2016-01-28 13:35:23 +01:00

676 lines
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
* File containing the Net_LDAP2_Filter interface class.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package Net_LDAP2
* @author Benedikt Hallinger <>
* @copyright 2009 Benedikt Hallinger
* @license LGPLv3
* @version SVN: $Id$
* @link
* Includes
require_once 'PEAR.php';
require_once 'Net/LDAP2/Util.php';
require_once 'Net/LDAP2/Entry.php';
* Object representation of a part of a LDAP filter.
* This Class is not completely compatible to the PERL interface!
* The purpose of this class is, that users can easily build LDAP filters
* without having to worry about right escaping etc.
* A Filter is built using several independent filter objects
* which are combined afterwards. This object works in two
* modes, depending how the object is created.
* If the object is created using the {@link create()} method, then this is a leaf-object.
* If the object is created using the {@link combine()} method, then this is a container object.
* LDAP filters are defined in RFC-2254 and can be found under
* {@link}
* Here a quick copy&paste example:
* <code>
* $filter0 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('stars', 'equals', '***');
* $filter_not0 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('not', $filter0);
* $filter1 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('gn', 'begins', 'bar');
* $filter2 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('gn', 'ends', 'baz');
* $filter_comp = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('or',array($filter_not0, $filter1, $filter2));
* echo $filter_comp->asString();
* // This will output: (|(!(stars=\0x5c0x2a\0x5c0x2a\0x5c0x2a))(gn=bar*)(gn=*baz))
* // The stars in $filter0 are treaten as real stars unless you disable escaping.
* </code>
* @category Net
* @package Net_LDAP2
* @author Benedikt Hallinger <>
* @license LGPL
* @link
class Net_LDAP2_Filter extends PEAR
* Storage for combination of filters
* This variable holds a array of filter objects
* that should be combined by this filter object.
* @access protected
* @var array
protected $_subfilters = array();
* Match of this filter
* If this is a leaf filter, then a matching rule is stored,
* if it is a container, then it is a logical operator
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $_match;
* Single filter
* If we operate in leaf filter mode,
* then the constructing method stores
* the filter representation here
* @acces private
* @var string
protected $_filter;
* Create a new Net_LDAP2_Filter object and parse $filter.
* This is for PERL Net::LDAP interface.
* Construction of Net_LDAP2_Filter objects should happen through either
* {@link create()} or {@link combine()} which give you more control.
* However, you may use the perl iterface if you already have generated filters.
* @param string $filter LDAP filter string
* @see parse()
public function __construct($filter = false)
// The optional parameter must remain here, because otherwise create() crashes
if (false !== $filter) {
$filter_o = self::parse($filter);
if (PEAR::isError($filter_o)) {
$this->_filter = $filter_o; // assign error, so asString() can report it
} else {
$this->_filter = $filter_o->asString();
* Constructor of a new part of a LDAP filter.
* The following matching rules exists:
* - equals: One of the attributes values is exactly $value
* Please note that case sensitiviness is depends on the
* attributes syntax configured in the server.
* - begins: One of the attributes values must begin with $value
* - ends: One of the attributes values must end with $value
* - contains: One of the attributes values must contain $value
* - present | any: The attribute can contain any value but must be existent
* - greater: The attributes value is greater than $value
* - less: The attributes value is less than $value
* - greaterOrEqual: The attributes value is greater or equal than $value
* - lessOrEqual: The attributes value is less or equal than $value
* - approx: One of the attributes values is similar to $value
* Negation ("not") can be done by prepending the above operators with the
* "not" or "!" keyword, see example below.
* If $escape is set to true (default) then $value will be escaped
* properly. If it is set to false then $value will be treaten as raw filter value string.
* You should escape yourself using {@link Net_LDAP2_Util::escape_filter_value()}!
* Examples:
* <code>
* // This will find entries that contain an attribute "sn" that ends with "foobar":
* $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('sn', 'ends', 'foobar');
* // This will find entries that contain an attribute "sn" that has any value set:
* $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('sn', 'any');
* // This will build a negated equals filter:
* $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('sn', 'not equals', 'foobar');
* </code>
* @param string $attr_name Name of the attribute the filter should apply to
* @param string $match Matching rule (equals, begins, ends, contains, greater, less, greaterOrEqual, lessOrEqual, approx, any)
* @param string $value (optional) if given, then this is used as a filter
* @param boolean $escape Should $value be escaped? (default: yes, see {@link Net_LDAP2_Util::escape_filter_value()} for detailed information)
* @return Net_LDAP2_Filter|Net_LDAP2_Error
public static function create($attr_name, $match, $value = '', $escape = true)
$leaf_filter = new Net_LDAP2_Filter();
if ($escape) {
$array = Net_LDAP2_Util::escape_filter_value(array($value));
$value = $array[0];
$match = strtolower($match);
// detect negation
$neg_matches = array();
$negate_filter = false;
if (preg_match('/^(?:not|!)[\s_-](.+)/', $match, $neg_matches)) {
$negate_filter = true;
$match = $neg_matches[1];
// build basic filter
switch ($match) {
case 'equals':
case '=':
case '==':
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '=' . $value . ')';
case 'begins':
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '=' . $value . '*)';
case 'ends':
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '=*' . $value . ')';
case 'contains':
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '=*' . $value . '*)';
case 'greater':
case '>':
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '>' . $value . ')';
case 'less':
case '<':
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '<' . $value . ')';
case 'greaterorequal':
case '>=':
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '>=' . $value . ')';
case 'lessorequal':
case '<=':
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '<=' . $value . ')';
case 'approx':
case '~=':
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '~=' . $value . ')';
case 'any':
case 'present': // alias that may improve user code readability
$leaf_filter->_filter = '(' . $attr_name . '=*)';
return PEAR::raiseError('Net_LDAP2_Filter create error: matching rule "' . $match . '" not known!');
// negate if requested
if ($negate_filter) {
$leaf_filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('!', $leaf_filter);
return $leaf_filter;
* Combine two or more filter objects using a logical operator
* This static method combines two or more filter objects and returns one single
* filter object that contains all the others.
* Call this method statically: $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('or', array($filter1, $filter2))
* If the array contains filter strings instead of filter objects, we will try to parse them.
* @param string $log_op The locical operator. May be "and", "or", "not" or the subsequent logical equivalents "&", "|", "!"
* @param array|Net_LDAP2_Filter $filters array with Net_LDAP2_Filter objects
* @return Net_LDAP2_Filter|Net_LDAP2_Error
* @static
public static function &combine($log_op, $filters)
if (PEAR::isError($filters)) {
return $filters;
// substitude named operators to logical operators
if ($log_op == 'and') $log_op = '&';
if ($log_op == 'or') $log_op = '|';
if ($log_op == 'not') $log_op = '!';
// tests for sane operation
if ($log_op == '!') {
// Not-combination, here we only accept one filter object or filter string
if ($filters instanceof Net_LDAP2_Filter) {
$filters = array($filters); // force array
} elseif (is_string($filters)) {
$filter_o = self::parse($filters);
if (PEAR::isError($filter_o)) {
$err = PEAR::raiseError('Net_LDAP2_Filter combine error: '.$filter_o->getMessage());
return $err;
} else {
$filters = array($filter_o);
} elseif (is_array($filters)) {
if (count($filters) != 1) {
$err = PEAR::raiseError('Net_LDAP2_Filter combine error: operator is "not" but $filter is an array!');
return $err;
} elseif (!($filters[0] instanceof Net_LDAP2_Filter)) {
$err = PEAR::raiseError('Net_LDAP2_Filter combine error: operator is "not" but $filter is not a valid Net_LDAP2_Filter nor a filter string!');
return $err;
} else {
$err = PEAR::raiseError('Net_LDAP2_Filter combine error: operator is "not" but $filter is not a valid Net_LDAP2_Filter nor a filter string!');
return $err;
} elseif ($log_op == '&' || $log_op == '|') {
if (!is_array($filters) || count($filters) < 2) {
$err = PEAR::raiseError('Net_LDAP2_Filter combine error: parameter $filters is not an array or contains less than two Net_LDAP2_Filter objects!');
return $err;
} else {
$err = PEAR::raiseError('Net_LDAP2_Filter combine error: logical operator is not known!');
return $err;
$combined_filter = new Net_LDAP2_Filter();
foreach ($filters as $key => $testfilter) { // check for errors
if (PEAR::isError($testfilter)) {
return $testfilter;
} elseif (is_string($testfilter)) {
// string found, try to parse into an filter object
$filter_o = self::parse($testfilter);
if (PEAR::isError($filter_o)) {
return $filter_o;
} else {
$filters[$key] = $filter_o;
} elseif (!$testfilter instanceof Net_LDAP2_Filter) {
$err = PEAR::raiseError('Net_LDAP2_Filter combine error: invalid object passed in array $filters!');
return $err;
$combined_filter->_subfilters = $filters;
$combined_filter->_match = $log_op;
return $combined_filter;
* Parse FILTER into a Net_LDAP2_Filter object
* This parses an filter string into Net_LDAP2_Filter objects.
* @param string $FILTER The filter string
* @access static
* @return Net_LDAP2_Filter|Net_LDAP2_Error
* @todo Leaf-mode: Do we need to escape at all? what about *-chars?check for the need of encoding values, tackle problems (see code comments)
public static function parse($FILTER)
if (preg_match('/^\((.+?)\)$/', $FILTER, $matches)) {
// Check for right bracket syntax: count of unescaped opening
// brackets must match count of unescaped closing brackets.
// At this stage we may have:
// 1. one filter component with already removed outer brackets
// 2. one or more subfilter components
$c_openbracks = preg_match_all('/(?<!\\\\)\(/' , $matches[1], $notrelevant);
$c_closebracks = preg_match_all('/(?<!\\\\)\)/' , $matches[1], $notrelevant);
if ($c_openbracks != $c_closebracks) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Filter parsing error: invalid filter syntax - opening brackets do not match close brackets!");
if (in_array(substr($matches[1], 0, 1), array('!', '|', '&'))) {
// Subfilter processing: pass subfilters to parse() and combine
// the objects using the logical operator detected
// we have now something like "&(...)(...)(...)" but at least one part ("!(...)").
// Each subfilter could be an arbitary complex subfilter.
// extract logical operator and filter arguments
$log_op = substr($matches[1], 0, 1);
$remaining_component = substr($matches[1], 1);
// split $remaining_component into individual subfilters
// we cannot use split() for this, because we do not know the
// complexiness of the subfilter. Thus, we look trough the filter
// string and just recognize ending filters at the first level.
// We record the index number of the char and use that information
// later to split the string.
$sub_index_pos = array();
$prev_char = ''; // previous character looked at
$level = 0; // denotes the current bracket level we are,
// >1 is too deep, 1 is ok, 0 is outside any
// subcomponent
for ($curpos = 0; $curpos < strlen($remaining_component); $curpos++) {
$cur_char = substr($remaining_component, $curpos, 1);
// rise/lower bracket level
if ($cur_char == '(' && $prev_char != '\\') {
} elseif ($cur_char == ')' && $prev_char != '\\') {
if ($cur_char == '(' && $prev_char == ')' && $level == 1) {
array_push($sub_index_pos, $curpos); // mark the position for splitting
$prev_char = $cur_char;
// now perform the splits. To get also the last part, we
// need to add the "END" index to the split array
array_push($sub_index_pos, strlen($remaining_component));
$subfilters = array();
$oldpos = 0;
foreach ($sub_index_pos as $s_pos) {
$str_part = substr($remaining_component, $oldpos, $s_pos - $oldpos);
array_push($subfilters, $str_part);
$oldpos = $s_pos;
// some error checking...
if (count($subfilters) == 1) {
// only one subfilter found
} elseif (count($subfilters) > 1) {
// several subfilters found
if ($log_op == "!") {
return PEAR::raiseError("Filter parsing error: invalid filter syntax - NOT operator detected but several arguments given!");
} else {
// this should not happen unless the user specified a wrong filter
return PEAR::raiseError("Filter parsing error: invalid filter syntax - got operator '$log_op' but no argument!");
// Now parse the subfilters into objects and combine them using the operator
$subfilters_o = array();
foreach ($subfilters as $s_s) {
$o = self::parse($s_s);
if (PEAR::isError($o)) {
return $o;
} else {
array_push($subfilters_o, self::parse($s_s));
$filter_o = self::combine($log_op, $subfilters_o);
return $filter_o;
} else {
// This is one leaf filter component, do some syntax checks, then escape and build filter_o
// $matches[1] should be now something like "foo=bar"
// detect multiple leaf components
// [TODO] Maybe this will make problems with filters containing brackets inside the value
if (stristr($matches[1], ')(')) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Filter parsing error: invalid filter syntax - multiple leaf components detected!");
} else {
$filter_parts = Net_LDAP2_Util::split_attribute_string($matches[1], true, true);
if (count($filter_parts) != 3) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Filter parsing error: invalid filter syntax - unknown matching rule used");
} else {
$filter_o = new Net_LDAP2_Filter();
// [TODO]: Do we need to escape at all? what about *-chars user provide and that should remain special?
// I think, those prevent escaping! We need to check against PERL Net::LDAP!
// $value_arr = Net_LDAP2_Util::escape_filter_value(array($filter_parts[2]));
// $value = $value_arr[0];
$value = $filter_parts[2];
$filter_o->_filter = '('.$filter_parts[0].$filter_parts[1].$value.')';
return $filter_o;
} else {
// ERROR: Filter components must be enclosed in round brackets
return PEAR::raiseError("Filter parsing error: invalid filter syntax - filter components must be enclosed in round brackets");
* Get the string representation of this filter
* This method runs through all filter objects and creates
* the string representation of the filter. If this
* filter object is a leaf filter, then it will return
* the string representation of this filter.
* @return string|Net_LDAP2_Error
public function asString()
if ($this->isLeaf()) {
$return = $this->_filter;
} else {
$return = '';
foreach ($this->_subfilters as $filter) {
$return = $return.$filter->asString();
$return = '(' . $this->_match . $return . ')';
return $return;
* Alias for perl interface as_string()
* @see asString()
* @return string|Net_LDAP2_Error
public function as_string()
return $this->asString();
* Print the text representation of the filter to FH, or the currently selected output handle if FH is not given
* This method is only for compatibility to the perl interface.
* However, the original method was called "print" but due to PHP language restrictions,
* we can't have a print() method.
* @param resource $FH (optional) A filehandle resource
* @return true|Net_LDAP2_Error
public function printMe($FH = false)
if (!is_resource($FH)) {
if (PEAR::isError($FH)) {
return $FH;
$filter_str = $this->asString();
if (PEAR::isError($filter_str)) {
return $filter_str;
} else {
} else {
$filter_str = $this->asString();
if (PEAR::isError($filter_str)) {
return $filter_str;
} else {
$res = @fwrite($FH, $this->asString());
if ($res == false) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Unable to write filter string to filehandle \$FH!");
return true;
* This can be used to escape a string to provide a valid LDAP-Filter.
* LDAP will only recognise certain characters as the
* character istself if they are properly escaped. This is
* what this method does.
* The method can be called statically, so you can use it outside
* for your own purposes (eg for escaping only parts of strings)
* In fact, this is just a shorthand to {@link Net_LDAP2_Util::escape_filter_value()}.
* For upward compatibiliy reasons you are strongly encouraged to use the escape
* methods provided by the Net_LDAP2_Util class.
* @param string $value Any string who should be escaped
* @static
* @return string The string $string, but escaped
* @deprecated Do not use this method anymore, instead use Net_LDAP2_Util::escape_filter_value() directly
public static function escape($value)
$return = Net_LDAP2_Util::escape_filter_value(array($value));
return $return[0];
* Is this a container or a leaf filter object?
* @access protected
* @return boolean
protected function isLeaf()
if (count($this->_subfilters) > 0) {
return false; // Container!
} else {
return true; // Leaf!
* Filter entries using this filter or see if a filter matches
* @todo Currently slow and naive implementation with preg_match, could be optimized (esp. begins, ends filters etc)
* @todo Currently only "="-based matches (equals, begins, ends, contains, any) implemented; Implement all the stuff!
* @todo Implement expert code with schema checks in case $entry is connected to a directory
* @param array|Net_LDAP2_Entry The entry (or array with entries) to check
* @param array If given, the array will be appended with entries who matched the filter. Return value is true if any entry matched.
* @return int|Net_LDAP2_Error Returns the number of matched entries or error
function matches(&$entries, &$results=array()) {
$numOfMatches = 0;
if (!is_array($entries)) {
$all_entries = array(&$entries);
} else {
$all_entries = &$entries;
foreach ($all_entries as $entry) {
// look at the current entry and see if filter matches
$entry_matched = false;
// if this is not a single component, do calculate all subfilters,
// then assert the partial results with the given combination modifier
if (!$this->isLeaf()) {
// get partial results from subfilters
$partial_results = array();
foreach ($this->_subfilters as $filter) {
$partial_results[] = $filter->matches($entry);
// evaluate partial results using this filters combination rule
switch ($this->_match) {
case '!':
// result is the neagtive result of the assertion
$entry_matched = !$partial_results[0];
case '&':
// all partial results have to be boolean-true
$entry_matched = !in_array(false, $partial_results);
case '|':
// at least one partial result has to be true
$entry_matched = in_array(true, $partial_results);
} else {
// Leaf filter: assert given entry
// [TODO]: Could be optimized to avoid preg_match especially with "ends", "begins" etc
// Translate the LDAP-match to some preg_match expression and evaluate it
list($attribute, $match, $assertValue) = $this->getComponents();
switch ($match) {
case '=':
$regexp = '/^'.str_replace('*', '.*', $assertValue).'$/i'; // not case sensitive unless specified by schema
$entry_matched = $entry->pregMatch($regexp, $attribute);
// -------------------------------------
// [TODO]: implement <, >, <=, >= and =~
// -------------------------------------
$err = PEAR::raiseError("Net_LDAP2_Filter match error: unsupported match rule '$match'!");
return $err;
// process filter matching result
if ($entry_matched) {
$results[] = $entry;
return $numOfMatches;
* Retrieve this leaf-filters attribute, match and value component.
* For leaf filters, this returns array(attr, match, value).
* Match is be the logical operator, not the text representation,
* eg "=" instead of "equals". Note that some operators are really
* a combination of operator+value with wildcard, like
* "begins": That will return "=" with the value "value*"!
* For non-leaf filters this will drop an error.
* @todo $this->_match is not always available and thus not usable here; it would be great if it would set in the factory methods and constructor.
* @return array|Net_LDAP2_Error
function getComponents() {
if ($this->isLeaf()) {
$raw_filter = preg_replace('/^\(|\)$/', '', $this->_filter);
$parts = Net_LDAP2_Util::split_attribute_string($raw_filter, true, true);
if (count($parts) != 3) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Net_LDAP2_Filter getComponents() error: invalid filter syntax - unknown matching rule used");
} else {
return $parts;
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError('Net_LDAP2_Filter getComponents() call is invalid for non-leaf filters!');