Eliseu Amaro ea42ba9f26
[CARDS][Profile] Fix bio
Was using 'hasBio()' instead of 'getBio()'
2021-12-27 03:06:35 +00:00

45 lines
1.9 KiB

{% set actor_nickname = actor.getNickname() %}
{% set actor_avatar = actor.getAvatarUrl() %}
{% set actor_avatar_dimensions = actor.getAvatarDimensions() %}
{% set actor_tags = actor.getSelfTags() %}
{% set actor_has_bio = actor.hasBio() %}
{% set actor_uri = actor.getUri() %}
{% block profile_view %}
<section id='profile-{{ }}' class='profile' title="{{ actor_nickname }}'s {{ 'profile information.' | trans }}">
<a href="{{ actor_uri }}">
<div class="profile-info">
<img src="{{ actor_avatar }}" class="profile-avatar" alt="{% trans %} %actor_nickname%'s avatar. {% endtrans %}" width="{{actor_avatar_dimensions['width']}}" height="{{actor_avatar_dimensions['height']}}">
<strong class="profile-info-nickname" title="{{ actor_nickname }}{{ '\'s nickname.' | trans }}">{{ actor_nickname }}</strong>
<section class="profile-info-bio">
{% if actor_has_bio %}
<span>{{ actor.getBio() }}</span>
{% else %}
<span>{{ '(No bio)' | trans }}</span>
{% endif %}
<section class="profile-info-stats">
<div><strong>{{ 'Subscribed' | trans }}</strong>{{ actor.getSubscribedCount() }}</div>
<div><strong>{{ 'Subscribers' | trans }}</strong>{{ actor.getSubscribersCount() }}</div>
<nav class="profile-info-tags">
{% if actor_tags %}
{% for tag in actor_tags %}
{% include 'cards/tag/actor_tag.html.twig' with { 'tag': tag, 'actor': actor } %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{{ '(No tags)' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{% for block in handle_event('AppendCardProfile', { 'actor': actor }) %}
{{ block | raw }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock profile_view %}