$apRSA->public_key = $res['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'];
// Avatar
if (isset($res['icon']['url'])) {
try {
$this->update_avatar($profile, $res['icon']['url']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Let the exception go, it isn't a serious issue
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: An error ocurred while grabbing remote avatar: ' . $e->getMessage());
return $profile;
* Validates a remote response in order to determine whether this
* response is a valid profile or not
* @param array $res remote response
* @return bool success state
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
public static function validate_remote_response(array $res): bool
if (!isset($res['id'], $res['preferredUsername'], $res['inbox'], $res['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'])) {
return false;
return true;
* Get a ActivityPub Profile from it's uri
* Unfortunately GNU social cache is not truly reliable when handling
* potential ActivityPub remote profiles, as so it is important to use
* this hacky workaround (at least for now)
* @param string $v URL
* @return Activitypub_profile|bool false if fails | Aprofile object if successful
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
public static function get_aprofile_by_url(string $v)
$i = Managed_DataObject::getcached('Activitypub_profile', 'uri', $v);
if (empty($i)) { // false = cache miss
$i = new Activitypub_profile;
$result = $i->get('uri', $v);
if ($result) {
// Hit!
} else {
return false;
return $i;
* Given a valid actor profile url returns its inboxes
* @param string $url of Actor profile
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws Exception If an irregular error happens (status code, body format or GONE)
* @return array|bool false if fails to validate the answer | array with inbox and shared inbox if successful
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
public static function get_actor_inboxes_uri(string $url)
$client = new HTTPClient();
$response = $client->get($url, ACTIVITYPUB_HTTP_CLIENT_HEADERS);
if ($response->getStatus() == 410) { // If it was deleted
throw new Exception('This actor is GONE.');
} elseif (!$response->isOk()) { // If it is unavailable
throw new Exception('Non Ok Status Code for given Actor URL.');
$res = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
if (is_null($res)) { // If it is in an unexpected format
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Invalid JSON returned from given Actor URL: ' . $response->getBody());
throw new Exception('Given Actor URL didn\'t return a valid JSON.');
if (self::validate_remote_response($res)) {
return [
'inbox' => $res['inbox'],
'sharedInbox' => isset($res['endpoints']['sharedInbox']) ? $res['endpoints']['sharedInbox'] : $res['inbox'],
return false;
* Download and update given avatar image
* TODO: Avoid updating an avatar if its URL didn't change. (this is something OStatus already does)
* TODO: Should be in AProfile instead?
* @param Profile $profile
* @param string $url
* @throws Exception in various failure cases
* @return Avatar The Avatar we have on disk. (seldom used)
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
public static function update_avatar(Profile $profile, string $url): Avatar
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Started grabbing remote avatar from: ' . $url);
// ImageFile throws exception if something goes wrong, which we'll let go on its merry way
$imagefile = ImageFile::fromURL($url);
$id = $profile->getID();
$type = $imagefile->preferredType();
$filename = Avatar::filename(
'tmp' . common_timestamp()
$filepath = Avatar::path($filename);
/*$imagefile = */$imagefile->copyTo($filepath);
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Stored avatar in: ' . $filepath);
// XXX: Do we need this?
chmod($filepath, 0644);
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Seted Avatar from: ' . $url . ' to profile.');
return Avatar::getUploaded($profile);
* Allows the Explorer to transverse a collection of persons.
* @param string $url
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @return bool
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
private function travel_collection(string $url): bool
$client = new HTTPClient();
$response = $client->get($url, ACTIVITYPUB_HTTP_CLIENT_HEADERS);
$res = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
if (!isset($res['orderedItems'])) {
return false;
foreach ($res['orderedItems'] as $profile) {
if ($this->_lookup($profile) == false) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found an invalid actor for ' . $profile);
// TODO: Invalid actor found, fallback to OStatus
// Go through entire collection
if (!is_null($res['next'])) {
return true;
* Get a remote user array from its URL (this function is only used for
* profile updating and shall not be used for anything else)
* @param string $url User's url
* @throws Exception Either network issues or unsupported Activity format
* @return array|false If it is able to fetch, false if it's gone
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <>
public static function get_remote_user_activity(string $url)
$client = new HTTPClient();
$response = $client->get($url, ACTIVITYPUB_HTTP_CLIENT_HEADERS);
// If it was deleted
if ($response->getStatus() == 410) {
return false;
} elseif (!$response->isOk()) { // If it is unavailable
throw new Exception('Non Ok Status Code for given Actor URL.');
$res = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
if (is_null($res)) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Invalid JSON returned from given Actor URL: ' . $response->getBody());
throw new Exception('Given Actor URL didn\'t return a valid JSON.');
if (self::validate_remote_response($res)) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a valid remote actor for ' . $url);
return $res;
throw new Exception('ActivityPub Explorer: Failed to get activity.');