Eliseu Amaro bf07fa1ade
[COMPONENTS][Collection] Added PrependActorsCollection event [COMPONENTS][Group] Added getGroupCreateForm, used in PrependActorsCollection event to build create a new Group form view
[COMPONENTS][LeftPanel] Removed onEndShowStyles event since the corresponding CSS needed is now consolidated into the default_theme itself [COMPONENTS][RightPanel] Deleted components/RightPanel/RightPanel.php, since its only method (onEndShowStyles) wasn't needed anymore
2022-01-23 19:07:39 +00:00

66 lines
2.9 KiB

{% extends 'stdgrid.html.twig' %}
{% block title %}{{ title }}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<section class="frame-section frame-section-padding">
<h1 class="frame-section-title">{{ title }}</h1>
{% set prepend_actors_collection = handle_event('PrependActorsCollection', request) %}
{% for widget in prepend_actors_collection %}
{{ widget | raw }}
{% endfor %}
<details class="frame-section section-details-title">
<summary class="details-summary-title">
{% trans %}Ordering rules{% endtrans %}
<form method="GET" class="section-form">
<div class="container-grid">
<section class="frame-section frame-section-padding">
<strong>{% trans %}Sort by{% endtrans %}</strong>
<div class="container-block">
{% for field in sort_form_fields %}
<span class="container-block">
<label for="order_by_{{ field.value }}">{{ field.label }}</label>
<input id="order_by_{{ field.value }}" type="radio" name="order_by" value="{{ field.value }}" {% if field.checked %}checked="checked"{% endif %}>
{% endfor %}
<section class="frame-section frame-section-padding">
<strong class="section-title">{% trans %}Order{% endtrans %}</strong>
<section class="container-block">
<span class="container-block">
<label for="order_op_asc">{% trans %}Ascending{% endtrans %}</label>
<input id="order_op_asc" type="radio" name="order_op" value="ASC">
<span class="container-block">
<label for="order_op_desc">{% trans %}Descending{% endtrans %}</label>
<input id="order_op_desc" type="radio" name="order_op" value="DESC" checked="checked">
<button type="submit">{% trans %}Order{% endtrans %}</button>
<section class="frame-section-padding">
{% if actors is defined and actors is not empty %}
{% for actor in actors %}
{% block profile_view %}{% include 'cards/profile/view.html.twig' %}{% endblock profile_view %}
{% endfor %}
<p>{% trans %}Page: %page%{% endtrans %}</p>
{% else %}
<h2>{{ empty_message }}</h2>
{% endif %}
{% endblock body %}