2015-01-25 22:45:25 +01:00

582 lines
24 KiB

* StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, StatusNet, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
if (!defined('GNUSOCIAL')) { exit(1); }
* Table Definition for file
class File extends Managed_DataObject
public $__table = 'file'; // table name
public $id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $url; // varchar(255) unique_key
public $mimetype; // varchar(50)
public $size; // int(4)
public $title; // varchar(255)
public $date; // int(4)
public $protected; // int(4)
public $filename; // varchar(255)
public $width; // int(4)
public $height; // int(4)
public $modified; // timestamp() not_null default_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
public static function schemaDef()
return array(
'fields' => array(
'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'not null' => true),
'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'destination URL after following redirections'),
'mimetype' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'mime type of resource'),
'size' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'size of resource when available'),
'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'title of resource when available'),
'date' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'date of resource according to http query'),
'protected' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'true when URL is private (needs login)'),
'filename' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'if a local file, name of the file'),
'width' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'width in pixels, if it can be described as such and data is available'),
'height' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'height in pixels, if it can be described as such and data is available'),
'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
'primary key' => array('id'),
'unique keys' => array(
'file_url_key' => array('url'),
function isProtected($url) {
return '' === $url;
* Save a new file record.
* @param array $redir_data lookup data eg from File_redirection::where()
* @param string $given_url
* @return File
public static function saveNew(array $redir_data, $given_url) {
// I don't know why we have to keep doing this but I'm adding this last check to avoid
// uniqueness bugs.
$file = File::getKV('url', $given_url);
if (!$file instanceof File) {
$file = new File;
$file->url = $given_url;
if (!empty($redir_data['protected'])) $file->protected = $redir_data['protected'];
if (!empty($redir_data['title'])) $file->title = $redir_data['title'];
if (!empty($redir_data['type'])) $file->mimetype = $redir_data['type'];
if (!empty($redir_data['size'])) $file->size = intval($redir_data['size']);
if (isset($redir_data['time']) && $redir_data['time'] > 0) $file->date = intval($redir_data['time']);
$file_id = $file->insert();
Event::handle('EndFileSaveNew', array($file, $redir_data, $given_url));
assert ($file instanceof File);
return $file;
* Go look at a URL and possibly save data about it if it's new:
* - follow redirect chains and store them in file_redirection
* - if a thumbnail is available, save it in file_thumbnail
* - save file record with basic info
* - optionally save a file_to_post record
* - return the File object with the full reference
* @fixme refactor this mess, it's gotten pretty scary.
* @param string $given_url the URL we're looking at
* @param int $notice_id (optional)
* @param bool $followRedirects defaults to true
* @return mixed File on success, -1 on some errors
* @throws ServerException on failure
public static function processNew($given_url, $notice_id=null, $followRedirects=true) {
if (empty($given_url)) {
throw new ServerException('No given URL to process');
$given_url = File_redirection::_canonUrl($given_url);
if (empty($given_url)) {
throw new ServerException('No canonical URL from given URL to process');
$file = File::getKV('url', $given_url);
if (!$file instanceof File) {
// First check if we have a lookup trace for this URL already
$file_redir = File_redirection::getKV('url', $given_url);
if ($file_redir instanceof File_redirection) {
$file = File::getKV('id', $file_redir->file_id);
if (!$file instanceof File) {
// File did not exist, let's clean up the File_redirection entry
// If we still don't have a File object, let's create one now!
if (!$file instanceof File) {
// @fixme for new URLs this also looks up non-redirect data
// such as target content type, size, etc, which we need
// for File::saveNew(); so we call it even if not following
// new redirects.
$redir_data = File_redirection::where($given_url);
if (is_array($redir_data)) {
$redir_url = $redir_data['url'];
} elseif (is_string($redir_data)) {
$redir_url = $redir_data;
$redir_data = array();
} else {
// TRANS: Server exception thrown when a URL cannot be processed.
throw new ServerException(sprintf(_("Cannot process URL '%s'"), $given_url));
// TODO: max field length
if ($redir_url === $given_url || strlen($redir_url) > 255 || !$followRedirects) {
// Save the File object based on our lookup trace
$file = File::saveNew($redir_data, $given_url);
} else {
// This seems kind of messed up... for now skipping this part
// if we're already under a redirect, so we don't go into
// horrible infinite loops if we've been given an unstable
// redirect (where the final destination of the first request
// doesn't match what we get when we ask for it again).
// Seen in the wild with, which redirects through
// wikispaces for auth and appends session data in the URL params.
$file = self::processNew($redir_url, $notice_id, /*followRedirects*/false);
File_redirection::saveNew($redir_data, $file->id, $given_url);
if (!$file instanceof File) {
// This should only happen if File::saveNew somehow did not return a File object,
// though we have an assert for that in case the event there might've gone wrong.
// If anything else goes wrong, there should've been an exception thrown.
throw new ServerException('URL processing failed without new File object');
if (!empty($notice_id)) {
File_to_post::processNew($file->id, $notice_id);
return $file;
public static function respectsQuota(Profile $scoped, $fileSize) {
if ($fileSize > common_config('attachments', 'file_quota')) {
// TRANS: Message used to be inserted as %2$s in the text "No file may
// TRANS: be larger than %1$d byte and the file you sent was %2$s.".
// TRANS: %1$d is the number of bytes of an uploaded file.
$fileSizeText = sprintf(_m('%1$d byte','%1$d bytes',$fileSize),$fileSize);
$fileQuota = common_config('attachments', 'file_quota');
// TRANS: Message given if an upload is larger than the configured maximum.
// TRANS: %1$d (used for plural) is the byte limit for uploads,
// TRANS: %2$s is the proper form of "n bytes". This is the only ways to have
// TRANS: gettext support multiple plurals in the same message, unfortunately...
throw new ClientException(
sprintf(_m('No file may be larger than %1$d byte and the file you sent was %2$s. Try to upload a smaller version.',
'No file may be larger than %1$d bytes and the file you sent was %2$s. Try to upload a smaller version.',
$fileQuota, $fileSizeText));
$file = new File;
$query = "select sum(size) as total from file join file_to_post on file_to_post.file_id = join notice on file_to_post.post_id = where profile_id = {$scoped->id} and file.url like '%/notice/%/file'";
$total = $file->total + $fileSize;
if ($total > common_config('attachments', 'user_quota')) {
// TRANS: Message given if an upload would exceed user quota.
// TRANS: %d (number) is the user quota in bytes and is used for plural.
throw new ClientException(
sprintf(_m('A file this large would exceed your user quota of %d byte.',
'A file this large would exceed your user quota of %d bytes.',
common_config('attachments', 'user_quota')),
common_config('attachments', 'user_quota')));
$query .= ' AND EXTRACT(month FROM file.modified) = EXTRACT(month FROM now()) and EXTRACT(year FROM file.modified) = EXTRACT(year FROM now())';
$total = $file->total + $fileSize;
if ($total > common_config('attachments', 'monthly_quota')) {
// TRANS: Message given id an upload would exceed a user's monthly quota.
// TRANS: $d (number) is the monthly user quota in bytes and is used for plural.
throw new ClientException(
sprintf(_m('A file this large would exceed your monthly quota of %d byte.',
'A file this large would exceed your monthly quota of %d bytes.',
common_config('attachments', 'monthly_quota')),
common_config('attachments', 'monthly_quota')));
return true;
// where should the file go?
static function filename(Profile $profile, $origname, $mimetype)
try {
$ext = common_supported_mime_to_ext($mimetype);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// We don't support this mimetype, but let's guess the extension
$ext = substr(strrchr($mimetype, '/'), 1);
// Normalize and make the original filename more URL friendly.
$origname = basename($origname, ".$ext");
if (class_exists('Normalizer')) {
$origname = Normalizer::normalize($origname, Normalizer::FORM_KC);
$origname = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\.\_]/', '_', $origname);
$nickname = $profile->getNickname();
$datestamp = strftime('%Y%m%d', time());
do {
// generate new random strings until we don't run into a filename collision.
$random = strtolower(common_confirmation_code(16));
$filename = "$nickname-$datestamp-$origname-$random.$ext";
} while (file_exists(self::path($filename)));
return $filename;
* Validation for as-saved base filenames
static function validFilename($filename)
return preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+$/', $filename);
* @throws ClientException on invalid filename
static function path($filename)
if (!self::validFilename($filename)) {
// TRANS: Client exception thrown if a file upload does not have a valid name.
throw new ClientException(_("Invalid filename."));
$dir = common_config('attachments', 'dir');
if ($dir[strlen($dir)-1] != '/') {
$dir .= '/';
return $dir . $filename;
static function url($filename)
if (!self::validFilename($filename)) {
// TRANS: Client exception thrown if a file upload does not have a valid name.
throw new ClientException(_("Invalid filename."));
if (common_config('site','private')) {
return common_local_url('getfile',
array('filename' => $filename));
if (StatusNet::useHTTPS()) {
$sslserver = common_config('attachments', 'sslserver');
if (empty($sslserver)) {
// XXX: this assumes that background dir == site dir + /file/
// not true if there's another server
if (is_string(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) &&
mb_strlen(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) > 0) {
$server = common_config('site', 'sslserver');
} else if (common_config('site', 'server')) {
$server = common_config('site', 'server');
$path = common_config('site', 'path') . '/file/';
} else {
$server = $sslserver;
$path = common_config('attachments', 'sslpath');
if (empty($path)) {
$path = common_config('attachments', 'path');
$protocol = 'https';
} else {
$path = common_config('attachments', 'path');
$server = common_config('attachments', 'server');
if (empty($server)) {
$server = common_config('site', 'server');
$ssl = common_config('attachments', 'ssl');
$protocol = ($ssl) ? 'https' : 'http';
if ($path[strlen($path)-1] != '/') {
$path .= '/';
if ($path[0] != '/') {
$path = '/'.$path;
return $protocol.'://'.$server.$path.$filename;
function getEnclosure(){
$enclosure = (object) array();
foreach (array('title', 'url', 'date', 'modified', 'size', 'mimetype') as $key) {
$enclosure->$key = $this->$key;
$needMoreMetadataMimetypes = array(null, 'application/xhtml+xml');
if (!isset($this->filename) && in_array(common_bare_mime($enclosure->mimetype), $needMoreMetadataMimetypes)) {
// This fetches enclosure metadata for non-local links with unset/HTML mimetypes,
// which may be enriched through oEmbed or similar (implemented as plugins)
Event::handle('FileEnclosureMetadata', array($this, &$enclosure));
if (empty($enclosure->mimetype) || in_array(common_bare_mime($enclosure->mimetype), $needMoreMetadataMimetypes)) {
// This means we either don't know what it is, so it can't
// be shown as an enclosure, or it is an HTML link which
// does not link to a resource with further metadata.
throw new ServerException('Unknown enclosure mimetype, not enough metadata');
return $enclosure;
* Get the attachment's thumbnail record, if any.
* Make sure you supply proper 'int' typed variables (or null).
* @param $width int Max width of thumbnail in pixels. (if null, use common_config values)
* @param $height int Max height of thumbnail in pixels. (if null, square-crop to $width)
* @param $crop bool Crop to the max-values' aspect ratio
* @return File_thumbnail
public function getThumbnail($width=null, $height=null, $crop=false)
// Get some more information about this file through our ImageFile class
$image = ImageFile::fromFileObject($this);
if ($image->animated && !common_config('image', 'resize_animated')) {
throw new UseFileAsThumbnailException($this->id);
if ($width === null) {
$width = common_config('thumbnail', 'width');
$height = common_config('thumbnail', 'height');
$crop = common_config('thumbnail', 'crop');
if ($height === null) {
$height = $width;
$crop = true;
// Get proper aspect ratio width and height before lookup
// We have to do it through an ImageFile object because of orientation etc.
// Only other solution would've been to rotate + rewrite uploaded files.
list($width, $height, $x, $y, $w, $h) =
$image->scaleToFit($width, $height, $crop);
$params = array('file_id'=> $this->id,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height);
$thumb = File_thumbnail::pkeyGet($params);
if ($thumb instanceof File_thumbnail) {
return $thumb;
// throws exception on failure to generate thumbnail
$outname = "thumb-{$width}x{$height}-" . $image->filename;
$outpath = self::path($outname);
// The boundary box for our resizing
$box = array('width'=>$width, 'height'=>$height,
'x'=>$x, 'y'=>$y,
'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h);
// Doublecheck that parameters are sane and integers.
if ($box['width'] < 1 || $box['width'] > common_config('thumbnail', 'maxsize')
|| $box['height'] < 1 || $box['height'] > common_config('thumbnail', 'maxsize')
|| $box['w'] < 1 || $box['x'] >= $image->width
|| $box['h'] < 1 || $box['y'] >= $image->height) {
// Fail on bad width parameter. If this occurs, it's due to algorithm in ImageFile->scaleToFit
common_debug("Boundary box parameters for resize of {$image->filepath} : ".var_export($box,true));
throw new ServerException('Bad thumbnail size parameters.');
common_debug(sprintf('Generating a thumbnail of File id==%u of size %ux%u', $this->id, $width, $height));
// Perform resize and store into file
$image->resizeTo($outpath, $box);
// Avoid deleting the original
if ($image->getPath() != self::path($image->filename)) {
return File_thumbnail::saveThumbnail($this->id,
$width, $height,
public function getPath()
return self::path($this->filename);
public function getUrl()
if (!empty($this->filename)) {
// A locally stored file, so let's generate a URL for our instance.
$url = self::url($this->filename);
if ($url != $this->url) {
// For indexing purposes, in case we do a lookup on the 'url' field.
// also we're fixing possible changes from http to https, or paths
return $url;
// No local filename available, return the URL we have stored
return $this->url;
public function updateUrl($url)
$file = File::getKV('url', $url);
if ($file instanceof File) {
throw new ServerException('URL already exists in DB');
$sql = 'UPDATE %1$s SET url=%2$s WHERE url=%3$s;';
$result = $this->query(sprintf($sql, $this->__table,
if ($result === false) {
common_log_db_error($this, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
throw new ServerException("Could not UPDATE {$this->__table}.url");
return $result;
* Blow the cache of notices that link to this URL
* @param boolean $last Whether to blow the "last" cache too
* @return void
function blowCache($last=false)
self::blow('file:notice-ids:%s', $this->url);
if ($last) {
self::blow('file:notice-ids:%s;last', $this->url);
self::blow('file:notice-count:%d', $this->id);
* Stream of notices linking to this URL
* @param integer $offset Offset to show; default is 0
* @param integer $limit Limit of notices to show
* @param integer $since_id Since this notice
* @param integer $max_id Before this notice
* @return array ids of notices that link to this file
function stream($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $max_id=0)
$stream = new FileNoticeStream($this);
return $stream->getNotices($offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
function noticeCount()
$cacheKey = sprintf('file:notice-count:%d', $this->id);
$count = self::cacheGet($cacheKey);
if ($count === false) {
$f2p = new File_to_post();
$f2p->file_id = $this->id;
$count = $f2p->count();
self::cacheSet($cacheKey, $count);
return $count;
public function isLocal()
return !empty($this->filename);
public function delete($useWhere=false)
// Delete the file, if it exists locally
if (!empty($this->filename) && file_exists(self::path($this->filename))) {
$deleted = @unlink(self::path($this->filename));
if (!$deleted) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, sprintf('Could not unlink existing file: "%s"', self::path($this->filename)));
// Clear out related things in the database and filesystem, such as thumbnails
if (Event::handle('FileDeleteRelated', array($this))) {
$thumbs = new File_thumbnail();
$thumbs->file_id = $this->id;
if ($thumbs->find()) {
while ($thumbs->fetch()) {
// And finally remove the entry from the database
return parent::delete($useWhere);
public function getTitle()
$title = $this->title ?: $this->filename;
return $title ?: null;