Luke Fitzgerald 27e8cfd360 Adaptation of library almost complete.
Bot now signs in correctly when launched using
2010-06-15 20:51:04 +01:00

3079 lines
136 KiB

MSN class ver 2.0 by Tommy Wu, Ricky Su
License: GPL
You can find MSN protocol from this site:
This class support MSNP15 for send message. The PHP module needed:
MSNP15: curl pcre mhash mcrypt bcmath
Usually, this class will try to use MSNP15 if your system can support it, if your system can't support it,
it will switch to use MSNP9. But if you use MSNP9, it won't support OIM (Offline Messages).
class MSN {
private $debug;
private $timeout;
private $protocol = 'MSNP15';
private $passport_url = '';
private $buildver = '8.1.0178';
private $prod_key = 'PK}_A_0N_K%O?A9S';
private $prod_id = 'PROD0114ES4Z%Q5W';
private $login_method = 'SSO';
private $oim_send_url = '';
private $oim_send_soap = '';
private $id;
private $ticket;
private $user = '';
private $password = '';
private $NSfp=false;
private $passport_policy = '';
private $alias;
private $psm;
private $retry_wait;
private $update_pending;
private $PhotoStickerFile=false;
private $Emotions=false;
private $XFRReqTimeout=60;
private $LastPing;
private $ping_wait=50;
private $SBIdleTimeout=10;
private $SBStreamTimeout=2;
private $MsnObjArray=array();
private $MsnObjMap=array();
private $ABAuthHeader;
private $ABService;
private $Contacts;
private $server = '';
private $port = 1863;
public $clientid = '';
public $oim_maildata_url = '';
public $oim_maildata_soap = '';
public $oim_read_url = '';
public $oim_read_soap = '';
public $oim_del_url = '';
public $oim_del_soap = '';
public $membership_url = '';
public $membership_soap = '';
public $addmember_url = '';
public $addmember_soap = '';
public $addcontact_url = '';
public $addcontact_soap = '';
public $delmember_url = '';
public $delmember_soap = '';
public $error = '';
public $authed = false;
public $oim_try = 3;
public $font_fn = 'Arial';
public $font_co = '333333';
public $font_ef = '';
// the message length (include header) is limited (maybe since WLM 8.5 released)
// for WLM: 1664 bytes
// for YIM: 518 bytes
public $max_msn_message_len = 1664;
public $max_yahoo_message_len = 518;
// Begin added for StatusNet
private $aContactList = array();
private $aADL = array();
* Holds session information indexed by screenname if
* session has no socket or socket if socket present
* @var array
private $switchBoardSessions = array();
* Holds sockets indexed by screenname
* @var array
private $switchBoardSessionLookup = array();
* Holds references to sessions waiting for XFR
* @var array
private $waitingForXFR = array();
* Event Handler Functions
private $myEventHandlers = array();
// End added for StatusNet
* Constructor method
* @param array $Configs Array of configuration options
* 'user' - Username
* 'password' - Password
* 'alias' - Bot nickname
* 'psm' - Bot personal status message
* 'retry_wait' - Time to wait before trying to reconnect
* 'update_pending' - Whether to update pending contacts
* 'PhotoSticker' - Photo file to use (?)
* 'debug' - Enable/Disable debugging mode
* @param integer $timeout Connection timeout
* @param integer $client_id Client id (hexadecimal)
* @return MSN
public function __construct ($Configs=array(), $timeout = 15, $client_id = 0x7000800C) {
$this->user = $Configs['user'];
$this->password = $Configs['password'];
$this->alias = isset($Configs['alias']) ? $Configs['alias'] : '';
$this->psm = isset($Configs['psm']) ? $Configs['psm'] : '';
$this->retry_wait = isset($Configs['retry_wait']) ? $Configs['retry_wait'] : 30;
$this->update_pending = isset($Configs['update_pending']) ? $Configs['update_pending'] : true;
$this->PhotoStickerFile=isset($Configs['PhotoSticker']) ? $Configs['PhotoSticker'] : false;
if ($this->Emotions = isset($Configs['Emotions']) ? $Configs['Emotions']:false) {
foreach($this->Emotions as $EmotionFilePath)
$this->debug = isset($Configs['debug']) ? $Configs['debug'] : false;
$this->timeout = $timeout;
// Check support
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) throw new Exception("curl module not found!\n");
if (!function_exists('preg_match')) throw new Exception("pcre module not found!\n");
if (!function_exists('mhash')) throw new Exception("mhash module not found!\n");
if (!function_exists('mcrypt_cbc')) throw new Exception("mcrypt module not found!\n");
if (!function_exists('bcmod')) throw new Exception("bcmath module not found!\n");
Client ID for MSN:
normal MSN 8.1 clientid is:
01110110 01001100 11000000 00101100
= 0x764CC02C
we just use following:
* 0x04: Your client can send/receive Ink (GIF format)
* 0x08: Your client can send/recieve Ink (ISF format)
* 0x8000: This means you support Winks receiving (If not set the official Client will warn with 'contact has an older client and is not capable of receiving Winks')
* 0x70000000: This is the value for MSNC7 (WL Msgr 8.1)
= 0x7000800C;
$this->clientid = $client_id;
$this->ABService=new SoapClient(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/soap/msnab_sharingservice.wsdl',array('trace' => 1));
private function Array2SoapVar($Array, $ReturnSoapVarObj = true, $TypeName = null, $TypeNameSpace = null) {
$ArrayString = '';
foreach($Array as $Key => $Val) {
if ($Key{0} == ':') continue;
$Attrib = '';
if (is_array($Val[':'])) {
foreach ($Val[':'] as $AttribName => $AttribVal)
$Attrib .= " $AttribName='$AttribVal'";
if ($Key{0} == '!') {
//List Type Define
$Key = substr($Key,1);
foreach ($Val as $ListKey => $ListVal) {
if ($ListKey{0} == ':') continue;
if (is_array($ListVal)) $ListVal = $this->Array2SoapVar($ListVal, false);
elseif (is_bool($ListVal)) $ListVal = $ListVal ? 'true' : 'false';
$ArrayString .= "<$Key$Attrib>$ListVal</$Key>";
if (is_array($Val)) $Val = $this->Array2SoapVar($Val, false);
elseif (is_bool($Val)) $Val = $Val ? 'true' : 'false';
$ArrayString .= "<$Key$Attrib>$Val</$Key>";
if ($ReturnSoapVarObj) return new SoapVar($ArrayString, XSD_ANYXML, $TypeName, $TypeNameSpace);
return $ArrayString;
* Get Passport ticket
* @param string $url URL string (Optional)
* @return mixed Array of tickets or false on failure
private function get_passport_ticket($url = '') {
$user = $this->user;
$password = htmlspecialchars($this->password);
if ($url === '')
$passport_url = $this->passport_url;
$passport_url = $url;
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Envelope xmlns=""
<ps:AuthInfo xmlns:ps="" Id="PPAuthInfo">
<wsse:UsernameToken Id="user">
<ps:RequestMultipleSecurityTokens xmlns:ps="" Id="RSTS">
<wst:RequestSecurityToken Id="RST0">
<wst:RequestSecurityToken Id="RST1">
<wsse:PolicyReference URI="'.$this->passport_policy.'"></wsse:PolicyReference>
<wst:RequestSecurityToken Id="RST2">
<wsse:PolicyReference URI="?id=507"></wsse:PolicyReference>
<wst:RequestSecurityToken Id="RST3">
<wsse:PolicyReference URI="MBI"></wsse:PolicyReference>
<wst:RequestSecurityToken Id="RST4">
<wsse:PolicyReference URI="MBI_SSL"></wsse:PolicyReference>
<wst:RequestSecurityToken Id="RST5">
<wsse:PolicyReference URI="MBI"></wsse:PolicyReference>
<wst:RequestSecurityToken Id="RST6">
<wsse:PolicyReference URI="MBI"></wsse:PolicyReference>
//$this->debug_message("*** URL: $passport_url");
//$this->debug_message("*** Sending SOAP:\n$XML");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $passport_url);
if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $XML);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
//$this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
if ($http_code != 200) {
// sometimes, redirect to another URL
// MSNP15
//<faultstring>Authentication Failure</faultstring>
if (strpos($data, '<faultcode>psf:Redirect</faultcode>') === false) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not get passport ticket! http code = $http_code");
return false;
preg_match("#<psf\:redirectUrl>(.*)</psf\:redirectUrl>#", $data, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message('*** Redirected, but could not get redirect URL!');
return false;
$redirect_url = $matches[1];
if ($redirect_url == $passport_url) {
$this->debug_message('*** Redirected, but to same URL!');
return false;
$this->debug_message("*** Redirected to $redirect_url");
return $this->get_passport_ticket($redirect_url);
// sometimes, redirect to another URL, also return 200
// MSNP15
//<faultstring>Authentication Failure</faultstring>
if (strpos($data, '<faultcode>psf:Redirect</faultcode>') !== false) {
preg_match("#<psf\:redirectUrl>(.*)</psf\:redirectUrl>#", $data, $matches);
if (count($matches) != 0) {
$redirect_url = $matches[1];
if ($redirect_url == $passport_url) {
$this->debug_message('*** Redirected, but to same URL!');
return false;
$this->debug_message("*** Redirected to $redirect_url");
return $this->get_passport_ticket($redirect_url);
// no Redurect faultcode or URL
// we should get the ticket here
// we need ticket and secret code
// RST1:
// <wsse:BinarySecurityToken Id="Compact1">t=tick&p=</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
// <wst:BinarySecret>binary secret</wst:BinarySecret>
// RST2:
// <wsse:BinarySecurityToken Id="PPToken2">t=tick</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
// RST3:
// <wsse:BinarySecurityToken Id="Compact3">t=tick&p=</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
// RST4:
// <wsse:BinarySecurityToken Id="Compact4">t=tick&p=</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
// RST5:
// <wsse:BinarySecurityToken Id="Compact5">t=tick&p=</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
// RST6:
// <wsse:BinarySecurityToken Id="Compact6">t=tick&p=</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
"<wsse\:BinarySecurityToken Id=\"Compact1\">(.*)</wsse\:BinarySecurityToken>(.*)".
"<wsse\:BinarySecurityToken Id=\"PPToken2\">(.*)</wsse\:BinarySecurityToken>(.*)".
"<wsse\:BinarySecurityToken Id=\"Compact3\">(.*)</wsse\:BinarySecurityToken>(.*)".
"<wsse\:BinarySecurityToken Id=\"Compact4\">(.*)</wsse\:BinarySecurityToken>(.*)".
"<wsse\:BinarySecurityToken Id=\"Compact5\">(.*)</wsse\:BinarySecurityToken>(.*)".
"<wsse\:BinarySecurityToken Id=\"Compact6\">(.*)</wsse\:BinarySecurityToken>(.*)".
$data, $matches);
// no ticket found!
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message('*** Could not get passport ticket!');
return false;
//$this->debug_message(var_export($matches, true));
// matches[0]: all data
// matches[1]: RST1 ( ticket
// matches[2]: ...
// matches[3]: RST1 ( binary secret
// matches[4]: ...
// matches[5]: RST2 ( ticket
// matches[6]: ...
// matches[7]: RST3 ( ticket
// matches[8]: ...
// matches[9]: RST4 ( ticket
// matches[10]: ...
// matches[11]: RST5 ( ticket
// matches[12]: ...
// matches[13]: RST6 ( ticket
// matches[14]: ...
// so
// ticket => $matches[1]
// secret => $matches[3]
// web_ticket => $matches[5]
// contact_ticket => $matches[7]
// oim_ticket => $matches[9]
// space_ticket => $matches[11]
// storage_ticket => $matches[13]
// yes, we get ticket
$aTickets = array(
'ticket' => html_entity_decode($matches[1]),
'secret' => html_entity_decode($matches[3]),
'web_ticket' => html_entity_decode($matches[5]),
'contact_ticket' => html_entity_decode($matches[7]),
'oim_ticket' => html_entity_decode($matches[9]),
'space_ticket' => html_entity_decode($matches[11]),
'storage_ticket' => html_entity_decode($matches[13])
$this->ticket = $aTickets;
//$this->debug_message(var_export($aTickets, true));
$ABAuthHeaderArray = array(
'ABAuthHeader' => array(
':' => array('xmlns' => ''),
'ManagedGroupRequest' => false,
'TicketToken' => htmlspecialchars($this->ticket['contact_ticket']),
$this->ABAuthHeader = new SoapHeader('', 'ABAuthHeader', $this->Array2SoapVar($ABAuthHeaderArray));
return $aTickets;
* Fetch contact list
* @return boolean true on success
private function UpdateContacts() {
$ABApplicationHeaderArray = array(
'ABApplicationHeader' => array(
':' => array('xmlns' => ''),
'ApplicationId' => 'CFE80F9D-180F-4399-82AB-413F33A1FA11',
'IsMigration' => false,
'PartnerScenario' => 'ContactSave'
$ABApplicationHeader = new SoapHeader('', 'ABApplicationHeader', $this->Array2SoapVar($ABApplicationHeaderArray));
$ABFindAllArray = array(
'ABFindAll' => array(
':' => array('xmlns'=>''),
'abId' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
'abView' => 'Full',
'lastChange' => '0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000-08:00',
$ABFindAll = new SoapParam($this->Array2SoapVar($ABFindAllArray), 'ABFindAll');
$this->ABService->__setSoapHeaders(array($ABApplicationHeader, $this->ABAuthHeader));
$this->Contacts = array();
try {
$this->debug_message('*** Updating Contacts...');
$Result = $this->ABService->ABFindAll($ABFindAll);
$this->debug_message("*** Result:\n".print_r($Result, true)."\n".$this->ABService->__getLastResponse());
foreach($Result->ABFindAllResult->contacts->Contact as $Contact)
$this->Contacts[$Contact->contactInfo->passportName] = $Contact;
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->debug_message("*** Update Contacts Error \nRequest:".$this->ABService->__getLastRequest()."\nError:".$e->getMessage());
return false;
return true;
* Add contact
* @param string $email
* @param integer $network
* @param string $display
* @param boolean $sendADL
* @return boolean true on success
private function addContact($email, $network, $display = '', $sendADL = false) {
if ($network != 1) return true;
if (isset($this->Contacts[$email])) return true;
$ABContactAddArray = array(
'ABContactAdd' => array(
':' => array('xmlns' => ''),
'abId' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
'contacts' => array(
'Contact' => array(
':' => array('xmlns' => ''),
'contactInfo' => array(
'contactType' => 'LivePending',
'passportName' => $email,
'isMessengerUser' => true,
'MessengerMemberInfo' => array(
'DisplayName' => $email
'options' => array(
'EnableAllowListManagement' => true
$ABContactAdd = new SoapParam($this->Array2SoapVar($ABContactAddArray), 'ABContactAdd');
try {
$this->debug_message("*** Adding Contact $email...");
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->debug_message("*** Add Contact Error \nRequest:".$this->ABService->__getLastRequest()."\nError:".$e->getMessage());
return false;
if ($sendADL && !feof($this->NSfp)) {
@list($u_name, $u_domain) = @explode('@', $email);
foreach (array('1', '2') as $l) {
$str = '<ml l="1"><d n="'.$u_domain.'"><c n="'.$u_name.'" l="'.$l.'" t="'.$network.'" /></d></ml>';
$len = strlen($str);
// NS: >>> ADL {id} {size}
//TODO introduce error checking
$this->ns_writeln("ADL $this->id $len");
return true;
* Remove contact from list
* @param integer $memberID
* @param string $email
* @param integer $network
* @param string $list
function delMemberFromList($memberID, $email, $network, $list) {
if ($network != 1 && $network != 32) return true;
if ($memberID === false) return true;
$user = $email;
$ticket = htmlspecialchars($this->ticket['contact_ticket']);
if ($network == 1)
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<ABApplicationHeader xmlns="">
<ABAuthHeader xmlns="">
<DeleteMember xmlns="">
<Member xsi:type="PassportMember" xmlns:xsi="">
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<ABApplicationHeader xmlns="">
<ABAuthHeader xmlns="">
<DeleteMember xmlns="">
<Member xsi:type="EmailMember" xmlns:xsi="">
$header_array = array(
'SOAPAction: '.$this->delmember_soap,
'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'User-Agent: MSN Explorer/9.0 (MSN 8.0; TmstmpExt)'
//$this->debug_message("*** URL: $this->delmember_url");
//$this->debug_message("*** Sending SOAP:\n$XML");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->delmember_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header_array);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $XML);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
//$this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
if ($http_code != 200) {
preg_match('#<faultcode>(.*)</faultcode><faultstring>(.*)</faultstring>#', $data, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not delete member (network: $network) $email ($memberID) from $list list");
return false;
$faultcode = trim($matches[1]);
$faultstring = trim($matches[2]);
if (strcasecmp($faultcode, 'soap:Client') || stripos($faultstring, 'Member does not exist') === false) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not delete member (network: $network) $email ($memberID) from $list list, error code: $faultcode, $faultstring");
return false;
$this->debug_message("*** Could not delete member (network: $network) $email ($memberID) from $list list, not present in list");
return true;
$this->debug_message("*** Member successfully deleted (network: $network) $email ($memberID) from $list list");
return true;
* Add contact to list
* @param string $email
* @param integer $network
* @param string $list
function addMemberToList($email, $network, $list) {
if ($network != 1 && $network != 32) return true;
$ticket = htmlspecialchars($this->ticket['contact_ticket']);
$user = $email;
if ($network == 1)
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<ABApplicationHeader xmlns="">
<ABAuthHeader xmlns="">
<AddMember xmlns="">
<Member xsi:type="PassportMember" xmlns:xsi="">
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<ABApplicationHeader xmlns="">
<ABAuthHeader xmlns="">
<AddMember xmlns="">
<Member xsi:type="EmailMember" xmlns:xsi="">
$header_array = array(
'SOAPAction: '.$this->addmember_soap,
'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'User-Agent: MSN Explorer/9.0 (MSN 8.0; TmstmpExt)'
//$this->debug_message("*** URL: $this->addmember_url");
//$this->debug_message("*** Sending SOAP:\n$XML");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->addmember_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header_array);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $XML);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
//$this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
if ($http_code != 200) {
preg_match('#<faultcode>(.*)</faultcode><faultstring>(.*)</faultstring>#', $data, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not add member (network: $network) $email to $list list");
return false;
$faultcode = trim($matches[1]);
$faultstring = trim($matches[2]);
if (strcasecmp($faultcode, 'soap:Client') || stripos($faultstring, 'Member already exists') === false) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not add member (network: $network) $email to $list list, error code: $faultcode, $faultstring");
return false;
$this->debug_message("*** Could not add member (network: $network) $email to $list list, already present");
return true;
$this->debug_message("*** Member successfully added (network: $network) $email to $list list");
return true;
* Get membership lists
* @param mixed $returnData Membership list or false on failure
function getMembershipList($returnData = false) {
$ticket = htmlspecialchars($this->ticket['contact_ticket']);
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<ABApplicationHeader xmlns="">
<ABAuthHeader xmlns="">
<FindMembership xmlns="">
$header_array = array(
'SOAPAction: '.$this->membership_soap,
'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'User-Agent: MSN Explorer/9.0 (MSN 8.0; TmstmpExt)'
//$this->debug_message("*** URL: $this->membership_url");
//$this->debug_message("*** Sending SOAP:\n$XML");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->membership_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header_array);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $XML);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
//$this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
if ($http_code != 200) return false;
$p = $data;
$aMemberships = array();
while (1) {
//$this->debug_message("search p = $p");
$start = strpos($p, '<Membership>');
$end = strpos($p, '</Membership>');
if ($start === false || $end === false || $start > $end) break;
//$this->debug_message("start = $start, end = $end");
$end += 13;
$sMembership = substr($p, $start, $end - $start);
$aMemberships[] = $sMembership;
//$this->debug_message("add sMembership = $sMembership");
$p = substr($p, $end);
//$this->debug_message("aMemberships = ".var_export($aMemberships, true));
$aContactList = array();
foreach ($aMemberships as $sMembership) {
//$this->debug_message("sMembership = $sMembership");
if (isset($matches)) unset($matches);
preg_match('#<MemberRole>(.*)</MemberRole>#', $sMembership, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) continue;
$sMemberRole = $matches[1];
//$this->debug_message("MemberRole = $sMemberRole");
if ($sMemberRole != 'Allow' && $sMemberRole != 'Reverse' && $sMemberRole != 'Pending') continue;
$p = $sMembership;
if (isset($aMembers)) unset($aMembers);
$aMembers = array();
while (1) {
//$this->debug_message("search p = $p");
$start = strpos($p, '<Member xsi:type="');
$end = strpos($p, '</Member>');
if ($start === false || $end === false || $start > $end) break;
//$this->debug_message("start = $start, end = $end");
$end += 9;
$sMember = substr($p, $start, $end - $start);
$aMembers[] = $sMember;
//$this->debug_message("add sMember = $sMember");
$p = substr($p, $end);
//$this->debug_message("aMembers = ".var_export($aMembers, true));
foreach ($aMembers as $sMember) {
//$this->debug_message("sMember = $sMember");
if (isset($matches)) unset($matches);
preg_match('#<Member xsi\:type="([^"]*)">#', $sMember, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) continue;
$sMemberType = $matches[1];
//$this->debug_message("MemberType = $sMemberType");
$network = -1;
preg_match('#<MembershipId>(.*)</MembershipId>#', $sMember, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) continue;
$id = $matches[1];
if ($sMemberType == 'PassportMember') {
if (strpos($sMember, '<Type>Passport</Type>') === false) continue;
$network = 1;
preg_match('#<PassportName>(.*)</PassportName>#', $sMember, $matches);
else if ($sMemberType == 'EmailMember') {
if (strpos($sMember, '<Type>Email</Type>') === false) continue;
// Value is 32: or 32:YAHOO
preg_match('#<Annotation><Name>MSN.IM.BuddyType</Name><Value>(.*):(.*)</Value></Annotation>#', $sMember, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) continue;
if ($matches[1] != 32) continue;
$network = 32;
preg_match('#<Email>(.*)</Email>#', $sMember, $matches);
if ($network == -1) continue;
if (count($matches) > 0) {
$email = $matches[1];
@list($u_name, $u_domain) = @explode('@', $email);
if ($u_domain == NULL) continue;
$aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network][$sMemberRole] = $id;
$this->debug_message("*** Adding new contact (network: $network, status: $sMemberRole): $u_name@$u_domain ($id)");
return $aContactList;
* Connect to the NS server
* @param String $user Username
* @param String $password Password
* @param String $redirect_server Redirect server
* @param Integer $redirect_port Redirect port
* @return Boolean Returns true if successful
private function connect($user, $password, $redirect_server = '', $redirect_port = 1863) {
$this->id = 1;
if ($redirect_server === '') {
$this->NSfp = @fsockopen($this->server, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
if (!$this->NSfp) {
$this->error = "!!! Could not connect to $this->server:$this->port, error => $errno, $errstr";
return false;
else {
$this->NSfp = @fsockopen($redirect_server, $redirect_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
if (!$this->NSfp) {
$this->error = "!!! Could not connect to $redirect_server:$redirect_port, error => $errno, $errstr";
return false;
$this->authed = false;
// MSNP9
// NS: >> VER {id} MSNP9 CVR0
// MSNP15
// NS: >>> VER {id} MSNP15 CVR0
$this->ns_writeln("VER $this->id $this->protocol CVR0");
$start_tm = time();
while (!self::socketcheck($this->NSfp)) {
$data = $this->ns_readln();
// no data?
if ($data === false) {
// logout now
// NS: >>> OUT
$this->error = 'Timeout, maybe protocol changed!';
return false;
$code = substr($data, 0, 3);
$start_tm = time();
switch ($code) {
case 'VER':
// MSNP9
// NS: <<< VER {id} MSNP9 CVR0
// NS: >>> CVR {id} 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSMSGS 6.0.0602 msmsgs {user}
// MSNP15
// NS: <<< VER {id} MSNP15 CVR0
// NS: >>> CVR {id} 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSMSGS 8.1.0178 msmsgs {user}
$this->ns_writeln("CVR $this->id 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSMSGS $this->buildver msmsgs $user");
case 'CVR':
// MSNP9
// NS: <<< CVR {id} {ver_list} {download_serve} ....
// NS: >>> USR {id} TWN I {user}
// MSNP15
// NS: <<< CVR {id} {ver_list} {download_serve} ....
// NS: >>> USR {id} SSO I {user}
$this->ns_writeln("USR $this->id $this->login_method I $user");
case 'USR':
// already login for passport site, finish the login process now.
// NS: <<< USR {id} OK {user} {verify} 0
if ($this->authed) return true;
// max. 16 digits for password
if (strlen($password) > 16)
$password = substr($password, 0, 16);
$this->user = $user;
$this->password = $password;
// NS: <<< USR {id} SSO S {policy} {nonce}
@list(/* USR */, /* id */, /* SSO */, /* S */, $policy, $nonce,) = @explode(' ', $data);
$this->passport_policy = $policy;
$aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
// logout now
// NS: >>> OUT
$this->error = 'Passport authenticated fail!';
return false;
$ticket = $aTickets['ticket'];
$secret = $aTickets['secret'];
$this->ticket = $aTickets;
$login_code = $this->generateLoginBLOB($secret, $nonce);
// NS: >>> USR {id} SSO S {ticket} {login_code}
$this->ns_writeln("USR $this->id $this->login_method S $ticket $login_code");
$this->authed = true;
case 'XFR':
// main login server will redirect to anther NS after USR command
// MSNP9
// NS: <<< XFR {id} NS {server} 0 {server}
// MSNP15
// NS: <<< XFR {id} NS {server} U D
@list(/* XFR */, /* id */, $Type, $server, /* ... */) = @explode(' ', $data);
if ($Type!='NS') break;
@list($ip, $port) = @explode(':', $server);
// this connection will close after XFR
$this->NSfp = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
if (!$this->NSfp) {
$this->error = "Can't connect to $ip:$port, error => $errno, $errstr";
return false;
// MSNP9
// NS: >> VER {id} MSNP9 CVR0
// MSNP15
// NS: >>> VER {id} MSNP15 CVR0
$this->ns_writeln("VER $this->id $this->protocol CVR0");
case 'GCF':
// return some policy data after 'USR {id} SSO I {user}' command
// NS: <<< GCF 0 {size}
@list(/* GCF */, /* 0 */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
// we don't need the data, just read it and drop
if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
// we'll quit if got any error
if (is_numeric($code)) {
// logout now
// NS: >>> OUT
$this->error = "Error code: $code, please check the detail information from:";
return false;
// unknown response from server, just ignore it
// never goto here
* Sign onto the NS server and retrieve the address book
* @return void
public function signon() {
/* FIXME Don't implement the signon as a loop or we could hang
* the queue handler! */
$this->debug_message('*** Trying to connect to MSN network');
while (true) {
// Connect
if (!$this->connect($this->user, $this->password)) {
$this->signonFailure("!!! Could not connect to server: $this->error");
// Update contacts
if ($this->UpdateContacts() === false) continue;
// Get membership lists
if (($this->aContactList = $this->getMembershipList()) === false) {
$this->signonFailure('!!! Get membership list failed');
if ($this->update_pending) {
if (is_array($this->aContactList)) {
$pending = 'Pending';
foreach ($this->aContactList as $u_domain => $aUserList) {
foreach ($aUserList as $u_name => $aNetworks) {
foreach ($aNetworks as $network => $aData) {
if (isset($aData[$pending])) {
// pending list
$cnt = 0;
foreach (array('Allow', 'Reverse') as $list) {
if (isset($aData[$list]))
else {
if ($this->addMemberToList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list)) {
$this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network][$list] = false;
if ($cnt >= 2) {
$id = $aData[$pending];
// we can delete it from pending now
if ($this->delMemberFromList($id, $u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $pending))
else {
// sync list
foreach (array('Allow', 'Reverse') as $list) {
if (!isset($aData[$list])) {
if ($this->addMemberToList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list))
$this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network][$list] = false;
$n = 0;
$sList = '';
$len = 0;
if (is_array($this->aContactList)) {
foreach ($this->aContactList as $u_domain => $aUserList) {
$str = '<d n="'.$u_domain.'">';
$len += strlen($str);
if ($len > 7400) {
$this->aADL[$n] = '<ml l="1">'.$sList.'</ml>';
$sList = '';
$len = strlen($str);
$sList .= $str;
foreach ($aUserList as $u_name => $aNetworks) {
foreach ($aNetworks as $network => $status) {
$str = '<c n="'.$u_name.'" l="3" t="'.$network.'" />';
$len += strlen($str);
// max: 7500, but <ml l="1"></d></ml> is 19,
// so we use 7475
if ($len > 7475) {
$sList .= '</d>';
$this->aADL[$n] = '<ml l="1">'.$sList.'</ml>';
$sList = '<d n="'.$u_domain.'">'.$str;
$len = strlen($sList);
$sList .= $str;
$sList .= '</d>';
$this->aADL[$n] = '<ml l="1">'.$sList.'</ml>';
// NS: >>> BLP {id} BL
$this->ns_writeln("BLP $this->id BL");
foreach ($this->aADL as $str) {
$len = strlen($str);
// NS: >>> ADL {id} {size}
$this->ns_writeln("ADL $this->id $len");
// NS: >>> PRP {id} MFN name
if ($this->alias == '') $this->alias = $user;
$aliasname = rawurlencode($this->alias);
$this->ns_writeln("PRP $this->id MFN $aliasname");
// NS: >>> CHG {id} {status} {clientid} {msnobj}
$this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid");
if ($this->PhotoStickerFile !== false)
$this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid ".rawurlencode($this->MsnObj($this->PhotoStickerFile)));
// NS: >>> UUX {id} length
$str = '<Data><PSM>'.htmlspecialchars($this->psm).'</PSM><CurrentMedia></CurrentMedia><MachineGuid></MachineGuid></Data>';
$len = strlen($str);
$this->ns_writeln("UUX $this->id $len");
if (!self::socketcheck($this->NSfp)) {
$this->debug_message('*** Connected, waiting for commands');
} else {
* Called if there is an error during signon
* @param string $message Error message to log
private function signonFailure($message) {
function derive_key($key, $magic) {
$hash1 = mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $magic, $key);
$hash2 = mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $hash1.$magic, $key);
$hash3 = mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $hash1, $key);
$hash4 = mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $hash3.$magic, $key);
return $hash2.substr($hash4, 0, 4);
function generateLoginBLOB($key, $challenge) {
$key1 = base64_decode($key);
$key2 = $this->derive_key($key1, 'WS-SecureConversationSESSION KEY HASH');
$key3 = $this->derive_key($key1, 'WS-SecureConversationSESSION KEY ENCRYPTION');
// get hash of challenge using key2
$hash = mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $challenge, $key2);
// get 8 bytes random data
$iv = substr(base64_encode(rand(1000,9999).rand(1000,9999)), 2, 8);
$cipher = mcrypt_cbc(MCRYPT_3DES, $key3, $challenge."\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08", MCRYPT_ENCRYPT, $iv);
$blob = pack('LLLLLLL', 28, 1, 0x6603, 0x8004, 8, 20, 72);
$blob .= $iv;
$blob .= $hash;
$blob .= $cipher;
return base64_encode($blob);
* Get OIM mail data
* @return string mail data or false on failure
function getOIM_maildata() {
preg_match('#t=(.*)&p=(.*)#', $this->ticket['web_ticket'], $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message('*** No web ticket?');
return false;
$t = htmlspecialchars($matches[1]);
$p = htmlspecialchars($matches[2]);
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<PassportCookie xmlns="">
<GetMetadata xmlns="" />
$header_array = array(
'SOAPAction: '.$this->oim_maildata_soap,
'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Messenger '.$this->buildver.')'
//$this->debug_message("*** URL: $this->oim_maildata_url");
//$this->debug_message("*** Sending SOAP:\n$XML");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->oim_maildata_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header_array);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $XML);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
//$this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
if ($http_code != 200) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not get OIM maildata! http code: $http_code");
return false;
// <GetMetadataResponse xmlns="">See #XML_Data</GetMetadataResponse>
preg_match('#<GetMetadataResponse([^>]*)>(.*)</GetMetadataResponse>#', $data, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message('*** Could not get OIM maildata');
return false;
return $matches[2];
* Fetch OIM message with given id
* @param string $msgid
* @return string Message or false on failure
function getOIM_message($msgid) {
preg_match('#t=(.*)&p=(.*)#', $this->ticket['web_ticket'], $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message('*** No web ticket?');
return false;
$t = htmlspecialchars($matches[1]);
$p = htmlspecialchars($matches[2]);
// read OIM
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<PassportCookie xmlns="">
<GetMessage xmlns="">
$header_array = array(
'SOAPAction: '.$this->oim_read_soap,
'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Messenger '.$this->buildver.')'
//$this->debug_message("*** URL: $this->oim_read_url");
//$this->debug_message("*** Sending SOAP:\n$XML");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->oim_read_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header_array);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $XML);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
//$this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
if ($http_code != 200) {
$this->debug_message("*** Can't get OIM: $msgid, http code = $http_code");
return false;
// why can't use preg_match('#<GetMessageResult>(.*)</GetMessageResult>#', $data, $matches)?
// multi-lines?
$start = strpos($data, '<GetMessageResult>');
$end = strpos($data, '</GetMessageResult>');
if ($start === false || $end === false || $start > $end) {
$this->debug_message("*** Can't get OIM: $msgid");
return false;
$lines = substr($data, $start + 18, $end - $start);
$aLines = @explode("\n", $lines);
$header = true;
$ignore = false;
$sOIM = '';
foreach ($aLines as $line) {
$line = rtrim($line);
if ($header) {
if ($line === '') {
$header = false;
// stop at empty lines
if ($line === '') break;
$sOIM .= $line;
$sMsg = base64_decode($sOIM);
//$this->debug_message("*** we get OIM ($msgid): $sMsg");
// delete OIM
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<PassportCookie xmlns="">
<DeleteMessages xmlns="">
$header_array = array(
'SOAPAction: '.$this->oim_del_soap,
'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Messenger '.$this->buildver.')'
//$this->debug_message("*** URL: $this->oim_del_url");
//$this->debug_message("*** Sending SOAP:\n$XML");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->oim_del_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header_array);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $XML);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
//$this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
if ($http_code != 200)
$this->debug_message("*** Could not delete OIM: $msgid, http code = $http_code");
$this->debug_message("*** OIM ($msgid) deleted");
return $sMsg;
* Log out and close the NS connection
* @return void
private function NSLogout() {
if (is_resource($this->NSfp) && !feof($this->NSfp)) {
// logout now
// NS: >>> OUT
$this->NSfp = false;
$this->debug_message("*** Logged out");
* Sleep for the given number of seconds
* @param integer $wait Number of seconds to sleep for
private function NSRetryWait($wait) {
$this->debug_message("*** Sleeping for $wait seconds before retrying");
* Generate challenge response
* @param string $code
* @return string challenge response code
function getChallenge($code) {
// MSNP15
// Step 1: The MD5 Hash
$md5Hash = md5($code.$this->prod_key);
$aMD5 = @explode("\0", chunk_split($md5Hash, 8, "\0"));
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$aMD5[$i] = implode('', array_reverse(@explode("\0", chunk_split($aMD5[$i], 2, "\0"))));
$aMD5[$i] = (0 + base_convert($aMD5[$i], 16, 10)) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
// Step 2: A new string
$chl_id = $code.$this->prod_id;
$chl_id .= str_repeat('0', 8 - (strlen($chl_id) % 8));
$aID = @explode("\0", substr(chunk_split($chl_id, 4, "\0"), 0, -1));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aID); $i++) {
$aID[$i] = implode('', array_reverse(@explode("\0", chunk_split($aID[$i], 1, "\0"))));
$aID[$i] = 0 + base_convert(bin2hex($aID[$i]), 16, 10);
// Step 3: The 64 bit key
$magic_num = 0x0E79A9C1;
$str7f = 0x7FFFFFFF;
$high = 0;
$low = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aID); $i += 2) {
$temp = $aID[$i];
$temp = bcmod(bcmul($magic_num, $temp), $str7f);
$temp = bcadd($temp, $high);
$temp = bcadd(bcmul($aMD5[0], $temp), $aMD5[1]);
$temp = bcmod($temp, $str7f);
$high = $aID[$i+1];
$high = bcmod(bcadd($high, $temp), $str7f);
$high = bcadd(bcmul($aMD5[2], $high), $aMD5[3]);
$high = bcmod($high, $str7f);
$low = bcadd(bcadd($low, $high), $temp);
$high = bcmod(bcadd($high, $aMD5[1]), $str7f);
$low = bcmod(bcadd($low, $aMD5[3]), $str7f);
$new_high = bcmul($high & 0xFF, 0x1000000);
$new_high = bcadd($new_high, bcmul($high & 0xFF00, 0x100));
$new_high = bcadd($new_high, bcdiv($high & 0xFF0000, 0x100));
$new_high = bcadd($new_high, bcdiv($high & 0xFF000000, 0x1000000));
// we need integer here
$high = 0+$new_high;
$new_low = bcmul($low & 0xFF, 0x1000000);
$new_low = bcadd($new_low, bcmul($low & 0xFF00, 0x100));
$new_low = bcadd($new_low, bcdiv($low & 0xFF0000, 0x100));
$new_low = bcadd($new_low, bcdiv($low & 0xFF000000, 0x1000000));
// we need integer here
$low = 0+$new_low;
// we just use 32 bits integer, don't need the key, just high/low
// $key = bcadd(bcmul($high, 0x100000000), $low);
// Step 4: Using the key
$md5Hash = md5($code.$this->prod_key);
$aHash = @explode("\0", chunk_split($md5Hash, 8, "\0"));
$hash = '';
$hash .= sprintf("%08x", (0 + base_convert($aHash[0], 16, 10)) ^ $high);
$hash .= sprintf("%08x", (0 + base_convert($aHash[1], 16, 10)) ^ $low);
$hash .= sprintf("%08x", (0 + base_convert($aHash[2], 16, 10)) ^ $high);
$hash .= sprintf("%08x", (0 + base_convert($aHash[3], 16, 10)) ^ $low);
return $hash;
* Generate the data to send a message
* @param string $sMessage Message
* @param integer $network Network
private function getMessage($sMessage, $network = 1) {
$msg_header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\nX-MMS-IM-Format: FN=$this->font_fn; EF=$this->font_ef; CO=$this->font_co; CS=0; PF=22\r\n\r\n";
$msg_header_len = strlen($msg_header);
if ($network == 1)
$maxlen = $this->max_msn_message_len - $msg_header_len;
$maxlen = $this->max_yahoo_message_len - $msg_header_len;
$sMessage = str_replace("\r", '', $sMessage);
$msg = substr($sMessage, 0, $maxlen);
return $msg_header.$msg;
// read data for specified size
private function ns_readdata($size) {
$data = '';
$count = 0;
while (!feof($this->NSfp)) {
$buf = @fread($this->NSfp, $size - $count);
$data .= $buf;
$count += strlen($buf);
if ($count >= $size) break;
$this->debug_message("NS: data ($size/$count) <<<\n$data");
return $data;
// read one line
private function ns_readln() {
$data = @fgets($this->NSfp, 4096);
if ($data !== false) {
$data = trim($data);
$this->debug_message("NS: <<< $data");
return $data;
// write to server, append \r\n, also increase id
private function ns_writeln($data) {
@fwrite($this->NSfp, $data."\r\n");
$this->debug_message("NS: >>> $data");
// write data to server
private function ns_writedata($data) {
@fwrite($this->NSfp, $data);
$this->debug_message("NS: >>> $data");
// read data for specified size for SB
private function sb_readdata($socket, $size) {
$data = '';
$count = 0;
while (!feof($socket)) {
$buf = @fread($socket, $size - $count);
$data .= $buf;
$count += strlen($buf);
if ($count >= $size) break;
$this->debug_message("SB: data ($size/$count) <<<\n$data");
return $data;
// read one line for SB
private function sb_readln($socket) {
$data = @fgets($socket, 4096);
if ($data !== false) {
$data = trim($data);
$this->debug_message("SB: <<< $data");
return $data;
// write to server for SB, append \r\n, also increase id
// switchboard server only accept \r\n, it will lost connection if just \n only
private function sb_writeln($socket, &$id, $data) {
@fwrite($socket, $data."\r\n");
$this->debug_message("SB: >>> $data");
// write data to server
private function sb_writedata($socket, $data) {
@fwrite($socket, $data);
$this->debug_message("SB: >>> $data");
// show debug information
function debug_message($str) {
if (!$this->debug) return;
if ($this->debug===STDOUT) echo $str."\n";
$fp = fopen($fname, 'at');
if ($fp) {
fputs($fp, strftime('%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S').' ['.posix_getpid().'] '.$str."\n");
// still show debug information, if we can't open log_file
echo $str."\n";
function dump_binary($str) {
$buf = '';
$a_str = '';
$h_str = '';
$len = strlen($str);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if (($i % 16) == 0) {
if ($buf !== '') {
$buf .= "$h_str $a_str\n";
$buf .= sprintf("%04X:", $i);
$a_str = '';
$h_str = '';
$ch = ord($str[$i]);
if ($ch < 32)
$a_str .= '.';
$a_str .= chr($ch);
$h_str .= sprintf(" %02X", $ch);
if ($h_str !== '')
$buf .= "$h_str $a_str\n";
return $buf;
* @param $FilePath 圖檔路徑
* @param $Type 檔案類型 3=>大頭貼,2表情圖案
* @return array
private function MsnObj($FilePath,$Type=3)
if (!($FileSize=filesize($FilePath))) return '';
$Location = md5($FilePath);
$Friendly = md5($FilePath.$Type);
if (isset($this->MsnObjMap[$Location])) return $this->MsnObjMap[$Location];
$sha1d = base64_encode(sha1(file_get_contents($FilePath), true));
$sha1c = base64_encode(sha1("Creator".$this->user."Size$FileSize"."Type$Type"."Location$Location"."Friendly".$Friendly."SHA1D$sha1d",true));
$this->MsnObjArray[$Location] = $FilePath;
$MsnObj = '<msnobj Creator="'.$this->user.'" Size="'.$FileSize.'" Type="'.$Type.'" Location="'.$Location.'" Friendly="'.$Friendly.'" SHA1D="'.$sha1d.'" SHA1C="'.$sha1c.'"/>';
$this->MsnObjMap[$Location] = $MsnObj;
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: addMsnObj $FilePath::$MsnObj\n");
return $MsnObj;
private function linetoArray($lines) {
$lines = str_replace("\r", '', $lines);
$lines = explode("\n", $lines);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (!isset($line{3})) continue;
list($Key,$Val) = explode(':', $line);
$Data[trim($Key)] = trim($Val);
return $Data;
private function GetPictureFilePath($Context) {
$MsnObj = base64_decode($Context);
if (preg_match('/location="(.*?)"/i', $MsnObj, $Match))
$location = $Match[1];
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: PictureFile[$location] ::All".print_r($this->MsnObjArray,true)."\n");
if ($location && isset($this->MsnObjArray[$location]))
return $this->MsnObjArray[$location];
return false;
private function GetMsnObjDefine($Message) {
$DefineString = '';
if (is_array($this->Emotions))
foreach ($this->Emotions as $Pattern => $FilePath) {
if (strpos($Message, $Pattern)!==false)
$DefineString .= "$Pattern\t".$this->MsnObj($FilePath, 2)."\t";
return $DefineString;
* Read and handle incoming command from NS
* @return void
private function nsReceive() {
// Sign in again if not signed in or socket failed
if (!is_resource($this->NSfp) || self::socketcheck($this->NSfp)) {
$data = $this->ns_readln();
if ($data === false) {
// There was no data / an error when reading from the socket so reconnect
} else {
switch (substr($data, 0, 3)) {
case 'SBS':
// after 'USR {id} OK {user} {verify} 0' response, the server will send SBS and profile to us
// NS: <<< SBS 0 null
case 'RFS':
// NS: <<< RFS ???
// refresh ADL, so we re-send it again
if (is_array($this->aADL)) {
foreach ($this->aADL as $str) {
$len = strlen($str);
// NS: >>> ADL {id} {size}
$this->ns_writeln("ADL $this->id $len");
case 'LST':
// NS: <<< LST {email} {alias} 11 0
@list(/* LST */, $email, /* alias */,) = @explode(' ', $data);
@list($u_name, $u_domain) = @explode('@', $email);
if (!isset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][1])) {
$this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][1]['Allow'] = 'Allow';
$this->debug_message("*** Added to contact list: $u_name@$u_domain");
case 'ADL':
// randomly, we get ADL command, someone add us to their contact list for MSNP15
// NS: <<< ADL 0 {size}
@list(/* ADL */, /* 0 */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0) {
$data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
preg_match('#<ml><d n="([^"]+)"><c n="([^"]+)"(.*) t="(\d*)"(.*) /></d></ml>#', $data, $matches);
if (is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 0) {
$u_domain = $matches[1];
$u_name = $matches[2];
$network = $matches[4];
if (isset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network]))
$this->debug_message("*** Someone (network: $network) added us to their list (but already in our list): $u_name@$u_domain");
else {
$re_login = false;
$cnt = 0;
foreach (array('Allow', 'Reverse') as $list) {
if (!$this->addMemberToList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list)) {
if ($re_login) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not add $u_name@$u_domain (network: $network) to $list list");
$aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
// failed to login? ignore it
$this->debug_message("*** Could not re-login, something wrong here");
$this->debug_message("*** Could not add $u_name@$u_domain (network: $network) to $list list");
$re_login = true;
$this->ticket = $aTickets;
$this->debug_message("**** Got new ticket, trying again");
if (!$this->addMemberToList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list)) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not add $u_name@$u_domain (network: $network) to $list list");
$this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network][$list] = false;
$this->debug_message("*** Someone (network: $network) added us to their list: $u_name@$u_domain");
$str = '<ml l="1"><d n="'.$u_domain.'"><c n="'.$u_name.'" l="3" t="'.$network.'" /></d></ml>';
$len = strlen($str);
$this->callHandler('AddedToList', array('screenname' => $u_name.'@'.$u_domain, 'network' => $network));
$this->debug_message("*** Someone added us to their list: $data");
case 'RML':
// randomly, we get RML command, someome remove us to their contact list for MSNP15
// NS: <<< RML 0 {size}
@list(/* RML */, /* 0 */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0) {
$data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
preg_match('#<ml><d n="([^"]+)"><c n="([^"]+)"(.*) t="(\d*)"(.*) /></d></ml>#', $data, $matches);
if (is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 0) {
$u_domain = $matches[1];
$u_name = $matches[2];
$network = $matches[4];
if (isset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network])) {
$aData = $this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network];
foreach ($aData as $list => $id)
$this->delMemberFromList($id, $u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list);
$this->debug_message("*** Someone (network: $network) removed us from their list: $u_name@$u_domain");
$this->debug_message("*** Someone (network: $network) removed us from their list (but not in our list): $u_name@$u_domain");
$this->callHandler('RemovedFromList', array('screenname' => $u_name.'@'.$u_domain, 'network' => $network));
$this->debug_message("*** Someone removed us from their list: $data");
case 'MSG':
// randomly, we get MSG notification from server
// NS: <<< MSG Hotmail Hotmail {size}
@list(/* MSG */, /* Hotmail */, /* Hotmail */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0) {
$data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
$aLines = @explode("\n", $data);
$header = true;
$ignore = false;
$maildata = '';
foreach ($aLines as $line) {
$line = rtrim($line);
if ($header) {
if ($line === '') {
$header = false;
if (strncasecmp($line, 'Content-Type:', 13) == 0) {
if (strpos($line, 'text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification') === false && strpos($line, 'text/x-msmsgsoimnotification') === false) {
// we just need text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification
// or text/x-msmsgsoimnotification
$ignore = true;
if (strncasecmp($line, 'Mail-Data:', 10) == 0) {
$maildata = trim(substr($line, 10));
if ($ignore) {
$this->debug_message("*** Ignoring MSG for: $line");
if ($maildata == '') {
$this->debug_message("*** Ignoring MSG not for OIM");
$re_login = false;
if (strcasecmp($maildata, 'too-large') == 0) {
$this->debug_message("*** Large mail-data, need to get the data via SOAP");
$maildata = $this->getOIM_maildata();
if ($maildata === false) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not get mail-data via SOAP");
// maybe we need to re-login again
$aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
// failed to login? ignore it
$this->debug_message("*** Could not re-login, something wrong here, ignoring this OIM");
$re_login = true;
$this->ticket = $aTickets;
$this->debug_message("*** Got new ticket, trying again");
$maildata = $this->getOIM_maildata();
if ($maildata === false) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not get mail-data via SOAP, and re-login already attempted, ignoring this OIM");
// could be a lots of <M>...</M>, so we can't use preg_match here
$p = $maildata;
$aOIMs = array();
while (1) {
$start = strpos($p, '<M>');
$end = strpos($p, '</M>');
if ($start === false || $end === false || $start > $end) break;
$end += 4;
$sOIM = substr($p, $start, $end - $start);
$aOIMs[] = $sOIM;
$p = substr($p, $end);
if (count($aOIMs) == 0) {
$this->debug_message("*** Ignoring empty OIM");
foreach ($aOIMs as $maildata) {
// T: 11 for MSN, 13 for Yahoo
// S: 6 for MSN, 7 for Yahoo
// RT: the datetime received by server
// RS: already read or not
// SZ: size of message
// E: sender
// I: msgid
// F: always 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000009
// N: sender alias
preg_match('#<T>(.*)</T>#', $maildata, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message("*** Ignoring OIM maildata without <T>type</T>");
$oim_type = $matches[1];
if ($oim_type = 13)
$network = 32;
$network = 1;
preg_match('#<E>(.*)</E>#', $maildata, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message("*** Ignoring OIM maildata without <E>sender</E>");
$oim_sender = $matches[1];
preg_match('#<I>(.*)</I>#', $maildata, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
$this->debug_message("*** Ignoring OIM maildata without <I>msgid</I>");
$oim_msgid = $matches[1];
preg_match('#<SZ>(.*)</SZ>#', $maildata, $matches);
$oim_size = (count($matches) == 0) ? 0 : $matches[1];
preg_match('#<RT>(.*)</RT>#', $maildata, $matches);
$oim_time = (count($matches) == 0) ? 0 : $matches[1];
$this->debug_message("*** OIM received from $oim_sender, Time: $oim_time, MSGID: $oim_msgid, size: $oim_size");
$sMsg = $this->getOIM_message($oim_msgid);
if ($sMsg === false) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not get OIM, msgid = $oim_msgid");
if ($re_login) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not get OIM via SOAP, and re-login already attempted, ignoring this OIM");
$aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
// failed to login? ignore it
$this->debug_message("*** Could not re-login, something wrong here, ignoring this OIM");
$re_login = true;
$this->ticket = $aTickets;
$this->debug_message("*** get new ticket, try it again");
$sMsg = $this->getOIM_message($oim_msgid);
if ($sMsg === false) {
$this->debug_message("*** Could not get OIM via SOAP, and re-login already attempted, ignoring this OIM");
$this->debug_message("*** MSG (Offline) from $oim_sender (network: $network): $sMsg");
$this->callHandler('IMin', array('sender' => $oim_sender, 'message' => $sMsg, 'network' => $network, 'offline' => true));
case 'UBM':
// randomly, we get UBM, this is the message from other network, like Yahoo!
// NS: <<< UBM {email} $network $type {size}
@list(/* UBM */, $from_email, $network, $type, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0) {
$data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
$aLines = @explode("\n", $data);
$header = true;
$ignore = false;
$sMsg = '';
foreach ($aLines as $line) {
$line = rtrim($line);
if ($header) {
if ($line === '') {
$header = false;
if (strncasecmp($line, 'TypingUser:', 11) == 0) {
$ignore = true;
$aSubLines = @explode("\r", $line);
foreach ($aSubLines as $str) {
if ($sMsg !== '')
$sMsg .= "\n";
$sMsg .= $str;
if ($ignore) {
$this->debug_message("*** Ignoring message from $from_email: $line");
$this->debug_message("*** MSG from $from_email (network: $network): $sMsg");
$this->callHandler('IMin', array('sender' => $from_email, 'message' => $sMsg, 'network' => $network, 'offline' => false));
case 'UBX':
// randomly, we get UBX notification from server
// NS: <<< UBX email {network} {size}
@list(/* UBX */, /* email */, /* network */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
// we don't need the notification data, so just ignore it
if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
case 'CHL':
// randomly, we'll get challenge from server
// NS: <<< CHL 0 {code}
@list(/* CHL */, /* 0 */, $chl_code,) = @explode(' ', $data);
$fingerprint = $this->getChallenge($chl_code);
// NS: >>> QRY {id} {product_id} 32
// NS: >>> fingerprint
$this->ns_writeln("QRY $this->id $this->prod_id 32");
$this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid");
if ($this->PhotoStickerFile !== false)
$this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid ".rawurlencode($this->MsnObj($this->PhotoStickerFile)));
case 'CHG':
// NS: <<< CHG {id} {status} {code}
// ignore it
// change our status to online first
case 'XFR':
// sometimes, NS will redirect to another NS
// MSNP9
// NS: <<< XFR {id} NS {server} 0 {server}
// MSNP15
// NS: <<< XFR {id} NS {server} U D
// for normal switchboard XFR
// NS: <<< XFR {id} SB {server} CKI {cki} U 0
@list(/* XFR */, /* {id} */, $server_type, $server, /* CKI */, $cki_code, /* ... */) = @explode(' ', $data);
@list($ip, $port) = @explode(':', $server);
if ($server_type != 'SB') {
// maybe exit?
// this connection will close after XFR
$this->debug_message("NS: <<< XFR SB");
$user = array_shift($this->waitingForXFR);
$bSBresult = $this->switchboard_control($ip, $port, $cki_code, $User, $Message);
$bSBresult = $this->switchboard_control($ip, $port, $cki_code, $aMSNUsers[$nCurrentUser], $sMessage);
if ($bSBresult === false) {
// error for switchboard
$this->debug_message("!!! error for sending message to ".$aMSNUsers[$nCurrentUser]);
$aOfflineUsers[] = $aMSNUsers[$nCurrentUser];
case 'QNG':
// NS: <<< QNG {time}
@list(/* QNG */, $ping_wait) = @explode(' ', $data);
$this->callHandler('Pong', $ping_wait);
case 'RNG':
if ($this->PhotoStickerFile !== false)
$this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid ".rawurlencode($this->MsnObj($this->PhotoStickerFile)));
$this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid");
// someone is trying to talk to us
// NS: <<< RNG {session_id} {server} {auth_type} {ticket} {email} {alias} U {client} 0
$this->debug_message("NS: <<< RNG $data");
@list(/* RNG */, $sid, $server, /* auth_type */, $ticket, $email, $name, ) = @explode(' ', $data);
@list($sb_ip, $sb_port) = @explode(':', $server);
$this->debug_message("*** RING from $email, $sb_ip:$sb_port");
$this->addContact($email, 1, $email, true);
$this->connectToSBSession('Passive', $sb_ip, $sb_port, $email, array('sid' => $sid, 'ticket' => $ticket));
case 'OUT':
// force logout from NS
// NS: <<< OUT xxx
$this->debug_message("*** LOGOUT from NS");
return $this->NsLogout();
$code = substr($data,0,3);
if (is_numeric($code)) {
$this->error = "Error code: $code, please check the detail information from:";
$this->debug_message("*** NS: $this->error");
return $this->NsLogout();
* Read and handle incoming command/message from
* a switchboard session socket
private function sbReceive($socket) {
$intsocket = (int) $socket;
$session = &$this->switchBoardSessions[$intsocket];
if (feof($socket)) {
// Unset session lookup value
// Unset session itself
$id = &$session['id'];
$data = $this->sb_readln($socket);
$code = substr($data, 0, 3);
switch($code) {
case 'IRO':
// SB: <<< IRO {id} {rooster} {roostercount} {email} {alias} {clientid}
@list(/* IRO */, /* id */, $cur_num, $total, $email, $alias, $clientid) = @explode(' ', $data);
$this->debug_message("*** $email joined session");
$session['joined'] = true;
case 'BYE':
$this->debug_message("*** Quit for BYE");
case 'USR':
// SB: <<< USR {id} OK {user} {alias}
// we don't need the data, just ignore it
// request user to join this switchboard
// SB: >>> CAL {id} {user}
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "CAL $this->id $user");
case 'CAL':
// SB: <<< CAL {id} RINGING {?}
// we don't need this, just ignore, and wait for other response
case 'JOI':
// SB: <<< JOI {user} {alias} {clientid?}
// someone join us
// we don't need the data, just ignore it
// no more user here
$session['joined'] = true;
case 'MSG':
// SB: <<< MSG {email} {alias} {len}
@list(/* MSG */, $from_email, /* alias */, $len, ) = @explode(' ', $data);
$len = trim($len);
$data = $this->sb_readdata($socket, $len);
$aLines = @explode("\n", $data);
$header = true;
$ignore = false;
$is_p2p = false;
$sMsg = '';
foreach ($aLines as $line) {
$line = rtrim($line);
if ($header) {
if ($line === '') {
$header = false;
if (strncasecmp($line, 'TypingUser:', 11) == 0) {
// typing notification, just ignore
$ignore = true;
if (strncasecmp($line, 'Chunk:', 6) == 0) {
// we don't handle any split message, just ignore
$ignore = true;
if (strncasecmp($line, 'Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p', 38) == 0) {
// p2p message, ignore it, but we need to send acknowledgement for it...
$is_p2p = true;
$p = strstr($data, "\n\n");
$sMsg = '';
if ($p === false) {
$p = strstr($data, "\r\n\r\n");
if ($p !== false)
$sMsg = substr($p, 4);
$sMsg = substr($p, 2);
if (strncasecmp($line, 'Content-Type: application/x-', 28) == 0) {
// ignore all application/x-... message
// for example:
// application/x-ms-ink => ink message
$ignore = true;
if (strncasecmp($line, 'Content-Type: text/x-', 21) == 0) {
// ignore all text/x-... message
// for example:
// text/x-msnmsgr-datacast => nudge, voice clip....
// text/x-mms-animemoticon => customized animemotion word
$ignore = true;
if ($sMsg !== '')
$sMsg .= "\n";
$sMsg .= $line;
if ($ignore) {
$this->debug_message("*** Ignoring SB data from $from_email: $line");
if ($is_p2p) {
// we will ignore any p2p message after sending acknowledgement
$ignore = true;
$len = strlen($sMsg);
$this->debug_message("*** p2p message from $from_email, size $len");
// header = 48 bytes
// content >= 0 bytes
// footer = 4 bytes
// so it need to >= 52 bytes
/*if ($len < 52) {
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: size error, less than 52!");
$aDwords = @unpack("V12dword", $sMsg);
if (!is_array($aDwords)) {
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header unpack error!");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: dump received message:\n".$this->dump_binary($sMsg));
$hdr_SessionID = $aDwords['dword1'];
$hdr_Identifier = $aDwords['dword2'];
$hdr_DataOffsetLow = $aDwords['dword3'];
$hdr_DataOffsetHigh = $aDwords['dword4'];
$hdr_TotalDataSizeLow = $aDwords['dword5'];
$hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh = $aDwords['dword6'];
$hdr_MessageLength = $aDwords['dword7'];
$hdr_Flag = $aDwords['dword8'];
$hdr_AckID = $aDwords['dword9'];
$hdr_AckUID = $aDwords['dword10'];
$hdr_AckSizeLow = $aDwords['dword11'];
$hdr_AckSizeHigh = $aDwords['dword12'];
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header SessionID = $hdr_SessionID");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header Inentifier = $hdr_Identifier");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header Data Offset Low = $hdr_DataOffsetLow");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header Data Offset High = $hdr_DataOffsetHigh");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header Total Data Size Low = $hdr_TotalDataSizeLow");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header Total Data Size High = $hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header MessageLength = $hdr_MessageLength");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header Flag = $hdr_Flag");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header AckID = $hdr_AckID");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header AckUID = $hdr_AckUID");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header AckSize Low = $hdr_AckSizeLow");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: header AckSize High = $hdr_AckSizeHigh");
if ($hdr_Flag == 2) {
//This is an ACK from SB ignore....
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: //This is an ACK from SB ignore....:\n");
$MsgBody = $this->linetoArray(substr($sMsg, 48, -4));
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: body".print_r($MsgBody, true));
if (($MsgBody['EUF-GUID']=='{A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}')&&($PictureFilePath=$this->GetPictureFilePath($MsgBody['Context']))) {
while (true) {
if ($this->sb_readln($socket) === false) break;
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: Inv hdr:\n".$this->dump_binary(substr($sMsg, 0, 48)));
preg_match('/{([0-9A-F\-]*)}/i', $MsgBody['Via'], $Matches);
$BranchGUID = $Matches[1];
//it's an invite to send a display picture.
$new_id = ~$hdr_Identifier;
$hdr = pack(
"LLLLLLLLLLLL", $hdr_SessionID,
0, 0,
$hdr_TotalDataSizeLow, $hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh,
$hdr_TotalDataSizeLow, $hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh
$footer = pack("L", 0);
$message = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p\r\nP2P-Dest: $from_email\r\n\r\n$hdr$footer";
$len = strlen($message);
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "MSG $this->id D $len");
$this->sb_writedata($socket, $message);
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: send display picture acknowledgement for $hdr_SessionID");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: Invite ACK message:\n".$this->dump_binary($message));
$this->sb_readln($socket); // Read ACK;
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: Invite ACK Hdr:\n".$this->dump_binary($hdr));
$new_id -= 3;
//Send 200 OK message
$MessageContent="SessionID: ".$MsgBody['SessionID']."\r\n\r\n".pack("C", 0);
"MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK\r\n".
"To: <msnmsgr:".$from_email.">\r\n".
"From: <msnmsgr:".$this->user.">\r\n".
"Via: ".$MsgBody['Via']."\r\n".
"CSeq: ".($MsgBody['CSeq']+1)."\r\n".
"Call-ID: ".$MsgBody['Call-ID']."\r\n".
"Max-Forwards: 0\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody\r\n".
"Content-Length: ".strlen($MessageContent)."\r\n\r\n".
$hdr = pack(
"LLLLLLLLLLLL", $hdr_SessionID,
0, 0,
$hdr_TotalDataSizeLow, $hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh,
0, 0
$message =
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p\r\n".
"P2P-Dest: $from_email\r\n\r\n$hdr$MessagePayload$footer";
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "MSG $this->id D ".strlen($message));
$this->sb_writedata($socket, $message);
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: dump 200 ok message:\n".$this->dump_binary($message));
$this->sb_readln($socket); // Read ACK;
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: 200 ok:\n".$this->dump_binary($hdr));
// send data preparation message
// send 4 null bytes as data
$hdr_TotalDataSizeLow = 4;
$hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh = 0 ;
$hdr = pack(
0, 0,
$hdr_TotalDataSizeLow, $hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh,
0, 0
$message =
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p\r\n".
"P2P-Dest: $from_email\r\n\r\n$hdr".pack('L', 0)."$footer";
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "MSG $this->id D ".strlen($message));
$this->sb_writedata($socket, $message);
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: dump send Data preparation message:\n".$this->dump_binary($message));
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: Data Prepare Hdr:\n".$this->dump_binary($hdr));
$this->sb_readln($socket); // Read ACK;
// send Data Content..
if ($hTitle=fopen($PictureFilePath,'rb')) {
$Offset = 0;
while (!feof($hTitle)) {
$FileContent = fread($hTitle, 1024);
$FileContentSize = strlen($FileContent);
$hdr = pack(
$Offset, 0,
$FileSize, 0,
0, 0
$message =
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p\r\n".
"P2P-Dest: $from_email\r\n\r\n$hdr$FileContent$footer";
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "MSG $this->id D ".strlen($message));
$this->sb_writedata($socket, $message);
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: dump send Data Content message $Offset / $FileSize :\n".$this->dump_binary($message));
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: Data Content Hdr:\n".$this->dump_binary($hdr));
//$this->SB_readln($socket);//Read ACK;
$Offset += $FileContentSize;
//Send Bye
$MessageContent="\r\n".pack("C", 0);
"To: <msnmsgr:$from_email>\r\n".
"From: <msnmsgr:".$this->user.">\r\n".
"Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={".$BranchGUID."}\r\n".
"CSeq: 0\r\n".
"Call-ID: ".$MsgBody['Call-ID']."\r\n".
"Max-Forwards: 0\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody\r\n".
"Content-Length: ".strlen($MessageContent)."\r\n\r\n".$MessageContent;
$hdr = pack("LLLLLLLLLLLL",
0, 0,
$hdr_TotalDataSizeLow, $hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh,
$message =
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p\r\n".
"P2P-Dest: $from_email\r\n\r\n$hdr$MessagePayload$footer";
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "MSG $id D ".strlen($message));
$this->sb_writedata($socket, $message);
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: dump send BYE message :\n".$this->dump_binary($message));
//if ($hdr_Flag == 2) {
// just send ACK...
// $this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "ACK $id");
// break;
if ($hdr_SessionID == 4) {
// ignore?
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: ignore flag 4");
$finished = false;
if ($hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh == 0) {
// only 32 bites size
if (($hdr_MessageLength + $hdr_DataOffsetLow) == $hdr_TotalDataSizeLow)
$finished = true;
else {
// we won't accept any file transfer
// so I think we won't get any message size need to use 64 bits
// 64 bits size here, can't count directly...
$totalsize = base_convert(sprintf("%X%08X", $hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh, $hdr_TotalDataSizeLow), 16, 10);
$dataoffset = base_convert(sprintf("%X%08X", $hdr_DataOffsetHigh, $hdr_DataOffsetLow), 16, 10);
$messagelength = base_convert(sprintf("%X", $hdr_MessageLength), 16, 10);
$now_size = bcadd($dataoffset, $messagelength);
if (bccomp($now_size, $totalsize) >= 0)
$finished = true;
if (!$finished) {
// ignore not finished split packet
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: ignore split packet, not finished");
//$new_id = ~$hdr_Identifier;
$hdr = pack("LLLLLLLLLLLL", $hdr_SessionID,
0, 0,
$hdr_TotalDataSizeLow, $hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh,
$hdr_TotalDataSizeLow, $hdr_TotalDataSizeHigh);
$footer = pack("L", 0);
$message = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p\r\nP2P-Dest: $from_email\r\n\r\n$hdr$footer";
$len = strlen($message);
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "MSG $id D $len");
$this->sb_writedata($socket, $message);
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: send acknowledgement for $hdr_SessionID");
$this->debug_message("*** p2p: dump sent message:\n".$this->dump_binary($hdr.$footer));
$this->debug_message("*** MSG from $from_email: $sMsg");
$this->callHandler('IMin', array('sender' => $from_email, 'message' => $sMsg, 'network' => $network, 'offline' => false));
case '217':
$this->debug_message("*** User $user is offline. Trying OIM.");
$session['offline'] = true;
if (is_numeric($code)) {
$this->error = "Error code: $code, please check the detail information from:";
$this->debug_message("*** SB: $this->error");
* Called when we want to end a switchboard session
* or a switchboard session ends
* @param resource $socket Socket
* @param boolean $killsession Whether to delete the session
* @return void
private function endSBSession($socket, $killsession = false) {
if (!self::socketcheck($socket)) {
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $fake = 0, 'OUT');
// Unset session lookup value
$intsocket = (int) $socket;
// Unset session itself
* Checks for new data and calls appropriate methods
* This method is usually called in an infinite loop to keep checking for new data
* @return void
public function receive() {
// First, get an array of sockets that have data that is ready to be read
$ready = array();
$ready = $this->getSockets();
$numrdy = stream_select($ready, $w = NULL, $x = NULL, NULL);
// Now that we've waited for something, go through the $ready
// array and read appropriately
foreach ($ready as $socket) {
if ($socket == $this->NSfp) {
} else {
* Send a request for a switchboard session
* @param string $to Target email for switchboard session
private function reqSBSession($to) {
$this->debug_message("*** Request SB for $to");
$this->ns_writeln("XFR $this->id SB");
// Add to the queue of those waiting for a switchboard session reponse
$this->switchBoardSessions[$to] = array(
'to' => $to,
'socket' => NULL,
'id' => 1,
'joined' => false,
'offline' => false,
'XFRReqTime' => time()
$this->waitingForXFR[] = &$this->switchBoardSessions[$to];
* Following an XFR or RNG, connect to the switchboard session
* @param string $mode Mode, either 'Active' (in the case of XFR) or 'Passive' (in the case of RNG)
* @param string $ip IP of Switchboard
* @param integer $port Port of Switchboard
* @param string $to User on other end of Switchboard
* @param array $param Array of parameters - 'cki', 'ticket', 'sid'
* @return boolean true if successful
private function connectToSBSession($mode, $ip, $port, $to, $param) {
$this->debug_message("*** SB: Trying to connect to switchboard server $ip:$port");
$socket = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
if (!$socket) {
$this->debug_message("*** SB: Can't connect to $ip:$port, error => $errno, $errstr");
return false;
// Store the socket in the lookup array
$this->switchBoardSessionLookup[$to] = $socket;
// Store the socket in the sessions array
$intsocket = (int) $socket;
$this->switchBoardSessions[$to] = array(
'to' => $to,
'socket' => $socket,
'id' => 1,
'joined' => false,
'offline' => false,
'XFRReqTime' => time()
// Change the index of the session to the socket
$this->switchBoardSessions[$intsocket] = $this->switchBoardSessions[$to];
$id = &$this->switchBoardSessions[$intsocket]['id'];
if ($mode == 'Active') {
$cki_code = $param['cki'];
// SB: >>> USR {id} {user} {cki}
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "USR $id $this->user $cki_code");
} else {
// Passive
$ticket = $param['ticket'];
$sid = $param['sid'];
// SB: >>> ANS {id} {user} {ticket} {session_id}
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "ANS $id $this->user $ticket $sid");
* Send a message via an existing SB session
* @param string $to Recipient for message
* @param string $message Message
* @return boolean true on success
private function sendMessageViaSB($to, $message) {
$socket = $this->switchBoardSessionLookup[$to];
if (self::socketcheck($socket)) {
return false;
if (!$this->switchBoardSessions[$to]['joined']) {
// If our participant has not joined the session yet we can't message them!
return false;
$intsocket = (int) $socket;
$id = &$this->switchBoardSessions[$intsocket]['id'];
$aMessage = $this->getMessage($Message);
if ($MsnObjDefine !== '') {
$SendString="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/x-mms-emoticon\r\n\r\n$MsnObjDefine";
$len = strlen($SendString);
// TODO handle failure during write to socket
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "MSG $id N $len");
$this->sb_writedata($socket, $SendString);
$len = strlen($aMessage);
// TODO handle failure during write to socket
$this->sb_writeln($socket, $id, "MSG $id N $len");
$this->sb_writedata($socket, $aMessage);
// Don't close the SB session, we might as well leave it open
return true;
* Send offline message
* @param string $to Intended recipient
* @param string $sMessage Message
* @param string $lockkey Lock key
* @return mixed true on success or error data
private function sendOIM($to, $sMessage, $lockkey) {
$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<From memberName="'.$this->user.'"
<To memberName="'.$to.'" xmlns=""/>
<Ticket passport="'.htmlspecialchars($this->ticket['oim_ticket']).'"
<Sequence xmlns="">
<Identifier xmlns=""></Identifier>
<MessageType xmlns="">text</MessageType>
<Content xmlns="">MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
X-OIM-Message-Type: OfflineMessage
X-OIM-Run-Id: {DAB68CFA-38C9-449B-945E-38AFA51E50A7}
X-OIM-Sequence-Num: 1
$header_array = array(
'SOAPAction: '.$this->oim_send_soap,
'Content-Type: text/xml',
'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Messenger '.$this->buildver.')'
$this->debug_message("*** URL: $this->oim_send_url");
$this->debug_message("*** Sending SOAP:\n$XML");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->oim_send_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header_array);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $XML);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
if ($http_code == 200) {
$this->debug_message("*** OIM sent for $to");
return true;
$challenge = false;
$auth_policy = false;
// the lockkey is invalid, authenticated fail, we need challenge it again
// <LockKeyChallenge xmlns="">364763969</LockKeyChallenge>
preg_match("#<LockKeyChallenge (.*)>(.*)</LockKeyChallenge>#", $data, $matches);
if (count($matches) != 0) {
// yes, we get new LockKeyChallenge
$challenge = $matches[2];
$this->debug_message("*** OIM need new challenge ($challenge) for $to");
// auth policy error
// <RequiredAuthPolicy xmlns="">MBI_SSL</RequiredAuthPolicy>
preg_match("#<RequiredAuthPolicy (.*)>(.*)</RequiredAuthPolicy>#", $data, $matches);
if (count($matches) != 0) {
$auth_policy = $matches[2];
$this->debug_message("*** OIM need new auth policy ($auth_policy) for $to");
if ($auth_policy === false && $challenge === false) {
//<faultcode xmlns:q0="">q0:AuthenticationFailed</faultcode>
preg_match("#<faultcode (.*)>(.*)</faultcode>#", $data, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 0) {
// no error, we assume the OIM is sent
$this->debug_message("*** OIM sent for $to");
return true;
$err_code = $matches[2];
//<faultstring>Exception of type 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException' was thrown.</faultstring>
preg_match("#<faultstring>(.*)</faultstring>#", $data, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 0)
$err_msg = $matches[1];
$err_msg = '';
$this->debug_message("*** OIM failed for $to");
$this->debug_message("*** OIM Error code: $err_code");
$this->debug_message("*** OIM Error Message: $err_msg");
return false;
return array('challenge' => $challenge, 'auth_policy' => $auth_policy);
* Send a message to a user on another network
* @param string $to Intended recipient
* @param string $message Message
* @param integer $network Network
* @return void
private function sendOtherNetworkMessage($to, $message, $network) {
$message = $this->getMessage($message, $network);
$len = strlen($message);
// TODO Introduce error checking for message sending
$this->ns_writeln("UUM $this->id $to $network 1 $len");
$this->debug_message("*** Sent to $to (network: $network):\n$Message");
return true;
* Send a message
* @param string $to To address in form
* where network is 1 for MSN, 32 for Yahoo
* and 'Offline' for offline messages
* @param string $message Message
public function sendMessage($to, $message) {
if ($message != '') {
list($name, $host, $network) = explode('@', $to);
$network = $network == '' ? 1 : $network;
$recipient = $name.$host;
if ($network === 1) {
if (!isset($this->switchBoardSessionLookup[$recipient]) && (!isset($this->switchBoardSessions[$recipient])
|| time() - $this->switchBoardSessions[$recipient]['XFRReqTime'] > $this->XFRReqTimeout)) {
$this->debug_message("*** No existing SB session or request has timed out");
return false;
} else {
$socket = $this->switchBoardSessionLookup[$to];
if ($this->switchBoardSessions[(int) $socket]['offline']) {
$this->debug_message("*** Contact ($recipient) offline, sending OIM");
return $this->sendMessage($recipient.'@Offline', $message);
} else {
$this->debug_message("*** Attempting to send message to $recipient using existing SB session");
if ($this->sendMessageViaSB($recipient, $message)) {
$this->debug_message('*** Message sent successfully');
return true;
} else {
$this->debug_message('*** Message sending failed, requesting new SB session');
return false;
} elseif ($network == 'Offline') {
//Send OIM
//FIXME: 修正Send OIM
$lockkey = '';
$re_login = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->oim_try; $i++) {
if (($oim_result = $this->sendOIM($recipient, $message, $lockkey)) === true) break;
if (is_array($oim_result) && $oim_result['challenge'] !== false) {
// need challenge lockkey
$this->debug_message("*** Need challenge code for ".$oim_result['challenge']);
$lockkey = $this->getChallenge($oim_result['challenge']);
if ($oim_result === false || $oim_result['auth_policy'] !== false) {
if ($re_login) {
$this->debug_message("*** Can't send OIM, but we already re-logged-in again, so returning false");
return false;
$this->debug_message("*** Can't send OIM, maybe ticket expired, trying to login again");
// Maybe we need to re-login again
if (!$this->get_passport_ticket()) {
$this->debug_message("*** Can't re-login, something went wrong here, returning false");
return false;
$this->debug_message("*** Getting new ticket and trying again");
} else {
// Other network
return $this->sendOtherNetworkMessage($recipient, $message, $network);
return true;
* Sends a ping command
* Should be called about every 50 seconds
* @return void
public function sendPing() {
// NS: >>> PNG
* Methods to return sockets / check socket status
* Get the NS socket
* @return resource NS socket
public function getNSSocket() {
return $this->NSfp;
* Get the Switchboard sockets currently in use
* @return array Array of Switchboard sockets
public function getSBSockets() {
return $this->switchBoardSessionLookup;
* Get all the sockets currently in use
* @return array Array of socket resources
public function getSockets() {
return array_merge(array($this->NSfp), $this->switchBoardSessionLookup);
* Checks socket for end of file
* @param resource $socket Socket to check
* @return boolean true if end of file (socket)
private static function socketcheck($socket){
$info = stream_get_meta_data($socket);
return $info['eof'];
* Methods to add / call callbacks
* Calls User Handler
* Calls registered handler for a specific event.
* @param string $event Command (event) name (Rvous etc)
* @param array $data Data
* @see registerHandler
* @return void
private function callHandler($event, $data = NULL) {
if (isset($this->myEventHandlers[$event])) {
if ($data !== NULL) {
call_user_func($this->myEventHandlers[$event], $data);
} else {
* Registers a user handler
* Handler List
* IMIn, Pong, ConnectFailed, Reconnect,
* AddedToList, RemovedFromList
* @param string $event Event name
* @param string $handler User function to call
* @see callHandler
* @return boolean true if successful
public function registerHandler($event, $handler) {
if (is_callable($handler)) {
$this->myEventHandlers[$event] = $handler;
return true;
} else {
return false;