[CSS] Font size hierarchy refactor [PLUGINS][MediaFeed] Renamed BeforeFeed event Type scale hierarchy redone. Bigger line height added, making it easier to click on links and separate contents. Feed title added. AddFeedActions replaces BeforeFeed event. MediaFeed links will now show an icon to the right of the feed title, smaller footprint and more consistent with the overall design.
47 lines
2.4 KiB
47 lines
2.4 KiB
{% extends '/stdgrid.html.twig' %}
{% import 'settings/macros.html.twig' as macros %}
{% block title %}{{ 'Settings' | trans }}{% endblock %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{{ parent() }}
<link rel="preload" href="{{ asset('assets/default_theme/css/pages/settings.css') }}" as="style" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/default_theme/css/pages/settings.css') }}">
{% endblock stylesheets %}
{% block body %}
<nav class='section-widget section-padding'>
<h2 class="section-widget-title">Settings</h2>
{% set profile_tabs = [{'title': 'Personal Info', 'desc': 'Nickname, Homepage, Bio and more.', 'id': 'settings-personal-info', 'form': personal_info_form}] %}
{% set profile_tabs = profile_tabs|merge(handle_event('PopulateSettingsTabs', app.request, 'profile')) %}
{{ macros.settings_details_container('Profile', 'Personal Information, Avatar and Profile', 'settings-profile-details', profile_tabs, _context) }}
{% set muting_tabs = handle_event('PopulateSettingsTabs', app.request, 'muting') %}
{{ macros.settings_details_container('Muting', 'Blocked tags and actors', 'settings-muting-details', muting_tabs, _context) }}
{{ macros.settings_details_element('Email', 'Set incoming and outgoing email settings', 'settings-email-details', email_form, _context) }}
{{ macros.settings_details_element('Password', 'Change current password', 'settings-password-details', password_form, _context) }}
{{ macros.settings_details_element('Language', 'Select and set language preferences', 'settings-language-details', language_form, _context) }}
{% set colour_tabs = handle_event('PopulateSettingsTabs', app.request, 'colours') %}
{{ macros.settings_details_container('Colours', 'Customize your interface colours', 'settings-colour-details', colour_tabs, _context) }}
{{ macros.settings_details_container('Notifications', 'Enable/disable notifications (Email, XMPP, Replies...)', 'notifications', tabbed_forms_notify, _context) }}
{% endblock body %}
{% block javascripts %}{% endblock %}